Trapstar 3

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Trapstar 3 Page 13

by Karrington, Blake

  Ivory nodded. “Oh damn, I almost forgot to tell you, guess who else was there at the house.”

  “Who?” Gwen asked, looking at Ivory like ‘bitch just tell me who.’

  “Girlie from the sit down at the restaurant the other day.”

  Gwen raised up in the car. Ivory had piqued her interest.

  “Which girl from the sit down?”

  “The boss lady… the light skin long hair chick… the one you had the words with.”

  Gwen looked down and then back at Ivory, “Damn… ole girl Brianna got more balls than I thought. Look like she really might be about this life.”

  Gwen rolled the window up and started the SUV. Maybe this crew of young boys was some of Brianna’s people. Had she really underestimated her? One thing she was sure of was this business was going to be over with soon. She was going to make sure of it. First, she had to make sure everyone in the city of Charlotte understood and respected the three letters her crew represented, or the morgue was going to be getting a lot more business.


  “Alright, listen up guys. We will be meeting my C-I shortly. He states he knows where the body of a murder victim is, and he can lead us to the weapon. I don’t want Mrs. Campbell and her father escaping this one.” Detective Sanders said as he popped an antacid. “So nobody do shit unless you hear from me. Remember, these people are armed and dangerous.” Sanders said as he passed a sheet with pictures of Cowboy, Brianna and Jonathan on it.

  Sanders did not put too much into what Herman was saying at the beginning, due to the alcohol that reeked from him. Herman had explained to Sanders that this Tank guy owed Cowboy and Brianna money. They had kidnapped him and brought Tank to his house. Cowboy was a known hired gun, and his stepdaughter was a drug king pin. He was fearful of both of them. They tortured the man for hours, and then Brianna ordered Cowboy to kill hm. Herman said he had come home to find his son and Cowboy wrapping the body up. Brianna and Cowboy had threatened to kill him if he said anything to anyone.

  Herman made sure his performance was Oscar worthy. He added that due to the stress of trying to keep this secret, he had been drinking more than usual. He knew his son had helped them dispose of the body, and had found out where only a few days ago. He figured that he had to come to the police with the information. He explained he didn’t’ come forward sooner due to not having any proof of the murder.

  Sanders had researched the backgrounds of Cowboy and Brianna. The two looked good for the murder. The young one, Jonathan, seemed to be just a regular college kid that was just pulled into a bad deal. Herman played that angle up as well. Although he wanted Jonathan to pay for his act of disloyalty and disrespect, he didn’t want to see him in the same kind of trouble as Cowboy and Brianna. He totally left Charrise out the picture, knowing that he had done enough to her already. Lastly, he was saving Lorraine for himself, but he knew he had to get the others out the way to have a clear path at bringing down his wrath on her.

  “Let’s go, and remember to move only on my demand. Keep in mind if they draw first, we will take their asses down.” Sanders said as he strapped on his bulletproof vest.


  Herman winced in pain. He knew he had only a little time to have the surgery done to repair his intestines and pancreas. The pain was getting worse by the day, and the drinking had stopped numbing the pain. The money he had taken from Brianna would more than pay for the surgery, but he needed more for him to go off and start a new pain free life. He could leave now, but the thought of them mother fuckers being here happy was just too much for him. He wanted them gone, either by casket or by gavel.

  Cowboy sat in his car watching the motel. Lorraine had given him names of cheap places that were near juke joint bars that Herman liked to go to when he wanted to have a night out. Cowboy had shown his picture to the clerk along with a hundred dollar bill. The clerk told him what room Herman was in and that he had been there a couple of days. Cowboy handed her another hundred and went back outside to his car. He knew that Herman would be leaving his room soon to meet with Brianna. He could not kill Herman at the hotel after the clerk had seen him and knew he was asking about him. He would have to make sure that he took him out swiftly and disposed of his body.

  Cowboy studied the door marked with the number 41. He was checking his watch, just as Herman walked out the door. Herman took a drink from a bottle in a brown bag. This nigga is pathetic. The world will be a better place without him occupying space in it. Cowboy thought to himself as he exited his car. He checked the .45 automatic to make sure he had the safety off.

