Eternal Bliss

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Eternal Bliss Page 14

by Bonni Sansom

  He heard the rustle of clothes and the shuffle of footsteps coming toward him.

  "Kyle, buddy, I'm gonna go for a bit, but I'll be back in a while. You just rest and get better, okay." He felt the stroke of Jeff's hand on his forehead, then through his hair.

  He wanted to scream, "I'm here!"

  Melanie's hand held his. Her fingers were soft and warm, soothing.

  They both let go, then he heard the retreat of footsteps. They were gone, and now he was alone.

  A short while later he smelled a clean honeysuckle scent. He remembered the smell, but couldn't place it. It was just out of his reach. Just another locked memory he couldn't access right now. The chair to his left creaked as someone sat down.

  "Kyle? Can you hear me? I only have a few minutes, but I wanted to tell you how sorry I am," a very sweet voice said.

  He needed to know who it was. She was so familiar, he felt like they were close, very close. Maybe it was his girlfriend.

  She took his hand and kissed each knuckle. It felt intimate and tender, like that of a lover. It was having an effect in his groin, which currently had a catheter in it. Not a good idea to get a hard-on.

  "Who are you?" He whispered.

  He heard a gasp, then "Kyle, I'm here, its Laine." She rubbed his hand, stroking it tenderly.

  Laine? The very same Laine that put him here? The one that Jeff hated? He hated her too.

  Anger, red hot and ferocious, raged inside of him. Enough he could speak the words he needed to. "Get out, don't want you."

  She dropped his hand like a stone. It plopped down on the bed and he heard her sniffle. He could care less that he'd hurt her feelings. Look at what she'd done to him. He was lying here ensnared in a useless broken body. He heard broken sobs as she retreated. Serves you right.

  * * * *

  Laine was devastated by what she heard. She had expected him to be a bit bitter, but not to want her gone from his life for good.

  Once again, tears fell freely down her cheeks. She placed her hand over her womb to cradle all she had left of Kyle. She would have this baby and love it with her entire heart. Tell the baby all about its father, and how it was conceived in love.

  She would be the best mother to her child as she could possibly be. She would be nothing like her mother. No other woman would be as good a mother to her child, and nothing would come before him. She hoped for a son that looked exactly like his father.

  She was almost to the elevator, when Jeff and Melanie stepped off the one closest to her. Jeff immediately puffed up, ready to explode, but she had good news for him.

  "Jeff, stop it." Melanie warned.

  "It's alright, Mel, Jeff needs to hear what I have to say." She approached Jeff, swiped angrily at her tears, and said, "He said he doesn't want me, are you happy now. I'm out of his life."

  Jeff backed off. "Good, I'm glad he finally came to his senses."

  "Enough, Jeff, can't you see she's hurting?" Melanie snapped.

  He turned to Melanie. "I. Don't. Care." He enunciated each word.

  Melanie reared back her hand, and slapped him hard across the face. She gasped as she pulled her hand back away from him.

  Jeff's face bore her handprint, an angry mark on his right cheek. His head swiveled back to her; an irate look marred his features. "Both of you can go. I have no use for either one of you." He stared at Melanie the entire time.

  "Fine, I have no use for you either. And to think I actually liked you. What was I thinking?" Melanie yelled.

  Laine was watching the action like it was surreal. She had never known Melanie to strike anyone. It was a side of her best friend she hadn't ever seen before and quite frankly she was glad to see it. Jeff, more than anyone, deserved a good smack in the head. Laine only wished it had come from her.

  "I liked you too, but if you're going to side with her," He stabbed a finger at Laine. "then you can leave with her. I can take care of Kyle on my own." Jeff strode past them, heading for Kyle's room.

  "Fine, you jerk," Melanie yelled after him.

  He didn't turn back, just kept walking.

  Laine couldn't contain the laugh that escaped her. It was inappropriate she knew, but this asinine fight was the funniest thing she'd seen in a long time.

  Melanie crossed her arms over her chest and turned a steely glare on her friend. "What's so funny?"

  She cracked up in a fit of laughter. "You slapped him and called him a jerk." She kept laughing and Melanie joined in.

