Belong To Me (book 4) (The Fielding Brothers Saga)

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Belong To Me (book 4) (The Fielding Brothers Saga) Page 3

by Marie Higgins

  And to think his conniving wife had this all planned. Very different from the gawky girl he’d known.

  He exhaled a heavy sigh. Did Charlotte want to control him now as she tried to before? Certainly, she wasn’t this charming and beautiful when he’d rescued her from kidnappers three years ago. His blood soured with the haunted memories. Back then, her boyish frame led him to believe she was in her twelfth or thirteenth year, so he’d coddled the poor, frightened child while they waited for her father. She must have decided at that time she wanted him for her husband. When her father promised Ian her hand in marriage as his reward, Ian tried to discourage the man from the disastrous match. That was when her father paid off Ian’s debtors and threatened to take the money back if Ian didn’t marry Charlotte. There’d been no choice. Marry Charlotte or go to debtor’s prison. Even his older brother Nicholas, the Duke of Ashton, couldn’t stop this—or perhaps Nick just didn’t want to.

  At the time of his marriage, his investigation business wasn’t a thriving career. Today things were different. He didn’t need a wife, and he certainly didn’t need any heirs. They would only hinder his future plans.

  Ian raked his fingers through his hair and groaned. How could he ignore Charlotte now? Her beauty had literally taken his breath away, and just thinking about making her his wife in all sense of the word…

  He cursed. Why was this happening?

  * * * *

  Charlotte halted in front of a mirror before entering the ballroom. She swiped her fingers across her brow. Was it obvious, she’d been thoroughly kissed? She glanced at the wrinkles in her bodice and smoothed them before continuing down her dress, flattening out any reminders of how close she and Ian were pressed together not too long ago.

  Would anyone be able to tell what she’d done upstairs? She placed her cold hands on her hot cheeks, wondering why her cheeks still held the blush of desire. Gingerly, she ran the tip of her finger across her mouth and over her swollen lips. Would people see her glowing expression or the lines of anger creased across her forehead?

  Grasping what pride she had left, she held herself erect and marched into the ballroom in search of George and Allison. She dared not tell them how everything turned out. But then, what had she expected? Did she think Ian would rush into her arms in joyous reunion once she showed him her passionate side? Although she despised what he’d done to her after they were married, she still longed for a man who could love her. Apparently her fantasy of how it would be was not reality. She hoped she wouldn’t appear as flustered as she felt.

  Her friends stood in the corner of the ballroom, staring into each other’s eyes like they were the only two people in the room. Their love pulled at Charlotte’s heart and made tears spring forth once again. Why couldn’t love be that simple for her?

  Inwardly, she groaned. And to think she’d lied to Ian about George! What possessed her to hint that George was remotely interested in courting her? She supposed because he and Ian were friends, she lied out of embarrassment and humiliation. Hopefully, George would play along in this game of deceit.

  Giving a polite nod to the men coming her way, she stepped past them and hurried to her friends. As George glanced at her, his mouth hung open. His dark green eyes narrowed as she approached, and then swept his gaze over her disheveled appearance. Inwardly she cringed. He knows! Will they all know? She tried blinking away the tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

  “What happened to you?” His voice rose as his gaze raked over her once more.

  She put a hand up to his mouth. “Shh George, lower your voice.”

  Allison grabbed her arm. “Charlotte! You’ve been crying. That’s not what we’d planned.”

  “Allison, it’s all right,” Charlotte assured her friend. “I had not been thinking correctly. I thought once I showed him how much I’d changed, he’d want me.” She shook her head. “But he doesn’t. He wants the annulment.” Tears brimmed in her eyes and she blinked to keep them from falling.

  “Oh, Charlotte.” Allison took both her hands and squeezed. “Tell me what I can do.”

  Charlotte pulled away and pressed her shaking hands to her stomach. “I wish to return to the hotel. I don’t think I can stand to be here another moment.”

