Hard Luck

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Hard Luck Page 17

by Liv Morris

  “What do you want to know? How many times we fucked?” I whisper, knowing Stuart can hear me from the front seat. It might be a crude thing to say, but Brady has no right to bring up my one and only serious boyfriend, especially since his cock has been in hundreds of women.

  “The thought of that fucker touching you,” he growls through gritted teeth, “drives me fucking nuts.”

  “Why does it bother you so much?” I ask, searching his face for an answer. I’m his cock’s paid companion—a girl who Brady believes gets his rocks off. But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to be more.

  “I don’t know,” he says, sounding defeated as he exhales. “I really don’t know,” he repeats on a whisper, more to himself than me.

  Brady and I don’t even say goodbye when Stuart drops me off at the penthouse. A few reporters gather on the sidewalk and yell at me to answer questions or turn toward their cameras, but I don’t even glance in their direction.

  A doorman has security escort me to the elevator and I’m thankful for being able to avoid all the camera flashes. I guess Jimmy’s right—there is more protection for me here at Brady’s place from the media and fans.

  I decide to quit avoiding my public situation and spend the rest of the afternoon returning communications from friends via email and Facebook.

  Even the doctors at my practice are concerned about me, and shocked. I assure them I’m fine, and I will be. I have my eyes set on paying off my student loans and buying my mother a house, both made possible with the money Brady is giving me. Plus, I’d like to help my brother get clean.

  Alone in the penthouse, I fix myself some dinner and catch up on some Netflix. By nine, Brady still hasn’t come home. I pick up my phone to see if I missed a call or text from him and mentally slap myself. Only a girlfriend or fiancée would be checking up on Brady like this—and I’m neither.

  Turning off the lights to my room around ten, I crawl under the covers of my bed. I try not to check my phone before I start to drift off, but I cave, needing to see if Brady at least said goodnight to me. My phone shows nothing from him, though.

  I toss my phone on the nightstand. “Fuckity fuck,” I mutter under my breath, rather disgusted with myself.

  After Mitchell shredded my heart to pieces, I swore I’d never fall for a cocky player like Brady again. Plus, I know Brady’s crazy hookup numbers. The sum should scare the shit out of me, but I can’t deny the truth: baseball players attract me like metal to a magnet.

  Since the day my uncle sat me down in a seat at Wrigley stadium, the men on the diamond have been my idols. I guess the attraction to these bad boys as a grown woman was inevitable, especially now that I love how they fill out their pants.

  Damn Brady and his fine ass. I wonder if it feels as hard as the rest of him and can’t help but hope for another dirty dream about him tonight.

  It’s been one hell of an exhausting weekend, so I nestle down in the soft covers of the bed and close my eyes, but all I see is Brady with near fury in his eyes as he spoke to me about Mitchell. Why he was so jealous is a mystery to me. It’s almost like I am truly his. I banish that silly thought out of my head, or at least try to as my mind drifts to sleep.



  A loud bang wakes me up, followed by shoes tapping on the marble tile of the hallway. The sound of footsteps stops at my closed door.

  I take a few shallow breaths. It has to be Brady coming home from wherever the fuck he’s been all afternoon and night. Still, I gather the covers around myself and strain to hear if the person standing at my door walks away. Minutes follow, and I’m met with silence.

  The doorknob turns and my heart begins to race. It doesn’t stop when the door opens wide to reveal Brady standing there in a white linen shirt that glows in the darkness. It makes him look like a ghost.

  “Brady?” I ask in a trembling voice.

  “You know what you do to me,” he rasps, walking toward my bed, his words more a statement than a question. “You drive me crazy.”

  “I do?” He stands next to me by the bed and I catch a whiff of whiskey as his heavy breathing reaches down to me. The masculine scent and his deep voice make me want him like never before.

  “I tried to forget about you tonight,” he confesses in the shadowed darkness as he pulls his fingers through his dirty blond hair. My eyes flutter, imagining doing the same.

  “Were you with someone else?” No. I lower my eyes, scolding myself. I can’t believe I just asked that. I regret my question the second it leaves my lips.

