‘Loving the hair, Sophie,’ Ellie distracts.
‘Thank you,’ I grin. ‘I wasn’t sure at first, it’s so much easier to take care of when it’s shorter. Although, there are more options when it’s longer.’
‘I like it,’ Ellie comments. ‘Do you prefer it, brother?’
‘She looks beautiful either way,’ Nate responds, diplomatically.
Ellie rolls her eyes, while I stroke my hand over Nate’s thigh lovingly. ‘Something tells me you can do no wrong,’ Ellie mutters, good naturedly.
I smile in response, not knowing quite how to answer.
‘He never gave up,’ Ellie murmurs, quiet enough for my ears only.
I nod, ‘I’m so glad,’ I confess. ‘If he had, I don’t think I would be here today.’
She grasps my hand tightly, ‘and the world would have been a sadder place, babe.’
‘Thanks, El. Now tell me about this surprise baby?’ I lift the seriousness of the conversation; this was supposed to be a celebration. But, I can’t stop myself from considering Marnie’s question, would I ever visit Krystal? Could I ever face Denver again, the place where the best and worst things happened to me?
When we all decide to call it a night, I watch as Kyle offers to walk Shauna to her room and decide to have a bit of fun. I mumble to Nate to play along before calling Shauna.
‘Yes?’ She replies.
‘I’ve been speaking to Nate, and we have decided that maybe it’s best we spend our wedding eve apart, you know, tradition and all that.’ My face is perfectly serious, but the look on Shauna’s is comical. Her mouth opens and closes silently as her eyes flicker to Kyle, who appears to have caught on to the joke. ‘So, if it’s okay with you, I’ll come back with you tonight?’
‘Erm,’ she babbles, Nate cannot contain his chuckle as Kyle joins in by grinning over to me, his eyes narrowing in promise of revenge.
‘Come on darlin’ they’re fucking with us,’ he takes Shauna’s arm and guides her away from the sniggering group.
‘I have to say, I’ve never seen Shauna speechless,’ Nate pulls me against him, I wrap my arms around his waist as I grin up with adoration. He glances down and his eyes heat, ‘let’s get you to bed, big day tomorrow.’
‘I can’t wait,’ I whisper up.
‘Me either,’ his lips touch my forehead.
The Venetian Courtyard is the most romantic setting for a wedding. I don’t know what I expected for Vegas, maybe the ceremony being hosted by Elvis or alike, I’m not sure, but the beauty of the surroundings along with the sight of my husband, dressed in a light grey suit, a crisp white shirt and a tie the colour of his eyes, astounds me.
His eyes blazed appreciatively as I entered on the arm of Shauna, who was dressed to kill in a sky blue shift dress and spiky silver heels. When Nate’s eyes hit my newly cut hair, that I had styled in the spa this morning, they warmed considerably, yep, he totally hated the long hair. When his eyes lingered for a while before moving down the length of my dress to my legs, they heated further. When they reached the strappy high sandals, they looked downright feral.
I grinned, goofily, as I stopped in front of him and passed my bouquet of cream roses to Shauna.
‘You look incredible,’ Nate whispers. The emotion in his glance is palpable and I thank every God that exists for allowing me to survive the past year, just so that I could experience this very moment. Because if I died tomorrow, I would still be thankful for having this day, today.
‘Where’s Kyle?’ I ask Nate.
‘Took Shauna and the baby to JFK,’ he announces, checking the passports and plane tickets.
We are in the foyer of The Venetian, preparing to leave. Marnie, Ellie and Eli appear and wave over to us. We had all stayed only the three nights. Nate and I were flying on to Florence, Italy on our way home, for our honeymoon, the others had work commitments. It was a long way for Shauna to fly for a few days, but she insisted on attending, of which I was grateful, being my one and only guest. It hadn’t been easy for her to take the time off of work seeing as she had only returned to work, after her maternity leave, a month ago. She had to agree to take the days off as unpaid leave to attend the wedding, as she hadn’t accrued any holiday. I also knew money was tight for her at the moment with Matt messing around with her child maintenance payments, so Nate had insisting on paying for the trip for her. She had argued, but was never going to win against Nate.
We all hug goodbye, as Nate’s family walk us to the exit.
‘Stay in touch,’ Ellie squeezes me tight, ‘sister,’ she grins.
‘I will,’ I promise, ‘you can visit anytime,’ I remind her. She nods, but I know that will be hard with the diner and the new baby on the way.
I watch as Marnie hugs Nate, the embrace longer than normal from Marnie.
‘Ma!’ Nate calls, to whatever Marnie has whispered in his ear. ‘You can visit anytime you like,’ he insists.
‘I know,’ she wipes a tear and attempts to pull herself together. Guilt sears through me. I glance up at Nate to see his jaw is tense, he is upset.
‘Maybe we can visit at Thanksgiving?’ I suggest to Marnie as she steps towards me her eyes watery.
‘Really?’ A tear rolls down her cheek as her eyes light with hope.
