The Connection (The Claudia Belle Series Book 3)

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The Connection (The Claudia Belle Series Book 3) Page 9

by C. S Luis

  “Don’t worry. I’m not going to let anything happen to you. Trust me,” I softly said, and she took a deep breath and walked back with me towards the main office.

  I entered first and found him standing in the center of the office with his back to me. Claudia came to stand behind me near the door. I put my hand upon her shoulder, asking her to remain there as I walked into the room.

  Christian turned and caught sight of me coming towards him; at once, I immediately landed a fist straight across his jaw. I would never allow him to put his dirty hands on her again.

  He collapsed to the floor on his ass, looking up at me in mere shock. I could see the panic in his eyes. The blood was now streaming down his lip as he wiped it away. He opened his mouth to speak, but I didn’t give him a chance, lifting him off his feet and slamming his body against the wall of my office door.

  “You fucking asshole! If you ever put your hands on her again, I’ll break you!” I snarled, nose to nose with him.

  He glared at me in amazement. “What did that little tramp say?” He had the nerve to ask.

  I grabbed his throat and began squeezing it. Normally I would have never given it a second thought to merely snap his neck and leave his worthless body on the ground, but Claudia’s innocent brown eyes gazed up at me. Was my reaction what had frightened her? I didn’t want her to see me out of control, and I eased my hold upon him.

  “What the fuck?” Christian squirmed. “I'll have you arrested! Let me go asshole!”

  “Listen to me, you little shit. I know who you really are,” I whispered into his ear, and Christian or this man calling himself Christian Vega, froze in front of me. His eyes filled with concern and fear that he had he been discovered. His mind seemed to wander. I could tell by the way his eyes danced in their sockets. It wouldn’t be hard to find out everything about this jerk. I already knew he was not Christian, Claudia’s uncle. But who was he? This was a far more interesting mystery, something John Slater could get to the bottom of.

  “And if you know what's best for you, you'll walk out of here and never return,” I hissed, moving back. I released my hold on his throat.

  His eyes were as large as marbles, but there still seemed to be a slight fight in him. “And if I don't?” He challenged cleverly. “After all, she is my niece. I have every right to—” His lips froze in mid-sentence as I stared right at him.

  I smiled wickedly. “I'll break you, and prison will be a vacation compared to what I will do to you. Do we understand each other?” I growled back at him.

  “You’re bluffing,” He darted forward. He had a lot of nerve. John Slater never bluffed.

  “Test me. Do it.” I glared at him, and the side smirk appeared upon my face. I was hungry for a fight. But he didn’t know I would never do anything in front of Claudia. He didn’t have to.

  Why wasn’t I surprised when he tried to strike me? But I blocked his arm easily, landing my fist into the other side of his face and knocking him to the floor on his ass again. He was now on the ground against the office door, putting out his hands to stop me.

  “Okay, okay!” He shouted. “Don’t hit me again!”

  He staggered to his feet, glaring back at Claudia as she came to stand behind me.

  “We could have had something. This isn't over.”

  I moved forward upon him when he dared to threaten her. He panicked and hurried out, nearly falling in his escape. Claudia collapsed onto the floor, and I came down beside her as she now dropped into my arms. I held her for a moment, and it felt so right.

  “It’s okay, Claudia. I promise he'll never hurt you,” I said to her, holding her tightly. She pulled away and gazed at me. I must have looked lost for a moment in my stare and felt she had seen it.

  “You were right, Dr. Black. He wasn’t my uncle. He only wanted my inheritance. I saw it in his mind. I saw what he wanted to do to me…” She whispered and dropped into my arms.

  “Hush now,” I softly said, knowing what she meant. I held her tightly, never wanting to let her go. Then I wondered why now she had seen it when before she didn’t.

  “Come on. I'll take you home,” I finally said, pulling her to her feet beside me. I grabbed her school bag. I noticed the laptop upon my desk but disregarded it as I felt Claudia’s arm wrap around my back. I would get it later.

