Coven: (A Steamy Dragon Shifter/Vampire Romance) (Dragon Bound Book 1)

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Coven: (A Steamy Dragon Shifter/Vampire Romance) (Dragon Bound Book 1) Page 12

by Serena Akeroyd

  “I guess that makes sense considering a Dragonling isn’t considered an adult for two centuries.” She shook her head. “That’s a long time to be at home.”

  He snorted. “You’ll come to understand. The maturity level will make sense to you when we have a child.”

  “I can’t believe we’re talking about this when we haven’t even had sex yet.”

  He laughed. “That’s because we know that’s a certainty. We’re simply waiting for the time the mate bond settles wholly on your body.”

  She grunted, the need he inspired in her not quite letting loose of her senses. “If you say so,” she said gruffly. These nights in his company had softened her to him, had made him her mate in truth rather than just theory.

  She was ready for the next step though. Wanted more than just companionship. But though she knew he felt the same, she also knew he was working to a different set of rules. Ones he would break only when her goddamn legs started working again.

  They fell quiet, both of them processing what they’d discussed.

  It hadn’t been an easy conversation, and the truth was, Mia didn’t even know where it had come from.

  It was like crossing the realm was a reminder of all that she’d forgotten on the other side. And as all her responsibilities had returned, so had the realization that things weren’t as smooth over on this side of the fence. That he could be in danger simply by being here.

  She had enemies. All Sanguenna and Sanguen did.

  For the first time, it really mattered.

  If anything happened to Remy, she was starting to realize, nothing, and she meant nothing, would compensate for his loss.

  And that was how a Sanguenna realized she was starting to fall in love with her mate.

  Which was far more terrifying than Vampire court could ever hope to be.


  “What are all these sparkly things?”

  His leman chuckled. “It’s called tinsel.” Then, she frowned at his pointing finger. “Unless you mean the string lights?”

  He blinked at her. “I have no idea what you just said.” More laughter twinkled from her, and it vibrated through her and into him, thanks to the way he held her in his arms. When he stared at her smiling mouth, her breath froze as she looked into his eyes, and it stuttered from her as he bent his head and slowly pressed his lips to hers.

  Time stood still for a second.

  It didn’t matter they were on a sidewalk outside the heaving club his leman owned and managed. It didn’t matter that he could hear jeers and cheers at their public display of intimacy.

  All that mattered was the touch of their mouths.

  It was a delicate brush of their lips. Nothing more, nothing less. Yet, it devastated him with its power.

  This was the mate bond, he realized.

  And insane though it was, this was his future from now on.

  A kiss had the strength to knock him off his feet. A simple caress of her finger brushing his cheek, as she did now, was like a punch to the gut.

  The power was like nothing he could have ever prepared for. No amount of teachings or utterings of wisdom from mated males could have ever made him realize how all-consuming this bond was.

  He shuddered then pulled back. Utterly devastated by the connection they shared.

  “Wow,” she whispered, pressing her fingers to her mouth. “That was some kiss.”

  His grin wasn’t as cocksure as he’d have liked. He knew she saw his intense vulnerability at that moment, and that wasn’t something he was accustomed to sharing. How could he be? This was a side of a Dragon only a leman witnessed, and he’d only had her for a week. The learning curve, as she’d phrased it, was still very much under way.

  “It sure was,” he replied offhandedly then murmured, “Which way do you want to go in?”

  She studied him a second, and that second seemed to last an eternity. He wasn’t sure what she was searching for, wasn’t sure what she wanted to find, and he didn’t know if she found it, because all she said was, “I’d go in through the club, but it won’t be easy with you carrying me. We’ll go in through the private entrance around the side of the building.”

  “The way I came in the other night?”

  She nodded.

  He turned to the left, away from the doors that were decorated with what she’d called string lights and tinsel. A heavy beat pounded the building from inside out, and a crowd that waited around the block had been a witness to his first public kiss with his leman.

  It was with relief that he trekked away from that very on-display area.

  As he walked with her, she murmured softly, “It seems incredible that only last week, I didn’t know you.”

