Trapstar 3

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Trapstar 3 Page 1

by Karrington, Blake

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Final Chapter

  Chapter 1

  Brandon awoke to the feeling he had dreamed of so many times since the first day he met Brianna Campbell. Seeing her lying there in the bed and feeling her in his arms is what life was supposed to be. He pulled her warm body closer to his. Her body was so soft; he began to trace the contour of her waistline with his equally soft hands. His fingers ran up and down her back before settling both hands on her soft ass and giving it a squeeze. It’s Bounty soft. He laughed to himself and continued to massage her backside as the tip of his tongue stroked her right ear with soft wet licks. Blood rushed up from the bottom of his genitals to the shaft of his dick; he was ready.

  Brianna had been trying to play sleep, knowing she had to be up soon for what she knew was going to be a long day. But Brandon had found her spot right behind her earlobe and she could feel the creamy liquid building between her legs. She moved her butt further back into his body and began to grind against his hard dick. Brandon smiled, knowing that he had her full cooperation now. He ran his fingers through her hair and turned her face towards him. His soft warm tongue slid gracefully into her mouth. Brianna caught it and sucked on it gently. She was glad that both of them were late night teeth brushers, or this would have been out the question for her. She turned towards Brandon’s flawlessly chiseled chest. Brianna went straight for his nipples and began to suck and lick them vigorously.

  Brandon guided his body down until his face rested between her legs. Brianna was straddling his face, with her arms and head resting on the large California King sized headboard. He placed his arms under her soft thighs to gain full access to her clit. He licked and slurped her wet juices, enjoying the sweet tart taste of her nectar. Brandon would switch from long soft licks, to short hard licks, with a sucking motion. He drew the ABCs, just like the Kama Sutra book had instructed. From Brianna’s reaction, it was working. Her body moved in a circular motion as she continued to grind to the music Brandon’s tongue was making. The feeling was driving her crazy, and the first orgasm was quickly approaching. She was trying to masquerade it, in hopes that it would not come too soon, but to no avail. Her thighs began to tighten around his head and she could feel the lump in her throat growing as her body began to spasm.

  The loud sound of her phone going off was enough distraction to delay the orgasm. She had read in a magazine that if you placed your phone in a glass before bed, it would heighten the sound of the alarm and ringer. Because she was such a hard sleeper, Brianna used this method to ensure that she would not miss anything important. She reached over to hit the ignore button, in hopes that the call wouldn’t interrupt her and Brandon’s morning love session. He was still feasting on her pussy and she was sure that she could catch her place again with just a little more concentration. However, when she looked down at the screen, she knew that this was not a call she could ignore. It was Charrise, and with the recent events and her delicate psyche, Brianna had to answer.

  “Hey sis, what’s going on?” Brianna asked, nearly out of breath.

  Hearing those words, Brandon stopped his oral assault. He knew the whole mood was about to change. Lately, anything dealing with Brianna’s family brought a solemn tone with it, especially when it came to Charrise. Since her attack, Brianna had not left her side, except for short visits with him. Brianna had attended all of Charrise’s doctor visits, and one day when Brianna ran into the corner convenience store, Brandon had observed the nearly twenty thousand dollar dental bill Brianna had paid for Charrise’s oral surgery and new veneers. Although Brandon understood the sisterly bond, he had to admit he was somewhat jealous of the relationship and time the girls shared.

  “Turn the TV on Channel 9 and call me back afterwards.” Charrise answered and hung up.

  Brianna grabbed the remote and punched in 09.

  “Good morning. Our top story of the morning is the trial of Levi “Cowboy” Parsons, the man who was charged in the gruesome triple homicide four months ago on the west side of Charlotte. Tommy Torrez for Fox News is at the courthouse with the latest.” The news anchor reported before the camera cut live to the courthouse.

