Caught in the Spotlight

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Caught in the Spotlight Page 11

by Jules Bennett

  Dammit, he wished he weren’t so cynical, but he had to be careful. He hated the thought of more scandal coming to his family.


  Déjà vu?

  Bronson slammed the paper down onto the dark wood tabletop. He’d come to Saturday brunch at his mother’s and had been greeted with today’s “news”—a picture of him and Mia coming out the back door of the doctor’s office. As if the image of Mia, a hand protectively on her belly, with him at her side weren’t telling enough, the damning article went on to talk about “Dane’s second chance at a family” and Mia “bed hopping from one Hollywood hotshot to another.”

  This was the only drawback to his career. He couldn’t even have a private life. Of course, after Mia’s rumored affair with Anthony, she was great fodder for the media, as well.

  “I’m sorry, Bronson.”

  Bronson turned from his cushioned chair to see Victoria standing next to him. As always, she appeared the picture of chic with her wraparound, sleeveless navy dress, gold jewelry and perfectly coiffed blond hair held back by her sunglasses.

  Her eyes darted back down to the paper. “I just saw that earlier and tried to reach you, but my call went to your voice mail.”

  “Don’t be sorry, Tori.” Bronson came to his feet, placing a peck on his sister’s cheek. “It’s not your fault the media sniffed out this story. It was bound to happen. I just hope they leave Mia alone.”

  Victoria took a seat next to him and smiled. “I knew you cared for her.”

  “Yes,” he said cautiously, because Victoria always had love on the brain. “I care. We’re not planning a wedding or even playing house together. But I do care.”

  A little more than he was comfortable with.

  Victoria waved a hand in the air. “I know you like to keep your feelings to yourself, so I won’t say I told you so when you propose.”


  Bronson groaned as he turned to see his mother only a few feet away. “No. There’s no engagement. Tori’s just fantasizing. Again.”

  Olivia kissed both her children on the cheek before taking a seat at the patio table under the bright California sun, shielded by a vibrant orange umbrella.

  “Well, I for one would be all for bringing Mia into the family,” Olivia declared. “She’s a wonderful woman.”

  This was not what he was in the mood for today. He’d already lost sleep the past several nights over conflicting feelings for Mia. He needed to work this out on his own without his mother or sister influencing him. For pity’s sake, he was a grown man who produced multimillion-dollar blockbusters. Surely he could decide how to handle a petite, Italian beauty who had his stomach in knots.

  “I’ve drawn up a budget for the film,” he told his mother, stopping midthought when the waitstaff approached because only three people knew about this project and they were all sitting at this table.

  “Not a subtle change of subject, but a necessary topic.” Olivia smiled up at the waitstaff as the two ladies brought out carts complete with soufflés, fresh fruit, breads and juice. Once they were out of earshot, she spoke again. “Have you chosen a director?”

  “I’ve got two in mind.” He took his napkin and placed it in his lap. “I’d like to discuss that with you.”

  “Allow me to throw my choice in.” Olivia leveled her gaze at Bronson. “Anthony Price.”

  Victoria’s audible intake of breath could barely be heard over the ringing in his ears. He set his cup of juice on the table, wishing for something a little stronger in his glass if this was the way his day was going to go. First the newspaper and now this preposterous request from his mother? She couldn’t be serious.

  “Hear me out,” Olivia said, sitting straight up in her seat. “I have something important to tell you both, something that no one knows, and I’d prefer it stay that way.”

  Every nerve ending in his body prickled as he glanced at Victoria, who seemed to be just as nervous about this impending declaration as he was.

  “I’ve had some tests that have come back unsatisfactory, according to my doctor.” She looked from Victoria to Bronson. “I don’t expect this to be anything more than a nuisance, but I am having further testing to rule everything out.”

  “What tests? What symptoms are you having?” Victoria asked.

  “You’ve gotten a second opinion, right?” Bronson asked at the same time.