  Her wonder touched him, and he could do no less than smile for he shared the sentiment. “I know. But gradually, we’ll get used to it. It will become as easy as breathing.”

  “It already is,” she confessed, but before he could pounce on that, a daywalker at her door stood to attention.


  “Bon soir, Louis!” she called merrily.

  “Are you okay?” The man eyed Remy, and then looked at the Sanguenna he toted in his arms.

  “I’m fine,” she said, dismissing the man’s concerns as well as his curiosity. “Where’s Brady?”

  “He’s in the office with Sebastian.”

  “How’s everything been in my absence?”

  Louis pulled and tugged at his collar. “I’d prefer you ask Brady and Sebastian that, ma’am. If it’s okay with you?”

  In his arms, his leman froze. “No, Louis. I asked you. What’s happened?”

  He grunted, cheeks pinkening in the way only a daywalker’s cheeks could. “We had some problems with the police the other night.”

  She tilted her head to the side. “What kind of problems?”

  “A raid?” He uttered the word like a question, and as he spoke, he ducked his chin, obviously intent on weathering his Sanguenna’s wrath.

  “A raid.”

  She repeated the word, but it seethed.

  Even Remy felt its fire, and he was flame retardant.

  Remy murmured, “What is a raid?”

  “It’s when the police stick their noses into other people’s business.”

  He wasn’t entirely sure why that bothered her so much, but then, until his recent trips to this realm on the hunt for his Sanguenna, he’d only recently learned of this new organization called the police.

  His last forays into this world had been back in the day when the idea of law and order had been more farcical than realistic.

  “What did they find?” she demanded from Louis.

  “Some drugs,” he stated miserably. “But Sebastian has the full list.”

  “Why aren’t we closed down?”

  “We were. We only reopened tonight.”

  She tensed in his arms. “How long have I been away for?”

  Louis frowned, apparently uncertain as to why his Sanguenna wasn’t sure how much time had passed since she’d last been here. “Just under two weeks?”

  Mia absorbed that, then murmured, “Thank you, Louis. I’ll go in now.”

  “Will the man be accompanying you?” The daywalker eyed him warily, and though Remy struggled with the accusative glare, he weathered it for the sake of future relations.

  This, for all intents and purposes, would become his coven.

  As soon as everyone knew who the hell he was.

  Her retort was rueful, “Yes. This is my mate, Louis. He’s to be accorded the same respect as I am. Do you understand?”

  Louis’s eyes widened. “Yes, ma’am. May I congratulate you?”

  She smiled, relaxing a little. “You may.”

  He nodded his head respectfully, engaged in the insane throat-proffering genuflection bloodsuckers were renowned for, eyed Remy distrustfully, and opened the door that led to Mia’s private quarters.

  It was a big place, this warehouse. One half of it was filled with the tavern
that had just been raided, and the other half acted as accommodation for her generously sized coven.

  The walkway they passed was utilitarian. Nothing more than a long corridor with off shooting doors.

  He remembered the route from the other night and headed to the final door at the head of the hall.

  “It’s bad news that you were raided?”

  “Yes. I had a token with one of the Captains in the closest precinct. He agreed to leave this place alone so long as I kept Vampire attacks to a minimum.”

  Remy blinked. “A police captain knows about supernatural activity?”

  “He’s a Shifter.”

  “They’ve infiltrated human organizations?” he demanded, somehow more stunned by that prospect than a human knowing about the existence of the ‘other’ kind of people in the world.

  She snorted at his astonishment. “Of course. We’re everywhere now, darling. Nightwalkers have a harder job of blending in than daywalkers, of course. What with only being able to work the night shift... It means they congregate to Vampire held businesses, but other than that, it’s free reign.”

  “What does it mean that the Captain has called in his token?”

  “I don’t know. But I’m about to find out,” she stated grimly, bending down to twist the handle and open the door at the foot of the corridor.

  When it swung open, they walked into a reception area. Large and airy, there were five windows lining a single wall, and in front of those windows was the daywalker who he’d dealt with the other night.

