Belong To Me (book 4) (The Fielding Brothers Saga)

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Belong To Me (book 4) (The Fielding Brothers Saga) Page 12

by Marie Higgins

  He pressed his mouth to her stiff lips. Through his tender caress, he coaxed her to relax. She wanted to fight off his advances, but her struggles were all for naught because his hands moved over her, assisting with the seduction. Gently and sensuously they roamed over her back. His fingers traced tiny circles up her spine, slowly, so slowly, weakening her resistance.

  A soft moan tore from her throat, and without being able to help it, she softened her lips beneath his. With a grunt of satisfaction, he wrapped his arms tightly around her. It wasn’t long before she moved her arms upward to embrace his neck as her body melted against his. Everything felt so wonderful, just like it had the other night at the mask ball. The intoxicating urgent kiss was exactly the same, making her want more.

  Breaking the kiss, he breathed hot against her cheek. “Charlotte? I want to claim you as my wife now. Fully.” His lips moved across her cheek to her ear, nibbling slightly on the lobe then down her neck.

  Although her body’s temperature rose dangerously high, confusion plagued her mind. Ian’s passionate caress was the very thing she craved, and even through the mist of chaos, his hands burned her body out of control. When his hand pulled open the rope around her neck, cool air touched her and brought her out of the cloudy haze filling her mind. Panic settled in her thoughts.

  “Ian, no.” She tried to pull away, but he continued in his efforts as his lips made their way down her throat. “Ian, please, don’t do this.”

  He drew back and lifted his head. Passion was etched on his handsome face, and especially in his dark eyes, making him much more handsome than she thought possible.

  “What am I doing to you except what you want?” His voice was husky, seductive.

  Tears filled her eyes. “But I don’t want this. It’s too soon. I’m not ready.”

  “Yes you are.” His thumb grazed over her skin. “I can tell.”

  “No, Ian.” She placed her hands on his chest and pushed him back, and then clutched her robe together. “You don’t understand. I don’t even understand, but I know I’m not ready.”

  Sighing heavily, he ran his fingers through his hair. “Is it because you don’t trust me?”

  Charlotte couldn’t control the hysterical laughter that left her throat. “Do you think I should trust you with my body and mind, especially my heart?” She shook her head. “Please forgive me if I don’t just hand you my heart. How many times do I have to keep reminding you that you left me?” Tears slid down her cheeks and her emotion broke.

  “And how many times are you going to make me pay for my mistakes?” he snapped angrily.

  She sniffed and wiped her eyes. “Until I can see you’re truly sorry, but I don’t think you’ll ever be. You’re nothing but a cold-hearted, inconsiderate man.” She turned and ran to her bed, throwing herself on the blankets as her sobs echoed loudly through the room.

  Ian didn’t stay to comfort her. He left her room the same way he’d entered, quickly and unnoticed.

  Chapter Nine

  Charlotte stepped into the cobweb-laden rooms and sighed heavily as her slippers pushed through the half-inch layer of dust on the floor. When she thought about the work that would be needed to make the place livable, a shudder ran through her, but her strong will said she was up for the challenge.

  The rooms Lord Thatcher had chosen pleased her. They were far enough away from his private chambers, but not too far from the library. Lord Thatcher moved past her with an awkward limp and set a trunk down on the floor. His breaths were labored. “Forgive me for not having these rooms ready for your arrival.”

  She smiled. “They are just fine, I assure you. I’ll put on an apron, and between my servants and me, we’ll have these rooms clean in no time.”

  “Oh, Mrs. Fielding, you mustn’t get your hands dirty.”

  She passed him a playful scowl. “Don’t you think I can handle it? Besides, more helping hands will make the work move quicker. I need to keep busy.”

  He returned a smile and nodded.

  “Now get out of my way and let me clean.” She shooed him with her hands. “It’s not every day you’ll see me in this kind of mood.”

  His deep laughter echoed throughout the hall as his uneven footsteps moved away.

