Four Erotic Series Collection: Bounds Of Passion, Sexed Up/Tied Down, Spectacular Stranger, The Proposition

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Four Erotic Series Collection: Bounds Of Passion, Sexed Up/Tied Down, Spectacular Stranger, The Proposition Page 11

by Lucia Jordan

  But now, in this moment as she looked across the room and caught Ethan’s eye, something passed between them that birthed a hope within her. Maybe it was time she believed again. Ethan surely knew how to preach it – with his kisses, his touch, oh he preached. He scared her because she realized he could make her do anything he wanted. In just a few months, he’d come to possess her in a way she had never wanted a man to get the chance to, never again.

  He left the crowd of people he was talking with, and made his way over to her. The way he moved…the look in his eye as he approached. He was so sensually feral even without knowing. Hailey felt the eyes of the women in the room turn to him as he strode past, unaware of them. He only has eyes for me, Hailey realized with an inner wash of pleasure. It felt good to be wanted back by someone you wanted so much as well, in ways that made the whole room fade away as he drew closer.

  Samantha smiled as he appeared, and he returned her smile. With a nod, she discreetly withdrew, leaving Hailey and Ethan alone – or as alone as they could be with a room full of people.

  “I hope you aren’t doing what I think you’re doing,” he said in an admonishing tone, his eyes twinkling down into hers. “Hiding behind the curtains, I mean. This is your night Hailey. I can’t have the star of the evening lurking in the wings.” He smiled warmly, lifting a possessive hand to brush the side of her face. “You look like a dream. A part of me wants to show you off to the world – while another part of me wants to whisk you away to some lonely island that’s just big enough for just the two of us.”

  “Ah,” Hailey said slowly, nodding her head. “I should have known you weren’t much of a sharer,” she teased.

  “When it comes to you, no,” he said gruffly. “Just imagining any man other than me touching you…is enough to make me see red. Although…” He stopped short, and Hailey’s head tipped to the side in curiosity. But he shook his head. “Later. We’ll talk later.” Suddenly, he pressed a kiss to her lips, and just that brief contact of his warm mouth against hers had Hailey’s heart pumping faster. Even after months of constantly being around him, and she still lit up each time he touched her. She was in trouble. Samantha was right – she needed to be careful. She could really get engulfed in this man.

  “Save a dance for me,” he said with a tender smile, before pushing her slightly. “Now go mingle. And this time, alone.”

  Hailey made a face at him, though she obliged. Earlier in the evening, it had been him taking her around to introduce her to people. Now, she had no choice but to do as he asked. It wasn’t as nerve racking as she’d thought; everyone was friendly and charming. They all kept telling her how much they loved her book, and hoped that she’d write another one soon. Hailey’s thoughts shot quickly to Ethan and she had to admit they’d been making enough material for her to be able to dredge up two or more sequels to her first title. And then she wanted to giggle at the thought of actually considering writing about the things she did with Ethan. Some things were better left out of public domain, she told herself.

  About to excuse herself from the group she’d been standing in, she stepped back quickly – only to collide with into a very solid form. “Oh, I’m sorry…,” she began to say, feeling the two large hands that fell on her waist to steady her. Turning on her heels, she came face to face with a man she hadn’t met before.

  And wow, was he hot. He still had his hands on her waist and seemed reluctant to let go. She quirked an eyebrow at him, telling herself not to be bowled over by his handsome looks. He looked only a few years older, maybe in his late twenties. He had a full head of hair, dark lustrous brown with the locks styled up in that particular way that was so fashionable right then. It had always looked silly to Hailey on other guys but on him, it fit perfectly. He had those looks that could blend right into one of those Abercrombie ads, all fresh-faced hunkiness. He towered over her and was dressed smart-casual in a dark blue shirt and a slim-fitting pair of grey pants. Suddenly, he grinned and for some reason, he looked vaguely familiar.

  “Do I know you?” she asked in surprise, angry with herself for feeling a thrill from his touch. He finally let his hands fall from her waist and she found she could now breathe again. Once more aware of her surroundings that had faded to the background when she’d faced the handsome stranger, she found herself scowling.