  That genuine smile that had won her Oscars and worked its way into the hearts of millions spread across her face. But Bronson didn’t care about the audiences who’d come to love her. This was his mother, and if her health was in jeopardy, he wanted her healed. Now.

  “This is why I didn’t want you two to know,” she told them. “I don’t want you to worry, and I don’t want you to look at me the way you are now. I assure you, I feel fine, and I’m convinced this next round of tests will prove the others wrong.

  “I’ve been having some slight chest pain, and I just attribute it to stress. My stress test came back a bit off, and the doctor wants to go in a take a look.”

  “When?” he asked.


  Bronson tried to grasp that his mother wasn’t invincible, as he’d thought. He’d been so self-absorbed lately, he’d ignored his mother and sister, trying to get his own life under control. Fear squeezed his chest as he stared at the woman who’d been his rock and source of strength for so long.

  Which is why he had a hard time trying to comprehend what this had to do with Anthony Price.

  “I’ll clear my schedule,” Victoria told her. “But what does Anthony have to do with any of this?”

  Something flickered in Olivia’s eyes, something he couldn’t identify, which both worried and irritated him. She was hiding something.

  “This medical nuisance has had me thinking.” She looked Bronson dead in the eye. “You’re the best producer in the business. No question. You cannot deny that Anthony is the best director. I want the best for the film we’ve written loosely based on my life, and I want you and Anthony to bury this animosity long enough to make this the best film ever.”

  Fury burned through him. “Why are you so insistent? There’s more to this than your medical scare.”

  Olivia reached for the butter and began to layer a very minimal amount onto her freshly baked banana bread. “This will be my last film, Bronson, and this is what I want.”

  “Mother,” Victoria piped in. “You’re not retiring. Don’t even suggest this is the last film you’ll do.”

  “Darling, as much as I love to be in front of the camera, it’s time for me to call it quits. I want to go out on top, and what better way than with my own story?”

  Bronson stared down at the newspaper with the headline that continued to mock him.

  He’d certainly had better days.

  “You know why I hate Anthony. Asking him to work on this film is unacceptable.” Bronson came to his feet. “We’ll discuss directors after your appointment Monday, once we see what the doctors say. Until then, this topic is closed.” He turned to Victoria. “See you later, Tori.”

  Walking away, Bronson didn’t know where to go from here. He needed to calm down from his mother’s request, he needed to grasp that his mother may have a heart problem and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it.

  But first things first. He needed to go see Mia and talk to her about that damning picture on the front page of the newspaper.

  Mia couldn’t believe the headline. She hadn’t heard from Bronson, but she knew he’d be up having brunch with his mother and sister. She’d so hoped this pregnancy wouldn’t get out until they were ready. The last thing she wanted was to cause more heartache for Bronson or to have the progress she’d made in getting him to open up encounter a setback.

  She had a feeling he’d be dropping by after his brunch with his family. What she didn’t have a clue about was the mood he’d be in when he arrived.

  Rubbing the swell of her baby bump, Mia tried to relax by the p
ool. She’d donned her black string bikini, not caring that her waistline was expanding more quickly than she’d expected. Her cell sent out a shrill ring, jarring her from her thoughts. Why hadn’t she left that thing inside?

  Her fingers felt along the chaise until she found the phone tucked by her thigh. “Hello?”

  “Tell me this isn’t true.”

  Mia sat up, sliding her sunglasses onto the top of her head as Anthony’s low voice interrupted her thoughts. “You saw the paper.”

  “You’re not carrying Bronson’s baby, Mia. Tell me you’re not.”

  “I can’t do that.”

  “You two have gotten close,” Anthony said. “Obviously closer than I thought you would. You didn’t…”

  Mia came to her feet. “I didn’t tell him, Anthony. I told you I wouldn’t.”

  His frustrated sigh resounded through the phone. “How did you get entangled with him at all? I warned you, Mia. You knew what a ladies’ man he was.”

