Romance: Teen Romance: Follow Your Dreams (A Nerd and a Bad Boy Romance) (New Adult High School Sports Romance)

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Romance: Teen Romance: Follow Your Dreams (A Nerd and a Bad Boy Romance) (New Adult High School Sports Romance) Page 8

by White, Stella

  ''Oh my God, no I can't bear it. Turn it off,'' tears began to flow over Celia's face.

  ''Really? Go back to the kitchen and wait. It's Johnny Jefferson's chat show. Kerry won't be on for long, they usually have a lot of guests. I want to see what's he's like.''

  ''Fuck him,'' Celia said as she retreated.

  Celia sat at the breakfast bar in the kitchen and wondered what Kerry was doing on TV. The irony of it was, the last time she'd seen him, he'd had an erection in a swimming pool. Now he was on TV.

  ''Celia, it's finished,' Sandy shouted.

  ''Thank fuck for that. I was beginning to think I was to sit alone all evening. What's the matter, why are you staring at me like that?''

  ''That man just made you a national celebrity.''

  ''What do you mean?''

  ''He said your name on air and showed some of your photos. Then he told the public that you were a fantastic photographer.''

  ''You're kidding right?''

  ''No, really.''

  The phone rang making both of them jump.

  ''Hello,'' Celia said.

  ''Hi is that Celia, it's Dave Nevison from the National Star. I got your name from the Johnny Jefferson show. Kerry Allinson said you were a fantastic photographer. Can we meet, we need a great staff photographer?''

  ''Sure. When?''

  ''Where are you?''

  ''New York,” Celia said.

  ''Okay stop by the office tomorrow 23rd and fifth.''

  Celia put the phone down stunned. It rang again, this time, it was the editor of a geographical magazine who needed a photographer to cover assignments abroad. Around two hours later the phone stopped ringing. In a short space of time Celia had five interviews and one job offer.

  ''I'm stunned,'' Sandy said.''Look what's he's done for you. He must think very highly of you. ''

  ''Maybe. But he doesn't love me, and I would trade all the interest in my photography skills just to be able to lie in the same bed as him.''

  ''But you've just been speaking to some of the nation’s top news organizations. Get real.''

  ''I know, it's great, but the sight of him on the show was too much. If I can't have him, I can't stand to see him.''

  ''I understand but he's just been on TV and talked about you, he must feel something. Call him.''

  ''No way. He'll just say I'm not the kind of woman he fucks.''

  ''Well, I think you're making a mistake. I don't think he's the kind of guy who is even capable of chasing a woman. You'll have to go to him.''

  ''How many more times, no,'' Celia concluded.


  ''Great bit of TV. You really raised her profile,'' Vance said when Kerry arrived back at the mansion. ''But that's got fuck all to do with telling her you love her.''

  ''She's bound to come running to me now,'' Kerry said. ''I thought it was a real smart move.''

  Joe poured himself a vodka ice and laughed. ''It was a nice thing to do, but Vance is right. She may send you a thank you card, but she won't come after you.''

  ''What the fuck do you guys know?'' Kerry said.

  ''Well, for what it's worth I agree with them,'' Silas said. ''If you really want a woman you have to win her. You're too used to having women come for you. You should ask yourself why?''

  ''Because I've got a big cock?'' Kerry said facetiously.

  ''No butt head. Because they want fame and money. Celia doesn't need your money, her dad's loaded. In fact, she doesn't need anything you've got.''

  ''So, what you're saying is I should chase her.''

  ''Yes, if you want her,'' Silas concluded.

  ''No fucking way, I've never chased a woman, and I'm not gonna start now.''

  ''Then you don't love her enough. Now either stop talking about her or fucking well do something, it's beginning to irritate me.'' Vance said.


  ''Stop, stop the car,'' Celia shouted.

  ''Why?'' Sandy asked.

  ''Didn't you read that advertising board.

  '', I'm driving you to the airport because you're going on an assignment to South Africa for the magazine you got a job with, and I'm trying to concentrate.''

  ''Well, turn round and go back.''

  ''We're already late.''

  ''I don't care. I want you to turn around.''

  ''Okay, but don't complain when you miss your flight.''

  ''Just do it.''