  “I doubt it,” he said drily, his green eyes raking over her face. “A woman like you would be hard to forget. I’m guessing you’re the writer, judging by the resemblance you share with the lady on the back of the book that’s causing such a storm.”

  “Yes, I am,” she said with primness, though inwardly she was in a whirl. What was it about this guy that appealed so much to her senses? The way he smiled, the sound of his voice – brought to mind the sense that somehow, they were connected. But he was just another handsome face – wasn’t he?

  “Ah, nice to meet you,” he said, holding out his hand.

  Hailey stared down at it, wondering at her reluctance to take it. Why was she letting him get to her? It felt crazy the way he made the whole room disappear and suddenly the music, the people, didn’t seem to be on the same planet with them.

  “I’m not going to bite, Ms. Harley,” he told her with a small smirk of his gorgeously full lips. Oh my God I must be insane, Hailey thought as her head spun. Were her hormones that over-active that she now found herself panting for any good looking guy that moved? Well, that was an exaggeration, she knew. This was just the second guy in as many months that had her wanting to run in the opposite direction in fear. Fear that she was about to fall once again…

  Chapter Two

  Regaining her composure, Hailey finally shook the hand he extended. His touch was casual yet there was no denying the warmth of his skin. There was also a slight lingering in his hold that gave her the impression he liked touching her. She snatched her hand back, feeling guilty to be so attracted to this person. Maybe because he reminded her so much of someone, which was really weird. She wanted to mumble an excuse and leave but couldn’t.

  “I liked your book. A lot,” he said, his tone deliberately mild. “It’s not usually my thing. I’m more a non-fiction guy myself, usually buried in the latest science journal…but someone recommended you to me and I must admit it was quite a…riveting read.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it, Mr.…?” she asked pointedly, lifting her eyebrow.

  “Call me Robert,” he said, flashing that killer grin again. “I must say your work gave perfect insight into the female mind. The way she thinks and feels. It also made me curious to meet the author behind it. Any woman who could write with such flame and passion, well…” He paused to sigh deeply in appreciation, and then added, “And I hope you don’t mind me confessing that you’re every inch as I imagined you. Your pictures don’t do you justice one bit, Ms. Harley.”

  Hailey bit on her lip in more confusion especially when his green, soulful eyes seemed to pierce right through her. He swept his eyes down to her now heaving chest, where the hint of cleavage peeked through her keyhole bodice. He looked up again and held her gaze with an intent that had her head spinning. If one look could say, “I want to fuck you so bad,” then the man called Robert had the look mastered. She felt exposed, torn apart, and thrilled all at once by his mesmerizing eyes.

  She had to swallow before saying, “Thank you, Robert. You’re too kind.” Once again, she had to draw on every ounce of equanimity she could muster. “Now if you’ll excuse me – “

  “Ah, Hailey. I see you’ve finally met R.J.”

  The sound of Ethan’s deep, throbbing voice had her whipping around, her face going red with guilt as he came to stand by her side. Not that she’d been doing anything wrong, even though she had been thinking it…

  But then she looked up into Ethan’s smiling face, and then at the man called Robert, just as Ethan’s words finally sank in. “Hold on…this is R.J? Your brother?” she gasped.

  “Robert Jeremy Wolf – R.J. for short. At your service,” the youn
ger man said, as both men now stood side by side. Hailey wanted to faint. No wonder he’d seemed so familiar! He had Ethan’s rakish smile, and they even sounded similar. Next to each other, one could easily tell they were brothers though Ethan looked just a bit older, and more conservative in style. Now she really wanted to kick herself, even as she almost felt like laughing. So much for thinking he’d be some science geek. No offence to geeks – science or no – but blimming hell R.J. looked as much like a sex god as his brother.

  Hailey had that sudden sinking feeling that if she’d thought she was in trouble before…well, that trouble had certainly doubled. In more ways than one…


  “So, what did you think of R.J.?” Ethan asked her lightly as they danced to the slowly to the music playing some minutes later.

  “He’s…a lot like you,” Hailey said, hiding her blushing face in his shoulder as he chuckled.