  We walked out of the office and into the hallway and finally into the parking lot; outside my baby blue Shelby Mustang awaited us. The retrieval team was still around, and the phony cop walked but a few feet from us. He stood in the clear, staring over at us. Claudia hadn’t seen him, and he gave me a wide smile. I knew him.

  Claudia looked surprised by my Shelby, and for a moment, she stood to admire it. I smiled, opening the door for her and allowing her to climb in. I looked back as the phony cop tilted his head in greeting at me. Claudia sat quietly in the passenger seat, possibly reliving what had just happened.

  She’s in my car.

  I had to stop myself from gasping in delight. I noticed her feeling the car’s tan leather seat, and now she was looking around at the inside of the vehicle. I turned on the engine; catching the sounds of a group I had caught playing while I was at a local bar in New York weeks before Chicago and weeks before this mission. I turned off the radio. They were a local band that had been playing while I had been paroling the streets of Brooklyn on the hunt. I loved their sound and had purchased a single CD of a few of their songs for five dollars. I wasn’t much for music, but I knew what I liked, and I found them favorable.

  “Who are they?” Claudia softly asked, sitting very still upon the passenger seat.

  “Just a local band from New York,” I simply said, putting the car into gear.

  “You’ve been to New York?” She curiously asked, blinking up at me.

  I smiled. “Yes, a few times,” I said. I guess it sounded like a dream to her to be anywhere else. I don’t think she could picture herself in any other place. If things were different, I would take her anywhere she wanted to go.

  “I once wanted to go there,” she softly whispered, looking out the car window. “My father was planning on taking us there.”

  I glanced over at her, and I realized it was the first time I had heard her speak of her parents saved for the time she yelled at me.

  “You can still go,” I offered. “We can go.”

  What are you doing John? You and her? Really?

  “With you?” She asked, curiously gazing back at me with an expression that made my ego ache. “You would take me there?” Claudia again asked.

  “Why not?” I smiled, grinning back at her, and she returned the smile. That was my invitation, sweetheart. Would you come away with John Slater?

  “You like that kind of music?” She then said, changing the subject and sounding slightly surprised. I still wanted to refer to my invitation. I was serious.

  I smiled back at her and answered, “Yes. Surprised?”

  “A little,” she honestly answered.

  “I’m not that old,” I again said.

  “Oh, I didn’t mean that,” Claudia immediately answered again.

  “I know. I’m just kidding. Would you like to listen to them?” I asked her, and she nodded. I pushed in the CD and turned on the player just a little so she could hear the music. The first song began to play; it was one of my favorites. It was called, “Forever out to Sea.” I couldn’t help thinking the song was describing us, or perhaps my unusual feelings for her.

  “What’s New York like?” Claudia suddenly asked. I gazed over at her as I drove out of the parking lot. Ah, we’re back on the subject; I like that.

  “Very crowded,” I simply said as she stared out the car window. But I couldn’t go any further with that.

  “Try not to think about what happened,” I offered, watching her fall silent. But I knew it must have been hard to do so. Her world again was turned upside down. And I hated seeing her like that.

  “What happens now?” Claudia asked; perhaps she didn’t mean to s
ay it out loud. “What if he tries something?” She nervously asked.

  “Don't worry about Mr. Vega,” I said, not knowing his true identity quite yet. “He’s not going to bother you anymore.”

  “How do you know?” Claudia asked, and I merely smiled.

  “Trust me, sweetheart. Now, try not to think about it. I promise he will not bother you again, and if he tries to show his face around here, he will have to deal with me.”

  Claudia gazed back at me as I smiled over at her. “Now, don't worry. Just trust me,” I simply said and gently patted her hand. Claudia nodded, turning to look out the window again.

  “What’s the name of the band?” She suddenly asked.

  I thought for a moment and then said, “Flowers to Hide.” I turned down Montrose and then down Dunlavy.

  “I think I like them,” she said again, and I smiled.

  We arrived at her house; we sat in the car for a few seconds as I popped out the CD, turned the engine and radio off, then handed the CD to her.

  “Here,” I said, grinning.

