The Billionaire Saved My Life - PART 2

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The Billionaire Saved My Life - PART 2 Page 4

by Sherie Keys

  Damn that Tanya and damn James for taking this picture. She wanted to have words with him. She wanted to string him up. James had caused enough of a problem for her in the past and she wanted to go over and give him a piece of her mind.

  In the taxi ride over, she began to plan what she would say to James but by the time the taxi pulled up to his apartment, she had hatched another idea.

  “Hey Ghost! What brings you to McConnagh Mansions?” James beamed when he saw Catherine at his door.

  “Step aside, James, I don't have any time for your games.” Catherine marched right by him and headed straight for the drinks cabinet. She poured herself a brandy.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa, when did you start knocking back the cognac? Go easy, that stuff is expensive.” James grinned and held out his hands.

  “You owe me.” Catherine said and tipped her head back for another gulp.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I was just over at Kurtis's and I walked in on him and the voluptuous Tanya having some pretty serious words. You could cut the atmosphere with a knife. It couldn't have been more tasty. I could’ve walked up to Kurtis and shown him how sweet I was and remind him of how good we were together.”

  “And why didn't you?” James poured himself a brandy.

  “Because of what they were arguing about. That damned picture you took of me wearing the engagement ring, remember?”

  “Ah, yes.” James grinned again and shook his head in celebration of his handiwork.

  “It's no laughing matter. Why the hell did you plant that picture there, James? I could have had Kurtis eating out of my hand. You said you deleted those pictures.”

  “I did. Well I thought I did. I came across it by chance. I didn't know you were still...well still with us, shall we say? I wanted to get at that jumped up bastard, mess things up with him and that big breasted, black beauty of his. He was getting too happy for my liking.”

  “Well now, thanks to you, I've well and truly lost him.”

  “Is that right? Well then I'm sorry to hear it. In a way.”

  “In a way?” Catherine sighed as she flopped into an armchair. She had not eaten and the effects of the brandy was making her head swim.

  “Oh, come on, Catherine. You must know.” James looked serious for once.

  “No, I don't know.”

  “You must know how I feel about you. I've liked you a long time. Well, more than that.” He put his head down.

  “I had no idea, James. I thought you were just flirting with me in another attempt to make Kurtis angry.”

  “But you flirted back.”

  “That was just for fun. I loved Kurtis. I love Kurtis. He's the one I want. I told you that.”

  “But it didn't stop me wanting you. And, let's face it, Catherine, it didn't stop you sleeping with me either.”

  Catherine stood up. Brandy sloshed in the glass. She looked down at the drink and placed the glass on a table. She needed a clear head for what she had planned.

  “James,” her voice was calm. “That was a complete one off. We were being silly and I had a lot to drink. I told you at the time, there was no way I would leave Kurtis.”

  “Yes, you told me loud and clear.”

  “And you promised me you would never, ever tell him. It would break us.”

  “I know.”

  “But still, you started the rumors didn't you? Telling him we slept together as if it was some kind of joke.”

  James scooted forward in his seat holding the brandy glass in both hands. “Well, that was it. I said it like a joke, one of my schemes to annoy him. He knew that. He never believed it to be true. He loved you too much to believe you'd cheat.”

  “It wasn't funny, James. Do you know that nearly cost me my relationship with him?”

  “More's the pity he didn't bite. I could have had you all to myself.”

  “You arrogant bastard.” Catherine put her hands on her hips.


  “What makes you think I wanted you? You and I couldn't get it together, James. We're too much alike. Too hungry for more, wanting what everyone else has.”

  “Wouldn't that make us perfect for each other?”

  “No. I needed someone level headed. Someone to balance me, and that someone is Kurtis. I want him back.”

  “I see that. Well, I'm not going to spend nights crying over you. If you're not interested, then fine. I'm happy to keep this sexual.”

  Catherine wagged a finger at him. “Oh no, not again. I'm saving myself for him and the only way I can get him is if you're nowhere in sight.”

