Pack Enforcer (Were Chronicles Book 2)

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Pack Enforcer (Were Chronicles Book 2) Page 8

by Crissy Smith

  He laughed. “You lie! Just couldn’t wait to get another wolf between your legs.” Cain moved in to cover her body with his. She was trapped between his body and the wall with his hand still around her throat.

  Emily could work with this. His actions might not make any sense whatsoever, but from the way he was acting he still wanted her. He felt betrayed, like he’d been deceived. Still, he wanted her, and this was all because he had some stupid idea that she had been with Kyle.

  “You know,” she said. “Look into my eyes and you’ll know. I’ve never been with any other shifter than you. In the past three days, you were all I could think about.”

  The hand around her neck started to shake. Cain blinked rapidly.

  He was finally listening.

  “Smell me,” she urged. “I’ve been sleeping in your bed, alone. I have your scent on me and no one else’s.”

  He took a deep breath. After, he lifted his head then peered down at her. If she wasn’t mistaken, the color in his eyes was lightening.

  “I’m yours,” she told him. “And you are mine.”

  Cain whined, a low sound, which came from the back of his throat.

  “Let her go, Cain,” Lamont said from behind Cain. He looked quickly over to Kyle and watched as he tried to sit up. Cain blocked Emily from his view, and Lamont knew he had to get them separated. Whatever had happened needed to be taken care of quickly, before someone got badly hurt. He’d heard what Emily was saying to his son so he had a good idea what was going on.

  The crash and shouting had not only had him coming out of his office but the others in the house had also came running. He’d sent everyone but Tony away.

  Cain didn’t turn, didn’t acknowledge his Alpha. That was not acceptable. “Cain,” Lamont said then growled. He was an Alpha for a reason and he could get Cain under control.

  Finally, Cain turned his head, but still held her. He wanted to gasp at the difference in his middle boy. Cain was not in control of his wolf, although it seemed that Emily had made a breakthrough and was in the process of bringing him back. Lamont had an idea of what had caused Cain’s actions and his stomach clenched in worry.

  “Cain, let go of Emily,” he repeated.

  Cain just shook his head. His shoulders shook, his breathing rapid.

  “That is an order from your Alpha,” Lamont said loudly. He moved forward. “Now!” He put all his power in his tone.

  Lamont watched Cain try to get control. His eyes were black, which Lamont had never seen before. As Cain blinked, they lightened.

  He let go of Emily abruptly, but she immediately reached for him.

  “No,” Lamont said. “Both of you go to the study now,” Lamont ordered.

  Without looking at either of them, Cain turned, then headed down the stairs. Lamont knew Tony was standing behind him.

  “Tony, help Kyle to the living room and take care of his injuries,” Lamont said. He never took his eyes off Emily.

  He walked slowly to her. “Come on, honey.” He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her from the wall.

  “Kyle never touched me. I swear,” she told him softly. “Something is wrong with Cain. He would never act this way. We have to help him.”

  “I know, honey.” He pulled her with him down the stairs.

  “He didn’t hurt me,” she said. “As furious as he was, he never hurt me. That has to mean something, right?”

  Oh God, this conversation is not going to be fun. And now that Cain was back to himself, Lamont was worried on how his son would react to his actions. “It means everything,” Lamont assured her.

  He led her to the study, so proud of her that she’d not only managed to calm Cain but was still trying to protect him. If he could have handpicked the perfect partner for his boy, he would want it to be Emily. He’d known for a long time that there was attraction and need between the two of them. He had stayed out of their business, trusting for them to come together when the time was right.

  Now it seemed that they’d found themselves into a situation that very few shifters ever had to go through. It wouldn’t be easy.

  Cain had his back to them as they walked in but would be aware they had entered the room. Neither he nor Emily were being silent. Lamont gently ushered Emily to the couch before he made his way behind his desk. A reminder that he was the Alpha and in charge.

