Trapstar 3

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Trapstar 3 Page 11

by Karrington, Blake

  “Sure cuzzo, what’s up? What you need?” Chatima asked, unsure what she could provide to calm her cousin’s mind.

  “I need you to go into my room and grab the large black Gucci backpack and take it down to the basement. When you get to the wall on the far left side, let me know.”

  Chatima did has she was instructed, and when she got to the wall, she pressed all the necessary buttons to get the secret door panel to move aside, revealing a stash room. The small six by nine room contained ammunition, a selection of guns, money and more product. Selena told her to leave the bag in there. She and Brianna weren’t sure what Herman had told the cops. So as a precaution, they didn’t want large sums of money or drugs lying around in the house if the cops decided to show up.

  “Done, big cuz. Is there anything else I can do for you?” Chatima asked.

  “No, that’s it. Thank you, sweetie, and I promise, we going to hang out all day tomorrow together, ok?” Selena reassured Chatima.

  “You promise?”

  “I promise!”

  “Ok, talk to you later.” Chatima hung up the phone.

  As she stepped out of the room, she paused. A chill ran down her spine; she felt like she wasn’t alone. A sour smell drifted to her nostrils. She began to reach for a gun she saw on the shelf back in the room, but something hit her hard in the back of her head.

  Chatima screamed as she fell to the floor. Her vision was blurry for a moment. She tried to reach up to grab something to help her stand, but suddenly she couldn’t breathe. The sour smell was right on top of her, covering her face. She continued trying to get up.

  “Come here bitch!” Chatima felt something slice into the back of her knee, and then an arm was around her neck. She tried to elbow him, but he lifted her off the floor and continued to apply pressure to her windpipe. She felt four more stabs; the second stab caused her body to become paralyzed. He had jabbed the blade into her back. Tears ran down her face, as she felt the darkness surround her.

  “Yeah bitch, that’s right, die.” Herman said as he tightened the chokehold and slid the blade one last time into her back before letting her limp body fall to the floor.

  Herman kicked Chatima and she didn’t move. He turned on the light and walked into the small room. Chatima hadn’t had time to close the door. Herman stood there and smacked his hands together while laughing.

  “Hell yeah!” He looked at the dope and guns.

  Herman spotted the large black duffle bag in the corner. He unzipped it and took out a stack of money. There had to be at least 100K in the bag. Herman laughed and kissed the bundle of money. He was about to leave when he realized that one of the guns on the table could have been the one used to kill Tank. Damn, at first he had thought that coming to Brianna’s house was a bad idea, but now it could be really paying off for him.


  Brianna and Selena pulled into the Pilot gas station on Statesville Ave. Cowboy was waiting at pump three like he was getting some gas, and cautiously checking his surroundings for any signs of danger. He didn’t trust Herman one bit. That’s why he kept Lorraine close by him, and he wasn’t going to let her out of his sight.

  “Hey Dad,” Brianna said, after rolling her window down. “Is my Mom in the car with you?” she asked, not getting out of the truck.

  “Yeah, she’s good, but check dis out. Dat nigga Herman called ya Mom’s phone talking about how he wants you to pay him a million dollars for Tank’s body or he is putting all of us in jail.” Cowboy explained.

  “What did you tell him?” Brianna asked.

  “I told dat nigga we wasn’t giving him shit. I don’t have a million dollars to give dat nigga.” Cowboy responded. “Plus, that summabitch want dat shit by tomorrow afternoon.” he added.

  Brianna leaned her head against the steering wheel and took in a deep breath. She didn’t even have a million in cash right now, especially with the moves Gwen was making.

  “I’ma need a couple of days to get that together,” Brianna spoke. “If he calls back, give him my number and tell him to call me. Take my Mom over to Jonathan’s and then meet me back at my house. I’ma get the million dollars, but I guarantee Herman won’t be able to spend a dime of it,” she said, looking down at her phone.

  “If it’s all the same to you, baby, I’ma keep your mom near me. I’ll take her back to my house.”