  “Well, thanks a lot.” James drained the last of his brandy and reached for the bottle. He poured another and waved the bottle at Catherine. “Another?”

  “No. Not for me.” She took her seat. “James, if you really want to get at Kurtis, there is another way.”

  “I'm listening.”

  “I don't think you have been. What have I just been telling you about your rival, Kurtis? He couldn't handle me sleeping with you any more than he could handle Tanya sleeping with you. How do you feel about having her in your bed?”

  “I'm loving the idea but how to make that possible? Let's face it, Catherine, you were always going to get into bed with me but her – I'm not so sure.”

  “Well thanks a lot.”

  “It's true. I've met her. I know.”

  “You met her? Does Kurtis know that?”

  “I don't know. But I know he wouldn't be happy if he found out from a third party that Tanya was alone with me in an apartment.”

  “Even better,” Catherine smiled, brightly. “How did you manage that?”

  “Lured her over to my mother's place on a false pretense of being a client. It was easy. But I could tell, she isn't. I'm not sure I can lure her into bed...unless...”

  “Unless, what?”

  “Well, there are ways of getting women into bed. They may not be legal but I don't mind, if you don't mind.”

  “I know you have your means. But how do we arrange it so that she agrees to go anywhere with you.”

  “My God, Catherine. What an amateur you are. You leave that side of things to me. All you have to do is start planting seeds of doubt into Kurtis's ear about her.”

  “Well, how the hell do I do that? He's going to make sure I don't have security clearance for his apartment. How do I get to him?”

  “You use your imagination. The way I do. I got that photograph into his apartment by pretending I was his interior designer.”

  “But a lot of the security guards know me. I couldn't get past them.”

  “Well, find one who doesn't know you or get to Kurtis through his work. I don't know, but you've got to get creative or my side of the plan falls down. Do you want him back or not?”

  “Yes I do.”

  “You sure? You sure you don't want to give you and me another shot?” He sidled up next to Catherine and ran his hands up under her skirt and between her legs, stroking her, which she did not object to.

  “No offense, James. You're good. I give you that. But I'm talking about love here. If I didn't love him I wouldn't put myself through this.” James continued to pleasure her. “But I do love him.”

  “When was the last time you slept with a man, Catherine?”

  “It's been a while, I must admit.” She pulled James' hand away and held it. “But Kurtis is worth the wait.”

  James grinned again and went back to his own seat across the room from her. “Well, looks like it's the voluptuous Tanya for me, then. I'm looking forward to it.”

  “Are you sure we can pull this off? Make it so Kurtis sees you two together?”

  “All I need is to find her at a place she's drinking at, as long as our hero isn't there, and then I can easily get her to my bed. I've had my eye on her, I know where she goes and what she does and I already know where to set her up.”

  “I knew you could help me, James. I knew it.”


  “Oh guys, I'm
telling you. It was so romantic, even more romantic than the first proposal because now everything I was worried about just doesn't exist. I know exactly how Kurtis feels about me.”

  Tanya had lunch with Kaya and Mae the next day. They were joined by Jeannie who had been in touch with Tanya because she worried Tanya and Kurtis may never get back together again because of Catherine. As his best friend, Jeannie had been the one who Kurtis always called when he needed cheering up. Of course, Tanya had filled that spot but Jeannie didn't mind. She was just so happy to see her best friend in love and happy.

  And not only that, in love and happy with a person she really liked a lot. She had a lot of time for Tanya and when Kurtis called her up saying that Tanya had agreed to come over and talk about their future, Jeannie was the one who suggested he go out and do some grocery shopping and cook her romantic meal. Somehow, Jeannie knew that Tanya would appreciate that gesture and she had gotten it right.

  “Our Kurtis is a very romantic chap,” Jeannie said as they sat at a window seat of a busy New York bistro. “So that ring is staying on your finger I take it?”

  “Absolutely.” Tanya beamed with excitement. She looked at the ring, happy it as back on her finger. She had no intention of taking it off for any reason.