  "W-Why are we laughing?" Melanie asked through a fit of giggles.

  "I don't know." She swiped laughing tears from her eyes, and gathered herself together.

  "Oh, I needed that." Laine blew out a breath and straightened up.

  "Yeah, I did too. I just wish I knew what was so funny." Her face grew somber. "Laine, there's something we need to talk about.

  The smile that had been on her face, quickly disappeared. "What is it?"

  "It's Kyle ... um ... " She bit her bottom lip. "He thinks Grams and Pops are still alive. We don't know where he is mentally. I'm so sorry."

  "He knew enough to tell me he didn't want me."

  "Oh God, he said that to you?" She put her arm around Laine's shoulder.

  "I was about to tell him about the baby. I just found out today, its official, I'm pregnant." She threw her arms up in the air. "And now, I have no father for the baby."

  How was she supposed to move on without him? How would she raise their baby without him? She had so many questions and no answers, it made her want to cry all over again. Melanie must have sensed it, because she helped her to a chair before she collapsed from despair.

  "You're pregnant! Are we happy about this or not? I mean, I know it looks hopeless right now, but maybe when he wakes up fully, and he's back to himself, he'll want you and the baby."

  Laine swiped angrily at yet another tear. "I'm happy about the baby, but he blames me and so does Jeff. They're both right. This is my fault. If I hadn't gotten out of the truck, he wouldn't be in here. He would be out there, healthy and happy."

  "You can't keep blaming yourself. The stress alone isn't good for you or the baby."

  "I don't think I'll get used to hearing that. I still haven't grasped the fact that I'm actually pregnant."

  Melanie put her palm over Laine's womb. "I'll be there all the way. Even if Kyle's not there, you have me, and together we'll raise one hell of a kid. I'll even throw your shower for you." Melanie smiled.

  "Just as long as there are no gag gift condoms. That's how I got into this mess in the first place. So, I guess it's your fault I got pregnant."

  "I might have given you the condoms, but I didn't give you the sperm, so I have no part in your predicament."

  "I guess you won't be giving me anymore reports about Kyle." Laine gestured with her chin in Jeff's direction.

  Melanie sighed. "Nope, I guess not."

  Laine took her, hand and looked her in the eye. "I'm sorry about Jeff. I know you really liked him. I could tell. You've never hit anyone in your life. It takes passion to make a woman smack the hell out of her man."

  Melanie blushed. "I did, didn't I? He just made me so angry, I couldn't help myself. I don't even remember doing it, just feeling the sting of my hand as it happened."

  "Yep, passion. Has to be or I'm in the wrong business. I've seen so many women smack their betrothed's over the smallest things. Then, the next second, their kissing each other senseless."

  "I did really like him, but I wasn't going to date him. I made a promise." She crossed her fingers over her heart.

  "I'm not holding you to that. If you really like the asshole, by all means, go after him."

  "No, I think I just ended it between us. Besides, if he can't accept you, he's not the one for me. My man will have to love you, too."

  "Oh goodie. A threesome." Laine gave her a sheepish grin.

  Melanie smacked her on the knee. "You know what I mean, smartass."

  "Yes I do, and now you get the privile
ge of taking this smartass out for dinner. I'm hungry and eatin' for two."

  "Where shall we go?" Melanie asked.

  "Mama Vercelli's is always good." Laine smiled.

  "Yeah, but not all of us are having orgasms under the table during dinner. Jeff told me about it when we went out the second time. I still can't believe you did that."

  "Why not? It was fun, and the food was even better than usual."

  "Yeah, I would guess so. Maybe I should try it. I would try it, if I had a boyfriend." She looked down the hall where Jeff had gone.

  Laine felt bad for her, she had just found a man she really liked and because of Laine, she had to give him up. Is there anything that's not my fault?

  Laine put her hand on Melanie's knee. "If you want him back, go to him now, don't let someone you care about get away. Not like I did. You'll regret it for the rest of your life."

  Melanie dismissed the notion with her hand. "I'm not that crazy about him. He can be quite a jerk, as you know. There are plenty more where he came from."