  Herman began his walk to his vehicle, mumbling to himself and drinking.

  Cowboy picked up his pace as Herman got closer to his car. On second thought, he was going to take this fool out right here. Cowboy intensified his pace and raised his gun. He was within ten yards of Herman, when Herman suddenly turned around, and locked eyes on the gun, and then Cowboy. Cowboy took satisfaction in seeing Herman’s face before he pulled the trigger. He smiled at Herman and began to squeeze the trigger. Tires squealed and a black minivan pulled up behind Herman’s automobile.

  “Shit,” Cowboy said. The police had shown up, but how?

  The door opened and women wearing black bandanas and hoodies jumped out. They had automatic weapons pointing at Herman. One of them hit him with the butt of the gun in the face.

  Herman yelled.

  “Move nigga!” one of the women yelled as she pushed him towards the van.

  The second female looked back at Cowboy standing with his gun drawn and opened fire in his direction. Cowboy ran towards a parked car. He turned and fired back before jumping behind the car as bullets zinged by him.

  “Let’s go! We don’t have time for this!” Cowboy heard one of the females yell.

  The bullets stopped and Cowboy waited a few moments before he looked up. He heard the sound of the tires screeching out of the parking lot. He slowly stood, just in time to see the van disappear onto the side street. He put the gun inside his pants and began to walk back towards his car. He opened the door, took a deep breath, and felt a burning sensation in his side. He looked down at his light blue shirt and a red spot was growing on his right side.

  “Shit.” Cowboy said as she started the sedan. He looked in the backseat and grabbed Lorraine’s wrap. He pressed it against the wound and pulled out of the motel parking lot just as the blue lights were approaching.

  Chapter 13

  Brianna checked her watch. She threw the large duffle bag on her shoulder and began to walk towards the patio of the restaurant. As she sat down at a table, her phone whistled with messages from Jonathan and Kasy, letting her know that they could see her and were nearby. She placed the duffle bag under the table. She did not have anywhere near the million dollars that Herman had demanded in the bag. She twisted the ring on her index finger and checked the streets for any signs of her stepfather. He was ten minutes late. She was beginning to get nervous. She had followed his instructions without flaw.

  Brianna began to wonder why he had not shown up yet. He was specific about wanting her to meet him outside. Her street senses kicked in. She knew Herman really didn’t care about the money. What he cared about was revenge, and pain. Her paranoia began to get the best of her. She looked around at some of the windows and began to wonder if Herman was in one them with her in cross hairs. She wanted to leave, especially now that it was twenty minutes past the time for him to have his ass there.

  “Where the fuck is this nigga?” Brianna mumbled to herself.

  “Hello ma’am, my name is Danny. May I get you something to drink?”

  Brianna huffed and checked her watch. “Uh yeah, just some water for now.”

  “Yes ma’am,” the waiter said as he placed a coaster on the table.


  Detective Sanders sat in the back of the small cargo truck. He watched Brianna on the monitor.

  “You should have eyes
on one and two now.”

  “Yeah, yeah subject one is the brother, correct? But did you ID the other person yet?” the officer asked.

  “No, the plates go to a Mitzi Jones. We trying to see if he is in our system by face recognition. Where the hell is this Herman guy?” Officer Thompson asked as he poured some coffee.

  “I don’t know, he’s late. I tried his phone but it went straight to voice mail. Send a unit over to that motel; he should be here by now.” Detective Sanders said to Officer Thompson.

  Thompson nodded and took out his cell phone to send uniforms over to the motel.

  Sanders looked at his watch, and then zoomed his camera in on Brianna’s face. He could see she was as anxious as they were. She was looking around and biting her lower lip. Something was off, and he could feel it, but all they could do right then was wait.


  Brianna’s phone vibrated against the table, making her jump. She looked at the screen. Cowboy was calling. She knew he was probably nervous and anxious about the meeting.

  “Hey Daddy, I—”

  “Baby girl, I got hit, and I am trying to make my way to the hospital.” Cowboy said. He was breathing heavily, and Brianna could hear traffic in the background.

  “Daddy, what? Where are you? Who shot you?”