  “Sanguenna!” she cried out, scurrying from behind her large desk, hands outstretched.

  Mia reached for one and squeezed the woman’s fingers. “Elenor, it’s great to see you.”

  “Oh, and you too, ma’am. Things have been crazy since you left. Hopefully your return will bring sanity back to the coven.”

  “I just heard about the raid.”

  “Sebastian’s been going mad,” Elenor confessed hurriedly. “No one will deal with him. Only you.”

  Mia’s lips twitched. “It’s nice to know my place in this world is cemented, even if I am just a woman.”

  Remy cocked a brow. “I have read about this. A lack of equality in this society, heavily tilted towards the men.” He pursed his lips. “Rather ridiculous if you ask me.”

  She snorted. “I didn’t ask you, but I’m glad to know you’re not sexist.”

  He huffed. “I have no idea what that is, but I’m not one. I’m a loyal subject to the Queen. She’d have my bollocks if she even thought we believed women weren’t strong.” Just the idea had him shuddering. “It’s a foolish man who underestimates the power of a woman.”

  For some reason, his words had both Elenor and his leman beaming happily at him. He wasn’t entirely sure why his wariness caused happiness, but he’d made his angry leman smile so he had managed to achieve something.

  “This is my mate,” she said gaily now. “Treat him as you treat me, Elenor, okay?”

  Elenor bobbed her head. “Congratulations, ma’am, I’m very pleased for you.”

  Mia grinned. “Not as pleased as I am.”

  “May I ask why he’s carrying you?” Elenor asked hesitantly. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you...”

  “Under the weather?” Mia grimaced. “I’m fine. I just need a little help at the moment.” She peered at the door that led to her office. “Are they both in there?”

  Elenor nodded, no further clued in as to why her Sanguenna was being toted around by her mate than before. “Yes, ma’am. Brady’s barely slept since you’ve gone. He’s been fed from but not every night. He looks a little rough.”

  A low growl rumbled in Remy’s throat, one that Mia immediately soothed by patting his shoulder. “Okay, Elenor, I’ll see to it. You carry on with your work. If I need you, I’ll buzz you in, alright?”

  The other woman nodded, and as he turned for the door, grunted under his breath, “You won’t be handling it.”

  She grimaced. “Are you always going to be this possessive?”

  “You mean, am I ever going to enjoy the prospect of you feeding from another man?” He snorted. “What do you think I’m going to say to that, leman?”

  His use of that word scored a direct hit. She grimaced. “I’ll tell him to get used to feeding from Sebastian. He’s not gay though, so I might have to get Liz to feed from him.” She tutted. “Oh, you’ve no idea the logistical nightmare you’ve just handed me.”

  Tartly, he ground out, “I’m very sorry to inconvenience you, mate.”

  His sarcasm had her scowling at him, but he saw the amusement buried in her gaze and was cheered by it.

  “Liz already feeds from Jessica, but she always was a greedy bitch. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind.”

  “A greedy bitch?” he repeated, chuckling. “I hope you’ll find kinder words to describe me over the years.”

  “How about ‘pain in my ass?’ Will those suffice?” she retorted sweetly, but before he could reply, she’d already leaned down to open the door to her office.

  When they walked in, Remy sensed the panic in the air, and his nostrils flared with distaste at it.

  “Oh, thank God,” both males behind the desk stated.

  The daywalker, who Remy knew was called Brady, strode toward them. “Where the hell have you been? Elenor was about as much use as an igloo at the Sandman festival. She didn’t tell me you’d fucking gone until the next night when I was about to send a search party after you!”

  “It’s okay, Brady, I’m here now.” Her soothing tone didn’t soothe the other man much.

  “It’s not okay. Do you have any idea what the hell has happened since you’ve been gone?”

  She glowered at him. “Yes. I heard about the raid.”

  “Captain Dickwad decided now would be the perfect time to call in a raid. He said you knew about it. That it was scheduled between you. But I know if you’d scheduled anything as crazy as that, you’d have told me.”

