Girls From da Hood 9

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Girls From da Hood 9 Page 20

by Amaleka McCall

  “I guess. I’m going to have to,” she said.

  I reached over to the glass table to give her a Kleenex tissue. “Come on, I’m going to go put Fera in her doggie crate. Why don’t we go grab some frozen yogurt at Skinny Dip?” I suggested, trying to lighten the mood up.

  “Okay,” she agreed.

  I opened the door and a man more like the size of a gorilla stood in the doorway.

  “Can I help you?” I asked while trying to remember where I put my pocketknife in my purse.

  He pushed his way into the apartment. Fera began barking uncontrollably. Heather and I started running toward the bedroom. He grabbed me from behind and injected something into my neck. The next thing I knew, I passed out.

  Chapter 27


  “Angela, wake up,” a voice said. It was coming from an intercom.

  “Heather, darling, wake up,” the voice said again.

  I awoke sitting in a chair at a table. The guy who barged in my apartment, along with three other men, was there in this warehouse. My heart started racing. I didn’t have any pills on me. I was convinced these men were going to rape us. Who were they? Why did Heather and I have to become their victims? The door opened.

  “Ladies, my apologies for all this commotion,” a woman’s voice said.

  “Antonia,” I said, still groggy from whatever that man injected me with.

  “You both have been checked for wires. I have to take necessary precautions. Those feds are on my tail once again.”

  “What did that animal inject us with?” I asked.

  “It was just a small dose of a sedative. Angela, I knew you wouldn’t come willingly.” She giggled.

  “What do you want from us?” Heather asked.

  “I don’t want anything from you, for now. I only have a few questions.”

  “How long are we going to be here?” I asked, getting the questions rolling first. It was cold and the smell of must and mildew lingered in the air.

  “I assure you, only for a little while. Listen, girls, you two, honestly, were some of my best workers. I apologize for what happened. As you know, I owe the IRS a crap load of money and they want it yesterday. The feds have built a rather strong case against me. Do you hear what I’m saying?”

  Both of us nodded our heads. I had to pee so bad that I was going to go right there and then.

  “Have the feds or any type of law enforcement tried to contact you in anyway?”

  “No, they have not,” Heather said.

  “We were all questioned the day Pearl was raided. You can’t tell the feds or police anything you don’t know. Antonia, you taught me that.”

  “Well, someone from Pearl is testifying against me. I’m going to figure it out,” she said.

  “It’s not us. Can we please go, now? Fera is probably worried about us,” I said.

  “Fera is in a safe place. If you get through this small demonstration we are about to conduct, I will give her back to you, safely. If you don’t pass, Fera’s throat will be the first one that I slice. You see, ladies, I’m facing twenty years to life in prison. I’m not going to prison or any other hole those pigs want to stick me in.”

  “I will kill you if you hurt Fera. Antonia, she is an innocent dog who has done nothing to you.”

  “Settle down, Angela. This is the way of the business. Fera has your heart and I have to be assured that you or Heather don’t have my freedom at stake.”

  “What the hell do you want us to do?” Heather asked.

  “Take a lie detector test.”

  “Let’s get on with it,” I said.

  “Great. We shall get started.”

  Heather and I took the lie detector test. Now, we were waiting for the results. Antonia let us use the bathroom. I would have rather peed outside. The stench in that rusty stall was unbearable. I knew I hadn’t been talking to police but I couldn’t say the same for Heather. I began to take deep breaths. Then, I went back into the interrogation dungeon. I didn’t even know what time it was.

  “Well, ladies. You passed. Thank you for your loyalty,” Antonia said, tossing me a package.

  “What’s this?” Heather asked.

  “I’m a little short on cash. All I could spare was five thousand. Use it however you wish,” she explained, giving us hugs. The next thing I knew, one of her guards handed me back my dog.

  “I didn’t lay one hand on her. I promise,” he assured me. Fera bit his finger.