  It makes me weak and silly and stupid, but I’d be lying if I didn’t admit to wondering if he added another hookup to his tally. And why does he need to forget me? Other than a couple kisses where he barely even gave me tongue, we’ve never even been together together.

  “Fuck, no,” he practically yells, and I flinch under the covers. Brady places a hand on the headboard and leans over me. The whiskey smell hits me harder, making my nipples hard too. “Hundreds of women were around me tonight, all willing to come home with me, but I didn’t want any of them.”

  “You mean your dick didn’t,” I throw out the snarky comment, but I need to know. Did he turn them away because he thinks his dick won’t be “up” for the challenge, or was it because he didn’t want to be with them?

  “It’s not about that anymore, Cali.” He lowers his free hand to my face, caressing my cheek. His light touch ripples like a wave of desire throughout my body and stops between my legs. I feel like I’m going to burst. “It’s about real want.”

  “What do you want?” I breathe.

  “I want you in my bed,” Brady murmurs back as his fingers still linger on my face.

  “Okay,” I whisper without a thought, because he doesn’t just need me, he’s admitting to wanting me. Every wall falls down and any reason to say no fades away as I toss my cares to the wind. I’ve wanted him from afar and now he wants me.

  Brady pulls the covers off me with a snap of his wrist and I gasp.

  “Brady, what are you doing?” I bring one hand up to my chest while the other lowers in an attempt to cover my thin tank top and one-size-too-small boy shorts.

  “Taking you to my bed,” he growls while lifting me up and throwing me over his shoulder Viking-style.

  He wraps one arm around my legs, securing me to his hard body. My top half dangles behind him, my head hanging right above his tempting ass. My mouth is positioned where I could easily take a quick nibble of it.

  Never in a million years did I think tonight would go like this, but my whole body is on fire at the promise in his words. We are about to go beyond a point of return, but there’s no way in hell I’ll stop him now. I’m all his—at least for this night.

  “I hope you’re ready to be fucked senseless,” he says as we walk out of my bedroom and down the hallway toward his suite.

  “Yes,” I say while exhaling, wondering if he heard my response. He’s taken my breath away and I can hardly speak.

  “Good,” he responds on a growl, proving he did hear me, “because I plan on keeping you up all night.”

  He slaps my ass with his free hand and I flinch, not expecting it.

  “Hey,” I protest, slapping him back on his ass. And it’s as firm as hell, lucky me.

  “Feisty,” he laughs and pulls my shorts down over my ass, rubbing my exposed cheeks. “I fucking knew you would be once you opened up to me.” I close my eyes at the thought of opening myself up to him—all those glorious nine inches. I can’t wait.

  “Get me to your damn bed,” I demand, trying to kick my legs, but he holds me tighter.

  “Behave, or I’ll have to tie you down,” he threatens, his voice teasing. “Or maybe that’s what you want.” He follows with a sexy laugh that makes me squirm in his arms.

  He pushes open his door and it ricochets against the wall with a thud. The lights stay off, but the large glass window lets in the glow from the streets below.

stops in the middle of the room, and I twist around to see we are by his bed. I prepare for him to throw me down, but he grabs my waist with both hands and pulls me down the length of his body, dangerously slow. My toes land on his feet and he holds me in his grasp, looking down at me with hooded eyes, dark with desire.

  Reaching up as far as I can, I bring my hands to his neck, wanting my fingers in his blond hair where I can twist and twirl the locks.

  “Brady.” His name leaves my lips as his crash to mine. His hands roam over my body, gliding to my ass while he pushes me against his erect cock. So hard, so big, and all mine for the night.

  “Cali,” he breathes my name between scorching kisses, “I’ve never wanted anyone like this. I need to consume you and leave nothing untouched.”

  My head falls back as he ignites an electric trail down my neck with his tongue. He pulls my tank top down on one side, uncovering my left breast. The cool air makes it pebble. Brady nibbles on the skin around my breast, then bends to take my hard nipple into his mouth.