  “Thank you, Debbie. Today, both the prosecution and defense will be wrapping up final jury selection in this possible death penalty case. Police and prosecutors allege that Mr. Parsons is a career criminal, who back in April of this year went on a killing spree, leaving three men dead. One of whom was a police informant. We will keep you up to date on the latest, as more information comes in. Now back to you, Debbie.”

  Brianna turned the TV off. She knew this day was coming, but it didn’t make it any less emotional. Her father had unexpectedly come back into her life, and now he could be taken away. She laid back down and placed the pillow over her head. She wanted to cry, but she knew she couldn’t because she had to be strong.

  Chapter 2

  Eagle read the article about the Fed’s sweep of North Carolina’s drug kingpins. He shook his head as the lead investigator smiled like a Cheshire cat at him from the front page of the newspaper. He and Niya had not been allowed to communicate with each other since their arrests. He had spoken to Flash, one of his runners on the street, who told him all he knew was that Niya had been sentenced. He couldn’t get any more information than that.

  The chatter of the common area died down. The energy of the room shifted and caused Eagle to look up from his paper. An attractive older man sat down at one of the gray tables. He wore a designer suit, and shoes. A guard stood beside him speaking with another guard. The man looked at Eagle with a steely gaze.

  “That is one cold ass motherfucker right there,” one of the inmates said as he and another inmate sat down at a table beside Eagle. “That nigga is that old school kind of gangsta. You heard what he did, right? That dude took out bout ten to fifteen niggas by himself.”

  Eagle listened to the inmate’s obviously inflated story and shook his head.

  “That is why that nigga is called Cowboy. Cause if you going in with him… it’ll be like the old west. Shit, he a legend in these streets,” the other inmate said as he sipped his water.

  Eagle looked back at Cowboy and made eye contact. Eagle had not seen him in a few months, since he and Niya had hooked up. He had hoped to see him at his grandmother’s house when he took Niya to visit her, but his grandmother had told him that Cowboy had not been by in about a week. Growing up, Eagle had become accustomed to not seeing his father for weeks, even months at a time. Cowboy and Eagle’s mother were two of the east coast’s most vicious hired guns.

  The guard tapped Cowboy’s shoulder. Cowboy stood. then nodded to Eagle and followed the guard out the door. Eagle took a deep breath, his mother was now six feet deep in the ground, and his father was just six feet in front of him. He sat back and inhaled as he thought of his grandmother, Maggie. She would be taken care of financially always, but he knew it was going to break her heart that the two men she loved more than anything in the world were now back in the prison system.


  Charrise and Selena were still gazing up at the large 50 inch plasma TV hanging on the wall over the fireplace. They had seen the Channel 9 report, and had switched the channel only to see that Channel 3 was covering the case as well. They both listened attentively to the words that followed.

�Well, Chanel, today is the jury selection in this case. The District Attorney, along with counsel for the defendant are expected to wrap things up by tomorrow afternoon. We were told that this case will be tried as a death penalty case, and District Attorney Larry White seemed to confirm this in a press conference by simply saying, “We are seeking the maximum sentence.”

  Charrise covered her still partially wired mouth in shock while Selena walked over and grabbed the remote control off the glass table. “Damn, that’s fucked up.” Selena said, turning the TV off. “These crackers down here don’t play no games,” she continued, as she walked over and took a seat on the sofa next to Charrise.

  No one thought that it was going to get this bad for Cowboy, especially since they really didn’t have a lot of evidence. Cowboy had only made one statement when he was arrested. “Hello, I want my lawyer.” He was a true soldier who knew the system well enough to be its worthy adversary. The lead investigators knew that they were not dealing with some young dope boy. If they wanted to build a case against Cowboy, they were going to have to work at it the old fashioned way… by investigating.

  Charrise stared at the television, but she didn’t hear or see anything on the screen.

  Selena looked at her friend whose once slim petite frame had filled out to a curvy plus size one. It was a significant amount of weight gain, but Charrise seemed to be comfortable with the size. Selena watched as Charrise placed the straw in the glass and sipped her water. Her eyes reminded her of one of the zombies from the movie they had watched the other night.