  Sandy turned the car round and drove the half mile back to the huge advertising board they'd just passed. She spun back round and looked at it. ''Wow, no way,'' she said. ''How cool is that?''

  ''I know.''

  Sandy read out loud. ''Deadly Heroes - New Single - Celia I need you - Out Now. So where do you want me to take you now?'' Sandy asked.

  ''I want to go to the airport, I'm still going to South Africa.''

  ''But look, he's trying to tell you something. He's made a song about you, it'll probably sell millions.''

  ''Maybe,'' Celia said coolly.

  ''Jesus, I wish you knew how lucky you are. You don't seem to see it.''


  ''Hodi? What the fuck are you talking about?'' Kerry asked.

  ''No need to be so irritated sir. It's just a simple local greeting,'' the taxi driver said.

  It was well over a hundred degree, and Kerry was sweating profusely. ''Take me to Hotel van den Berg, please,'' he said.

  ''Sawa,'' the taxi driver replied. Kerry let out a groan of exhaustion.

  When they arrived at the hotel, he checked in, went to his room and showered. He stood on the balcony and watched the hustle and bustle of the city. All this fucking way, he thought. After all, I've fucking well done for her, I still had to travel half way round the world.

  An hour later he was dressed in a pair of jungle shorts and a pink T-shirt. The same taxi driver picked him up again. ''Hodi,'' Kerry said, the taxi driver smiled and applauded Kerry's effort.

  ''Are you sure this is the right place?'' Kerry asked as they drove through the mountains on roads hardly wide enough for a car.

  ''Oh yes sir. This is correct,'' the taxi driver said.

  After another hour of bumpy roads, the taxi driver pulled up outside what seemed to be a ranch. ''This is Sunshine Farm, sir.''

  ''Okay.'' Kerry was pleased to get out of the vehicle and stretch his legs.

  ''You want me to wait for you?'' the driver asked.

  ''No it's okay. How much do you want?''

  ''One thousand four hundred.''

  ''Fuck off. It can't be that much.''

  ''Rand, sir. Not dollars.''

  ''Ah,'' Kerry said embarrassed. I'm not used to this traveling shit alone, he thought. Normally Rufus did everything. He pulled out a few crumpled notes and gave them to the driver.

  Kerry walked to the main building and knocked on the door. A woman answered the door. ''I'm Kerry, is Celia here?'' She looked at him blankly. ''Woman with a camera,'' he said in pigeon English as he mimed taking a photo.

  ''Ah. Photographer. Back tomorrow.''

  ''What. Fuck. Tomorrow? Where is she?''

  ''In the mountains. Back tomorrow. You want to wait?''

  All this fucking way, now she's up some fucking mountain, he thought. He had no alternative but to wait, he'd already traveled so far.

  ''Okay thank you, I'll wait.'' The woman showed him to a room with an iron bed which had a stained mattress on it.

  ''Sleep here,'' she said.

  ''Eat?'' he asked.

  ''Tomorrow. Kitchen closed.''

  Kerry was so exhausted he capitulated without losing his temper. ''Water?''

  ''We have water.'' The woman went and came back with a bottle of water.

  It was only five in the afternoon. Kerry didn't like the look of the bed and decided to walk around. He discovered it was a goat farm. Behind the main house, there were hundreds of goats in pens. In the heat, it stunk to high heaven. ''What the fuck is she doing here?'' he mumbled.

  He walked to the back of the ranch
and found a tree in the middle of a field. He sat under it in the shade and closed his eyes. When he woke it was dark and, the crickets were singing. He looked at his watch but couldn't see it.

  ''Shit, what's that,'' he exclaimed when he heard something moving behind him. He turned around. He eyes had adjusted to the dark, and he saw what looked like two eyes peering at him. Whatever it was, it was making snorting noises. His heart pounding in his chest, he reached up for a branch and athletically pulled himself up, out of the way.


  ''He was here yesterday miss. I don't know where he went,'' the woman said.

  ''Well he's not here now,'' Celia commented. ''Help me look for him.''

  The woman and Celia walked around the farm shouting. When they reached the field, they heard someone shouting back. The woman began to laugh hysterically.

  ''He's up the tree. Look. Daisy is there too.''