  He took his seat. “Want to tell me what happened?” he asked Cain.

  Cain didn’t answer, hadn’t faced him or Emily. That was fine for now. Lamont knew how to get through to him.

  “Okay, maybe you can tell me when you two mated, and why you didn’t tell your Alpha or get his permission first.”

  Emily’s head popped up, and Cain turned. Yes, that got his attention, their attention.

  “We didn’t, Lamont,” Emily answered.

  But Lamont wasn’t looking at her—he was looking at Cain.

  Cain nodded. “We did not. You should know better than that.”

  Lamont leaned back in his chair. “And you should know better than to put your hands on a female. A girl that you swore to me that you would always protect.”

  Cain darted his eyes away. “I didn’t mean to. I…I just couldn’t stop.”

  Lamont looked over at Emily, who was watching Cain.

  “You remember Marc?” he asked them.

  They both nodded. Marc had been a young wolf, only about five years older than Emily. Marc had come home to find his female with another were and had killed them both. It was the only murder to have ever happened in his territory.

  “He’d gone into a rage when he found out his mate had betrayed him. To this day, he doesn’t remember what he did to them.”

  Emily sucked in a breath, and Cain’s eyes narrowed. They could see where he was heading with his questions.

  “We didn’t mate,” Cain told him.

  Lamont believed that they hadn’t intended to. But he knew, could sense, that they were indeed bonded together.

  “Yet you two are very much mated.”

  Cain laughed. “Mated. Soul mates,” he said. “Are you kidding me? That’s fiction, romance novel crap.”

  Lamont nodded, seeing Cain had put together what he was saying. There were some things that an Alpha didn’t share with his Pack. The truth of the very few fated loves was better off being considered as a myth. There were too many of them that would chase the rare gift of fated mates and would never allow themselves to fall in love and live their lives. The Alpha Council had decided that any word about the subject should be held quietly unless a couple found themselves in this situation. “It has also been said that when one mate betrays another, the pain from it can be blinding and result in things the injured mate would never normally do.”

  Cain shook his head. “She is not my mate.”

  Hurt flickered in Emily’s eyes, but she quickly schooled her face.

  “How’d she betray you, Cain?” Lamont asked him.

  Cain turned around to the window again. He took a deep breath before looking back at his Alpha.

  “She betrayed me with Kyle.”

  “I did not!” Emily yelled, jumping up from her seat.

  Cain whirled on her. “Don’t fucking lie to me. Toby saw you.”

  “Toby? Toby saw…” Her eyes widened and knowledge filled them.

  Cain growled and took a step toward her.

  “Cain,” Lamont warned.

  “Cain, it wasn’t…” She put her hands up, but he moved his gaze away.

  Emily bit her lip and looked at Lamont. “I was playing Monopoly in the living room with Toby. Tony and Kyle came in, and I—”

  Cain whipped around and had her by the arms. “So you admit it!”

  “No!” She shook her head. “I mean, he came in and picked me up and…kissed me for like a second. Just hello. He’s been doing it for years. That’s all. I swear that’s all.”

  “That’s not all!”

  “Yes, it is. I haven’t been alone with Kyle. Not once.”

  She wasn’t lying. Lamont could smell it and knew that Cain could too.

  “I swear, Cain.” She begged for him to believe her.

  He shook his head. “I just… When Toby told me Kyle kissed you, I lost it.” He lowered his head. “I could feel it start to happen. I knew Kyle was in the yard. I was heading to ask him. I knew, know, that there was a reasonable explanation. I didn’t really think you had but my reactions weren’t mine. When I saw you… I don’t really remember all of it until we were in the hall.”

  “I’m so sorry,” she said softly.

  “Don’t! Don’t you fucking apologize to me!” Cain’s eyes burned. He could have hurt her, killed her. Lamont heard his thoughts even if they weren’t said out loud. Cain turned to him. “She needs to go back to school.”

  Emily’s gasp was audible, but Lamont wasn’t surprised.