  “I, I don’t know, I…” Cowboy’s voice faded, and all Brianna could hear was the sound of cars and the wind in the window.

  Cowboy struggled to stay conscious. This wasn’t the first time he had been hit with hot lead. He could tell by the color and the amount of blood that the bullet had hit or nicked something major. The road in front of him began to sway back and forth. He shook his head, trying to stay focused.

  “Daddy! Daddy!” Brianna yelled into the phone as she grabbed the black duffle bag and slung it back over her shoulder.

  Jonathan and Kasy could tell by the pace of her walk that something was wrong, and began running back to their vehicles.

  “All subjects are on the move, do we take them down, sir?”

  Sanders watched as Brianna bolted across the street.

  “Sir, do we take them down?” the officer yelled a second time.

  “No, stand down, stand down. Everyone just stand down, do not move!” Sanders said as he made his way to the front of the surveillance truck. “Thompson, follow them, but not too close.”

  Thompson nodded and started the truck. “What the hell is going on?” Sanders said as Thompson pulled out onto the street.

  The officers assigned to Kasy saw him throw his gun in the passenger seat. Instead of standing down, they turned their lights on.

  Kasy looked in the rear view mirror and then back at the gun in the seat. “Fuck!” Kasy said. If he was searched and found with a weapon, this would be his third strike.

  The engine of his Cobra revved as he looked at the officer in the rear view and the street. He punched the gas and spun out. The officers took off after him. Kasy’s car was built for speed, and he was a good driver. The cops had a difficult time maneuvering through the residential streets. Kasy knew he needed to get to the interstate to lose these pigs.

  “Detective, they have engaged the unidentified male. He had a gun, and the officers are pursuing him.” Thompson said.

  “What the fuck did I say? Fuck!” Sanders yelled as he grabbed the CB.

  “Who is in pursuit?” Sanders said.

  “It is Officers Adams and Smith, sir.”

  “Did I not say stand down? Where are you idiots?”

  “Pursuing the subject on Woodlawn, sir.” Officer Smith said as Adams made a sharp turn. The helicopter flew above, giving support to the units on the ground.

  Kasy cursed as he missed the exit to I-77. He knew he had to make his way to the next exit, which was I-85 about three miles down the road.

  Sanders and Thompson joined the pursuit. “Everyone back off a little… we can’t risk hurting civilians! Did you get that, Smith and Adams?”

  “Copy,” Officer Smith said looking at Adams. “Shit man, I told you to calm down. We are going against orders.”

  “What was I supposed to do? The guy had a gun.” Adams answered while weaving between cars, not wanting to let Kasy out of his sight. This was his first year on the force, and he didn’t want to be a uniform cop for long. He needed to prove himself, and if that meant disobeying orders for the greater good, then so be it. “Don’t worry I will take the heat for this.”

  Kasy was just about to cross over West Boulevard when an SUV swerved into his lane, and hit its breaks, causing Kasy to crash into the back of it. He felt another impact to the side of his car, and his leg snapping. There were sounds in the distance of metal hitting metal, and the smell of burning rubber.

  “Shit!” Adams said as he grabbed the CB to report the crashes. Units converged on the scene and officers jumped from their cars to check on the people in the vehicles.

  The driver of the SUV staggered out of the truck and ran back to check on Kasy. Smith ran up to the mangled Mustang and asked the man to step back.

  “Hands outside the car!” Smith yelled. “I said hands outside the car!”

  “Smith, the door is jammed. Shit, he might be dead.” Adams said as he assisted the woman from the Honda that had slammed into the side of Kasy’s car.

  “This mutha fucka hears me!” he yelled.

  Adams looked on in amazement as Smith climbed over the Honda and pulled back what was left of Kasy’s windshield. Kasy had a huge gash in his forehead and his arm was stuck between the door of the car and his seat. Adams gave the woman to the EMT, and trotted back to the Mustang.

  Smith had his gun drawn on Kasy, who seemed barely conscious.

  “I said, hands up.” Smith yelled again.