  Celia also burst out laughing. ''Hey,'' she shouted as she got closer to the tree. ''Are you comfortable up there?''

  ''What the fuck do you think?'' he said. ''Would you be, with a wild animal gawking at you?''

  ''It's Daisy, the farm’s milk cow, she's as gentle as they come,'' Celia laughed. ''I can't believe you're scared of a cow.''

  ''How the fuck do I know. I stopped here yesterday evening and fell asleep. It was dark and that thing,'' he pointed to the cow, ''was peering at me. In the dark how the fuck was I to know it wasn't a lion.'

  ''But it's light now,'' Celia said. The woman next to her nodded.

  ''Can I come down?''

  ''Of course, I told you she's harmless.''

  He climbed down and stood in front of Celia. ''Go,'' he said to the woman. She didn't like his angry face and did as he asked. ''So what the fuck are you doing out here, in the middle of nowhere?''

  ''Taking photos.''

  ''Of what, goats?''

  ''No, there's a cave here full of rare bats.''

  ''Fuck me. Bats.''

  ''I love it. I work for Geographical Image. Thank you for what you did. This job is better than I could have ever imagined. I can travel the world photographing all sorts of interesting things.''

  ''I did that because I thought you might call me to say hello. Then I could have asked you on a date.''

  ''Really? I would never have guessed. Thanks for naming a record after me, that was a lovely gesture as well.''

  ''Even then you didn't say thank you. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing here. You're so ungrateful.''

  Celia grinned. ''I know what you're doing here. You're here because you love me.''

  He looked into her eyes. ''Why didn't you call me, after all, I did to attract you.''

  ''Because I wanted you to come to me. All you ever had to do was pick up the phone and call me. You didn't have to do all those other things, although they were really nice.''

  ''Well, I'm fucking well here now. All the way from LA. It's fucking miles, took me two days to get here.''

  ''So tell me why are you here, exactly?''

  ''To see you.''


  ''Jesus, are you stupid.''

  ''No. Say it, Kerry. It won't kill you. There's no press here to report what a wimp you are. Just me and you. Tell me what you want.''

  He looked at her in her khaki shirt and pants, with her hair tied in a neat ponytail. ''I can't stop thinking about you. I'm in love with you. Fuck me Celia stop torturing me, I need you.''

  ''That's all I wanted you to say to me. I feel the same. I need you, you have no idea. You're such a great man.''

  ''See, that's better,'' he joked.

  ''Come here,'' she said. ''By the way, where did you get that awful shirt?''

  He didn't answer, he bent down and kissed her. At first, it was just an exploratory peck, but when he came back for more, their mouths locked in passion. Soon their groins were grinding against each other, and they began to paw each other with their hands.

  ''Not here,'' she said. ''Come with me.'' She took his hand and headed out of the filed towards a steep incline.

  At the end of the field, there was a path through a rocky gap in the hill. Kerry began to hear the sound of water. A few minutes later they reached a pool with a spectacular waterfall. The water was crystal clear.

  ''Here. This isn't a bad place for our first time is it?'' Celia said.

  ''No, not bad at all.'' He picked her up and threw her in the pool, fully clothed. ''That's for making me travel all this way,'' he said as she rose to the surface.

  'I want to see your cock again. Ever since that day when I walked in on you, I've dreamed of seeing it hard again. Take your clothes off.''

  He took off his T-shirt and dropped his shorts. His member wasn't hard, but it slowly began to rise as she gazed at it. ''Wow that such a beautiful sight. Seeing you cock rising like that.''

  ''Get up here,'' he said.

  Celia scrambled out of the pool. She stood in front of him, water cascading from her clothes, as she took hold of his cock and gently rubbed until it was fully erect.

  ''That's what I wanted to see. That's my cock,'' she said.

  He put his hands on her shirt and ripped it open. She gasped and rubbed him harder. He thrust his face between her breasts and took in her scent.

  ''God you smell so good,'' he said.

  His hands slipped into her pants and unfastened them. He pushed them down and knelt in front of her. He took her panties between his teeth and lowered them just past her groin.

  ''Fuck,'' she gasped when his tongue slipped between her legs. She pulled his head into her urging him to take more of her. When she realized his tongue couldn't reach, she bent down and took off her shoes. Her pants and panties followed. Once she'd unhooked her bra, she was as naked as him.

