Olive - The Chosen One

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Olive - The Chosen One Page 5

by Daisy L. Bloom

  ‘Now what song would woo an alien’ she thought to herself? ‘Umm, I will have to think about that one……..’

  The day for the rocket take-off was fast approaching. Pixie was more than prepared, in fact she was the most prepared fairy ever for landing on a lost planet and making friends with the aliens. If humans can’t always love her, then their loss, she would find another race that adored her.

  She was all packed and ready to go and made her way to the fairy sky rocket launch pad. Both her brothers ‘Hugo and Bertie’ went with her to wave her off. It was really weird in the cabin of the rocket. Unless you were tied down, you just floated all around the inside. It was very strange but, had quite a feeling of freedom. She had been reading all about aliens, what to expect and had even brought some PG tips tea-bags with her because if all else failed a cup of tea would always bond them together or so the English say. She had some recipes to share and some chocolate. Yep! She was ready!

  From the rocket window, she spotted what looked like some really holey ground. The ground was full of holes a bit like Edam cheese if you get the picture! Pixie was told that she had to wear an oxygen mask and was to stay attached to the sky rocket at all times by way of a long pipe. They didn’t want her being lost to the aliens.

  She should have felt fear as she saw someone or something bobbing towards her with big eyes and antennas sticking out of its head.

  She shouted quickly ‘‘I come to you in peace and have brought you some tea! My name is Pixie, what is yours?’’

  The strange bobbing lady looked at Pixie and said ‘‘Wogy-bogy-togy-woo.’’

  ‘That’s strange’ thought Pixie ‘I don’t understand what that alien is going on about!’

  She offered her some tea-bags and the Yorkshire pudding recipe that Olive had given her from her mother Destiny. The big-eyed creature just pointed and said ‘Oggy-Oggy!’

  Pixie hesitated. She wasn’t sure if this was a friendly spout of words or whether the fact that she held a poker shaped knife in her hand meant she didn’t like tea or her! ‘Ok’ she thought to herself ‘even the aliens misunderstand me!!!!’

  She started to sing ‘Aliens of the world unite.’

  It was quite tuneful actually and very appropriate. She got out her tambourine just to add to the feel of it all. Olive and she had made this song up ready for such a moment! A little smile spread across the aliens face, not a big one but, enough to give Pixie a little hope that she wasn’t going to have to make a run for it and she would live to tell her story when she got back home.

  She followed up with a fairy peace dance and invited the alien into the sky rocket so she could show her how to dance on a table without falling off in heels. This alien was a bit of a groover! She didn’t understand her vocabulary but, she did understand her body language so they were able to communicate by a different method.

  ‘A big lesson was learnt here’ thought Pixie. It isn’t all about what you say but, what you do. The art of understanding! Pixie said her goodbyes to the alien with the big eyes. She christened her Polar because she was so very pale. She promised that one day she would be back.

  5th Wish - The art of understanding

  When Pixie got back and saw Olive, she explained to her what had happened and how the alien called Polar seemed to understand her more than the fairies where she lived and she couldn’t even speak her language.

  Olive decided that everyone should adopt the art of understanding. Maybe if more people listened and tried to understand, there wouldn’t be so much trouble in the world.

  She and Pixie made a circle of silver twigs and placed some alien pieces of rock within it.

  Olive chanted ‘‘calling Priscilla, calling Priscilla.’’

  In a flash of a fairy wing flap, Priscilla appeared.

  ‘‘Yes my fairy child, have you chosen another fairy wish?’’

  Olive said that she wanted everyone to have the art of understanding and not to judge a book by its cover.

  ‘‘I wish it’’ she said.

  Priscilla waved her fairy wand. Aqua fairy dust flew over the fairy land and the wish was granted. In the future, fairies would think before they judged and understand that we are all different.



  Olive had the most beautiful voice that had ever existed in the fairy olive fields or the fairy forest for that matter. It was melodic and enchanting.

