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Hacking That Sass: Sassy Ever After

Page 12

by Élianne Adams

  Kaitlin stifled her scream when the wolf on the hood lunged at the windshield as she fumbled for the keys that had landed somewhere on the floor on the passenger side. She didn’t know if it would be able to break through, but she wasn’t waiting around to find out. “Fuck you, asshole,” she yelled as she shoved the key in the ignition and fired the motor.

  She revved the engine, hoping the beast would move, but that would have been too easy. Rather than go straight into drive, she hit reverse and stepped hard on the gas. A sickening thud sounded behind her, and she could only hope she hadn’t struck any of the good guys, but as she expected, the beast on the car stumbled off. Bracing herself, she shoved it into drive and hit the gas. The squeal of tires rose above the wicked battle. The back of the car swung to the side before it finally lurched forward. A cougar slammed into the car, making her scream, but she didn’t stop.

  “Come on, you mother-fucking-jacked-up-flea-infested-bastards. You want the damned thing, come and get it,” Kaitlin yelled, sounding as crazy as she felt as she barrelled through the door and into the night.

  Once outside, it only took her a second to realize her mistake, but by then, it was too late. The doors she’d gone out of weren’t the ones facing the front of the property. Instead of a smooth, wide driveway leading to the road, she sped on what amounted to a two-track edged with rough terrain that wouldn’t allow her to turn around. Thank fuck she’d spent a few years addicted to Miami Hot Rod and had played it non-stop all through high school. This is just like that. Only with vampires chasing you. No problem.

  Glancing in the rearview mirror, she spotted shifters spilling out of the barn and racing toward her, but with her foot heavy on the gas, they were getting smaller. Up ahead, the forest loomed. Either this had been the best damned idea of her life—or the worst. Either way, she couldn’t turn back now. Hopefully, when it was all over, there would still be a Wassookeag pack left for her to come home to.

  She drove on, wincing every time she hit a bump hard enough to jar her teeth. It didn’t take long before the car breached the treeline, and she came to a fork in the road. Neither option looked great, so she veered right. If luck was on her side, she’d end up on the highway.

  The forest behind her was pitch black, and she had no way of seeing anything, but something told her that she hadn’t gotten away that easy. Maybe it was the fine hairs on her arms standing on end—or she was just freaking out—but she’d swear she wasn’t alone in the forest. And whatever was out there wasn’t going to give up until they caught her. Not unless she gave them something else to chase.

  Without slowing, she reached into the glove box. It wasn’t the same size, but it was close enough that it could pass at a glance. With her fingers wrapped around the leather-clad auto manual, she rolled down the window, then chucked it as far into the brush as she could. If they thought it was the hard drive, they might stop long enough to give her a chance to escape. When everything was over, she’d gladly buy Luca ten new owner’s manuals. But they both had to make it out alive first.


  One second, the weight of countless bodies crushed Luca into the floor, and the next, he was crawling his way out. Blood dripped down his neck where the fucker had managed to bite him before he’d clawed at its stomach, eviscerating the vamp. It would take a hell of a lot more to send the bastard to hell, but it had evened the battle enough to give him a fighting chance.

  Shifters tore into each other with such viciousness he couldn’t tell who was who, or even if they were winning. At least Kaitlin was relatively safe inside the car, but it wouldn’t last long. With vampires and shifters out for blood, the best thing she could do was get out of there, so when the engine roared to life, he wanted to howl with the relief pouring into him.

  Until she peeled out of the barn and gunned it straight for the back of the property. The way was passable with the truck, but for the Mustang, she needed smoother roads. She wouldn’t be able to keep her speed up once she reached the forest.

  A black shadow—too fast to be human or shifter—followed her taillights. Ignoring the shredded clothing Luca still wore, he gave control to his wolf. The shift ripped his body apart, reshaping him so fast the agony blinded him for a moment. But once his vision cleared, he fought his way through and into the open air. He was almost at the door when a wolf slammed into him from the side, sending them both crashing to the ground.