  Charrise continued to stare at the black screen.

  Selena stood and touched Charrise’s shoulder, which made her jump.

  “Hey! Hey girl! You okay?” Selena said, squeezing her shoulder.

  “Huh?” Oh damn girl, I was in a zone just now.” Charrise uttered, grabbing her chest. “Damn you scared the shit out of me.”

  “Yeah, I see.” Selena said, forcing a smile.

  The crew knew that Charrise was violated when she was kidnapped. No one pressured her to talk about the incident because she was seeking help through counseling. Her going to therapy gave Brianna confidence that she would get through this, because Charrise had recognized that she needed help and was seeking it.

  Selena felt helpless because she wanted to be there for Charrise, but she just couldn’t find a way through the wall that Charrise had emotionally and mentally constructed. She kind of felt guilty for being angry at her friend for talking to a damn stranger about what happened, rather than the family that was right there for her. Feeling helpless was not something that Selena was accustomed to, and seeing her friend in so much pain was heartbreaking. Even worse was the fact that the fools who had caused the pain were six feet deep, so there was no one else left to punish. So I need to focus my anger on being supportive for my girl, she thought to herself.

  Charrise stood up and stretched. “I’m good, girl… just got a lot on my mind. You ready to take me to see Dr. Rice? I need to go put some clothes on.” Charrise’s mouth was moving, but her eyes were still empty.

  Selena opened her phone and found her favorite picture of the entire group. The girl that smiled at her from the picture may have somewhat physically been there, but her spirit had been broken or completely destroyed. Selena hoped that she would snap out of it soon.


  “Y’all niggas ready or what?” Jonathon asked as he cocked a bullet into the chamber of his thirty-two shot Tech 9mm. Neither Kevin nor A.J. said a single word. They both checked their guns to make sure that they were locked and loaded. Simultaneously, everybody pulled the cloth ski masks down over their faces and exited the car. In broad daylight, all three men walked down Main Street, guns in hand, not caring about the few people who were standing outside on the small street.

  “Keep y’all eyes open,” Jonathon advised as he counted the number of people sitting on porches and standing around the house where they were heading. The people who were outside stood in shock as the men walked down the street. They couldn’t believe what was going on. Until now, this was considered to be one of the quiet streets in the neighborhood.

  “Pick up the pace!” Jonathon yelled out, noticing that a couple of people standing outside had gone into their homes.

  The male and the female that were sitting outside in front of the house was oblivious to Jonathan and his boys approaching. It wasn’t until the female noticed that the noise on the street had become silent, that she turned to see what was going on. The male friend she had with her also turned to look, but by then, A.J. had a gun in their faces.

  Jonathan and Kevin wasted no time walking up the steps right past them. Jonathan checked the door to find that it was locked, and instead of asking the male or female to open the door, he took one step back and damn near kicked the door off its hinges. Jonathan and Kevin rushed into the house like they just graduated from Navy Seal training. Two men sat on the couch in the living room bagging up dope on a glass table while a single female stood in the kitchen stuffing money into the money machine.

  Kevin swiftly made his way to the kitchen, keeping the young female at gunpoint while Jonathan secured the two men on the couch.

  “Keep ya hands where I can see them, lay face down on the floor.” Jonathan instructed the two men in a calm voice. “We’re not here to hurt nobody, we just want the dope and the money,” he told the men as he disarmed them.

  Kevin made the female in the kitchen lay down on the ground with her hands on top of her head. He wasn’t even worried about the couple of thousand dollars that was on the table. What he came for was more than that. He tucked his weapon into his waist, grabbed the back of the stove with both hands, and flipped it on its front.

  “Hurry up my nigga!” Jonathan yelled from the front room.