  "Mel, you know that's not true. Really, go after him. I can go have lunch by myself. I'll be just fine."

  Melanie looked back down the hall. Laine could tell she was trying to make a decision. "No, I'm taking you and the baby out to lunch. My treat. Then, we're going baby shopping."

  "I had planned a baby shopping trip. There are so many things I want to get. I know it's too early for this, but I want to go ahead and set up the nursery. I might like it in yellow or light purple. That way, if it's a boy or a girl, it will still work."

  "What are you hoping for?"

  "A boy, just like his father." This time it was Laine that looked down the hall.

  "Alright, enough pining, we need to get out of here before we both do foolish things and beg. I promised myself never to beg a man. Well, unless we were in bed." She giggled.

  "I never had to beg Kyle, he was one hot lover." She sighed and slapped her knee. "Alright, let's go. I'm starving." She and Melanie both headed for the elevator. Laine punched the button, waited for the ding, and entered the lift. She wasn't expecting David to be in there.

  "Hello, ladies. How was the star patient today? I haven't done my rounds yet." He took a sip of his coffee.

  "Um, he's talking much better, but he still doesn't open his eyes much," Laine said.

  "He seems to think his dead grandparents are still alive," Melanie said.

  "It's called confabulation. He's taking random memories and reliving them. It's common for traumatic brain injury patients. He should regain full memory within weeks, if he keeps improving at this rate." He took another sip of coffee, the ding sounded, and the doors opened. "It was lovely seeing you two ladies. Have a great day." And he was gone.

  "I'll need to ride with you, because I came with Jeff."

  "That's fine. You'll be the first person in my new car."

  "Yeah, what did you get?"

  "My parents bought me a BMW."

  "My goodness, aren't we spoiled." Melanie teased.

  They approached the sedan, climbed in, and left.

  * * * *

  Jeff watched the parking lot for Melanie. He caught a glimpse of her straight blond hair blowing in the breeze. He wanted nothing more than to stab his hands through it and kiss her senseless. He had almost gotten back into the waiting room, when he heard Melanie say "there were plenty more where he came from." He turned around. Regardless, he still wanted her.

  There was just something about that fireball. She was sweet, but sassy, a total contradiction. She was smart, and independent, yet she needed a man in her life, just like he hoped to be. Maybe after he got Kyle through this, he could pursue Melanie, if it wasn't too late.

  "Where's Pops?" Reluctantly, Jeff turned from the window, leaving his last glimpse of Melanie to tend to Kyle, who was asking about Pops. He didn't have the heart to tell him they had died almost a decade ago. Pops died in a car accident and Grams died a few years later of a broken heart. They had loved each other with a passion that could never die. Jeff had always wanted that kind of passion, but had never felt it with any girl. Pops always said, "You'll know it when you meet her."

  Jeff hadn't believed it possible until he met Melanie. She was the only girl that had ever turned his head more than once. She was the only girl he cared to remember her name. He wanted to call her name as he came deep inside her, just as much as he wanted to hear her sweet voice calling his.

  "Where's Pops?" Kyle asked again.

  "He's not here, buddy, he has too much work to get done on the farm."


  Jeff pulled the chair closer to the bed, making a scraping noise on the marble floor. He covered Kyle with another green hospital blanket, and sat back for yet another long day.

  * * * *

  "Oh Laine, look at this one. It's gorgeous. See, it's a 4-in-1 crib and changer set. You can get it in a cherry finish or chocolate."

  "Mel, you know me, I love chocolate. I'll definitely get it in chocolate. It is really beautiful, isn't it?" Laine ran her fingers the length of the railing, wishing her baby was already here. The next nine months were going to take forever. She placed her hand on her belly. "One day at a time little one."

  "Can I help you find anything?" A sales clerk offered.

  "Yes, I think I'll take this crib in chocolate, please. And where can I find strollers?"

  "Strollers are located on aisle seven. My name is Jean, I'm going to get this written up, and just let me know what else I can help you ladies with."

  "Thank you, Jean," Laine said, and headed over to strollers.