  When she sung, it echoed all over the land and made everyone shiver with excitement at the sheer beauty and depth of her voice. It literally moved the earth, the fairies felt that they were so very glad to be alive. Every morning at 8.00am promptly she would sing to awaken all the fairies and put them in an uplifting mood that would carry them through the day.

  On one particular day, a middle-aged fairy lay sheltering by an olive tree. He slept in just a fairy cardboard box with a couple of very worn blankets over him. This was not the time to be sleeping outside, the evenings had become very chilly.

  He could hear this melodious voice in the distance far, far away and thought to himself ‘I may not have been granted a lot in my later years but, I too can sing…….’

  His name was Speranza which means ‘Hope’ in English. He always felt that he lived a life that was full of hope and longing. In his early years, he was a teacher of the arts. He had two fairy children and the most beautiful fairy wife you could imagine. He was envied by everyone.

  ‘How quickly one’s life can change’ he thought to himself.

  The time that changed his life all happened one dark and dismal night five years back when the worst storm hit the fairy olive trees ever to be known in history. It destroyed his life, after that he just gave up.

  His family was washed away by the currents. He did all he could to try and save them but, all to no avail. He was devastated. Without them he felt he had nothing to live for. He couldn’t even bring himself to rebuild his home in another olive tree grove because everything was too painful for him. He held so many memories of that fateful night in his brain.

  This particular morning he was drawn to the voice that echoed throughout the land. He decided he would go on an adventure and find where this special voice was coming from. He was quite weak as he only lived on the fruits of the land. To be honest, he knew it himself that it was time he pulled himself together and moved forward with his life. He had memories that were so strong and powerful, no-one could take those away from him, not even an act of God. For a time, he had dismissed God because surely if one existed, he would have seen it in his wisdom to save his family, he prayed hard enough every day.

  Speranza decided to abandon his cardboard box which had been his home for the last five years and follow the voice. He had nothing but, his guitar which he kept with him at all times. He would busk in the day-time in the local shopping centre and around the local fields. Fairies with a heart would give him the odd meal and any loose change they had in their pockets. It took him two days to reach the olive tree field where Olive and her family abided.

  On the morning he arrived she was singing ‘Hallelujah.’

  Mio Dio - OMG!

  She was amazing! She could reach the stars with her voice. He knelt down beside her and started strumming away on his guitar, tears were rolling down his cheeks because he felt he had got a raw deal from life. He started to hum along with Olive, his fingers gliding across the guitar strings in a way that Olive had never heard before and then he also broke into song. ‘Hallelujah, Hallelujah’ they sang.

  It wasn’t long before a crowd of fairies gathered around the pair. Fairies were moved on the wings of music and their little wings started flapping and carried them above the ground. This was due to the sheer ecstasy of it all.

  When the two fairies had finished singing, a huge round of applause broke out in the olive fields and shouts of ‘bravo, bravo’ echoed across the lands.

  ‘‘Where have you come from?’’ said Olive. She had not seen this fairy aro
und before. She could not help but, notice that the fairy was a little smelly, sort of earthy but, also a bit pongy!!!! He had a long dark beard which reached down to his fairy feet. Olive wondered how he didn’t trip over it.

  ‘I bet it flapped in the wind when he flew’ she thought to herself. His long, straggly hair was tied up on top of his head and he had the darkest brown, sad fairy puppy dog eyes she had ever seen but, the way he sung, well, that was something else! He possessed a spirit within that would lift anybody with a heart.

  Speranza told the gathering his story. The one of loss and the strength that he somehow managed to find from within.

  Olive decided right then and there that she was going to help this forlorn fairy to rebuild his life and get a job as a teacher. After all, he had previously done this and no-one deserved to be outcast because of circumstances. She offered the homeless fairy a tent for the night and for as long as he wanted. She told him she was going to take him under her fairy wings and help him but, the first thing he need to do was to go down to the fairy creek and get a wash. She would then make him a fairy breakfast (the English way) of Bacon and Eggs.