  “I shall call him out,” George snapped. “Where is he? What did he say to you?” He grasped her shoulders, his fingers digging into her skin. “Answer me, Charlotte.” He scanned the crowded room, eyes blazing with fire.

  A small laugh escaped her throat and she touched his arm. “George, thank you for being so protective, but considering who I was with, what he did wouldn’t be considered ruining my reputation.” She sniffed. “Besides, I was a fool for thinking he’d be ecstatic to see me and to notice how much I’ve changed.”

  Allison stroked Charlotte’s hair. “You’re talking nonsense. Given the shock the poor man went through, I think if we gave him a couple more days…”

  “No. My mind is made up. I will serve him the papers tomorrow.” She sighed. “But for now, I would like to return to my room. I have a fearsome headache, and…and I would rather not think of the lie I told Ian.”

  Allison tilted her head. “What lie?”

  “Please don’t be upset,” Charlotte fretted. “But the lie slipped out. I didn’t want him to think I’ve been sulking in his absence. He humiliated me, and I wanted revenge.”

  “What was the lie?” George asked warily.

  She took a deep breath for courage and stared at him. “I told him you were vying for my attention, and I hinted I was considering making you my next conquest.” She shrugged. “No other name came to mind. Please forgive me.”

  Instead of the angry expression she expected to see from Allison, her friend threw back her head and laughed. “Oh, Charlotte. This is the most enjoyment I’ve had for a long time.”

  Charlotte scowled. “This isn’t a laughing matter.”

  “I disagree. It’ll be so exciting to watch your husband squirm in front of his friend.”

  George’s face stretched in a smile. “I must admit, it will be the first time in my life I’ll be able to make him jealous. I’ll rather enjoy our ruse.”

  “So, do you still plan on going through with the annulment?” Allison asked.

  “Of course. I haven’t lost leave of my senses just because of the kiss we shared.” And what a kiss! She quickly ushered out the thought.

  Charlotte scanned the ballroom. Unmasked people crowded the floor, but one lone figure captured her attention. She inhaled sharply. Ian stood against the wall, his gaze fastened on her. She tried to tear her eyes away, but now she could actually see him in the light.

  So very handsome. More so, even when she first met him. Her chest ached with sadness. Why did this charming, seductive man have to be her heartless rogue of a husband?

  From behind, George leaned to her ear. “Do you want me to speak with him?”

  “Don’t look now,” she replied softly, glancing over her shoulder at George, “but he’s watching us. I don’t want him to think we’re talking about him.”

  George moved closer and slid his arm around her waist. “Tell me when you want me to take him outside for a quick lesson in manners.”

  His unexpected humor made her chuckle. George’s eyes softened and she smiled. “Thank you for easing my burden, George. I want Ian to believe his presence has no impact on me.”

  “Do you want me to give you a kiss?”


  “Tell me what you want and this servant will obey.” He lifted her hand and brushed his lips on her knuckles.

  She dropped her smile. “Just take me back to the hotel, please.”

  He nodded. “Yes. Allison is also ready to leave.”

  Charlotte stole one last look at Ian. His blank expression made her heart drop. Obviously, he didn’t care if she was in another man’s arms. Gritting her teeth, she hoped to revive her anger, but instead sorrow pierced her heart. The scar from his abandonment ran deep, and she feared sh
e’d never be able to forgive him now.

  * * * *

  Ian leaned against the wall, his arms folded across his chest as he studied the quaint scene with Charlotte and his friend. Under his breath, he grumbled curses even the devil wouldn’t approve of. Ian couldn’t believe it, but his wife had succeeded in making him jealous. George cooed over her and kissed her hand, and Ian longed to be in his friend’s place.

  Itching for a moment alone with his so-called childhood friend, Ian balled his hands into fists. Never in his life had he been jealous of anyone, and he certainly wasn’t going to start now. When George left to fetch the cloaks, Ian pulled away from the wall. He strode to his friend as George waited for the butler to bring the garments. George must have sensed him standing behind him because he spun around. George’s eyes widened, and then as quickly, he smiled.