  “Smith! Smith the man can’t move.” Adams spoke, trying to bring some reasoning to his partner. He then reached in through the window and grabbed the .45 from the floor. “I need a medic over here now.” Adams yelled.

  Sanders ran up to the car, and looked in. “What the … damn!” Sanders said, looking at the blood oozing from Kasy’s forehead. Sanders kicked the Honda, and then looked up at Smith who had his gun drawn on Kasy. Before Thompson could stop him, Sanders was on the hood of the Mustang punching Smith.

  Officers rushed to separate the two men as the fireman and EMT yelled for them to get back. They were going to have to use the Jaws of Life to get Kasy out of the car. Thompson finally got Sanders to let go of Smith and dragged his partner back to the police truck.

  “Detective, you need to calm down!” Thompson said, pushing him inside the truck.

  “Stupid, stupid, stupid!” Sanders yelled as he sat down in the seat. “What a mess!”

  Chapter 14

  Herman slowly opened his eyes; a strong smell of feces hit his nose. He tried to move, but realized that his hands and feet had been bound to a chair. The gag in his mouth tasted sour and smelled like shit. He had to fight back the vomit that was making its way up his throat. He could only see light through the black cloth bag that covered his head. Mixed with the smell of shit, was the smell of marijuana. He wished he could have put his teeth between the rag and his tongue, but the gag had been tied tightly and he couldn’t prevent tasting the rancid cloth.

  Selena sat in a chair in front of Herman blowing smoke from her blunt into his face. She took one last hit off the Backwoods and stood. She snatched the bag off his head. Herman blinked to adjust his eyes to the light. Once he could focus, his stomach dropped as he looked into Selena’s cold glare. Her anger and pain smoldered in her eyes. Seeing the daggers fly from her fierce look, Herman knew that his pleas for mercy would fall on deaf ears.

  “So nigga, you comfy?” Selena asked as she stood. “I hope so, how do you like this place huh? Lovely isn’t it?” She inhaled, laughed, and took out a piece of gum. “Man, I had a nasty taste in my mouth. But nothing like the taste you have in your mouth, huh? Yeah I wanted to find something that was similar to the
bad taste I had, and still have in my mouth from what you did to my baby cousin. I know no matter how much I brush, gargle, and hell, get cleanings I still will never get that taste out my mouth. So I want to make sure that you shared in my experience. The closest thing I could find to match the taste in my mouth from that night was some dog shit.” Selena said, pointing to the gag in Herman’s mouth.

  Herman began struggling, and let out a muffled yell at Selena. She shook her head as she walked over to the window. The females who had snatched Herman for her sat on the steps talking, texting, and laughing. Selena watched them. They had shown her loyalty and love in her time of need. They had proven they would ride with her by kidnapping Herman’s ass for her, and now they were waiting to do whatever they needed to do to help her get her revenge.

  “Yeah nigga, I mean bitch, cause you are definitely not a man! What kind of man would allow his daughter to be kidnapped, raped, and then kill an unarmed child?” Selena yelled.

  Herman looked at her with terror in his eyes.

  Selena flexed her hand and laid an upper cut across Herman’s jaw, knocking him and the chair back.

  The women ran in the house, hearing the commotion. “You okay,” Ivory said looking at Herman laying on the floor.

  “Yeah, I’m great. Help me get this piece of shit up.” Selena said to Ivory.

  Ivory and Selena lifted the chair up. She flexed her right hand and smiled at Herman. He coughed, and blood from the missing tooth and his cut tongue spewed on his shirt.

  Selena looked at him. He was slumped over, coughing and in pain. For a moment, she had pity on him, then her mind went to seeing Chatima lying on the floor in a pool of blood and the sounds of her aunt’s voice screaming when she called to give her the news. No, it would be no pity in her heart for this nigga.

  Selena bent down close to Herman’s ear. “You ready to die, motherfucker?” Selena yelled at him, as she punched him again in the cheek, and then spit in his face. The spit landed on his forehead and slid down his nose. She pulled out her glock and placed the barrel between his eyes. “Nah, nigga… a quick death is too good for a motherfucker like you.” Her finger felt numb as she held it on the trigger, so she took a deep breath and sat down in the chair that was in front of Him.


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