‘Sure!’ I look at Nate. ‘If that’s okay with you?’
‘That would be good, London,’ he murmurs to me, a look of relief hits his hopeless expression.
I smile at Marnie and she hugs me tight. ‘Thank you, honey. You don’t know how much that means to me.’
‘I do,’ I argue, remembering how happy she was to have the news of Kyle’s return from service. ‘Just bear with me, yeah?’ I plead her.
She nods, comprehending my plea. ‘Okay, Sophie honey.’
‘I feel like I forgot something,’ I tell my husband, as I lean my head back against the headrest. The flight had taken it out of me, I feel exhausted and achy.
‘Whatever it is can be replaced,’ he reminds me as we drive into Krystal. ‘Let’s get you to mum’s and settled,’ I put my hand on his thigh, gratefully.
‘You excited?’ I ask, softly, watching his expression through the shadows of the night.
He glances sideways, his lips tilting up at the sides. ‘Of course, there is nothing I want more than my family together. This way I get the best of both worlds.’ He turns back to me as we enter the high street. ‘How do you feel about it?’
‘Baby, I’d give you the world if I could, you know that,’ I murmur, tenderly.
‘You already have,’ his hand runs over my swollen abdomen that contains our first born.
I am six months pregnant, which means that Nate and I made our first child almost the first time we slept together after reconnecting in London. We didn’t find out until I was almost three months pregnant, by which time we were married and welcomed the news as natural progression of our relationship. I had weaned off of my anti-depressants under the watchful eye of both my GP and therapist and was now in a place where I, thankfully, no longer needed them.
I could have gone on different kind of medication, one that was safer for the baby, but, I wouldn’t do anything to put my child at risk, so was eager to stop them altogether. Nate was anxious, as was I, that I would fall apart without them, but thankfully I felt as if I was over the worst of my apprehensions, thanks to Nate and the medical help I was receiving.
‘Do you think your mum will be shocked?’ I question, Nate.
‘Fuck, yeah. She was overjoyed that we made Thanksgiving, to know we are staying,’ he shakes his head, ‘she’ll be beside herself.’ I grin at this.
It had taken all I had for me to get on that plane to Denver, three months ago. But, amazingly, once we had actually arrived in Krystal, I felt as if I had arrived home. Ellie had been fit to burst in her pregnancy, the baby being due at any moment, unfortunately we had to leave before
she gave birth to a stunning baby girl, who they later named Ruby.
Ollie’s hair salon was now a book store, for which I was grateful. To see his name up on the sign as we drove past would have proved too much for me to endure. My brother’s death had been a catalyst for disaster, I still couldn’t allow my brain to dwell there for too long. Oliver was best left in the vault that gratefully wasn’t as full as it used to be. Most things I addressed and filed away, my brother I couldn’t, but hopefully one day I hoped I would be able to bring him out and smile fondly at the few good memories we shared.
On arriving home to London, from Krystal, we had continued to live our lives, but I had watched as Nate became quiet and withdrawn, he was unhappy in London. I had an attentive, gorgeous husband, a best friend, and my hair salon. Nate had me. No comparison.
When I asked if he was content, he confirmed all he needed in the world was me, but I saw for myself that I wasn’t enough, he desired more from life. With the joyful news of the pregnancy upon us, he had wanted me to start taking things easy and leave him to take control of supporting his family. But, seeing as his working visa hadn’t yet come through, that wasn’t possible. We had enough money between us for him not to work, but for a man like Nate that wasn’t an option.
I began to question my initial decision to keep Nate in London, with me, and realised that what I had unconsciously offered him was an ultimatum. It was selfish of me, I couldn’t give him up, I knew that, I wouldn’t give him up. That gave me no other option but to contemplate us moving back to Krystal. Although, I didn’t mention it to Nate until I was sure I could go through with it. I discussed it with my therapist, who helped me reach the decision, and then approached Nate.
I’ll never forget the look on his face for as long as I live.
‘How do you feel about moving back to Krystal?’ I had mumbled into his chest, late one night after we had made love.
I had felt his muscles tense, but not a sound omitted from his mouth. I sat up, my chin on his chest and watched as his previously orgasm-induced relaxed face sharpened.
‘You want to move to Krystal?’ He repeated, the astonishment plain in his tone.
‘I think it will be nice for the baby to have family around him or her,’ another positive for going ahead with the move. ‘I also think that you are homesick,’ I kissed his nipple, ‘but you won’t tell me because for some reason you think my well-being is more important than yours.’
‘Soph,’ he began.
‘No, hear me out,’ I interrupted. His watchful eyes observe me carefully, ‘everything you have done for me, from day one really,’ I roll my eyes,’ I appreciate all of it, Nate.’ I roll closer to him pressing my naked body against his. I absorb his perfect features, gazing at him with all the love I feel. ‘But, your feelings count too, you hear me?’
He stares at me before briefly nodding.
‘You need something, baby, you tell me. This is a two-way street; your needs are just as important as mine. I’m sorry if I have been too occupied with myself to notice how unhappy you have been, Nate.’