  “No,” he told his son.

  Cain looked him in the eye. “I am asking, as your son, send her back.”


  Cain frowned then rubbed his hand over his face. “No. Hell.”

  Emily’s eyes had cleared and her voice was strong when she told them, “I don’t have to be sent anywhere.” She looked at Lamont. The anger burned bright. This wasn’t something he could fix, though. Only Cain was going to be able to, if it was what his son wanted. “I’m going home.”

  She walked out without permission from her Alpha. Not that Lamont could blame her. He sighed wearily. He was starting to feel his age. Had he ever been as young and careless as these kids? Probably. His own father had warned him about arrogance. Still, Lamont thought he was a good Alpha. Cain would be too if his son had the desire to lead, which he didn’t.

  After she’d slammed the door, Cain looked at Lamont. “I could have killed her.”

  Lamont nodded. “Yes. But you didn’t even hurt her. Out of your mind with rage and you managed to not cause her one ounce of pain. At least physically.”

  Cain flinched.

  “Although I’m not sure how many times you can break her heart before she gives up on you,” Lamont advised.

  “I know,” his son confessed. “I wanted to mate with her. I almost asked her to but didn’t. She’s all I ever wanted.”

  Lamont stood and clasped his son’s shoulder. “There is no one else who suits you so well.”

  “I don’t deserve her.” Cain’s voice was full of hurt. “I never did.”

  “So you’ve tried to push her away time and time again,” Lamont said.

  “Yes,” Cain said.

  “It never worked,” Lamont pointed out.

  “No it didn’t,” Cain agreed.

  “What does that tell you?” Lamont asked.

  “That I’m an idiot. Every time I think that I have my shit together I screw up. I hurt her and end up being an ass. She’s so kind and yet I think I should have her? She needs someone who will worship her the way she deserves,” Cain said.

  “Why can’t that be you?” Lamont asked. “You love her and she loves you. Why can’t you show her how wonderful she is?”

  “I don’t know how,” Cain confessed, pacing away. “I try…”

  “Try harder,” Lamont said.

  Cain whirled. “How?”

  Lamont shook his head. “You’re not a coward. You’re a good man and a strong shifter. You keep getting in your own way. Either let her go or claim her. But stop waffling. That isn’t fair to either one of you.”

  “I need to think,” Cain told him.

  “No,” Lamont assured his boy. “That is the last thing you need to do more of. You need to talk to your mate and beg her forgiveness. Let her calm you as you show her the love she deserves.”

  Cain stared at him for several minutes. The silence felt heavy around him. It wasn’t something a human or even a normal shifter might feel, but an Alpha could practically taste strong emotions.

  Finally, Cain smiled. “I have a mate to claim.”

  Chapter Eight

  Emily didn’t know whether she wanted to cry or to scream in anger. Fuck that, she was not going to cry, never again, over Cain, or any man. So he didn’t want her around. That was fine with her, she wouldn’t be around then. After everything she’d given him, he still doubted her. Well, no more. Cain was going to have to come to her this time, and if she decided to forgive him then he was going to have to get this back and forth he did about their relationship over with.

  It hurt so much. But she had to stand strong. Cain had been the one who had made her grow into a strong, independent woman in the first place.

  He would have to live with the woman she was. When with Cain, she had a natural feeling of wanting him to take charge and protect her. Make hard decisions. That was the old her, though.

  The woman who had gone to college, made friends and decided things for herself needed to make an appearance. She wasn’t a scared girl—she was a shifter, and she would not bow down any longer.

  Finally, she reached her cabin and stomped up the porch stairs. She flung open the door and looked around the cabin. No one was inside so it was dark and silent. She hadn’t been back to the cabin since Cain had left. It was a nice place, fully furnished. But it was also lonely. There was no Cain.

  She walked to the bedroom, kicked off her shoes then climbed to the middle of the bed before curling up and thinking.