  Brianna smiled. She waved to her mom before rolling up her window and pulling off with nothing but murder on her mind.


  Brandon sat in his car in front of Brianna’s house waiting for her to get home. He had a lot on his mind and he wanted to talk to her seriously about their relationship and her lifestyle. Brandon stretched and got out of his car, he heard the engine of Brianna’s truck as she pulled into the driveway and opened her garage. Brandon smiled at her as she opened the door of her car and grabbed her bag.

  “Hey Brandon, I really don’t have a lot of time to talk right now,” Brianna said as she hit the garage door button, and opened the door to the house. Her and Selena walked through the laundry room, into the kitchen, and stopped. Brandon was about to say something when he walked into the back of both them.

  “Shh.” Brianna said as she looked around the kitchen.

  She placed her bag on the table and grabbed her gun. She motioned for Selena to go around the dining room and secure upstairs. She then told Brandon to stay back as she walked into the living room. The door to the basement was open, which made Brianna’s blood run cold. She ran down the stairs and stopped short when a heavy metallic smell filled her nostrils.

  “Chatima?” she called out in the dark space. When she got no response, she turned on the overhead light. “Chatima! Oh God!” Brianna yelled as she ran over to where she laid. “Brandon call 911!”

  “Selena, get down here!” Brianna yelled.

  Selena ran down the stairs and saw Brianna standing over Chatima’s body.

  “No Bri, tell me that’s not my little cousin! No… no… no…That’s not my Tima… Please God, no!” Selena kept screaming while walking around. She was refusing to believe she had brought her baby cousin down there to lose her life.

  Brianna kept her gun drawn. She walked into the basement and slowly opened the door to her stash room. Her cash was gone, along with some guns. She cursed, now was not the time for her to lose any money at all. She closed the door and slid the rack back in front of the access.

  “Is she still alive? The ambulance is on its way.” Brandon said as he leaned over and placed his ear to Chatima’s mouth.

  “Chatima! Chatima! Please, just hold on, cuz!” Selena was screaming, hoping the loud sound of her voice would bring her cousin back to life. She leaned over Chatima’s lifeless body and began CPR.

  Brianna looked at her friend. She knew that it was too late for Chatima, but she didn’t have the heart to pull Selena off her. Instead, she kneeled down, grabbed one of Selena’s hands and placed her other hand over Chatima’s face to close her eyes. Brianna knew who was responsible for this, and as she sat there holding Selena’s hand, her blood boiled. Herman was going to pay, and he was going to pay with his life.


  Cowboy felt a chill come over his body as he approached Brianna’s house. The street was covered with EMTs, and police officers. He opened the door without putting the car in park; it rolled against the curb and stopped. He ran through the crowd that had gathered and attempted to enter the front door of the house.

  “This is my daughter’s house!” Cowboy yelled as he struggled to get past the police officers.

  Brianna heard Cowboy struggling and walked to the door. “Hold up, that’s my dad!” Brianna yelled to the officers trying to stop Cowboy from entering the house.

  Cowboy sighed with relief when he saw and heard Brianna. He ran to her and hugged her. “Are you okay baby girl?” he said as he looked down at the pool of blood on the floor. The room was full of detectives, and flashe
s were going off as forensic people took pictures of the living room.

  “Yeah, yeah, I am fine, but…” Brianna paused as she looked at the floor. She fought back tears as she thought of Chatima’s last moments. “Selena’s cousin, Chatima is dead. I’m convinced Herman stabbed her to death, and I will know for sure once I can view the surveillance equipment.”

  Brianna buried her face in Cowboy’s chest. Cowboy looked back at the blood on the floor as he walked Brianna into the kitchen. Brianna could see the concern on his face as the police were walking through the house.

  “Nothing is here, Daddy. Herman pretty much took everything, and the stash room is not something the cops will find easily. If they do, there is nothing there illegal.” Selena had already taken everything and left before the cops arrived.

  “How much did he take?” Cowboy asked as he poured a glass of water for Brianna.

  “Let’s go out back,” she suggested.