  “Good evening, Fielding. What brings you here tonight?”

  Ian linked his hands behind him just to keep from strangling Fauxley. George was supposed to be his best friend, and yet he was the very man who wanted Charlotte.

  “I’ve come to the ball, just as you.” Ian paused and rubbed his chin. “But why are you in Bath?”

  “I’m here with friends.” Fauxley’s back seemed to straighten more.

  “I know you’re here with my wife.”

  George hadn’t reacted the way Ian expected. In fact, his friend’s smile grew.

  “So, you’ve seen her?”

  “Yes, and I cannot believe she’s the same snake I married.” Ian swiped his fingers through his hair.

  “Snake, indeed.” George chuckled. “Come now, you are over exaggerating. She’s certainly not the girl you married, but she’s no snake.”

  “You don’t know her like I do.”

  “That was three years ago. Why are you still blaming her for her father’s actions?”

  “When I turned down his offer, the old chap bribed me, knowing I had debts to pay. I know Charlotte was behind everything. So yes, I still blame her, blast it all.”

  George shrugged. “As I said before, that was three years ago. I’m telling you, she’s changed.” He glanced in Charlotte’s direction. “What do you think of her now?”

  Ian scowled. “What makes you assume I think anything about her?”

  “Perhaps because of the way you’re acting. Never have I witnessed you becoming so upset over a woman.” George shrugged. “Did you not speak to her?”

  “A little while ago.”

  “Ah.” George nodded. “That would explain why she’s in a hurry to get back to the hotel. You must have disturbed her.”

  “Yes, it was quite a shock for me, too.”

  The butler returned with the cloaks and handed them to George. “I had better take these to the ladies.”

  George took a step back to leave, but Ian touched his shoulder. “Wait. I was just wondering, um…well, Charlotte mentioned you’re with her...that you are pursuing her.”


  George’s nonchalant attitude grated on Ian’s nerves. The way his friend stood so casually, so smug, as if he didn’t have a care in the world.

  Ian narrowed his eyes. “Forgive me for being blunt, but I must know—” He paused, choosing his next words carefully. “Are you planning on making Charlotte your mistress?”

  George remained indifferent, standing so fearless. Ian’s rage boiled deep within, and it became difficult to control the urge to drive his fist through George’s face.

  “As a matter of fact, I am. If she will have me,” George answered. “Did she not tell you she wants an annulment?”

  “She mentioned it.”

  “Are you going to give her one?”

  Ian nodded. “You know I never wanted to marry her in the first place.”

  “I’m relieved you haven’t changed your mind. I worried when you saw how beautiful she was, you’d want to reclaim your rights.” George scratched his chin.

  Ian laughed, although fury was the real underlying emotion. “Beauty is only skin deep, and I know Charlotte’s ugliness and selfishness comes right from the bone.”

  George gave a self-assured smile. “I’m relieved you don’t know her, because you’d feel differently. To me, she is a very beautiful woman inside and out.”

  Ian bit the inside of his cheek. His friend walked toward Charlotte and her lady friend. George took special care to put Charlotte’s cloak around her shoulders, and then he whispered something near her ear, which caused her to grin.

  In the light, she did bear a slight resemblance to the girl he married. Her eyes sparkled when she smiled; her lips still heart shaped. But that was as far as the similarities went. Her body certainly didn’t portray the figure she had as a girl of eighteen. Tonight he realized she had blossomed. A full bosom and small waist flattered her form. Curved hips, and shapely limbs belied the boyish frame he’d remembered. Her beauty captured his heart, but he stamped down these improper thoughts. Her vindictiveness and how she had manipulated him was hard to forget. People didn’t change that drastically in a few short years. Because of her loveliness, she most likely used her beauty to influence men and charm them into her web of deception.

