Olive - The Chosen One

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Olive - The Chosen One Page 7

by Daisy L. Bloom

  Olive decided they would hire a fairy drummer from Thailand to stand outside and call all the fairies for the opening and unveiling of Speranza’s new home. After all, everybody had played their part in raising the money or putting time and work into this new home. It was such a rewarding feeling for the fairies.

  ‘It feels so good to give’ they thought. ‘That poor fairy had suffered so much’.

  Cielo went to pick Speranza, Sunshine and Rainbow up in the fairy sky-car. They returned to the sound of drums, Speranza felt the excitement welling in his heart. He also felt a warmth that he hadn’t felt in years and a sense of belonging. He got out of the fairy sky-car on nifty feet, he felt like a great weight had been lifted off his shoulders. He had even received a job offer. He was now officially a teacher of the arts at the local comprehensive for the fairy children of the olive fields. His little fairy legs were a bit wobbly as he made his way to his new home. He became very emotional as he opened the amazing white studded fairy door to his new abode. The first thing he saw was the picture of his wife and kiddies. It was strange but the whole place had a sense of warmth and loving. It was as if a security blanket had wrapped itself around him and now he had found where he belonged after all those long and lonely years. He at last, felt a sense of completeness which he hadn’t felt in a very long time, a sense of belonging……..

  He made a very lovely and moving speech. He shed a few tears of joy. Most of the fairies joined him. After all, it was a special moment in everyone’s life.

  His bed was the fairy dog’s ears!!! He had the best night’s sleep he had experienced in years. Mio Dio - OMG! The mattress molded to his body. As for the toilet, he just wanted to keep on using it! He was fascinated. He wanted to watch the seat raise itself all on it’s own over and over again, it was unreal!! His home was just so comfortable and as for his bath, he just couldn’t wait to try it. Destiny had good taste and had the gift of spending, she did it so easily. Cielo didn’t seem to mind.

  He said ‘‘you are welcome, I am glad to help.’’

  ‘Now if that isn’t a Christian act, I don’t know what is’ he thought to himself.

  6th Wish - The wish that everyone has a home and a sense of belonging

  Willow decided that it was time to call for her 6th wish to be granted. She felt that after hearing of Speranza’s struggles in life, no-one should ever have to go through what he did.

  She called upon Speranza to join her. Together they made a circle of small teeth and lit a candle in the middle. The candle of light!

  ‘‘Calling Priscilla, calling Priscilla’’ she chanted. Within a flash of a fairy wing Pricilla appeared.

  ‘‘Yes my little fairy child, you called?’’

  ‘‘Ciao Priscilla. Come stai? How are you? Bene?’’

  ‘‘How can I help you? Are you ready to make your sixth wish?’’

  ‘‘Yes, I am’’ said Olive.

  Speranza looked on in awe, total awe!

  Olive said ‘‘I would like to wish that every fairy has a home and a sense of belonging.’’

  She proceeded to tell the fairy God-mother the story of Speranza’s plight. Priscilla could see the pain in Speranza’s eyes and could feel it in her heart.

  ‘‘You are right to make this wish my dear Olive. You feel the pain of others and are always ready to help where you can. This is what makes you special. Of course my dear, your wish is granted. Not only are your parents proud of you but, I am also very proud of you. You have used all wishes wisely. Don’t forget to keep one for yourself. You can be frivolous with one or two you know!’’

  With this she gave a fairy wink and flew away leaving a sprinkle of green fairy dusk all around her. Green is the colour of growth, Olive wanted love and understanding along with the need to help others to continue to grow.

  All the time Oak watched from behind a hidden olive tree taking it all in.

  ‘Olive is a fairy in a trillion’ he thought to himself. ‘One day, I will make her my wife if she will have me. I love her, I feel it in my heart and in my soul. I burn for her with desire, one day she will be mine….’



  Angelica Martina is a petite, pretty little fairy and goes by the name of Geli.