  “Oh, I can’t,” she said to me. “It’s yours.”

  “You can borrow it. Then I have an excuse to return.” I cleverly smiled.

  Claudia blushed, taking it from my hand. “Thanks, Dr. Black,” she softly said.

  “You’re welcome,” I whispered, and I immediately opened the driver’s door, hurrying to the other side of the car to help her out of her side.

  “Let me,” I offered. I closed the door behind her and led her up the path towards the house. I walked her up the steps and to the front of the door and rang the doorbell.

  Claudia looked nervous; I put my hand on her shoulders, squeezing her close. Michael opened the door before I could knock again, finding Claudia standing beside me.

  “Dr. Black?” He said, surprised.

  “Michael,” I simply said, folding my lips and not knowing how to begin.

  “Where’s Christian? Where’s your uncle?” He asked Claudia, and with that she suddenly started crying and raced past him.

  Michael looked confused. “What’s going on?” He asked me.

  “It’s a long story,” I offered. “May I come in?” He nodded and stepped aside as I came into the house. I could smell something delicious cooking in the kitchen, like cake or cookies. And I hated to disappoint him with the news that Christian or Mr. Vega wasn’t coming to dinner later tonight.

  “I should go see her and see if she's alright,” Michael said, but it looked like he needed an explanation more than anything.

  “Don't. Just give her a moment,” I told him, and he looked very confused, and I didn’t know where to begin.

  “I don’t understand. What happened?” He finally asked again. “Where is Christian?”

  “Christian…Mr. Vega revealed his true colors,” I began, not sure how to do so.

  “What are you talking about, Dr. Black? I don’t understand. I spoke with him. He couldn’t wait to meet her,” Michael said again; he seemed to want to argue with me, knowing I disliked him from the beginning, which was true for good reasons.

  “Michael,” I tried to say; he looked like he was more worried he had made a horrible mistake, allowing some stranger to be alone with Claudia.

  “He was a creep,” I again said. “Like I had suspected.”

  Michael gazed up at me. “What happened?” He softly asked.

  “He made a pass at her.”

  Michael staggered away from the doorway and collapsed onto one of the sofas in the living room. “I don’t understand.” He uttered, almost speechless. “I spoke with him, and he sounded real. Even Mr. West confirmed his identity.”

  “Perhaps he was fooled too,” I offered; although, I had an abundance of dislike for this attorney now.

  “That bastard!” Michael nearly growled; it surprised me when I heard him. I doubted the man ever got upset, and when I heard him say such, it shocked me that someone as gentle and calm as he had lost his cool.

  “Did he hurt her?” He asked.

  He got off the couch and began pacing the living room. “That son of a bitch. If he touched her, if he even so much as…I have to…” But he wasn’t making any sense. “I need to call someone. He needs to pay for this.” And then he stopped, looking desperate and eager.

  “Michael, I took care of it,” I suddenly offered, and he looked over at me in questioning. How had I done anything? What had I done?

  “Took care of it? I don’t understand,” he said.

  “I made him leave, but not before knocking the shit out of him pretty good,” I simply said, smiling back at him. I was proud. Sure, I was. No one touches her.

  You’re getting involved.

  Michael looked relieved but nevertheless still fully angry, perhaps more with himself for making the mistake in the first place. “I should go see her,” he said. He made an attempt to go upstairs, but I put my hand on his shoulder and stood by the bottom of the staircase looking up.

  “Perhaps it's best to give her a moment. I think she probably blames herself,” I said again.

  “But she shouldn't,” Michael offered.

  “I know, but she trusted him,” I said again, knowing how embarrassed she looked when we were walking out of the school.

  “I should have been there,” Michael said again, dropping his head down. “I should have known. I just wanted to believe it so badly for her, just as she did. You even warned me. I should have listened to you.”

  I didn’t say anything, but what could be said for a mistake such as this? What could I offer when I had insisted against it?