  I was so angry that I kicked him in the balls. He fell to his knees.

  “Tony, she is a firecracker just like me. Leave her alone. Good-bye, ladies,” Antonia said and walked out the room.

  We were injected again in the neck. The room went black. The next thing I remember was Heather, Fera, and me being placed back at my apartment. It was the next morning. Sunday, that is. We both decided to take a shower and then go to breakfast at the Village Inn. I gave Heather some clothes to wear. We were both around the same size.

  Before we went, I called a locksmith to have the locks changed. Also, I made a mental note to have a security system installed.

  “What a night!” I said after the waitress took our orders.

  “I’m just happy we made it alive. Antonia is a psychopath,” Heather commented in a low tone of voice.

  “She is a psychopath who loves money. With the five thousand, we should divide it up between everyone and just say it’s a bonus.”

  “I agree.” Heather nodded her head.

  We both hoped to never encounter a visit from Antonia again.

  Chapter 28


  “Good morning, how are you?” a gentleman asked.

  I just sat in the waiting room of the Checkered Flag Toyota superstore on Virginia Beach Boulevard, hoping this oil change wouldn’t take long. I had to get down to the lab and I didn’t want to be late.

  I had clients calling, wanting to make appointments during the day and getting frustrated with me because I couldn’t oblige them. Every client knew from the beginning that we didn’t operate during the day. Whatever the men and women did on the side was their own personal business.

  “Morning.” I nodded, yawning.

  “You don’t remember me, do you?” he asked.

  “No, I don’t,” I said, shrugging my shoulders.

  “I’m your grandfather’s insurance agent. I assessed the prices of the farm animals and accidentally spilled hot coffee on the kitchen table,” he explained.

  “Yes.” The coffee brought it all back. “Yes, I do remember, now. Nathan, right?” I asked, extending my hand.

  “You got it. Watts is my last name,” he said, shaking my hand. Nathan was clean-cut in his suit. His height was over six feet. I liked a man who I had to look up to.

  “What are you having done to your vehicle today?” I inquired.

  “I’m getting a tune-up and having the brake pads replaced. I travel so much I have to make sure my 4Runner truck is safe.”

  “Ms. Farmer,” a voice called out.

  “Yes, that’s me,” I said, waving my hand.

  “Your vehicle is ready,” the car technician stated.

  “Thank you. I will be right there.”

  “Well, Angela, it was nice running into you. If you have some time today or maybe this weekend, I would love to take you out for a nice evening for dinner or even lunch,” he offered.

  “Thanks, but my schedule is swamped.”

  “If you ever need me for insurance purposes, let me know,” he said, pulling a business card out his pocket and handing it to me.

  “Oh, yes, I will make sure to tell my grandfather that I ran into you,” I said before walking up to the counter to retrieve my car key and pay for the service.

  Now, I went home to change my clothes into scrubs. It had been another long, profitable night. I was going to make it to the lab on time, after all. I hated being late for anything.

  After leaving the lab, I headed over to George’s house, thinking about Fe
ra. I was getting worried about her. She hadn’t eaten anything in days. She wouldn’t even eat peanut butter, which was her favorite treat. Yes, I gave my dog people food including carrots, spinach, and raw string beans. My little one loved her vegetables.

  Fera had been staying with George to keep him company. I was on my way over there to pick her up. While en route, I stopped over at PetSmart and purchased an adorable brown outfit with matching shoes. I loved dressing my doggie up. She was getting up there in age. Lately, I’d noticed that she had been moving a little slower. Normally, I took her out twice a day to do her business. It was mandatory to take her out at least three times a day, now; otherwise, she would poop and pee on the carpet.

  I knocked on the door and waited a few minutes. I knocked on the door again. I had a key to his apartment but using it would be a last resort. A third time I knocked on the door, but this time harder. Many bad thoughts were running through my mind. George could have slipped in the shower and accidentally hit his head. My heart started pounding. I had no choice but to use the key. I quickly opened the door and let myself in. Fera instantly came up to me so I could hold her. One down and one more to go, I thought.