  She tried to block that from her mind, especially since she was falling in love with that “ladies’ man.”

  “I can’t stop my feelings, Anthony. You of all people know that.”

  He let out a bitter laugh. “I’m not talking about my rocky marriage. I’m worried that you’re getting in over your head here.”

  Touched, Mia turned toward the beckoning, clear water of her pool. “I assure you, I’ve got everything under control.”

  “So when are you due?”

  “Valentine’s Day.”

  “Really? That seems so far away.”

  Mia glanced at her belly. “I have a feeling it’ll be here before we know it.”

  “You sound happy.”

  She couldn’t help the smile as she clutched her cell. “I really am. I’m not sure where we’re going, but I’m happy and for now that’s enough.”

  “Just don’t sell yourself short.”

  Mia pulled her sunglasses back down to block the bright rays. “When will you talk to Olivia?”

  The pause of silence didn’t surprise her. She knew this was more than likely all he thought about. Well, that and how to keep his marriage intact.

  “Anthony?” she urged. “You have to talk to her. I know this is your place to tell her, but I’ve gotten in deeper with this family. It’s way beyond employer/employee, and it’s putting a strain on me that I can’t afford.”

  “I’d already decided to call her. Charlotte will be gone next week with some friends at our Tahoe home, so I’m going to call Olivia and set up a time to chat.”

  “You tell me when and I’ll make sure her schedule is clear that day,” Mia assured him. “I know it will be hard, but I really think it’s for the best.”

  “I know it is. I just don’t know what to say.”

  Mia sighed, not envying his position—or Olivia’s, for that matter. “I’m sure once you tell her you know, she’ll do all the talking.”

  Anthony talked for another few minutes while Mia listened. She knew he had no one else to talk to about this because he hadn’t even told his wife. He’d claimed he didn’t want to add any more of a strain on Charlotte and their marriage. She was already so sick of all the Hollywood hype. How would she react when he told her he was the biological son of Hollywood’s Grand Dane?

  Once she hung up with Anthony, she felt a bit more confident now that he’d assured her he was going to confront Olivia. She prayed the outcome wouldn’t cause an explosion. She prayed even harder that Bronson would try to see a new side to Anthony and not hate her for keeping the secret.

  Mia set her sunglasses and cell on the chaise and dove into the refreshing water. She loved relaxing by the pool and didn’t feel the least bit guilty for spending her day doing absolutely nothing. A girl deserved a little “me time” every now and then. And with all she had on her plate right now, she most certainly deserved it.

  The cool water calmed her as she swam a few laps. The doctor had told her she should continue any forms of exercise she normally did and not worry about too many activities.

  “Too bad I don’t have my trunks.”

  Mia jerked to a stop in the pool, sending the water rippling around her. “Bronson. I thought you were at brunch.”

  The tension practically radiated off his stiff shoulders, the muscle ticking in his jaw and the clenched fists in the pockets of his designer jeans.

  “I was,” he told her. “But this looks like much more fun.”

  Okay, so he didn’t want to discuss what was wrong. She could take the hint, but that didn’t mean she’d let it go for good or that his lack of openness didn’t hurt her feelings. She longed for the day when he could talk to her without feeling as if she was going to double-cross him.

  “You don’t need a suit to get into my pool,” she told him, reaching behind her neck to undo the strings. “I’m game if you are, Mr. Dane.”

  A wicked smile spread across his lips. “I never was one to give in to peer pressure.”

  She flung her top, hitting him square in the chest with a sloppy, wet smack. “But you will now.”

  “I always said I’m willing to try anything.”

  And within seconds he joined her in the pool wearing only a tan and a smile.

  Bronson drove home, top down on his sporty Mercedes, and reflected on the bits and pieces he’d overheard of Mia’s conversation with Anthony. Obviously, this was Anthony’s first inkling about the pregnancy.

  A sharp pain had stuck in his chest when he’d come upon Mia’s patio and overheard her telling Anthony something about keeping her word and clearing a schedule—Bronson assumed that meant his mother’s schedule.

