Olive - The Chosen One

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Olive - The Chosen One Page 1

by Daisy L. Bloom








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  All rights reserved, which include the rights to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever except as provided by the universal Copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction, that of the imagination of the author, Names, Characters, Places and Incidents are of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, organizations or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author and publisher.

  Salento is in Southern Italy. The region of Puglia consists of beautiful pristine beaches and many places of outstanding beauty. The people of Italy are genuine and family orientated. The people of Salento bear no resemblance whatsoever to the characters portrayed in this book.

  Cover design by Rachelle Gould-Harris


  This book is dedicated to my husband for his constant encouragement, reassurance and belief in me. He even did all the cooking! He became my editor and critic. I couldn’t have done it without him.

  About the Author

  Mitzy L. Brown was born in Hammersmith, London at Queen Charlotte’s hospital. She has a love of travelling and that of experiencing different cultures. She was brought up in England, has lived in Ireland and currently spends her time between the UK and Puglia, Salento, Italy with her Italian Husband.

  She has strong Welsh roots as her father was born and bred in Wales. Her motto is ‘You can take the girl out of Wales but, you can’t take Wales out of the girl.’

  After working in the banking sector in the UK for most of her working career, she decided it was time to put pen to paper as she firmly believes there is a book in everyone. This is her first book.

  Her hobbies include her love of dancing especially to the sounds of the Salsa and Bachata.


  Chapter 1 - The Fairy Children

  Chapter 2 - Priscilla - The Fairy God-mother

  Chapter 3 - Shopping Adventure

  Chapter 4 - Olive’s 18th Birthday

  Chapter 5 - Acceptance

  Chapter 6 - The sit in - Save the Olive Trees

  Chapter 7 - The fairies go to Vegas

  Chapter 8 - Figgy

  Chapter 9 - The art of Understanding

  Chapter 10 - The homeless fairy - Speranza

  Chapter 11 - Angelica Martino

  Chapter 12 - Hollywood - The fairies arrive in L A

  Chapter 13 - Renesmee Pearla

  Chapter 14 - The world is for exploring and the fairies want to see it all

  Chapter 15 - The Birth of Renesmee Pearla

  Chapter 16 - The photo shoot

  Chapter 17 - Willow and Birch get hitched

  Chapter 18 - Oak

  Chapter 19 - Olive and Oak tie the fairy knot

  Chapter 20 - The room of relaxation

  Chapter 21 - Christmas in the Olive fields

  Chapter 22 - The fairies hit London - Wowser!

  Chapter 23 - The wish of having a conscious

  Chapter 24 - The fairy Queen Henrietta of England visit’s the olive fields of Salento - Incognito

  Chapter 25 - A surprise birth


  Olive is a tree fairy, she was born and lives in an Olive Tree in Salento Italy. She is the third child born to Destiny and Cielo and is therefore always destined to lead a special life. She is granted ten wishes by her fairy God-mother Priscilla. She is told to use them wisely, five for herself and five for others.

  Will she make the right choices with these wishes or will she waste them away?



  Destiny looked down at Olive with adoring eyes. She could choose no other name for this baby as she was born with the most amazing olive green eyes which are very rare in a baby as most babies are born with blue eyes, plus she was born in an Olive tree. This wasn’t the plan! All had been arranged with the local fairy hospital but, Olive was ready to come into this world and she was not prepared to wait a moment longer, and so begins her story…

  Olive was born to her parents Destiny and Cielo in the middle of the night. Her mother Destiny is English and her father Cielo is Italian. Her mother and father met on the fairy beach in Torre San Giovanni eight years earlier when Destiny visited Italy for the first time. It was love at first sight for the fairies. Her father is a sky fairy and was floating by just at the moment that Destiny emerged from the sea in a leaf bikini.

  ‘Mio Dio! (Oh my God!) What a spectacular sight’ thought the sky fairy.

  His breath was literally taken away by her beauty and presence. He decided right then and there that he was going to marry this amazing fairy. She was his destiny and he would do whatever it took to make her his fairy wife.

  It was not easy because Destiny had only come to Italy on vacation and had no intention what-so-ever of leaving her beloved England or her parents but, love prevailed. Cielo knew he would have to put a plan in action to woo this beauty.

  He flew down to where she was sunbathing and said in Italian.

  ‘‘May I introduce myself? I am Cielo, the fairy of the skies and it is my absolute pleasure to meet you.’’

  He was stunned when she answered ‘‘non ho capito, io sono Inglese!’’ (I don’t understand, I am English!)

  This was the only Italian that Destiny knew.

  Cielo thought ‘oh dear, I am going to have a problem here.’

  He said ‘‘wait, I will be back’’ in Italian.

  With this he flapped his fairy wings and flew away to get a dictionary and his cousin who could speak fluent English. What a blessing that was!!!!