  She instructed Ian’s servants where to clean then took up a broom herself and began sweeping. Her eyes watered and she sneezed, but stubbornly, she kept at the task until her rooms were livable. During one of her breaks, she let herself think about Ian. She hadn’t let him know she’d moved into the castle, but he’d find out one way or another. It’d been three days since their argument, and he hadn’t returned.

  The commissioner had stopped her momentarily as she tried to pass, but she bluntly told him she couldn’t live with his men constantly under her feet while he made her feel like a prisoner in her own home. When the commissioner asked where she was headed, she simply replied that she was going to stay with a friend and taking some servants with her. The servants packed most of Ian’s belongings just in case Commissioner Franklin and his men wandered back inside the house once she was gone. She didn’t trust those men with Ian’s possessions.

  She swiped her hand across her moist brow and looked at the sparkling floors. With a nod of satisfaction, she moved to her bedchamber to put her clothes away in the many armoires provided in the room. She didn’t worry about Ian’s clothes. His servants would put his things away.

  Leaning against the clean wall, she scanned the meager furnishings. Tomorrow she’d travel into town and purchase some necessary items for the room. A nice rug for the floor would be perfect for cold mornings, and a new washbasin and tub would make her baths more enjoyable.

  She walked on sluggish feet as she made her way to her bed that evening. Her maid had drawn a warm tub of water and helped her bathe before getting her ready for bed. As soon as her head hit the pillow, her exhausted mind gave into dreams.

  * * * *

  The sweet fragrance of a rose drifted through Charlotte’s senses, arousing her from a deep sleep, and the delicate softness swept against her cheek and lips. She fought to remain asleep, but the continuous stroke of the rose brought her to awareness. She forced her heavy eyelids open, and then squinted from the brightness of the room as the sun’s rays poured through the window’s diamond paned glass. Through the streak of light, Ian leaned over her with a rose in his hand, moving it slowly across her face in a tender caress.

  He smiled. “Good morning, my sweet.”

  Blinking a couple of times, she cleared the fuzziness from her eyes. Ian was certainly in a chipper mood. Had he forgotten about their last argument? She’d play along to see what he wanted.

  “Good morning, Ian. I see you have located my room easy enough.”

  He chuckled and straightened. “Yes. Lord Thatcher escorted me. I have to say how surprised I am, though. He informed me you were the one to clean them.”

  She yawned and stretched then winced when her stiff arms and back wouldn’t cooperate. She struggled to sit. “Yes, I cleaned them, with help from your servants, of course.”

  “I think you did an amazing job putting everything together.” He helped by placing more pillows behind her back.

  When her mind was alert enough, she cocked her head and met his gaze. “Have you figured out why you’re being accused of thievery?”

  “No, but I have a few suspects.”

  Disappointed, she sighed. “Who?”

  “I know for certain somebody is setting me up, and a couple of people are top of my list.”

  “But nothing conclusive, right?”

  He shook his head.

  “Are you still disguising yourself as an old lady?”

  “No. I’ve been masquerading as an older businessman from out of town. I’ll keep that role until the commissioner’s men get suspicious.”

  Her gaze swept over his attire, plain cream-colored shirt, and coffee trousers. “But you are not disguised now.”

  “I thought it would be nice to be myself fo
r a little while. Maybe you’ll enjoy my company better that way.”

  She lifted her eyebrows. “Do you plan on spending time with me today?”

  “Of course, my sweet. How else are we going to get to know each other? Although you might think differently, a month’s time will really pass by quickly.”

  “Yes, I’m aware of that.” She paused, and then asked, “What do you have planned?”

  He toyed with the loose sleeve of her nightgown and when his finger touched her skin, a tingle ran up her arm. She quickly withdrew from his touch.

  Ian placed his hand by her leg. “I’d like to escort you outside the castle for a walk and take in this very beautiful morning with you.”

  “Aren’t you afraid of being discovered?”

  “By whom?”

  “Some of the servants.”