  Charlotte walked out of the room on George’s arm, but before going through the doors, she turned and looked at Ian. Heavens, she was lovely. He held her gaze for a brief moment before she turned up her nose and sauntered away.

  He cursed under his breath again. What was wrong with him? He still felt the imprint of her lips against his. His fingers tingled with the memory of the smoothness of her skin. He cursed his wandering thoughts. He wanted to experience the excitement of her kiss once more and hear her passionate sighs of delight. She was the most sensual woman he’d ever known.

  He growled. He seriously needed to do something to get rid of these feelings of the one woman he detested so much, yet desired so badly. Jumping in a cold lake came to mind. Indeed, he was in trouble!

  Chapter Three

  The morning sun blazed through the polished windows of the dining room, heating Charlotte’s face. She circled the spoon in her cup of tea as she stared outside. The city had come to life earlier than expected. Peddlers announced their wares, their voices ringing through the streets. The rhythm of horse’s hooves on the cobbled street thundered in her ears, making the pain in her head throb with tension.

  George had come to the hotel room early this morning and called upon Allison. Together, they left to take a walk through the park. They had invited her, but she declined. Ian was bringing her a note today to confirm their meeting, so she must wait.

  Charlotte frowned. It was hard to watch George and Allison together. When would her life be romantic? When would she find the man who would make her smile with a love-struck expression and smolder with emotion like George had for her friend?

  Last night she’d actually let herself fantasize that life with Ian. The attraction between them had been mutual. His touch and sensual words had stirred a spontaneous fluttering in her chest, and when he’d kissed her, he’d woven a spell over her limbs, causing them to weaken.

  She closed her eyes. She shouldn’t have spoken so audaciously...and she shouldn’t have lied to him about George. Why had she told Ian such an outlandish story? He would certainly expect George to act like the doting suitor now. Would Ian discover the truth before he signed the annulment papers?

  With her head in her hands, she slumped in her chair. What if he didn’t sign them at all? No. She couldn’t think that way.

  Her restless night had made her irritable. Doubts filled her head and created tightness in her chest. Would their passionate moment of splendor last night change his mind about the annulment? Everything had been magical, but she couldn’t bear to be with a man who didn’t want her. Why had she entertained the thought of changing his mind by seducing him? Ridiculous!

  She growled, pushed away from the table, and marched to the window. The lovely summer morning beckoned her to come out and partake of its beauty. If she stayed on the main
walkway in front of the hotel, she wouldn’t get lost. Perhaps she might run into Ian on his way to see her. But then she didn’t have a proper escort. How could she wander the streets by herself?

  Yet as she studied the people, she realized there were several ladies taking a stroll by themselves. Charlotte shrugged. Perhaps it didn’t matter. She was a stranger in this town. Once Ian signed the papers, she’d be gone. Anticipation quickened her heartbeat. She hurried to collect her parasol then left the hotel room. Outside, a soft breeze teased the wispy tendrils around her face. She brushed away her hair and patted her knotted coiffure on top of her head.

  The parasol shaded the sun from her face as she wandered down the street. Vendors held out their wares, trying to persuade her to buy their fruits, poultry, and even blankets. She passed, smiled and shook her head. The items they had didn’t interest her. But when she walked by the window exhibits, she slowed to a leisurely stroll. The display of lavish dishes caught her eye. Next, it was the candlesticks that caused her to pause. When she moved by a window with the latest style of gowns, she came to a complete halt.

  Her personal dressmaker always designed Charlotte’s frocks to match the newest styles. In this particular window, she stared in awe at a shimmering blue evening gown with a daringly low-cut bodice. Fringe decorated the thin shoulders, and a tapered skirt appeared to fit snugly against a woman’s legs. Charlotte closed her eyes, imagining how the silken material would caress her own legs as she walked.

  She fought the temptation to go inside. If she did, she’d certainly buy the dress. Where would she wear such a gown? If she wore it back home, she’d set everyone’s tongues a wagging. But here, this evening dress was probably very popular.

  “Thinking about your next seduction?”


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