  Kevin ripped the floor tile up to see the latch that opened the floorboard door. It was locked when he tried to pull it open, but he quickly remembered that the key was in the top right corner, in back of the stove taped to the metal plate. Once he got the floorboard door open, he reached in and pulled out a black book bag, and then a blue small duffle bag. He didn’t even have to look into it to know what was in them, and it would have been a waste of valuable time to do so. He simply threw both of the bags over his shoulder and darted to the front of the house.

  Seeing that, Jonathan rolled both of the men over onto their backs and fired several shots into their knee caps. They yelled out in pain as the bullets ripped through their legs. Jonathan needed to be sure that neither one of them would try to get up and follow them.

  “Let’s move!” Jonathan yelled as he backed out of the house.

  A.J. and Kevin began walking off immediately. The young female and the male that was outside in front of the house were laid out flat on their stomachs at the bottom of the steps. The woman in the kitchen watched and waited for Kevin and Jonathan to leave the house before she jumped to her feet. She ran over to the kitchen table, reached under it and grabbed the Mossberg pump strapped to the leg. She cocked a slug into the chamber before running to the front of the house.

  “Weak ass niggas,” she mumbled, looking down at the two workers whining and holding onto their knees.

  She kicked open the screen door just in time to see Jonathan and his boys getting into the car. She ran down to the bottom of the stairs, raising the pump and catching it with her free hand. The first round that she let off didn’t do much damage considering the distance between her and the car. The small pellets hit Jonathan’s car, but it was just enough to get everybody’s attention.

  “Oh shit,” Kevin yelled, seeing the female slowly walking towards the car while letting off round after round.

  Jonathan started the car, but the closer the female got, the more damage the pellets did.

  “I got dis bitch.” A.J. said, rolling out of the back door.

  A.J. and the female exchanged fire, but the female was the first to run out of slugs. A.J. kept firi
ng, trying his best to take her head off. She dropped the pump and jumped behind a tree for cover.

  “Let’s go!” Jonathan yelled to A.J., who quickly jumped back into the back seat.

  Instead of going down the block and having to pass the house, Jonathan threw the car in reverse then backed down the block at a high speed. By the time the young female peeked her head from around the tree, the black Caprice classic was out of sight.

  Chapter 3

  Eight out of twelve jurors had been selected in Cowboy’s murder trial so far. Each and every one of them were old and white, and each looked like they had experience with making nooses for nigga’s necks. This is a jury of my peers? Cowboy laughed to himself. He was black and Muslim, shit they may as well stick the needle in his arm right there in the courtroom with this jury. He thought back to seeing his son. He had hoped that Eagle would have followed a different path from him and his mother. The young dude was tough, and unlike many of the young niggas out there, Eagle was smart. Cowboy had no idea what Eagle was locked up for, since the guards wouldn’t allow them to make contact, but Cowboy was going to make sure he got whatever he needed.

  He stood and smiled at Brianna.

  “I love you, Dad. Keep ya head up.” Brianna said as the Sheriffs took him out of the courtroom.

  Brianna had grown closer to her father over the last few months. Although he was in a lot of trouble, Brianna needed him more than she ever thought before. He was her biological father, and they had missed so much time together. She was determined to do everything she could to get him out of this mess. A mess that was her fault. She grabbed her bag and began leaving the courtroom.

  “Brianna!” Mr. Casteno, Cowboy’s lawyer sprinted to catch up with her before she walked through the doors.

  “Yeah, what’s up, Casteno?” Brianna said as she put on her Chanel sunglasses.

  “I know you and Mr. Parson find the jury to be a little odd, and are wondering why I don’t have any African Americans selected, but you gotta trust me on this.” Casteno said as he pushed the glass door open for Brianna. “My team and I are the best in the state, and we are going to do everything in our power to get your father a not guilty verdict.” Casteno said, touching her arm while looking into Brianna’s eyes. “I just want to reassure you that we will do everything to get the most desirable results.”


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