  She cannot understand why everything in life seems so unfair. She feels like an outcast wherever she goes, she doesn’t quite fit into her family. Her sister is Miss Bossy Boots and as for her brothers, well they are just plain spoilt!! If only Flavio De Carlo would notice her, she felt she would have a purpose in life.

  Flavio is a really handsome fairy. He is a bit of a gypsy at heart as he never seems to settle in one olive field for long before he moves to set up roots somewhere else.

  Angelica feels that she is just the fairy he is looking for, someone to tame his wings. He moved into their family olive field only three short months earlier. Angelica watched him from afar. She felt he liked her as she sometimes caught him secretly casting a glance her way but, if there was anything more to it, he certainly didn’t show it. She would have to put a plan into action to capture his heart. She wanted his love to be real and heart-felt. If she had to visit Elisabetta Bianchi and have her cast a little love spell, then so be it! She felt he was the one, she felt it in her soul and in her fairy waters!!!

  Angelica was a hair-dresser so it shouldn’t be too difficult to keep a snip of his hair and take it to Elisabetta who everyone affectionately called Lizzy. That is, if she could get him to book an appointment with her. She decided to run a promotion ‘trims half price for one day only!’ She placed adverts all around the olive fields, she pinned them to trees and hoped that her intended booked an appointment.

  Lizzy was a white witch and had helped many couples get together in her life. She was known in the olive fields as being a match-maker. She never dealt in black magic as her heart was pure like the driven snow they got in northern Italy.

  Flavio came from a broken family and never settled anywhere too long. He was like a fairy butterfly flitting from field to field. He moved to the Martina olive field just three months earlier and finally he felt that maybe this was the place to put down some roots. Cosimo Martina owned the olive field so Flavio rented a fully furnished olive tree off him for just 300 euros a month, all in! It was a bargain!!!! He also had a really pretty daughter going by the name of Geli. She had blue eyes and the blondest hair he had ever seen. He had heard she was a hair-dresser and he needed a trim. When he saw an advert advertising half price trims, he thought ‘why not?’ His shoulder length hair was becoming a little unruly, it needed to be tamed, just like him.

  Flavio was a builder and had managed to pick up some regular work from Cosimo, everything was falling into place.

  Geli was both excited and nervous when the day came for Flavio’s appointment. It was the closest she had ever been to him, she could smell his skin and his manly fairy aroma drew him to her. She wanted him even more, he was perfect in every way. He had dark hair and the darkest brown eyes ever, they were dreamy and enticing. She grabbed a handful of his hair off the floor before he had even paid. She wasn’t taking any chances that one of the other fairies would sweep it all up and place it in the bin. Flavio suspected nothing but, he did notice that Geli was a little flustered around him. He smiled to himself thinking ‘maybe, she likes him a little.’

  Geli went to see her friend Olive. She knew her papa had a sky car and would take her to see Lizzy.

  Olive was excited to go with Geli to see Lizzy. At one point, she even considered asking the white witch to cast a spell on Oak but, she felt she wanted his love to come from his heart. However, she totally understood Geli’s plight and said that she would help her all she could. After all, everything is fair in love and spells, isn’t it?

  The day arrived for the girls to visit Lizzy. Geli clutched a bag with Flavio’s locks inside. She felt nervous but, excited at the same time. Lizzy lived in an olive field a few kilometres away. Her whole family of witches lived in
this olive field, it had been handed down through generations.

  Lizzy preferred everything to be pale blue. The front door to her olive tree house was pale blue. Every piece of furniture was pale blue, she even dressed in pale blue. Her magic wands were pale blue, even her pans for boiling the potions were pale blue.

  They arrived to the sound of the church bells ringing across the olive fields. Cielo landed the sky car expertly in the white witch’s drive. Lizzy heard the car approaching and stood at her front door waiting for them to arrive. Cielo dropped them off and said he would be back an hour later to pick them up.