  His happy expression dropped and he stood. “I didn’t stop to think about the servants turning me in.”

  She reached out and touched his shirt. “Maybe they won’t. I think they’re very loyal to you.”

  “But who can say for certain? And I don’t want to take that chance.” He shrugged. “Perhaps we should dismiss them.”

  “Can you afford to keep them around, Ian?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I heard about your money probably…and that you haven’t been getting many clients for your business.”

  His gaze narrowed. “Who told you that?”

  “Does it matter? Is this information true?” She knew his answer by the way his shoulders wilted.

  “Some of it’s true. I haven’t been getting many new clients, but I’m not out of money.”

  “How long will it last?”

  He lifted his gaze full of defeat and stared into her eyes. “I don’t know, my dear.”

  “Have you asked your brother, Nicholas? He’s wealthy, and I’m certain he would help you out.”

  Ian shook his head. “I am not going to ask Nicholas, and definitely not Gregg. He has just invested in a newspaper and doesn’t need to worry about me.” He scrubbed his face. “I mucked up my life and I will be the one pulling myself out.”

  “Ian?” she asked, cautiously. “Is that the reason you wanted me back in your life? Did you know you were running out of money, so decided to bring me back so I could help?”

  Anger crossed his expression, but she didn’t regret the question. The mere idea of him cuckolding her had plagued her for days.

  “Do you really believe that? What do I have to do to make you trust me?”

  She shrugged. “Just be honest with me for once.”

  “Honest with you? What are you talking about?”

  Her temper teetered close to the edge of exploding, but she forced herself to remain calm. His answer was vital to her decision about staying with him, and she couldn’t put off knowing any longer.

  Straightening her shoulders, she met his angry expression. “Just tell me if you want me for my money or not.”

  * * * *

  Ian’s heart pulsated with anger as he paced the floor. Charlotte’s question shocked him, and his mind literally numbed. He couldn’t decide whether to laugh or cry. How dare she even think that? The fact remained, she didn’t know him or she would know the question was totally absurd.

  She lifted her stubborn chin higher and didn’t cower beneath his scowl. “Just answer the question. And while I’m thinking about it, I’d like to know if the reason you decided you wanted me was because you knew this was going to happen, and by some slim chance, thought I would be your cover up?”

  Once again, shock vibrated through his body, and his mouth gaped open. This time, numbness didn’t affect his tongue. He stopped his pacing and threw her a glare. “You really have an overactive imagination. I cannot believe you’d even think that. But let me tell you, I’m not the kind of man who thieves or am I the kind who’ll use a woman for her money. I started taking on responsibility right after my uncle died and Nicholas forced me to become a man.” Ian paused for a breath. “I also want you to know I’m not the kind of man who runs away from the law. If you believe such a thing then you have wrongly judged me.”

  His breath came in heavy pants as her expression changed. The longer he stared into her eyes, the softer her face became. Would she finally believe his words?

  She swung her legs off the side of the bed and stood. She slipped her wrapper on before moving in front of him. Sighing, she raised her eyes to his. “Ian, please excuse my doubtful behavior.”

  His temper subdued.

  She shrugged. “I cannot help myself. It’s true, the reason I’m this way is because I don’t know you.” Lowering her gaze, she continued. “I hate to keep bringing this up, but if you had only stayed with me, things would be so different.”

  His hands gently grasped her shoulders and her eyes met his. “Charlotte? Can we forget the past and start over? I hate having all these doubts between us.”

  Uncertainty crossed her amber gaze. “I don’t know, Ian. You really hurt me.”

  “You really hurt me, as well.”

  Her brows drew together. “I did? Pray, how did I accomplish such a feat?”

  “You tried to control my life. You set out to have me as your husband no matter my feelings. Your father even threatened me.”

  She hung her head. “Yes, I was very selfish. I couldn’t lose the opportunity to get away from my suffocating father.” She glanced at him in desperation. “You were my only hope.”

  Her confession surprised him. “And now? Do you still feel the same?”