  “I’ll take that as a compliment,” Ethan replied humorously. “Girls usually go crazy over R.J, my smart and cute little brother. Though cute and little are words I’ve had to stop using to describe him since he was twelve. He’s almost as big and tough as I am. He’s also a billionaire – made his first eight zeros when he was barely twenty five.”

  “You aren’t doing too shabbily yourself,” she teased, looking up at him with dancing eyes. She’d found out weeks ago that not only did he own the building where Samantha lived and where they’d met – but he was also a fabulously loaded entrepreneur. He had his finger in almost every pie – real estate, finance, oil and of course, publishing, which he told her was his main interest. He loved books, and enjoyed giving writers the platform they needed.

  “Why, thank you,” Ethan growled, resting his lips against her ear in the way that always made her shiver. Oh, the way she felt for this man…As ever, she shivered just thinking of all the hot, passionate moments they’d shared since that first time in his apartment. Then he startled her by murmuring, “Wouldn’t you want to know what he thinks about you?”

  Hailey shivered despite herself, trying not to stumble as Ethan swept her in his arms. “I haven’t really given it much consideration.”

  Ethan chuckled deeply. “I was watching you two for some minutes before I joined you,” he confessed, and at her guilty start, he simply smiled widely. “You could barely take your eyes off each other.”

  “Ethan, I…”

  “Baby,” he broke in softly, looking deeply into her startled eyes. “Don’t sweat it. It’s okay. You know what I said about going ballistic imagining you with other guys…Well I don’t feel that way if it’s R.J. In fact, I think it’s great that you’re attracted to him.”

  Hailey gulped, not knowing what to say to this. Why were his words making her go into jelly-mode, especially in her lower region? Where was he taking this? She was almost too frightened to guess.

  “I…I don’t know what you mean,” she stammered, her heart pounding.

  “What I’m saying Hailey, is that it’s OK. You wanting R.J. That means it was meant to be.”

  “What was meant to be?”

  He merely shook his head, still smiling. But then when he pulled her closer into his arms again, it was to whisper in her ear, “And by the way, R.J. thinks you’re freaking hot. But then, I believe you already knew that.”

  Hailey felt a shiver pass through her as Ethan’s voice thrummed through her heightened senses.

  “I’m happy tonight was a success,” he said, diffusing the sensual tension that was swirling all around them. “I hope you didn’t hate it too much.” His grin was teasing and tender.

  Happy for the reprieve, Hailey smiled back though inwardly she was still aflutter. She didn’t need to be told that Ethan was up to something. But what?

  “I’ll confess I’m not much of a social butterfly,” she replied, “But there was no doubt that I enjoyed tonight.”

  “I’m glad. But you know it’s far from over, don’t you?” he murmured, eyes glinting down into hers as just like that, he revved up the heat again. “Lord help me, seeing you in that lovely dress has made me spend the whole night thinking how much I want to get you out of it. And soon, I will. But this time, it’s going to be a little – no, make that a lot different.”

  “How so?” Hailey quizzed, keeping her expression mild even though deep within her, she was buzzing alarmingly with expectation.

  “Wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise,” he said mysteriously, with another shake of his head. Hailey wanted to stamp her foot in playful frustration, when a tall figure appeared at their side. She drew in an inaudible breath to find it was R.J.

  “Could I possibly cut in?” he asked with a cocky grin, as the two brothers shared humorous glances.

  “By all means,” Ethan said with a smile that was just as reckless, totally ignoring Hailey’s look of panic as he relinquished his hold. R.J. easily took his place, gathering the now speechless Hailey into his arms as Ethan walked away.

  “Relax,” her dashing partner said, his smile teasing. “I already told you I don’t bite. Not unless you ask me to of course.” His hand rested heavily on her slim hips, while his fingers linked intimately with hers as they moved over the floor.

  Hailey looked around helplessly for Ethan, but he was nowhere to be seen. Just what was she supposed to do in this situation? Both brothers in their different ways made her lightheaded. Meeting R.J. had brought unexpected sensations to the fore, emotions she’d never have felt it was possible to feel for two men at the same time. Two brothers, no less. She looked up into R.J.’s intense expression, so much like Ethan’s, and suddenly things started to fall into place within her brain.