  “But he knew things about Neil. He had letters from Neil inviting him to come. Neil knew it. If he believed it, how could it not be so? Neil wouldn’t just let anyone see Claudia. He loved her, and he would’ve never put her in danger. That was enough for me. When I found the letters in Neil’s things, I didn’t think much of it until I saw him in the office; he was Christian, Claudia’s uncle. Neil must have known. Perhaps he was tricked just as we had been…oh God, what have I done?”

  “How could you have been sure? He had all the right paperwork. He knew things about Neil you didn’t, just like you said. Sometimes we want to simply believe,” I tried to say, putting my hand on his shoulder.

  “Still, I should have checked him out.” He shook his head. “That bastard. I’m glad you were there, Dr. Black. I owe you a great deal of thanks. We both do.”

  Oh God, why was I feeling guilt now? Why did he have to be so nice? And what the fuck was happening to me? Why was I buying into all of this? I am John Slater, the hunter, the killer. Perhaps I had put the Man in Blue on the back burner for too long.

  You’re getting involved.

  “I’m just happy I was there. But it doesn't matter now; it's done. You shouldn't have to worry about him," I again said.

  "How can you be sure?" Michael asked.

  "Trust me," I said, but Michael seemed to have more questions. I walked over to the door. I didn’t want to be there to answer anything else. I had already gotten myself too deep into their lives, a little deeper than I wanted considering the fact that I planned to leave immediately afterwards. And get that much needed CAT scan.

  At that moment Claudia appeared on the staircase, and she slowly descended the steps. I immediately gave her my full attention, turning at once to see her.

  "Thank you, Dr. Black. Thank you for being there.”

  Her words struck a sudden core. I felt intoxicated, and I knew we were becoming close in some form. The aura around us seemed to thicken, seemed to enhance and that strange and peculiar connection became a web of confusion I could no longer see clearly through. I was becoming lost, lost in the bond that I felt that linked us together in some manner.

  She stepped down. I stood before her and reached down and lifted her chin towards me. “You don't have to thank me, sweetheart,” I said, but I wanted to say what truly was in my heart, how I felt so close to her now. I wanted to protect her in any way that I could,
but I couldn't say what was truly in my heart. Could I?

  No, you can’t. Try to remember that for both of us. Try to remember who you really are.

  Claudia gazed deeply into my eyes. I trembled and feared she’d break me. She was gorgeous.

  You will only endanger their lives.

  “Don't worry, okay?” I told her. “Everything is going to be fine.” Her eyes looked down. “Look at me,” I ordered. She was so obedient; her eyes slowly looked up. They were swirls of dark brown and mysterious. I felt breathless.

  “Do you trust me?” I wanted to hear her say it, as if her words were a declaration of her devotion to me. Trust was a powerful thing to me. It meant more. No one ever trusted John Slater.

  “Yes,” her voice gently whispered. It made me exhale.

  “Will I see you both tomorrow?” I asked, glancing over at Michael.

  “Perhaps not tomorrow,” Michael answered.

  But then Claudia interrupted him and said, “Yes, you will.”

  “But Claudia, you don’t have to go. Perhaps it’s best you stay after what happened—” Michael tried interjecting.

  “No Michael, I want to go. Besides, I promised to help Dr. Black, and since I didn’t get a chance to do anything today, I really think I should go and keep my promise.”

  She surprised me again, looking over at me with a warm smile. I think we were becoming very close friends. She trusted me, and she made John Slater smile.

  "Then I'll see you tomorrow, Miss Belle,” I only said.

  I gazed up at Michael as I moved to the door, leaving Claudia by the foot of the steps.

  “I hope you'll be in tomorrow. If not, I can pick up Claudia,” I said to him. Claudia came down the last steps and walked over to the door. Please say you’re not, I thought, gazing back at her as she bashfully lowered her head to me.

  “Yes,” he answered, stepping over to me and pulling me aside, still looking worried. He was concerned about Mr. Vega. But I, John Slater, said I took care of it, and I meant it.

  “Don’t worry, Michael. Everything is going to be alright.”

  He nervously nodded, but I could still see the doubt overshadowing his face. “Thank you, Dr. Black,” he said.


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