  Destiny was stunned by his presence. She thought he was a beautiful male fairy, he made her heart race. She could feel his presence in her soul and could not wait for his return. Cielo was a quick flier because it seemed that no more than fifteen minutes had passed when he was back with his cousin Eros who was quite a specimen himself.

  She thought to herself ‘good looks must run in the family!’

  Eros introduced himself in English and said ‘‘may I present my cousin to you? This is Cielo, he is the sky fairy and he would like to get to know you better.’’

  Destiny looked into Cielo’s eyes and saw that he had the bluest eyes and darkest hair she had ever seen and her heart began to do a little fairy flutter. He in turn looked into her eyes and saw that her eyes were as green as the olives on the trees and her hair as red as the most vibrant sunset and thought ‘this is the fairy I am going to marry. She is my Destiny.’

  Eros asked what her name was and when she said Destiny, Cielo could hear thunder in his heart. Exciting thunder of what was to come in the future.

  Cielo and Destiny became inseparable very quickly. They both knew they would be together for the rest of their lives. After all, the fairy gypsy had read Destiny’s cards before she came to Italy and told her ‘you will meet someone short, dark and handsome with the bluest eyes you have ever seen. He will have strong fairy wings and will carry you wherever your heart chooses. You will have three children, two girls and a boy. The final child will be the chosen one!’

  Destiny was bewildered by what the last statement meant ‘The chosen one.’ Whatever can she mean?

  These two fairies fell in love very quickly, within six months they were married right
on the fairy beach. Eros was their best fairy man and they danced to fairy lights until the moon went down.

  Cielo has a huge love for olive trees and between them, they decided that this was where they would make their home, in a beautiful, peaceful olive field. Cielo chose an olive tree that was full of character. It was over 150 years old and his grand-father had once lived there so it held special memories for him. Destiny was so in love, she would have lived anywhere with Cielo. This tree was one of the most beautiful she had ever seen, with its huge trunk fall of winding smaller trunks. Each trunk looked like it had a story to tell and she knew that between them they would make more stories to tell in the future.

  It wasn’t long before Destiny was pregnant and her first fairy baby was born, it was a little girl and they called her Willow. She was a pretty baby and had inherited her father’s blue eyes. She had the blondest hair you had ever seen, she looked very angelic and was a very easy-going child. Destiny and Cielo had discussed early on that they wanted three children as the third child born into the fairy culture to a sky fairy was the blessed one. This baby would get ten wishes from the fairy God-mother known as Priscilla. If the fairy child grew up to be wise, he/she could change the world. The second baby was a little boy, they called him Luna after the moon. He would also become a sky fairy like his father.

  Olive was the third child of Cielo and Destiny to be born. She was the chosen one! She had the greenest eyes you had ever seen and beautiful dark hair. She came very quickly and unexpected in the middle of night. There was no time to call the fairy helicopter to take the family to the fairy hospital and so Olive was born in the olive tree. There was no other name for her. She was certainly going to be a daddy’s little girl from the outset.

  All three children enjoyed a happy childhood dancing in the forest, flying to the fairy beach, having picnics amongst the trees and talking about what they wanted to be when they grew up.

  Willow absolutely loved the forest, she loved the trees, she loved the flowers and she loved the little birds and animals. She was at her happiest when she was in the woods. She loved her sister Olive and the fact that she was so out-going. Other fairies were practically drawn to Olive. She had this aura around her where the animals, little children and grown-up fairies just wanted to be near her.

  ‘It is no wonder that she is the chosen one’ she thought to herself.

  She smiled to herself as she thought about Olive’s obsession with Oak. He was a really handsome fairy with big strapping shoulders and huge muscles but, for some reason he didn’t seem to notice Olive or if he did, he kept it very well hidden. As for Willow there was no other fairy on this earth for her other than Birch and one day she was going to make him hers! She felt that this was her destiny.

  Willow met Birch when she went to the local ‘Save the olive tree sit-in.’ There was an on-going issue where the local mayor was allowing olive trees to be burnt to the ground to make space for building construction. Willow knew that the Mafia fairy going by the name of Brutto Carogna was behind it. She thought it very apt that his parents names him this as his name meant ‘Ugly Swine’ and Willow thought he lived up to his name.

  Willow thought to herself ‘I would rather die alongside Birch then let this happen. I will chain myself to one of the olive trees and scream at the top of my lungs ‘I WILL NOT BE MOVED!’

  She felt extremely strongly about it all and sometimes it made her strong-minded, she would stop at nothing to save their beloved olive trees. Olive agreed with her in principal but, wasn’t prepared to die for it! She wasn’t ready to go to fairy heaven as she had her ten wishes to be fulfilled and she wanted to capture the heart of Oak first. If only he would notice her, if only…….