  “That’s it,” R.J. cooed with approval, as her body went from stiff to relaxed. Her breathing was only just coming back to normal, if barely managing to draw in air could be called normal.

  “What are you doing?” she breathed, staring up at him fixedly. Just then, his hand had lifted from her waist till it all but grazed the outer curve of her right breast. He never took his eyes from hers. She held her breath, feeling his thumb brush almost imperceptibly across the lower edge of her mound.

  “Nothing you don’t like,” he murmured, his emerald-green eyes blazing.

  “Look, R.J, you’re cool and everything, but…as you know, me and Ethan are…”

  “Are a couple, I know,” R.J. drawled, keeping his hand where it was. “But soon, that’s going to change – in the best possible way. I’m not sure how much Ethan has told you, but when we spoke about you before tonight, we were hoping on one thing. That when I met you, I would feel like this. Like if I didn’t fuck you soon, I’d explode.” He heard her gasp out loud, and he clenched her even tighter to him so she had no choice but to feel what her closeness was doing to him. His hardness was unmistakable against her belly.

  “That’s right, Hailey. I want to fuck you. So bad. And Ethan knows. Approves, in fact.”

  “I don’t believe you,” Hailey breathed, her core twisting up in knots and boiling on itself.

  R.J. chuckled deeply. “I know…it can be hard to take in at first. But know this, Hailey…this is the first time that Ethan and I have found a woman that stirs us both to the same level of distraction. And we swore that if it was ever the case – if either of us met someone that the other found equally entrancing, then…”

  Hailey couldn’t help the shiver that rushed through her at the words he left unsaid. He merely smiled, then said in her ear, “Go, Ethan’s waiting.” And sure enough, over her shoulder, she glanced around and saw Ethan standing not far off, an indulgent smile on his face. R.J. released her with a slight, dashing bow, and Hailey all but stumbled to make her way to Ethan’s side.

  “Come, my darling; you look overwhelmed,” he teased, an arm wrapping around her waist. He kissed her lips softly.

  “I’m sure I am,” she breathed, staring up at him. “Ethan, I don’t know what’s happening. Tell me.”

  “Not…yet,” he said firmly, his smile tinged with that same
mystery that had teased and frustrated her all evening. “However, I think we’ve stayed long enough to be respectable-don’t you?”

  “Yes,” she breathed, recognizing the look on his face. His fingers tightened where they linked with hers, and he lifted her hand to his lips, kissing it briefly. “Say your goodbyes to Samantha – RJ and I will be waiting.” She nodded, about to go off, when he gripped her hand for a moment, adding softly and with blazing eyes, “And hurry.”

  Well, okay, Hailey thought with an inner chuckle blended in with a shiver. The anticipation rushing through her was more potent than adrenalin. She found Samantha chatting gaily with a group of their other friends. Hailey couldn’t help the deep feeling of gratitude washing over her. Samantha, and their closest friends, had made it a point to be there for her tonight. Not even her family: her aunt and uncle, nor her two cousins – had bothered to show up for the event. She’d have thought her new-found success would have conciliated them from thinking she was useless to society. Apparently though, they didn’t seem to consider being a writer of erotic fiction much of an achievement.

  Hailey was far from bothered though. Her life, as Samantha had said earlier, had changed so much for the better in the past months. She’d grown in so many ways; as a woman and a person. And Ethan had a lot to do with that, she knew.

  “Sorry I have to leave you,” Hailey said with a smile to Samantha as she drew her best friend to the side. “But Ethan and I…”

  “I know, can’t wait to get your hands on each other,” Samantha crowed underneath her breath. “Gosh, watching you two dance…it was enough to set fire to the room. You two sure have that something. But then again, who was that brown-haired angel I saw whisking you over the floor earlier?” Her eyes twinkled with playful accusation.

  Hailey heaved a ragged sigh. “R.J. Ethan’s brother.”

  “Oh,” Samantha said, eyes widening with appreciation and surprise. “Wow. So much for the wire-rimmed glasses and dowdy image I had. R.J is officially drool material. How on earth are you going to cope with Ethan having such a delicious bro?”


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