  “Fuck,” I moan as he continues to lick and nibble. Feeling needy, I wrap a leg around his hips and grind my pussy into his leg.

  How long has it been since a man has touched me like this? Never. No one has unleashed this overriding passion in me before. His words, his body, his touch—it’s never felt like this. He’ll likely ruin me for all others, but I’ll submit to his carnage without regret.

  “Lay down,” he commands while releasing me from his hold and stepping away. I want to cling to him, afraid I’ll wake up from a dream, like the one I had this morning.

  “On the bed?” I ask, not wanting to let go of him.

  “Where the fuck else,” he laughs. I shrug. He makes a good point. “Get your sweet ass on there now.” He nods to the bed, but it looks so big and lonely.

  I comply, taking my time crawling toward the center. My ass still shows since he never covered me back up, so I wiggle a little more than necessary.

  “Damn,” he whistles between his teeth. I give him a sultry smile as I position myself with my legs stretched in front of me.

  He touches my ankles and inches his fingers up the outside of my legs. Landing at the top of my boy shorts, he grasps the edges and pulls each end apart. The flimsy material tears under his strength, shredding it. Tossing it to the side, his lips replace his fingers and he kisses along my hipbones.

  “Brady,” I moan, needing more. “Please.”

  “Please what?” he asks, moving closer to my clit, but not close enough.

  “I need you,” I beg, widening my legs in an open invitation.

  “Like here?” His fingers part me and his tongue finds the place needing him the most.

  “Yes.” I grab his hair as he sucks, licks, and nips almost to the point of pain.

  “Such a sweet pussy. Just like I knew it would be.” I raise my hips at his words, seeking and craving more. He enters me with one finger, then another, adding to the feeling and bringing me closer.

  Just as I get ready to break over the edge, he removes his fingers. “What are you doing?” I give him a pained look and sigh heavily.

  “It’s called the plateau, each one higher than the next until I decide to let you go to the top.”

  “But I’m ready,” I plead, trying to tug his face close to my area of need. I’d sell my soul for him to get me there now.

  “Trust me,” he coos, and I whimper as he returns to torture me.

  Over and over, I ascend and he pulls back at just the right second to keep me from falling into a delicious orgasm. I writhe on the bed, squirm in need on the covers, and claw at his head, but he continues to unleash his wicked tongue on me. And he’s right—each time the plateau is higher and getting to a near release is shorter. He has me in his thrall as a prisoner.

  “This time, Cali,” he urges as he returns his attention to my body.

  I’m near incoherent when my legs begin to shake and a scream leaves my mouth. I bite my lip to focus on the pleasure as it rips through every cell of my body. It’s like the force raises me off the bed and I float down back to earth a changed creature.

  I lie there and roll my head from side-to-side. “Was that a dream?”

  “All of it was real, baby.” He gives my sensitive clit a last lick and I nearly convulse.

  “Now, I need to fuck you into tomorrow,” he declares, ripping his shirt from his body. Buttons fly, seams rip, and it’s hot as fuck.

  “Please…” I reach up to caress his now bare chest and glide my fingers over the solid planes and strong angles. He’s like a God made of stone, but all flesh and bone.

  Removing his pants, he tosses them to the floor and walks around the bed in his black boxer briefs, the tip of his cock peeking from the elastic. I lick my lips, wanting to taste him, too.

  He opens a drawer on his nightstand and pulls out a condom. I imagine him doing this two-hundred times before tonight and my mood of bliss lifts. Dammit. I won’t think about them—the ghosts of orgasms past. He could have had someone else tonight, but he wanted me.

  “Where’d you go, baby?” Brady asks, and I blink my eyes. He’s no longer at the nightstand. Instead, he stands at the foot of the bed, boxers gone and a big, lovely cock pointing straight for me. I breathe deep and run my tongue over my lips.

  “I was just thinking.”

  “Just feel tonight, Cali. Feel me fucking you.” He rips the condom from the package and rolls it on before I can blink. “I’m going to fuck you senseless.”

  He climbs on the bed and grasps my ankles while pulling me down toward his knees.