  ‘‘Welcome to my abode’’ said Lizzy looking Geli up and down wondering what her plight was. She had met Olive several times before and knew that she was the ‘Chosen one.’ She smiled to herself as she remembered the time when she suggested to Olive about making a love potion for Oak but, Olive was insistent that if it was meant to be, it would all happen naturally.

  Lizzy kissed both the fairies on their cheeks and said ‘‘Piacere - I am pleased to meet you.’’

  ‘‘I have set my sights on a handsome fairy. I would like for him to love me, I would like to make him mine’’ said Geli.

  ‘‘Has he noticed you at all?’’ asked the witch.

  ‘‘I think he has’’ said Geli ‘‘as on a few occasions I have caught him glancing in my direction. He makes my blood dance, he just needs a little push as he is rather shy and a gypsy at heart.’’

  ‘‘If I make a salad dressing, will you be able to ensure he eats it?’’

  Geli shook her head to say si whilst swallowing hard thinking ‘I will cook a family meal and invite him along.’

  Lizzy took the hair which Geli was clutching and led them both into the kitchen. She took a jar containing some mushrooms off the shelf and proceeded to cut one into small pieces. She ground some passion fruit along with a secret ingredient which looked like a flower of some sort and added the finely cut mushroom. She then added two wings of a butterfly to tame the fairy’s wings. She mixed it all with some essence of love and chopped in a little red hot chilli pepper which would lay the seeds of passion. She mixed in some olive tree oil and a little white wine to give a pleasant taste to the dressing. Finally she placed his hair in a fine netting along with a snip of Geli’s hair. The little parcel was then placed in the potion. She boiled it over some heat to allow the ingredients to dissolve together before removing the hair as she didn’t want anyone to choke!

  She smiled as she handed the potion to Geli saying ‘‘buona fortuna - good luck.’’

  Geli felt her wings do a little flap and felt butterflies in her stomach. The time was coming…..

  Cielo arrived and whisked the fairies back to the olive field. The girls talked incessantly of their plan all the way home. Cielo raised his eyes to the sky thinking ‘these fairies are nuts!!! It will never work! What happened to good old-fashioned court-ship?’ However, he couldn’t help but be amused as he listened to Geli’s plans and almost wished he would be invited to the dinner party.

  Martino was shocked when his daughter said she was cooking for the family. She never cooked!!! What did she want?

  Her mamma Fafelina smiled to herself as she realised her daughter was growing up. Geli invited her sister Stefania, her two brothers Miki and Gerlando along with their friend Tiko. Flavio was given an invite by her unsuspecting papa. Geli suggested ‘‘why not invite Flavio papi? He must get quite lonely!’’

  Her father thought what a kind thoughtful little fairy his daughter is. She always thinks of others. Olive was invited along as Geli didn’t want her to miss the moment.

  Geli decided a barbecue would be the simplest thing to do as she didn’t cook and she knew that her papa would take over. She would make the salad and some lovely roast potatoes.

  Her mamma and papa giggled to themselves when they knew she was doing a barbecue. She would even have a problem lighting it!!

  Everyone accepted their invitation and the night was planned.

  Geli decided that the best way to ensure that only Flavio ate the salad dressing was to condiment the salad herself in the kitchen and make sure that the right plate was handed to him. She made a Greek salad with feta cheese and a selection of deserts.

  She smiled to herself knowing that this was the night! She was apprehensive but, the excitement bubbled in her fairy belly.

  She set the table with placemats making sure that Flavio sat opposite her. She wanted to make sure that he could not help but, notice her.

  She brought a new dress of pale green which made her eyes pop. She curled her gorgeous blond hair so that it fell in ringlets, she looked divine. She put on her favourite perfume ‘Angel’ and was ready to capture the heart of her intended.

  Flavio was the first to arrive, keen and eager, clutching a bottle of Prosecco. His fairy wings did a little flutter as he could sight of Geli, she really was beautiful - bellissima!