‘You were healing,’ he argues, ‘and I’m not unhappy, I’m married to the love of my life, how could I possibly be unhappy?’
‘Cute!’ I smile, ‘I get that things have been hard for both of us. But you need to communicate with me, Nate.’
‘You wouldn’t have married me if it meant you moving back to Denver, you told me that. I would live half a life rather than not have you feature in it.’ He responded, stubbornly.
I dashed a tear from my cheek at his kind words. ‘Baby, I would rather live half a life than have you living unhappy. So, where does that leave us?’
‘I’m not unhappy,’ he repeats.
‘But, it would make you happier if you were in Krystal?’ I probed.
‘Well of course, it’s my home,’ he announced.
‘Then, let’s go home,’ I kissed him gently. ‘Charley is in a position to buy the salon from me, let’s look at some places to buy in Krystal.’ I suggested.
His grin had been huge, his eyes bright, the excitement in them reminding me that I have been too wrapped up in my own misery to take care of my husband.
‘I’m sorry, baby,’ I had proclaimed.
‘You have nothing to apologize for,’ Nate promised. ‘You sure about this?’
‘I have been thinking about it since we returned at Christmas,’ I admitted.
He then wrapped himself around me and I felt the physical relief drain from his body.
We then proceeded in locating a suitable property to raise our family around the Krystal area. When we found any potential properties, Nate sent Kyle to look the place over. He was, of course, sworn to secrecy, but was completely fine with keeping quiet if it meant that his brother was going to finally join him in the PI business.
Nate had put the Denver loft up for sale and it had been snapped up being in such a central location. The movers had cleared the place and the sale had gone through three weeks ago.
We had only put my flat up for sale last week, once we had everything else sorted out. The salon had been transferred into Charley’s name and the money was sitting in the bank with the proceeds of Nate’s loft.
The four bedroomed property wouldn’t be ready for another two weeks, but we needed to be in Krystal to sort out the final paperwork and arrange for the funds to be transferred. So, we had boxed up the flat in Battersea and jumped a plane to spend some time with Marnie and Ellie. The only thing was, we hadn’t told them.
Pulling up at Marnie’s hotel, Nate helped me out of the car and up the concrete steps. It was nine p.m. and all was quiet. When we enter the reception area, Lucy is sitting behind the desk. Her face expresses her shock, but Nate puts his finger to his mouth to indicate our surprise. She grins and gestures to the door behind her, which leads to Marnie’s private rooms.
Nate winks and guides me around the desk and enters the door that has a brass sign stuck to it, the words Private embossed onto it. Marnie was sitting in her chair by the window, her glasses perched on the edge of her nose, her knitting needles working at an extreme rate, clicking in a regular rhythm. As if she senses our arrival, she glances over the top of her lenses, her mouth drops open and she screeches. The knitting falls to the floor, her glasses are whipped from her face and she is hurling towards us. I giggle as Nate grabs her and swings her around chuckling to himself. I watch on, a grin spread across my face, as Marnie kisses her sons face over and over.
‘Are you really here?’ She holds his face in her hands.
‘Ma!’ Nate rolls his eyes.
‘My boy,’ her eyes glisten with unshed tears. Then she turns to face me, her eyes falling to my pregnancy bump. ‘Oh my,’ her hands move to me and curve around my tummy, ‘you brought my grandbaby home, honey?’ Marnie asks, her eyes hopeful.
‘Yeah, Ma,’ Marnie had insisted I call her Ma during our Thanksgiving visit. ‘I brought the rest of your family home,’ emotion builds in my chest at the gratitude in her gaze.
‘My girl,’ she hugged me tight, ‘thank you, Sophie,’ her voice is gravelly, her cheeks wet.
‘Ma!’ Nate approaches, ‘Sophie’s tired and hungry, you have a room for us until our house is finalised?’
‘You have a house?’ Marnie gasps. ‘My boy, they not have phones where you been staying?’ She calls, with complete attitude.
‘Yeah, we thought we’d surprise you,’ he pulls me into his hold. ‘Can we talk about this later, my wife needs food and a bed.’
‘Of course, sit, sit,’ she flaps around, ‘I’ll get Lucy to sort a room. They got a house,’ she laughs as she leaves the room.
Pulling me against him as I sit on the sofa, Nate squeezes me, ‘thank you, baby.
‘For what?’ I push my nose in the crook of his neck to inhale his addictive scent.
‘For making my life perfect, for making Ma, happy. The list is endless,’ he teases, pushing his hand through my short locks and tilting my face to his.
/> I gaze up into his sapphire pools and my heart beats a little faster. ‘Thank you, for believing in us, for standing firm when everyone else gave up. But most of all, thank you for bringing me back to me.’
‘Baby, I have to tell you here, I had an ulterior motive,’ Nate grins.
‘Yeah?’ I smile.
‘You know it, London.’
Kyle and Shauna’s story – Coming soon!
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