  Sharp teeth tore into his flank, and claws dug at his underbelly, but all he felt was the fury exploding from his core. The scent of the male—Jeff, who had threatened Kaitlin—filled his senses. The bastard had worked with her, and now came onto his land and hunted her. Threatened his pack and the females under his protection. Luca would rip his pelt off his fucking body and use it to make slippers.

  When Jeff released his side and opened his jaws wide to take another bite, Luca was ready. As much as he wanted to tear the male apart, sending tiny bits of flesh and fur flying as he ended his miserable life, Luca didn’t. He clamped his jaw around his throat. The collapse of his enemy’s trachea soothed Luca’s wolf as it struggled, but it was no match for Luca’s strength. Moments later, the wolf lay dead at his feet. Around him, the battle quieted. Bodies littered the floor of the garage, some were familiar, but most were not. He caught Niko’s gaze from across the barn. He was pissed, but he wasn’t mourning. Rylee was okay in the mix somewhere.

  Without looking any further, Luca bounded out of the barn, following the scent of exhaust and vampire as he raced to his mate’s side. He didn’t stop to see if anyone followed. All he needed was a few minutes to catch up. Then he’d deal with whatever bastard was threatening his mate.

  He heard the Mustang’s rumbling engine long before he saw the red lights between the trees. She’d almost made it to the main road before something had caused her to go off the dirt path. The hood of the car was bent up, kissing the trunk of a thick tree.

  Fluffy snowflakes fell in the now crooked headlight beams. Luca’s breath huffed out of his wolf’s mouth in white clouds as he raced for the driver’s side. Please be in the car.

  The second he rounded the vehicle, his heart slammed against his ribs with the power of a jackhammer. The driver’s door was bent open in an overextended way that could not have happened in the crash. Desperate for any sign of his mate, Luca took a shaky step forward, then another. A coppery scent drew him to the front. Dread filled every cell in his body. Human. Fragile, his wolf whispered into his mind, as if he needed the fucking reminder.

  He snapped his head to the left as Kaitlin’s scent, rank with fear, assaulted him. Standing there, in the clutches of a vampire with the undead’s hand covering her mouth, was his mate. A pained gurgling sound drifted to him on the cold breeze. Blood trickled down her neck from where he’d already bitten her. The vampire’s lips moved, but Luca couldn’t hear what he said over the pounding of his own heart. Her fear thickened in the air, making his wolf’s fury explode through him.

  Kaitlin’s chest rose and fell in quick, shallow breaths. How much blood had she lost?

  “Give me the hard drive, and I’ll let her go,” the bastard said, his lips coated red.

  The vampire made a show of licking them, as though savoring her blood.

  Even if he wanted to, Luca couldn’t go human. Not with his mate in the hands of the enemy. The wolf would not allow it. Around him, the forest came to life. It wasn’t anything obvious, but Luca recognized his brother’s presence. Jaxon and Emmet were there, too. Others had gathered, all of them circling, biding their time.

  All he had to do was get Kaitlin away from the enemy. The pack was ready.

  Whether the bastard heard a noise, caught a whiff, or sensed the charged energy in the air, the vampire’s eyes rounded. Luca saw the change overcome him as the vampire realized he would not survive. Then with a hiss that would forever haunt Luca, the bastard opened his mouth wide and sank his fangs into Kaitlin’s neck again.

  He’d never forget the terrified, muffled screa
m of his mate coming from behind the pale hand. The fear and the pain in her eyes as the vampire took from her. Uncaring for anything but saving his mate, Luca charged. The vampire met his gaze, then ripped his head back in a quick, brutal jerk, tearing his fangs from her neck, taking her tender flesh along with them.

  Her fear morphed into shock as blood dripped down her chest, coating her in crimson. Her hand, fingers shaking, flitted up to her neck. She blinked up at him, silently begging Luca to save her before she crumpled to the snowy ground at his feet.


  Numb. Kaitlin was completely numb. She couldn’t see the gaping wound on her neck, but she didn’t need to. Luca’s wolf jerked as the vampire tore the chunk of her neck from her body then spit it out. Wicked laughter came from the monster behind her.