  A deep groan escaped his mate, and she lifted her hands to cover her face. “Jesus. I forgot.”

  “You forgot?” Brady shrieked

  The other man, Sebastian, rushed around the desk too now. “What the hell’s going on, Sanguenna? Since when did we schedule raids with the police?”

  Mia blew out a breath, but her eyes flashed with irritation at being questioned. Remy sensed her agitation and murmured, “Let me seat you.”

  She patted his shoulder. “Thank you, Remy.”

  He nodded, moving forward and not stopping until the other men had no choice but to part or he’d push between them.

  When he settled her on the seat behind her desk, he retreated to a window seat close to her. Settling in for what he assumed was a long night, he crossed his feet at the ankle, preparing himself to learn more about the coven his mate ran.

  She’d wanted to learn about his House. Fair was fair.

  She didn’t say anything for a few minutes. Her gaze scanned the papers and documents on the desk. She leafed through them all at a speed that impressed him, especially as he sensed she wasn’t just briefly rushing through each piece, but absorbing all the information held on a sheet.

  She blew out a breath when she’d read through everything on the desk, then stated, “His name is Captain Hernandez. He isn’t a dickwad, actually, Brady, he’s rather pleasant for a Wolf Shifter.” Her nose twitched with distaste—Remy knew there was a bitter rivalry between Wolf Shifters and Vampires. No other breed of Shifters, just the Wolves. “He said it was beginning to look odd that all the other clubs in this area were being raided, and this one hadn’t been. One of the other club owners knows someone at City Council, who spoke to the Mayor, who started griping at Hernandez.” She pinched the bridge of her nose. “Hence the arrangement. Jesus, how did I forget?”

  “Why the fuck didn’t you put it on your calendar?”

  “That’s what I’m pissed about,” she growled at Brady. “I don’t know why I didn’t.”

se you’re used to dealing with things hands on,” Remy inserted softly. “You wouldn’t have forgotten if I hadn’t come for you.”

  Both men gawked at his interruption, especially when Mia just nodded at his remark when he thought they’d assumed she’d bark at him. Then, the nightwalker, Sebastian, stepped forward. “Just who the hell is this, ma’am?”

  “None of you are dogs, and I’m not a water hydrant ready for you to piss on.”

  Her words had the night and daywalker blanching.

  “We never meant to infer you were,” Sebastian quickly inserted.

  “Less of the ‘we,’” Brady retorted. “Still, who is he, Mia? I think I have a right to know. Is he taking my place? Is that why you’ve kept me out of the loop on this?”

  “There is no loop to be kept out of, Brady,” Mia said with a tenderness that surprised even Remy. Thus far, his mate had been all kinds of acerbic and had displayed very little softness. Except when it came to nestling into his arms when he carried her, of course.

  A fact he more than liked.

  Brady blinked at her. “No? Well, it really feels like you’re keeping me out of things on purpose. I don’t like it,” he ended sulkily.

  “And I’m sorry it does, but it’s a simple misunderstanding.” She wrinkled her nose. “After you fed the other night, I came down to my office, and Remy was waiting for me.”

  “That’s this chump’s name? Remy?”

  Wanting to growl, but managing to withhold it, he shot Mia a glare. She ceded her understanding at his ire with a nod.

  “Brady, you’re to treat Remy with the same deference you treat me.” She grimaced at Remy. “To be fair, he isn’t very deferential to me either. You’ll get used to his humor.”

  “I am here, you know,” Brady whined.

  “Yeah. I know. As if I could forget.” She rolled her eyes. “Anyway, he had this huge tale I didn’t really believe until I believed it.”

  Brady scowled. “That’s it? That’s all you’re going to say?”

  “If you’d let me finish,” she growled. “Then, I’d have something to tell you. Jesus, Brady. Calm down.”

  “You just left, Mia!” he retorted. “You left no protocol in place. Nothing whatsoever save for what that dimwit in there told me, which was to let Sebastian handle some of the management and that he was to feed from me. Do you know how that made me feel?”


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