  Geli felt the electricity between them as she took his hand and kissed him on both cheeks. She felt it hard to keep her fairy feet on the ground. She told everyone to take their seats except her papa who was still busy barbecuing. Her mamma wanted to help in the kitchen but, Geli assured her she was not needed. She was not willing to take the chance that a mistake may happen….

  Geli gave everybody a little bit of salad along with some roast potatoes and took them out to the table. She made an Italian dressing of olive oil, balsamic vinegar and a little salt. She drizzled it over the guest’s salads thinking ‘here goes!’ as she drizzled her special love-spell dressing over Flavio’s salad. She took Falvio’s plate out first to ensure that he got the right one. He tasted the dressing straight away saying ‘‘this is unusual, it is so nice! Has it got chillies in it?’’

  Geli stammered a little as she said ‘‘just a tiny bit for added flavour.’’

  Fafelina looked at her dressing thinking ‘strange, I don’t have any chillies!’

  Geli caught her mamma’s look and said quickly ‘‘I left yours and papa’s out in case you don’t like them.’’

  ‘‘Well I love them’’ said Flavio looking around seeing jealous faces.

  Olive stifled a giggle nearly choking on her vino thinking ‘this is the funniest thing ever!’

  The meat was served and Martino sat down. He began to toast everyone, he toasted his daughter and said that he was proud that she was beginning to follow in her mamma’s footsteps by throwing dinner parties as his wife’s dinner parties were famous all over the olive tree fields.

  The problem started when Tiko said ‘‘can I try some of that chilli dressing?’’

  Geli swallowed hard thinking ‘Mio Dio - Oh my God! Now what?’

  ‘‘Of course’’ she said as she made her way into the kitchen.

  She scraped some of the red chillies from the love potion and placed them in the normal Italian dressing hoping that they didn’t take any of their special qualities with them.

  She suddenly realised that she had forgot to ask the white witch how long it took to work. Did the effect start to work straight away? Or did it take time? She looked at Flavio’s eyes, she could see nothing. He didn’t look at her with any love or even amorously. As for Tiko, well let’s just say, he was acting rather strange!!!!

  ‘Those red hot chilli peppers make fairies all hot and bothered’ she thought to herself.

  The dinner party was great fun. The food was good, the company great and the night exceptional.

  It was three days later when Flavio wondered what was the matter with him? All he could think of was Geli. He couldn’t sleep without dreaming of her, he could see her long blond locks blowing in the wind. The problem was that Tiko was having the same dream! He told Miki and Gerlando of his dreams. He worked with them and couldn’t help but, share his new feelings for their sister. They laughed and laughed until their fairy wings lifted them high into the air thinking it was just a little crush.

  Geli was working in the salon when she saw Tiko looking at her through th
e shop window.

  ‘What’s up with him?’ she thought to herself. He was almost drooling at his mouth. Weird little fairy!

  He put up his hand and began waving it. He mouthed ‘fancy coming for a cappuccino?’

  Geli thought it was most strange. He was her brother’s friend and teased her all the time. Now he was asking her to go with him for a coffee!

  ‘What was this fairy’s problem?’

  Geli went up to the window and mouthed ‘I am busy sorry.’

  He said ‘‘laters!!’’

  Flavio could think of nothing else but, Geli. Was he in love with her? He couldn’t quite put his finger on it but, all he did know was that he was very attracted to her. He decided to pop by the salon and ask her out for a meal. He spotted Tiko waving at her through the salon window and felt a surge of jealousy rush through him. It was too late, she was already taken. He wasn’t going to make a fool of himself. He would have to control the urge to tell her how he felt.

  Geli was beginning to get impatient, surely the potion should have worked by now and she had heard nothing from Flavio. Niente!

  Geli gathered up her little fairy satchel and took the fairy bus home. She had experienced a long tiring day and was too tired to walk or even to fly. Her wings felt heavy. She couldn’t believe her eyes when she reached her fairy home as Tiko sat there waiting for her clutching a bouquet of flowers.


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