  Luca’s wolf’s steps faltered just as he was about to launch himself at the enemy. One second, the massive wolf was there, and the next, Luca was human. The scream that tore from him only reinforced what she already knew. The vampire had gone for the maximum amount of damage in one bite. Luca reached for her just as her legs gave out.

  Breathing was a chore she had no energy for. She should be freezing her ass off lying there in the snow in nothing but the clothes she’d been wearing in the loft, but she wasn’t. Fire burned in her veins. Her heart stuttered and then pounded hard as if it couldn’t decide if she should live or die. After the horrors she’d seen inside that barn, she wasn’t sure her mind had the answer to that question, either. But one look at Luca, and she knew what she had to do.

  She had to fight.

  The despair in his eyes shredded her soul. If she gave up—if she died—he would not be okay.

  Forcing another lungful of air into her laboring chest, she opened her mouth to speak, but no sound came.

  “Don’t try to talk. Conserve your energy,” Luca yelled even though he was right there, holding her. The flecks in his eyes brightened until they were pure copper. She wished she could reassure him and ease his worry, but she couldn’t muster the strength to lift her hand from where it lay limp on the ground next to her.

  Luca’s warmth—his scent—wrapped her in a cocoon of his essence. It lulled her into a place where everything but him faded into nothingness.

  “Hold on, damn it,” her mate shouted again. He looked over her shoulder, his eyes round, his terror thick in the air around them. His heart hammered so hard that she felt it where she rested against his chest—or maybe that was her own. She couldn’t be sure of anything anymore. Everything was so hazy.

  “What do I do?” Luca asked, his voice cracking. His entire body shook beneath her. “Jaxon, Niko, what do I do? Emmet?”

  “She has to choose. Otherwise, she’ll fight the wolf and it won’t get here in time to fight it,” Jaxon said, his voice loud and commanding, yet so far away. “Convince her to take your bite.”

  Luca closed his eyes for a second, and when he opened them, they were rimmed with moisture. “Baby, you have to listen to me. The vampire bit you. We have no way of knowing if you’ll survive. You could come out as he is, a vampire, and live in the night. Or you can be like me. I can give you the bite of my wolf. It would change you. If you fight hard enough, if your wolf did, it would win.”

  He spoke as though he had a ball lodged in his throat, and a tear slid down his cheek. “Or, you can choose to leave this earth. I would never force you to be something you don’t want to be. No matter what you decide, you won’t be alone,” he promised.

  A pained scream filled the air. It sounded so much like Luca that it had to be Niko. His brother had heard his vow to follow if she gave up the fight and chose death over living with the wolf. She couldn’t do that. Luca would take care of her. She hurt now, but when everything was done, she would be safe.

  “You,” she whispered so low there was no way he could hear her. Rather than waste more energy on trying to speak again, she tipped her head, letting it loll to the side, exposing the uninjured side of her neck to him.

  Luca stiffened, his arms tightening around her. “I love you,” he whispered just as his warm breath fanned her skin. She relaxed into him as teeth pierced her and dug deep into her shoulder right at the base of her neck. Then there was pain. Brutal, burning agony. She’d swear he hit the bone, but she didn’t flinch. Didn’t move. Luca had her.


  “Bite deep, and don’t fucking let go,” Niko ordered as Aric and Emmet held the vampire, who’s maniacal laughter grated on his frayed nerves, making Luca want to tear into him and claim the vengeance his wolf demanded. But he couldn’t leave his mate. He wouldn’t.

  He’d held his human skin for as long as he could until he’d had to deliver the bite, and Luca was pretty sure Kaitlin had passed out before he’d gone wolf, but he’d deal with it if she hadn’t.

  After all she’d been through, if she awoke afraid of his beast, he’d deal with it. Her fear wasn’t insurmountable. Death was.

  “Shut him the fuck up,” Aric commanded as Jaxon strode forward, brandishing a pointed branch. He swung his fist fast and hard, landing it on the side of the vamps jaw, making it snap off to the side at an unnatural angle.

  “I’m sorry, Luca. I’m ending this fast. Your mate needs us more than you need revenge.” Jaxon said, then without another word or a moment’s hesitation, he swung his other arm. The pointed tip of the thick branch aimed straight and true as he slammed it deep into the vampire’s chest.