  ‘‘You will love this’’ she said.

  She got him a towel, some soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, shaving foam and a shaving blade along with a mirror and sent him off telling him that his guitar would be safe in her little house.

  ‘‘Just wait’’ she said as she quickly went to see if her mother could give her anything for Speranza to wear. Her papi Cielo had plenty and they were about the same size. She returned with some fairy plaid trousers and a loose shirt as Speranza had that hippy thing going on. She would ask Willow to make him a string of lucky hippy beads just to complete the look.

  When Speranza returned, she was surprised to see that he was quiet a looker. She smiled, took his hands in hers and said ‘‘today is the start of a new life for you.’’

  Speranza couldn’t thank this beautiful fairy with the long dark hair and the most vivid olive green eyes he had ever seen enough. She would have been about the same age as his daughter and her kindness shone through. He felt a renewed passion for life. The fairies in this land are so welcoming. They promised they would help him to build a home and rebuild his life.

  ‘He was safe now’ they all assured him.

  Olive was cooking breakfast. The smell wafted towards Speranza. OMG! It smelt delicious. Speranza couldn’t eat it fast enough. It seemed to him to be the most spectacular meal he had ever tasted and she even made him a cup of English Tea!

  ‘England’ he thought to himself ‘maybe one day I will get to see this beautiful country for myself.’

  Olive decided they would draw up a work-chart and asked for volunteers to put their name beside each bit they could help with.

  First, they needed to choose an olive tree. Speranza was used to solitude and even though he wanted his new found fairy friends around him, he also needed a quite spot. He liked to meditate and strum away on his guitar and even though he knew his voice was melodious, sometimes he would get carried away and do a little rock and roll. He didn’t want to disturb the peace and have his new brothers and sisters thinking they should have sent him back from where he came from. Olive laughed at this and the new allies took him into their hearts. They assured him he would get his life on track and he would never go hungry again.

  After Speranza had chosen an olive tree, Olive decided that the next move was to take him to the tooth fairy and pick out some really white teeth to make some modern furniture that would give Speranza’s new home that retro feel. Perhaps black and white would be good as he liked Rock and Roll, he could have that 50’s look.

  Speranza chose an old olive tree as he felt it would be full of character and would have experienced life all around it. Speranza hoped that somehow this would bring him some peace in his new life.

  Woody, the fairy wood maker was going to supply all the wood required and make the table legs, chair legs, kitchen cabinets, anything that Speranza needed for his new home. Everyone was so excited and thrilled. This was going to be such a rewarding project.

  Olive thought it was time to ask her papi to take them to Sunshine and Rainbow’s abode so they could take them to the tooth fairy’s pad in the sky-mobile.

  Cielo arrived to take them all including Destiny and Woody in the fairy sky-car. He was more than happy to help and felt proud that Olive was born with such a big heart and was so full of sensitivity for others. Speranza could feel butterflies in his stomach. After all, it was a long time since he felt so accepted by anyone. He was beginning to think that maybe there is some justice in the world after all. These fairies have definitely been sent from above.

  In no time at all, they arrived at Sunshine’s. All Speranza could think was ‘this fairy is the most beautiful fairy I have ever seen. She is full of sunshine and everything else that sparkles.’

  Olive introduced her friend and her mamma.

  ‘‘This is Rainbow’’ she said. Speranza smiled and slightly bowed his head ‘‘it is a pleasure to meet you.’’

  He then turned his attentions to Sunshine. Their eyes met, he felt a little tiny fairy butterfly flutter in his stomach. It stirred feelings he hadn’t felt in a very long time. He took her hand, kissed it lightly and smiled saying ‘‘I am so very honored to meet you.’’

  As he smiled at Sunshine, Olive thought to herself ‘I love him but, I must get something done with his teeth, yellow is just so off-putting!’