  Luna became best friends with the girls. He was more like having another sister than a brother. He was in tune with his feminine side, you couldn’t choose a better person to go shopping with. He would dance on the beach with the girls, mesmerized by the beauty of the sea and stars. Luna was every girl’s best friend and he adored both his sisters and was adored by all. Luna loved to play dress-up with his sisters, he wasn’t that keen on football and was very theatrical. Destiny always thought that her son would one day become an actor and would be seen on fairy television all over the world. As far as his father Cielo was concerned that was never going to happen. He would become a fly-fairy just like him or perhaps a doctor. You could see he had gentle hands and could relate to people in a way that no other fairy was able to.

  Cielo thought to himself ‘I will have to keep an eye on that boy’ and secretly decided that he would go along to the fairy priest and see what could be done about Luna because deep in his heart he didn’t think it was right that Luna was always with the girls.

  ‘I can’t have any sissies in this family!’ he thought to himself.

  Luna would sometimes sit and contemplate the meaning of it all, he was a very deep thinker and had a heart of gold. He wasn’t a pansy as his father sometimes called him. His mother understood him totally. She would cradle his head in her lap and say ‘‘you were sent to me by the gay fairies, you will always be the apple of my eye and hold a strong place in my heart, one full of love.’’

  He loved his mother so much, she was so beautiful. That’s where Willow and Olive got their good looks, mind you, there is no denying that his papa who he affectionately called papi is a really handsome man. Is it such a shame that he is just so stuck in the old ways. Luna just didn’t feel that he fitted into the mould of what everyone expected him to be. He had dreams of travel, of being a fairy that brought harmony and joy to people around him. He didn’t really want to become a fly doctor like his father wanted. He wanted to travel the globe as an actor. He could just see himself as ‘Sonny the Fairy protector.’ His favorite flower was the sunflower, he could visualize himself in a gold costume with sequins flying high in the sky waving to people down in the sea and being there if anyone called for his help! He could hear them afterwards saying ‘Sonny we love you, you saved our lives, we will be forever grateful.’ He would take a fairy bow, flap his pink fairy wings and fly back to his fairy castle which he was going to build in an olive tree. He would feel warm and fuzzy all over because he was a savior. He always thought ‘Broadway, here I come.’ Elton Pine did it, so why can’t he? He knew that one day he would be famous and would be known all over the world.

  He sighed silently to himself thinking ‘if only my papi could accept me for whom I am.’

  He really wanted to ask Olive if she would use one of her wishes on him but, knew that it would be a little selfish of him as after all there are more problems in the world than acceptance.

  Olive was a teacher of music because she loved to sing. She was lucky to be given the gift of a voice like no other. She thanked the fairy Gods for this everyday because she really didn’t know what she would have done without this gift. This gift in her life was everything to her, she had the voice of an angel.

  Her thoughts turned to Willow, her sister, she made her laugh so much. She would sit at the bottom of the family olive tree with Sparkle in her lap. Sparkle was her little Chiwawa. She adored Sparkle more than anything in the world. She would sing at the top of her lungs ‘I believe in Miracles.’

  Olive thought to herself ‘it would be miracle from the God-fairy if Willow could actually sing in tune.’

  At the same time she admired her sister’s spirit. There was just no-one like Willow, she adored her sister so much.

  Olive always loved children and like her sister adored animals. She had a pet parrot, she had so much fun with Viola. She would teach her all sorts of things to say, sometimes a little bit naughty but, it made everyone laugh. There was no greater feeling on this earth than making everyone laugh especially her brother Luna as he appeared to have inner demons within. She for one couldn’t understand it! He had such a lovely nature, was kind to others and had a huge flair in so many things. He was the perfect shopping partner and the perfect going out to dinner date because he just lis
tened whilst she went on and on about Oak and even he totally agreed he was a really handsome fairy.

  Olive often wondered why she was the chosen one. She knew that it was always the third born that was granted this gift. She promised herself that she would not waste a single wish, not a single one! She knew that this gift would be granted to her on her 18th birthday by the fairy God-mother.



  Priscilla the fairy Godmother was given her name because her mother was a huge Elvis fan. She wanted to call her Elvira but, luckily opted for Priscilla. She used to thank the Lord that her mother wasn’t a Bee-Gees fan as she might have been called Bee-Gee or a Beetles fan as she might have been called Beetle! Priscilla it was! Thank the Lord for that small blessing!

  Priscilla encouraged all the fairies to recognize their beauty within and it would shine like the stars in the sky. Olive often shared these thoughts with people who had a low self esteem. She was fond of telling the other little fairies that everyone is born with a gift, it is just a matter of finding it.

  It was getting very close to Olive’s 18th birthday and she knew that this was the most special date in her calendar. This was the date that she would be granted her ten wishes. She really wanted to look special, after all, it only happened once in every 2000 years and she was the chosen one! She knew the colour that suited her best was olive green. She was going to look for a spectacular dress in that colour with perhaps a few sparkles here and there. She decided that a pair of really high sparkly burnt orange sandals would do the trick as those colours complement each other so very well. She wanted to shine.

  ‘Maybe a tiara would be too much’ she thought to herself. ‘I will have to ask Luna to see what he thinks. I hope he will come with me as he has such exquisite taste.’


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