  Music was playing in the background. It was Nat King Cole’s song named “Smile.” I walked into George’s bedroom and he was dancing with another woman. My mouth dropped. No wonder George had been getting me off the phone sooner than usual, claiming he was trying out new recipes. Yes, but, George was trying out his recipes with someone else.

  “My grandmother is more beautiful than you will ever be,” I quickly commented.

  “Angela, please show some respect,” he suggested.

  “Hello, Angela. Do you remember me? George talks about Fera and you all the time,” Betty said, opening her arms for a hug. She was my former social worker who introduced me to Joyce and George.

  “Lady, don’t come near me! So were you cheating on Joyce with her?” I demanded to know.

  “Of course not. After she died, we became reacquainted,” he replied, shaking his head.

  “I don’t believe you!” I screamed.

  “Lower your voice and show your grandfather some respect,” Betty said.

  “How could you do this to us?” I asked, completely ignoring her comment. “George, you will never see Fera or me again!” I shouted with tears in my eyes, with my breathing getting heavy.

  “Calm down, Angela,” George said.

  “How could you? Joyce hasn’t been dead for two years yet.”

  “Was I supposed to wait?”

  “Yes, you should only be with Fera and me. Besides, I know I can cook better than her. All you need is food, television, and a reclining chair.”

  “You can’t give the love I have for him. This has all happened so suddenly,” Betty added.

  “He doesn’t love you. George has and will only love Joyce,” I screamed while making my way out with Fera in my arms.

  “Joyce is gone. I have to move on with my life,” he said.

  “No, you don’t!”

  “I deserve to be happy,” he said.

  “Fine, be happy. You have made your choice. How quickly you forget about Fera and me. We have been your family. Not her,” I said before storming out.

  Chapter 29

  A Walk

  I headed over to the house in Suffolk. Usually, I went by there a few times a month to retrieve the junk mail and to make sure the house was all right. George decided to leave most of the furniture in the house because he simply didn’t have enough room in his apartment. He had called me a few times but I didn’t answer, nor did I call him back. It was a bright sunny morning and I didn’t want to ruin the day by arguing with George.

  “Good morning, Ms. Dubler,” I said as I waved to her.

  She lived across the street from us. For the holidays, she always made a lemon chess pie, which I loved.

  “Hello there, Angela. How is your grandfather doing?”

  “He’s hanging in there and loving that new apartment of his.”

  “I’m glad to hear it. Please tell him I said hello.”

  “Yes, I most certainly will,” I said as I walked away.

  I walked into the house. Immediately, I heard something coming from upstairs. As I moved closer to the stairs, I realized the noise was coming from the attic. I quickly ran to my old room to grab a flashlight. I always had one under the bed just in case the lights went out. Over the years, they had a tendency to do that.

  Slowly, I let down the ladder to enter into the attic. I went up those stairs. I hated going into the attic. It was always so hot up there. I immediately spotted three squirrels running amuck. They quickly scattered, hiding behind boxes. I noticed a hole on the side of the house which was obviously where they were coming from. Dead or alive, I wanted them out of the attic. I called Larry. He was able to fit me in to patch the hole up. In the meantime, I called a wildlife company to catch the squirrels. They came out to set the traps. Inside each trap was food. Within two hours, the squirrels were caught unharmed. Larry pulled up shortly after they left.

  “May I have a seat?” Larry asked.

  I was sitting on a bench feeding the ducks. There was a lake behind the house. George, Joyce, and I would sit out here for hours to talk.

  “Yes, you may,” I agreed.

  “How have you been?”

  “I’m doing all right. Listen, Larry, thank you for coming out to fix that hole,” I said sincerely.

  “You’re welcome.”

  “If you came to this bench to give me another lecture about what happened in the barn, I’m really not in the mood to listen,” I stated.