  “But I’m one of so many.”

  “You’re the one and only.” He stares at me, his gaze serious, without a flinch in his proclamation. He truly means it. He raises one ankle and begins to kiss it.

  “I ran into the woman who cursed me,” he says, his tone matter of fact. She’s the last person who slept in this bed besides me. A wave of jealousy rushes over me. “She congratulated me on my engagement. Seems the curse she put on my dick can only be cured by one woman.”

  “She said that?” I ask, my mouth hanging open. “Do you think she’s right?”

  “Let’s find out,” he says, angling himself above me.



  I wanted to run when I saw Marie approaching me tonight at the bar, but at the same time, I wanted answers. People can’t go around fucking with a guy’s fucker like she did—and she messed with more than my body. My mind has been fucked up too, making my game shit.

  Marie said if my dick was functioning properly, Cali must be the one woman who can break the curse. She mentioned seeing my engagement in the paper and put it all together, I guess.

  I told her Cali and I were none of her business and she threw her head back in laughter. Her final words still freak me the fuck out. She said I was lucky because football player, Thomas the Tank, the one Bryce said hooked up with Marie, still hasn’t found Mrs. Right. It gave me chills. He’s been benched for a full season and sports announcers say he’s washed up. Fuck, that could’ve been me.

  But as I hover over Cali, ready to fuck her brains out, I don’t care what led me to her. Gazing into her hungry eyes, I spread her legs and position myself at her entrance. I rub my dick over her clit and gently push in and out an inch or two, prepping her for my size.

  Shit, she’s so ready for me, and looks like a beautiful goddess with her hair spread over the bed. Gorgeous tits, full and perky, begging to be touched, a small waist curving down to her slender hips—she’s so fucking stunning, and all mine.

  “Please, Brady,” she begs, and I don’t want to keep my woman begging.

  She’s so damn wet, and it turns me the fuck on too. “Wet, for me and no one else.”

  “No one,” she echoes. “I’ve never felt like this. You touch me and everything ignites.”

  “Hold on. I’m going to fuck the sense out of you,” I say through gritted teeth as I push into her full force.
/>   “Oh my God,” Cali cries out. “So deep,” she continues to cry out. I smile knowing she’s never had anyone as big as me. Fuck you, Mitchell. She’s mine, dammit.

  “You’re so damn tight. Made for me,” I moan, stilling inside her fully seated. I close my eyes and let the feeling of being inside her wash over me. “Never been like this, Cali.” I begin to move my hips in a circular motion as the air hums between us. I look into her eyes and the oneness we share passes between us.

  Wanting to be as close to her as possible with my hands free to explore her body, I sit up on my knees and bring her with me. She answers by wrapping her legs tight around my waist and I rock my hips to push up into her.

  “You’re even deeper. Don’t stop, please,” she says in a whimper, throwing her head back. I lick and suck on her neck, then bend to reach her nipples. I want to devour every inch of her skin—own it, possess her.

  “So beautiful.” I grip her hips, pulling her up and back down on my dick. She bounces on me and moans, her eyes shutting. She seems to get lost in my movements, allowing me to control her pleasure.

  “I’m coming again,” Cali mumbles, almost incoherent.

  I wrap one arm tight around her back and draw her tighter to my chest, the rhythm of my thrusts never breaking. Bringing the other hand to her swollen clit, I press hard while making slow circles over it. The feel of her at my fingertips clouds my lust-soaked brain.

  “Fuck, Cali,” I whisper, sucking the soft skin of her exposed throat.

  Raising her head, she brings her lips to mine and kisses me with an abandon I hadn’t thought possible from her. There’s no hesitancy as her tongue takes mine.

  She digs her fingernails into my back, marking me as hers. The passion she shows me as we get lost in each other unravels me. It’s like we’ve found what we’ve been hungry for and don’t want to quit tasting it.

  She breaks away seconds before she comes, her head swaying while her teeth bite down on her red, swollen lips. Lost in concentration, she contracts around me and I lose all restraint on my control.


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