  Sunshine took his hand and said ‘‘today I feel your life will change forever for the better, your dismal, sad times are over. Maybe you could come by one evening for a reading? I am very spiritual you know and I can see that from this day forward your life with be filled with immense joy and love.’’

  She slightly reddened and wondered if maybe she was a bit over-the-top but, hey! That was her personality and she wanted to be accepted and loved for who she was. She did think she herself ‘OMG! His teeth are a bit yellow, that defo needs sorting.’

  ‘‘Peace man’’ she said. She proceeded to give him the peace sign and handed him some hippie beads along with a bandana as his hair was very long and sort of sexy. Sunshine always liked a fairy with long hair. She began to think it is a long time since I had this feeling of attraction and wanting so maybe I should chill a little with him.

  Johnnie arrived. He was ready to take them in the fairy sky mobile.

  ‘‘Peace dude’’ he said.

  Speranza gave him a high-five. Johnnie hugged him.

  ‘These fairies are really charitable’ he thought to himself.

  The journey to the tooth fairy’s house was about an hour’s flight. Sunshine had made some light refreshments and brought along her tambourine for a little sing-song. She also brought a meditation tape in case the fairies wanted to meditate but, all that Speranza wanted to do was to stare out of the window and take in the beauty of his surroundings. The clouds were like cotton wool. They looked all fluffy and light. He knew it was wishful thinking but, he wanted to see his late wife and kiddies just sitting there. He wanted reassurance that she didn’t mind him moving on to a new love as he had felt a connection with Sunshine. He wanted Elissa (his first love) to be pleased for him but, in his heart he knew that she would not want him to live alone and be unhappy for the rest of his fairy life. It was time to move on.

  He could hear the other fairies singing ‘Fly me to the Moon’ in the back-ground, quiet and sweetly. The little sounds of the tambourine rattling, it felt amazing, after all he had been through he felt as if he had a new family.

  He looked out of the sky mobile window and could see the largest fairy tooth house he had ever seen.

  ‘In order to build this house, the tooth must have come from a giant fairy’ he thought to himself.

  As he got closer he saw that several teeth had been used and were cemented together. He had never seen anything like it. He could feel the excitement welling and bubbling up inside him.

  The tooth fairy was calle
d Bianca. Everything around her was white, the house, the roof top, the furniture, she was dressed in white and she had the blondest whitest hair he had ever seen before along with piercing blue eyes. She was bellissima, he felt like he knew her. Perhaps she came to him when he was a little boy, when his mother put his baby fairy tooth under his pillow for the fairies to collect.

  They decided to opt for a few big teeth. He chose one for the base of his new bed. He would buy a fairy memory foam mattress from the donated money as Olive said that he would get the best night’s sleep ever. He chose a big long one for his dining room table, two the same in size so a couple of sofas could be made by the wood man and some flat ones for his kitchen cabinets. He was so excited. Bianca said she would donate them. He had chosen so many and was given them on the condition that when Speranza had his fairy house warming party she was invited. Woody has also said that if he got enough he would make him a retro display cabinet which he assured Speranza would be a work of art.

  Woody was such a clever fairy. He used olive tree trunks to make the legs for the furniture. They were a work of art. For Speranza, he was going to paint them white as he wanted to go for that modern, timeless retro look he knew Speranza wanted.

  The whole community of fairies had offered to help with the painting, decorating along with anything that needed to be done. Nothing was too much. Why should anyone suffer? Fairies were Christians and no-one should be made to live the life that Speranza had. He had suffered and endured so much.

  They left Bianca on a real buzz, excited and looking forward to making a special warm and comforting home for Speranza.

  Destiny suggested ‘‘why not fly to Bagni per me (Baths for me) which was only a half an hour’s flight away. They had the most amazing tubs there made out of cast-iron, some even had gold feet.’’

  ‘Speranza would love soaking in one of those’ she thought to herself.

  Maybe Cielo could be persuaded to splash out after all their anniversary was coming up soon. It was her dream to have an independent state of the art bath.


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