  ''Give me your tongue again,'' she said.

  He willing obliged, pulling her buttocks to him and planting his face into the V between her legs. As he licked, she ran her hands over his smooth back, feeling his muscles. He was bronzed and lean, and the sight of his back as it tapered to his taught ass turned her on.

  Her legs soon began to shake. ''I'm going to fall soon,'' she said. He gathered their clothes together and made them into a bed.

  ''Lie down and open your legs,'' he commanded. When she did, he lay in front of her and ran his tongue over the full length of her folds.

  ''Shit, I can't bear much more of this,'' she exclaimed. ''I'm coming.''

  ''Fucking come,'' he mumbled as his tongue danced on her most sensitive spot. He wanted to see how his future bride would orgasm. Would she scream and buck her hips or would she silently clench her muscles and roll her eyes. When she cried out and shoved herself against him, he knew.

  When he stood up, she had the most wonderful view of him. His long, lean legs were covered in soft blonde hair, and his chest, and stomach were flat without a gram of fat. Most of all she liked the way his stomach transferred into his groin. It was just like in the men's underwear ads. The kind she used to masturbate to.

  ''Take me into the water and fuck me,'' she said. ''You can do anything you want with me now, I'm yours.''

  Once again he picked her up and threw her into the pool. He loved the way her breasts jiggled as she flew through the air. When she emerged from under the water, he waded in as far as he dared and stopped.

  ''Shit I forgot you can't swim. Then you'll have to fuck me in the shallow bit,'' she said. She walked to him, lay down on her belly and pushed her ass in the air.

  He bent down and entered her immediately. She gasped and water splashed around her body as he began to thrust. This what she'd wanted for so long. The cock she'd seen all those weeks ago, the cock she'd dreamed of, deep in her.

  ''I'm coming again,'' she gasped. He held onto her hips and thrust as hard as he could. She squealed and shook her head violently. ''Fuck,'' she bellowed when she couldn't stop coming.

  ''You like that?'' he asked.

  ''Yes, keep going.'' He grunted with the effort as he slapped against her buttoc
ks, making her come time after time.

  ''I can't anymore,'' she whimpered.

  ''Do you love me?'' he asked.

  ''Yes. Always.''

  Those were the words he needed. He shoved into her so hard she began to slide along the soft sand. Exhausted and unable to bear it anymore, she thrust her hand between her legs and reached back to squeeze his balls.

  The feeling of her delicate hands on him made him cry out. Moments later, he slumped on her, sated.

  ''Fuck that was nice. You are so beautiful,'' he said. He kissed the back of her neck. It took a while before his cock slipped from her. When it did, he rolled onto his back and enjoyed the water as it lapped around his body. Celia lay next to him and put an arm over him.

  ''I want to teach you to swim,'' she said. ''Here, now. There's no one here. Nobody to laugh. I bet in an hour you'll be able to.

  He felt so relaxed with her, he decided to try. ''Okay, I'll try. Just don't fucking drown me.''


  When Kerry dove into the pool at the mansion, the others ran outside thinking he'd fallen.

  ''What the fuck?'' Vance said.

  ''Look, he's swimming,'' Joe said. ''Where the fuck did you learn to do that?'' he shouted.

  ''My fiancee taught me,'' Kerry replied.

  ''Wow. And where is the lovely girl?'' Rufus asked when he arrived on the scene.

  ''Somewhere in India, photographing elephants,'' he answered proudly.



  BILLIONAIRE BOSS Romance – The Boss’s Orders

  ''She's nearing the final phase now,'' Dr. Ellis said.

  Aaron looked at the doctor through misty eyes and held on to his wife's hand. How could all this have happened? She'd been so healthy, so vibrant, and full of life. But now, just three months after telling him she felt unwell, here she was, lying in front of him, emaciated and about to die.

  They had all the money in the world. A huge mansion, more luxury cars than they knew what to do with, a sixty-five-foot yacht and an army of servants. It all had no significance whatsoever. He’d put so much hard work into his business to ensure they had a wonderful life. It meant nothing now. All he was going to have left were memories of his beautiful wife.


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