  The high-pitched screech hurt his sensitive ears, but seconds later, the only sound remaining was that of his wolf, growling as he held on to his mate’s neck. As soon as the vampire perished, all three Alphas shifted, surrounding him and his mate, leaving only Niko next to him.

  “This is going to be brutal, Luca. Do you hear me? If you want her to live, you’ll let the Alpha’s do what needs to be done to keep her to us. You can’t interfere,” Niko said, capturing his wolf’s gaze, earning him a snarl for his efforts.

  The coppery taste of her blood filled his mouth, infuriating his wolf further. Its hackles raised as more dominant beasts surrounded them but then eased again when realization slammed into him. In a ring around them, the pack had gathered. They stood with him, protecting him and his mate while they fought for her life. Lending their energy and support without question because he was theirs—and because of that, so was she.

  Jaxon’s howl lifted into the night first. The powerful sound pulled at him, demanding he join in the song, but he kept his teeth anchored in his mate’s flesh. Aric’s howl rose along with Jaxon’s, then Emmet’s. Then, as one, the pack sang, dragging the wolf inside him to near insanity. But he knew what they were doing. They were forcing his mate to accept the wolf he had given her. They were making her body fight the vampire’s claim. Demanding she join in the howls of their people and cast the dark whispers of the other monster aside.

  Kaitlin’s body jerked, and a wail tore from her parted lips. Her eyelids fluttered, and then she gasped. Her pain filled eyes flew open. The scream ripping out of her etched itself into his soul where he would keep it forever. He’d beg her forgiveness later—when she was whole and could curse him out for what he’d done—but for now, he’d do whatever it took to get her there. Kaitlin’s arms came up, as she struggled, even as weak as she was, to free herself, the scent of her fear heavy in the air.

  “Release her now, but keep your wolf,” Niko demanded as his brethren continued lifting their voices into the night sky.

  Luca held for a moment longer, but then did as his brother asked, trusting he’d guide him the right way.

  Kaitlin’s body jerked again. Needing to comfort her, he butted his head against her, whining. She brought her hands to his fur and clung to him as one scream after another tore from her. Tears spilled down the sides of her face in steady rivers, but the bleeding at her neck slowed, giving birth to a flicker of hope in the depths of his soul.

  Vicious spasms racked her body, stealing her breaths for so long at times that he feared the one before had
been her last, but when each seizure released her, the gaping wound on her neck closed a bit more.

  “I have to get her out of her clothes, so she doesn’t hurt more than she already will when she shifts. Don’t bite me,” Niko warned as he came back to his knees next to him. At some point, he’d left Luca’s side and gotten the seat belt cutter out of the glove box.

  Then, without pausing, his brother did what he needed to do with quick, efficient moves, stripping Kaitlin to her bare skin. She shivered and shook. A human might think the cold was to blame, but he knew better. The wolf’s fur was bristling just beneath the surface, ready to explode from her as her beast took her for the first time.

  When another long seizure ended, and she was able to gasp a breath, she burrowed closer to his wolf, tightening her fingers in his fur. That’s right, hold on to me. Stay with me.

  “It hurts so bad,” she cried out, shredding his heart into a million pieces. He’d do anything to fix it for her if he could. He whined and licked the tears trickling toward her ear. The wolves around them sang louder, their sound carrying through the forest.

  Further off, more of his packmates chimed in, adding their strength until it became impossible for Luca to resist the lure. Tossing his head back, he howled long and loud, infusing every note with his love and devotion for his mate, demanding she join him.

  She pulled herself away far enough to look up at him. With a weak smile and her sweat-dampened hair stuck to her forehead, she relaxed her body and allowed the change to take her. The snap of sinew and ligaments contorted her once more. Bones cracked and reshaped, but without her resistance, the wolf emerged. Dark brown fur the color of the richest chocolate sprouted from her skin, and when her transformation was complete, two canines protruded a little longer than average from her top lip.

  Kaitlin thumped her tail weakly, sending sticky snow flying behind her, then lifted her head and howled.


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