  He followed Brianna to the backyard. She looked back to see where the detectives were as she sat down in the blue patio chair.

  “He made out with about 300K and a couple of kilos, some guns, and worst of all, he got the gun used in the Tank incident.” Brianna buried her face in her hands.

  Cowboy took a deep breath. Herman was an issue before, but now he had two pieces of evidence that could end all of their lives. Cowboy wasn’t afraid of going to prison, but he didn’t want his daughter to have that life. He was not going to watch his baby be put in a cage. Life had kept her away from him for twenty-four years. He was not going to lose another day with her, due to a bastard like Herman.

  Brianna’s phone buzzed. She looked at the screen. The number showed as private. She was hoping it was Charrise.


  “Hey little bitch, how ya friend doing?” Herman said as he took a swig of his cold beer. “Little bitch had some fight in her, but when I put that hold on her ass, it was lights out!”

  Brianna looked at Cowboy, her jaw tightened as Herman taunted her. “Well, enough of that shit… you gots til noon to get me the rest of my money… or you and your hoeing ass mama and punk ass Daddy gonna be wearing wardrobes designed by the state!”

  “I hate you.”

  “Well that ain’t no way to talk to the man who raised you… you ungrateful little bitch!”

  “You ain’t did shit, nigga. Why did you kill that girl? She ain’t had nothing to do with this.”

  “She got in my way, and cause I could take her ass out, just like I can take yo ass down. Now have my money!”

  The line clicked, and Brianna’s head began to pound. She wanted to scream, but she covered her mouth and bit the inside of her hand.

  “That was that nigga?” Cowboy asked, already knowing the answer.

  Brianna shook her head. Cowboy and Brianna knew this had nothing to do with money. Killing Chatima was just his sick way of torturing Brianna, the way he had her entire life. He would not be satisfied until he had destroyed all of them, even his own children. Brianna stood as she looked up at the sky, and then went back into the house. She wasn’t a kid anymore, and Herman was just flesh and blood. Brianna was going to make sure that blood spilled.


  A.J. got out of the car and began walking down the street towards Betty Ford. He could see a nice crowd of females standing in the middle of the block serving what looked to be dope fiends. He kept the AR-15 down by his side until he got close enough to where it didn’t matter if anybody saw it or not. When he got to the top of Betty Ford, he picked up his pace a bit, taking in mental notes of his surroundings. His fast walking pace turned into a light jog, and once he got within 15 yards of the women, he raised the AR-15 and let it rip right into the crowd.

  It had to be at least five women and two men standing out there, all of whom scattered like roaches at the sounds of the automatic weapon.

  “Arrggg!” one of the females yelled after taking a bullet to her leg.

  Another female dropped to the ground and returned fire, forcing A.J. to duck behind a parked car. Other people from the block joined in the gun battle. A.J. jumped up from behind the car and let the AR-15 rip again.

  He fired wildly up and down the street, not caring who he hit.

  Others began shooting back at A.J., forcing him to again take cover behind the car. Bullets flew by his head and knocked holes in the car. The return fire got so loud that A.J. started to get worried. He peeked up over the passenger door to see people coming from everywhere with guns in their hands. It got to the point where he became scared instead of worried. He might have bitten off more than he could chew, messing with the Betty Ford chicks.

  A.J. jumped up from behind the car, but this time with an exit strategy in mind. He fired off, backpedaling down the street towards his car. The AR-15 ran out of bullets, and the only thing that A.J. could do was take off running.

  Two females from the block started to run after him, but were stopped. “Hold up, hold up… Let him go,” Gwen said, whipping her phone out and punching in some numbers. “Somebody get me something to help stop the bleeding!” she yelled, running over to the young woman who had taken a bullet to the leg.

  “We just gone let him go?” a female said, standing there with a gun in her hand, watching A.J. fade away into the dark night.

  “Yeah, now get over here and hold this on the wound,” Gwen responded while getting up with the phone still on her ear.