  “It's as you say, Tanya,” said Mae. “This is fate. That whole boat accident was fate intervening with what should really happen. You and Kurtis getting married.”

  “Are you trying to say Fate almost had a girl killed?” Kaya interjected.

  “No, that's not what I'm saying at all. And don't be so morbid.” Mae frowned at her and Kaya smirked. Mae cleared her throat and continued. “So how did he pop the question this time, Tanya? I mean how can you top a Californian vineyard for crying out loud?”

  “Well the beauty of it was in the simplicity,” Tanya stared off into space. “We were all finished eating. We'd thrashed everything out and we knew exactly how we felt about each other. There was just something about that night. Kurtis couldn't stay, unfortunately, because he had to go away for a few days for business. So he had to get back to his apartment and pack. He'd called a taxi and while we were waiting we went out onto the balcony and just stood there under the night sky. It was cool outside, I just had on a dressing gown and Kurtis wrapped his big arms all around me to keep me warm.”

  “I'm loving it already,” Mae said. “Go on.”

  “Stop interrupting and she will,” Kaya said.

  “Who is interrupting?” Mae snapped.

  “You are!”

  “Well,” Tanya continued. “We were just looking up at the sky, no stars, nothing to see, just feeling his back against me, warm, strong, you know?” Tanya giggled like a schoolgirl. “Then Kurtis said, 'You remember the vineyard?' I said I did. He said, 'And you know I proposed in the exact same spot my father proposed to my mother with that ring.' Then he spun me around to face him. 'I was so nervous,' he said. 'But, Tanya, I wanted to ask you to marry me way before then. I knew you were the one for me. It was fate that brought us together and love will keep us together forever.' He brought the ring out of his pocket, I didn't know he even brought it with him, and put it on my finger. 'As long as you wear this, you have my heart,' he said. 'Anywhere you go I will follow because I'm all yours, Tanya, and you’re all I'll ever need.'”

  The girls all swooned with excitement.

  “I told you he was romantic,” Jeannie said. “You really have got yourself a good man there, Tanya.”

  “And he's got himself a great girl,” Kaya said raising her glass of mineral water. “This won't do for a celebration. We need to celebrate this properly. We need to banish all the ghosts from the past and move forwards. I'm in the mood to party. It's Rafaelo's this Friday, isn't it?”

  “What's Rafaelo's?” Jeannie asked.

  “It's our local haunt and a great place to let off steam,” Mae told her. “We go there every two weeks. They know us there. The drinks are half price until 8pm and the DJ comes on at ten. We never miss. I hope Kurtis won't mind that when you guys finally get hitched.”

  “He won't.” Tanya smiled. “Anyway, let's go crazy at Rafaelo's on Friday. You will come, won't you Jeannie?”

  “Wouldn't miss it. Text me over the address and I'll meet you there. What's the dress code?”

  “Anything goes at Rafaelo's,” Tanya said. “It's a hidden gem of a place, looks like a normal wine bar from the outside but it's more, much, much more.”

  “Well, in that case, I can't wait.” Jeannie raised her glass of fruit juice towards the center of the table and the rest of the girls all joined her, their glasses clinking together and they couldn't wait until Friday.


  Catherine sat in front of her mirror and applied another coat of shocking pink lipstick. She had already selected the right outfit to wear. It was a shocking pink dress that Kurtis had picked out on a trip to the Paris Fashion Week. She was never sure about the color against her skin but wore it because it pleased Kurtis. She blotted her lips with a tissue but decided another coat of lipstick should just seal the deal. All she needed was an opportunity to see Kurtis alone and she couldn't wait.

  In her highest heels she tottered down to the ground floor and walked out onto the street and hailed a cab.

  “Reed Records, please,” she said and settled into the back seat. She took out her compact mirror and checked her face every few minutes, smiling at what she saw and planning in her head what she would say to Kurtis.

  When she arrived at the building, she was met with lots of surprised looks and stares from security and from the girl on the enormous reception desk. The girl on reception was called Trudy and had worked there four years. Her mouth remained open as she watched Catherine walking towards her.