  “I’m not going to speak of that again.”

  “Good,” I said with a sigh of relief.

  “I did want to talk to you about George, though,” he stated.

  “What about George? He’s with Betty now, having fun.”

  “Yeah, he is, but he misses Fera and you. Angela, make things right. That’s all I’m saying.”

  “Are you hungry? I’m in the mood for Earlene’s. I know you won’t let me pay you for fixing that hole so at least let me take you to a late breakfast,” I suggested.

  Earlene’s was a restaurant staple in Suffolk for the past fifty years and it was one of Larry’s favorite spots.

  “Okay,” he agreed.

  “Good, let’s go. I’ll drive,” I said as I pulled my keys from my pocket.

  There, Larry and I talked about all the funny memories on the farm. He told me the first time he milked a cow it kicked him. My favorite part was getting fresh eggs from the chickens.

  “Thank you for coming to brunch with me,” I said after pulling into the driveway back at the house.

  “You’re welcome.”

  “After talking to you, give it some time, I will probably have a change of heart and go visit George. I just can’t stand seeing him with another woman. Betty doesn’t fit my family equation,” I explained. “Would you like a cup of coffee before you go? Knowing you, I’m sure you have a few more stops to work at today.”

  “Yes, you’re right about that. I think I will have one cup.”

  We got out the car and headed into the house. I prepared the coffee and poured him a cup.

  “Sugar and cream . . . just the way you like it!” I said as I walked toward the table where he sat.

  “Thank you,” he said after I place the coffee mug on the table.

  “No problem. How’s work going?”

  “It’s going very well. I’m getting more jobs, which means I have to hire more people. I just signed a contract with CVS pharmacy. The corporation wants one built here in Suffolk and another one in Chesapeake,” he explained.

  “I’m glad to hear everything is going wonderful for you.” I patted him on the shoulder. “Wow! Under a lot of stress?” I asked, noticing his shoulder was tense. I began to rub both of his shoulders to work out the kinks.

  “Mmm,” he moaned. Larry dropped his head and closed his eyes.

  “I c
an work out those tense spots,” I whispered in his ear, then gently licked the lobe.

  I began slowly kissing him, moving my lips down the side of his neck then to his lips. His lips felt warm. Larry gripped me in his oversized arms and pulled me closer to him. We kissed passionately as we started taking off all our clothes. I wanted every piece of clothing off him. I wanted him completely naked. Besides, getting a glimpse of those abs made me even more wet.

  Larry turned me around, starting gently kissing the back of my neck while rubbing my hair. He moved his hands to my breasts and cupped each of them, squeezing them tight. I could feel his manhood pressing against my bare ass. With the left hand still gripping my breast, Larry moved his right hand between my legs. I moaned as he massaged my clit. With my vagina dripping wet, Larry removed his moist fingertips and, in a single motion, he turned me over, picked me up, and placed me on the kitchen counter. While kissing again, his dick reacquainted itself and the stiff pumps began.

  “Wait, Angela, this isn’t right,” Larry said, pulling out of me. I quickly pulled him back in.

  “Don’t stop, please. You know you want it. Now, come and take it,” I instructed, lying back down on the kitchen counter.

  Larry couldn’t resist. Even though what we were doing may have been wrong, at the time it was pleasing to us both. So Larry gave in to temptation and continued to have sex with me until we both came simultaneously.

  After sex, we decided to take a shower together. Larry washed me from head to toe, paying special attention to each part of my body. He was so gentle with every touch.

  “Angela, I like being with you,” Larry commented as we both were putting back on our clothes.

  “Likewise.” I smiled.

  “May I ask you a question?” Larry asked; then he continued, “Will you tell me what happened to you? I only know bits and pieces.”

  “No, I can’t talk about it right now.” I quickly reached in my purse for a pill. My entire body started shaking.

  “Are you all right?” he asked.

  “Yes, I will be. Just leave, please.”


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