  “Yo!” she spoke to the person on the other end of the phone. “Alright, say no more,” she said, hanging up the phone, satisfied with what she had just heard from the person she was talking to.

  Gwen looked up the street and smiled. She was expecting that to happen eventually. Her street knowledge was impeccable, and she knew that it was only a matter of time before somebody was going to retaliate for Kevin’s death, even after they killed the female at the stash house. It was only right. Gwen would have done the same thing if it was somebody close to her. It had become personal, and it was shown by the way that the gunman came through. The dude wasn’t trying to rob anybody. He didn’t even have any prior altercations with anybody that day, and when he let his gun spray, she could hear the hurt in his voice.

  Gwen might have been a female, but she peeped game and was on point like a sniper the second that the first shot was let off. Now, feeling the same way that A.J. felt, it was time for Gwen to retaliate too, but her way of retaliating was far worse than anything A.J. could imagine. She definitely was a problem.


  Jonathan sat on the couch and smiled at the text message he was reading. Gator had gone out of town to check on some family she had in South Carolina. At least, that was the story she told him. It was the first serious time they had been apart since getting together, and he was missing her like crazy. She had come in and turned his whole world upside down. Gator had forced him to grow up quickly and become a man. He looked in the mirror, admiring his latest tattoo of praying hands with a scroll that read, “RIP Big Kev”. Both he and A.J. had gotten one in remembrance of their fallen homie.

  Gator texted him back a message with two hearts combined as one, representing their love. She also promised to make her time away up to him as soon as she returned. Jonathan thought about how sweet her pussy tasted in his mouth and had to adjust his growing member. He looked out the window when he heard an engine idling close to the house. He saw A.J. sitting in his car with his head tilted back.

  Jonathan grabbed the blue steel glock and walked out the door with it by his side. The driver’s window was down. He checked A.J., and found him asleep with his foot on the brake. He could smell the alcohol on him. He opened the door, put the car in park, and turned off the engine.

  “A.J… A.J. wake up man, come on inside.” A.J. snorted and slowly opened his eyes.

  Jonathan pulled him out the car and help him inside. Once inside, Jonathan led A.J. to the couch, A.J. fell onto the couch and moaned.

n, where you coming from?”

  A.J. laughed and attempted to sit up. “I had to get dem bitches for what they did to Kevin, man. I lit dey asses up.” Jonathan looked out the window again.

  “Man, what you mean? You lit them up?” Jonathan asked.

  A.J. laughed and made shooting sounds.

  Jonathan walked out and looked up and down the block. He hit the garage door opener and pulled A.J.’s car inside. The state that A.J. was in, Jonathan knew that he could have been followed, and he didn’t need that kind of shit at his front door right now. He walked back inside after closing the garage door. A.J. was snoring on the couch.

  Jonathan sat down in the recliner, and watched his friend sleep. He had at least gotten the satisfaction of taking one of the bitches out in the warehouse, but A.J. hadn’t gotten any satisfaction in hurting the people who had taken Kevin’s life.

  Jonathan’s phone whistled again, it was a message from Gator. A.J. turned over on the couch and began to snore loudly.

  Look, when I get back, I’m going to really need you to have some white girls waiting on me. And don’t fuck this up!

  Jonathan sighed and smiled. Gator had him mesmerized for the moment. She was a grown ass woman, and he knew that if he wanted to play with her, he needed to leave the boy shit at home and man up for her. Giving her good dick was not going to be enough to keep her interested, and he didn’t want to be just some boy toy. Yeah, he knew he would need to make sure he had some dope waiting on her return. He had to earn her respect in and out of the bedroom.


  Selena swayed back and forth on her stool to the music she had selected from the Juke Box in the corner of the bar. One shot glass and a bottle of Patron sat in front of her, and after throwing back three shots of the clear fire water, she was beginning to feel its effects. Tina, the bartender, and good friend of the family, monitored Selena’s drinking very closely and knew that within two more shots, she would have to come over and confiscate the bottle from her. She had heard through the grapevine about her cousin, Chatima, so she gave her a little space to unwind.


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