  “I remember you, Trudy,” Catherine had a big white smile. “You remember me?”

  “Of course, Catherine. I-er heard about you not being, about your...”

  “...Rise from the dead? Amazing, isn't it? I'm here, fit and happy and I'd like a security pass please.”

  “C-certainly.” Trudy's hands shook as she handed Catherine a pass and said nothing as she watched Catherine saunter over to the elevators and press a button. Catherine looked back over her shoulder and waved before climbing in.

  On the top floor management suite, Catherine caused another commotion as she exited the elevator, waved to the girl on reception and made her way purposefully along the corridor to the end office that Kurtis occupied. Just outside his office, his personal secretary, Edith, sat at her desk. Edith knew Catherine well and looked stunned to see her walking up to her with such confidence.

  “Hello, Catherine. I should I say, welcome. I was so happy to hear we hadn't lost you.”

  “Really,” Catherine said flatly and went to open Kurtis's door.

  “He's not here,” Edith told her but Catherine opened the door all the same.

  “Well – where is he?”

  “On business.”


  “Come on Catherine, you can't expect me to tell you that. Kurtis has filled me in on the situation.” Edith tried to carry on with her work.

  “Situation? What situation? Look I need to see Kurtis. He'll be expecting me to want to see him. Surely, you understand that? Come on, Edith. Don't tell me you don't remember what we had? What my relationship with Kurtis meant?” Catherine leaned across her desk and glared at Edith.

  “Do you mind? I'm terribly sorry, Catherine but I have work to do.”

  “Oh, don't let me stop you.” Before Edith could say another word, Catherine had pulled the diary off Edith's desk and was flicking through the pages until she arrived on the current date. Edith stood up and came around to Catherine's side of the desk.

  “Hand that back to me right now, or I'll call security,” Edith demanded.

  “No need,” Catherine said and tossed the diary back onto Edith's desk. “I'll see myself out. I must say I'm surprised at you Edith. I thought you were my friend.”

Edith said nothing but watched Catherine saunter away back towards the elevators. As Catherine did so, she had a wry smile on her face. She had gotten what she needed and had to get herself ready for a trip to Los Angeles. From Edith's diary she had not only found out that that was where Kurtis would be for the next few days and also what hotel he would be staying at.


  Hours later Catherine arrived in Los Angeles and went to book herself into the same hotel as Kurtis.

  “Oh, I'm supposed to be meeting a friend who is also checked in here,” she said to the receptionist.

  “His name is Kurtis Reed.”

  “Oh yes, Mr. Reed always stays with us when he's in LA.”

  “Yes, I know, he recommended the place to me.” Catherine smiled sweetly and looked around the reception area as the woman on reception searched for a room for her.

  “I can get you on the floor below Mr. Reed if you'd like, but how many nights will you be staying?”

  “Just for tonight.”

  “Could I take your name?”

  “Tanya Herman.”

  “And how will you be paying, Miss Herman?”


  “Should I book you a table for dinner?”

  “I'll probably be eating with Mr. Reed, I'll decide later, thank you.”

  “That's not a problem. That will be $360 dollars, please.”

  The receptionist looked Catherine up and down as she counted the bills onto the desk. No one paid by cash these days unless they had something to hide. But the guest was paying and her job was to take the money and not make any other comment.

  “Thank you Miss Herman, here's a receipt. Do you have any baggage?”

  “No, I'm traveling light. I wonder, though, do you know anywhere where I could by some classy lingerie. I didn't pack a night dress and thought I'd buy myself something nice, something a bit sexy.”

  “Sure, why don't you try Maxine's just across the street? Here's your key and I hope you have a nice stay.”

  Catherine left the hotel to head straight for Maxine's. She found the perfect slinky nightdress to wear. It was white, floor length and completely see-through with a thin lace bodice that revealed every part of her. On her way back to the hotel she checked to see what time they were expecting Kurtis back.


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