  The afternoon had made one thing glaringly obvious. The bond between her and Cain was strong. They were mated together without even having had a ceremony or doing anything. Lamont had stated that they were fated to be together. Emily didn’t know what to think about that. Sure, there were rumors or myths about the one person who completed a shifter being their fate but Emily had never really believed it. Now she wasn’t so sure.

  She could remember when she’d come to live with Lamont and the Alpha’s family. She’d been scared and, even after her rescue from the cage that had been all she’d ever known, she hadn’t spoken to the shifters who had saved her. They’d given her water, food, blankets and medical care. Having no choice, like she’d never had, Emily had gone where they’d told her and followed their directions. She’d learned young that it was less painful to just go along with what people more powerful wanted.

  So the first time she’d seen the Pack territory, it had been through terrified eyes.

  Until one brave, or maybe cocky, teenage boy had strolled up to her and bent to look her in the eye. No one else had ever done that. Normally, people darted their gaze away, but that kid had made sure she was paying attention. Then he’d made a promise.

  “No one will ever hurt you again,” Cain had said. “You’re ours now.”

  She’d believed him at that moment. Hell, she still did.

  Was that the moment that the fates had decided they were meant to be together? Or had she had to go through years of abuse just to end up with him and his family? It was so much to take in.

  Emily didn’t even know if her feelings were truly hers. Was she attracted to Cain because he was who someone or something had decided for her?

  Her heart actually hurt and Emily was tired of it.

  If, and God please let it be when, Cain got his head out of his ass and came after her they were going to set some new rules. He’d promised that she’d never be hurt again and it was time that he kept his word. No more back and forth or doubt. They were going to work this out and never visit these problems again.

  Starting today, they were going to have a whole new life together.

  The smart thing to do was prepare for when Cain did get there. And really, she had no doubt that he would. When she thought about what had happened earlier she didn’t know whether to be happy that she could calm him when he was crazy or remain pissed off that he’d doubted her loyalty.

  Emily dragged herself out of the bed before strolling toward the adjourning bathroom. She flipped on the light, her gaze catching her reflection. Yuck! Her makeup had smeared around her eyes, which were red-rimmed. Yes, she needed to clean up and that
would go a long way to making her feel better.

  The bathroom and shower had been done in a deep brown marble with large showerheads. It was pure luxury and decadence. When she had her own place or one for just herself and Cain, this bathroom was what she wanted. She turned on the water as hot as she’d be able to stand it. Carelessly, she undressed and tossed her clothes wherever they landed. As steam began to fill the room, she stepped inside the shower stall.

  Heat pounded at her shoulders and she rolled them as her muscles relaxed. She placed both hands on the smooth wall of the shower and leaned her forehead against it. This was perfect for the day that she’d had. With one hand still braced, she grabbed the bar of soap with her other. Emily lathered up and started to wash. Once her body was slick, Emily went about washing her hair and scrubbing her face. She let the water wash away all the soap until she smelled just as clean as she could be.

  She didn’t know how long she was in the shower, but when it started to turn cold, she unhappily turned it off. Emily pulled the towel off the hook before drying herself off. After patting her skin, she wrapped the cloth into her hair to catch the excess water. The house was still quiet but she could feel a ripple of electricity that hadn’t been there before. She dressed in pajama pants and a tank top before heading for the kitchen.

  She didn’t turn on any lights, because she didn’t need to, being a shifter. She walked slowly and made it halfway into the kitchen before she saw him. Emily was not surprised. She had suspected the minute she’d stepped out of the shower that he was somewhere close.

  He sat in the chair next to the lamp, watching her. Once he saw he had her attention he flipped it on then stood. The dim light in the room highlighted the agony apparent in his features.

  She didn’t ask how he’d gotten in. Emily wasn’t certain she’d locked the door and Cain could get in even if she had. He looked so devastated, that she had the strong urge to soothe him even if she was still hurting. “Would you like some coffee?”


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