  They passed through infant's clothing on the way. "Ohmigod, look at this. It has little teeny tiny bears on it. What theme are you going to go with?"

  "Mel, I just found out I'm pregnant. I just bought a crib for crying out loud. I have no idea what theme I'm going with."

  "It's a good thing we're at the "Baby Barn" then. They have the largest selection of baby themes in Atlanta. I have to buy stuff all the time for ladies in the office. It seems like they have absolutely no trouble procreating. One lady seems to think it's a hobby. She has eight kids. I don't see how she does it and manages to have a full time job." Melanie put the tiny bear jumper in the shopping basket. "Alright, now on to strollers. Do you want one of those jogging ones or just a regular one?"

  Laine stared at Melanie like she'd never seen her before. "Since when do I jog?"

  "I didn't know if you wanted to get your body back in shape after the baby is born."

  "Oh great, Mel, thanks for the reminder that I'm going to be fat and fabulous. Maybe I should look at the jogging ones."

  We can work out together if you want. I'm going to be an auntie to this baby, so I get to hang out with you two as much as I want. You'll see, it'll be fun."

  "Oh yes, running until we puke will be loads of fun."

  "Stop complaining. You'll love it when you can wear anything you want at Victoria's Secret."

  That comment didn't help. The last thing she needed was a reminder of her black teddy. The one she'd worn for Kyle. Just the thought of him made her depressed. Remembering his voice telling her to get out and that he didn't want her. She still couldn't believe it, or didn't want to. It wasn't supposed to be this way. She had finally changed her mind about love and marriage, and then he didn't want her. He was supposed to want to spend the rest of his life with her and their child. How could this be happening?

  Melanie pointed to a grey and black stroller. "What do you think of this one?"

  Laine snapped out of her negative thoughts and tried to concentrate on the task at hand. "I like that one. It looks so sporty. Maybe I should have two strollers, one for jogging and one for regular outings."

  Melanie spun on her heel and headed for the end of the row. "Look at this one. It has the car seat and stroller together. "Let's see," Melanie flipped the tag over in her hand. "The pattern is The Windsor Edition. It's perfect for a boy or a girl."

  Overwhelmed and nauseated,
Laine grabbed the shelving to steady herself. This is just perfect, morning sickness.

  Melanie helped her by holding her waist. "Do you need to go to the doctor?"

  "No, I'll be fine, I just need to sit." A fine sheen of sweat formed on her brow.

  Melanie looked around for something, and found a small bench. She led Laine over and sat her down gently. "What can I get you? I saw some snacks by the register and soda machines by the front door. I can get you anything you want."

  Laine dismissed it with a wave of her hand. "I'm fine. I just need to be still for a minute. Go and get the number off of both of the strollers, we'll pay, and get out of here. I have a feeling I'll be better if I go home and rest."

  "Okay, I'll be right back."

  Laine waited while Melanie and Jean finalized things. All she had to do was pay and tried to settle her stomach. She was obviously in for a rough pregnancy.


  For the first time, he could open his eyes and keep them open. He could talk, making complete sentences. Grams and Pops would be proud of him, once they saw him. He hated the fact they were working the farm so hard, they couldn't even come and see him. He needed to get them some help, but Jeff refused to leave him.

  They moved him from the ICU to a regular room, but this one didn't have a view. All he could see out the window was the other side of the hospital. He felt like he was going to go mad sitting here like a lump on a log. I'm fucking useless sitting here.

  "Jeff," Kyle snapped at a sleeping Jeff. He jumped and almost fell out of the chair.

  "What? What is it, buddy? Do you need something for pain?"

  "No, I need to get out of here. We need to be helping out. You know Pops has a bad heart."

  Jeff huffed out a breath and dropped his head in his hands. He scrubbed his hand through his hair and looked back at Kyle. "Buddy, I'm not sure how to tell you this, so I'll just come out and say it. Grams and Pops have been dead for almost a decade now."

  He didn't move, he couldn't breathe, and there was no pain in the world like this. He heard a loud bellow, and realized it was him. No! They can't be gone. They just can't be.


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