  Did this have something to do with the film he and his mother were working on? Surely Mia and Anthony didn’t know about that.

  So what else would Mia need to clear Olivia’s schedule for? And what the hell did Anthony have to discuss with his mother? Had she already told him about the film?

  Something was going on, and Bronson had a sickening feeling that whatever it was, he wasn’t going to like it.

  Now more than ever, he intended to keep Mia close. Every part of him wanted to believe her. In fact, he had started to, but how could he be so certain after overhearing that conversation?

  He had to get her away from here. They needed some one-on-one time where he could tap into those honest feelings of hers and see just where they stood on the loyalty platform. He wanted to build from there, but he could go no further until he knew why she was having private conversations with his enemy.

  But first he’d have to lay himself on the line and hope he didn’t get burned again.


  Monday morning Mia knew something was up. Olivia, Bronson and Victoria all said they’d be unreachable for the next few hours. Well, Bronson told Mia she could call in an emergency, but other than that, the three were out of commission for the day.

  What was going on? Had Anthony decided to talk to Olivia early and now they were all in a family meeting?

  Mia didn’t know, and honestly, she didn’t want to know. She just wanted to do her work and try to remain stress-free so she could have the healthiest, happiest baby ever.

  And just like every other time she thought of the baby, she began to daydream. As always she chose the best features of Bronson and her. Not just physical, but character traits, too.

  She hoped the baby had her Italian skin tone and dark hair with Bronson’s blue eyes. She hoped their child had strength and determination from both of them. The classy, regal style of Olivia and the romantic and creative side of Victoria.

  Mia’s desk phone rang, and she pulled herself from the fantasy and remembered she was at work. Alone, but still at work.


  “How fast can you pack?”

  Mia smiled at Bronson’s low, sexy tone. “Pack for what?”

  “A trip. Five days and the destination is a secret. I have clothes at your service. All you need is essentials.”

  Was he for real? Who did thi
s ever happen to?

  “Well, I’m working today and for the next several days. And I thought you were not available to take calls right now.”

  Bronson laughed. “Our plans finished sooner and better than we’d hoped. I’ll fill you in on the plane. I’ve already gotten you a hall pass from your demanding employer, so when can you leave?”

  If he was that anxious to get her somewhere, hopefully alone, then she could be ready five minutes ago.

  “I’ll be ready in thirty minutes,” she told him.

  “I’ll send my driver and meet you at the airport.”

  And with that he hung up.

  Mia stared at the handset for a second before she burst out laughing. Sometimes that man just amazed her. A surprise trip complete with wardrobe? Did he even know what size her swelling body wore?

  If her waistline continued to grow the way it was, she’d be going to Omar the tent maker to get her fall and winter wardrobe.

  Mia saved the spreadsheet she was working on and shut off her computer. She couldn’t get to her cottage fast enough to pack.

  By the time she’d pulled her suitcase out and thrown in necessities—and sexy lingerie was the first necessity—she still had ten minutes to spare. She double-checked everything, including her passport, just in case, as the driver pulled up and took her bags.

  Giddiness swept through her on the ride to the airport. Were they going on a cruise? Maybe a trip to Aruba? Oh, she hated waiting. Did the man not know how rude dangling the proverbial carrot was? Patience had never been her strong suit.

  Okay, so that was a trait she didn’t want to pass down to the baby.

  At nearly five months along, Mia couldn’t wait for the next few weeks to fly by so she could find out the sex of the baby. Back to that waiting game again.

  The driver pulled into the private section of the airport and there was Bronson standing next to his jet, talking with a man she assumed was the pilot. A thrill of anticipation shot through her. Spending time alone with Bronson anywhere on earth would be fine with her, but the thought that he’d gone to the trouble to keep a surprise really threw her for a loop. Did she dare hope he was falling for her and not just feeling obligated to spend time with her for the baby’s sake?


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