  She backed away, releasing his grip. “I dare not answer that, Ian.”

  “I think I already know the answer, my sweet.” He grinned. “You can get any man you choose. Of course, you are still married to me, so maybe you will not accomplish that task as easily as you’d like.”

  She laughed as a blush stole across her face.

  He leaned against the bedpost. “Charlotte? Can we begin again? I’d really like you to get to know me. What do you say? Will you give me another chance?”

  “Yes,” she answered softly. “But will you do something for me?”

  He grinned and moved to her, sliding his arms around her waist. “I’ll do anything your lovely heart desires.” He placed a small kiss on her exposed neck.

  She giggled. “Ian, I’m being serious.”

  “So am I.” He kissed her neck again, this time closer to her ear.

  Pushing with the heels of her hands, she moved him a few inches away from her. “Ian, look at me.”

  He did and was amazed how beautifully her eyes sparkled. “Yes, my love?” He hadn’t meant to use that endearment, but he saw the effect it had on her and was pleased.

  She let out a small gasp, and her body relaxed into his embrace. “Ian, I—I—” She swallowed hard. “I’d like you to give me some time also. I promise I shall try really hard to turn my thoughts around and get to know you better.”

  The longer he stared into her eyes, the longer he had the urge to kiss her. Of course, ever since the night he’d kissed the Devil-woman so passionately, he’d dreamed about kissing those heart-shaped, rose-petal lips again. She might not want it, and she might try to push him away, but he had to feel her lips on his. He pulled her closer slowly, and then covered her tempting mouth with his. Her body stiffened, so he gently moved his lips across hers, pleading, begging, and yes, even seducing her. Thankfully, it didn’t take long before she melted in his arms.

  It was a kiss he’d cherish forever, and when she willingly responded, excitement tore through him. He pulled her closer until she’d wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Sighing, she clung to him as their mouths tasted and enjoyed, and hope of a better future blossomed in his heart.

  Her participation spurred him to a higher passion and made him turn the kiss urgent, and she responded to his wild eagerness. Her warm body felt wonderful up against him, and holding her in his arms made him want to protect and comfort her—forever. It was heaven the way her
lips moved across his, and yet it was pure torture knowing she would stop him if he told her he wanted more.

  She turned her head, breaking the kiss. “Ian? We have to stop.” She breathed heavily.


  “Because it’s too soon. I don’t want to rush things.”

  She was correct. He didn’t expect her to jump right into his arms after all that had happened. Courting her was the best way to win her trust and her affection. He sighed heavily as his face nuzzled her neck. “Yes, I know.”

  Gently, he stroked down her back. She sighed and remained in his embrace until he finally stepped away.

  A blush covered her cheeks as she lowered her gaze to the middle of his chest “Ian, I—I need to get dressed. Will you please leave so I can make myself presentable?”

  He moved away from her and to the door. “You’ll always be presentable to me, no matter what you’re wearing.”

  He walked out the door grinning from ear to ear, his heart bursting with happiness once again. It pleased him that they were starting over, and he promised himself he wouldn’t muck things up this time. But staying in this castle bothered him more than he dared to admit. There were too many secrets here. He knew things about Lord Thatcher that she wouldn’t like. She obviously thought highly of the beast, but he must protect her from the mystery. At all costs.

  * * * *

  The large stone castle loomed dark, mysterious, and forlorn. Shadows whispered of secrets, of events best forgotten, and hinted of dangers unseen. But those shadows said nothing about the love and safety Charlotte needed most. Looking back, it was a whirlwind of events that had led her here, and it was the mystery surrounding the castle and its beastly master, which had beguiled her the most.

  The morning sun peeked through the slit in the curtains and touched her face. Charlotte took a deep breath, inhaling the sweet, fresh perfume of blossoming flowers and rich green leaves. Outside, little white cotton puffs of clouds dotted the bright blue sky. The sun’s warmth spread throughout her body and made contact with her heart. Joy nearly caused her heart to leap right from her chest.


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