Turnabout r-8
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Michael A. Martin, whose solo short fiction has appeared in The Magazine of Fantasy amp; Science Fiction, is also coauthor (with Andy Mangels) of Roswell: Skeletons in the Closet and Roswell: Pursuit. Martin and Mangels also cowrote Star Trek: The Next Generation Section 31 Rogue; Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Mission: Gamma Book Three Cathedral; Star Trek: Starfleet Corps of Engineers #30 and #31 (Ishtar Rising, books 1 and 2); and Star Trek The Lost Era: 2298 The Sundered. More collaborative fiction from the Martin/Mangels team can be found in Prophecy and Change (a Star Trek: Deep Space Nine anthology) and in the forthcoming Tales of the Dominion War anthology. Several other big Star Trek book projects are currently in the works as well. Martin was the regular cowriter (also with Andy) of Marvel Comics' monthly Star Trek: Deep Space Nine comicbook series, and has generated heaps of copy for Atlas Editions' Star Trek Universe subscription card series. He has written for Star Trek Monthly, Dreamwatch, Grolier Books, Wildstorm, Platinum Studios, Gobshite Quarterly, and Gareth Stevens, Inc., for whom he has penned several World Almanac Library of the States nonfiction books. Martin lives and works in an ancient house in Portland, Oregon, surrounded by his wife, Jennifer J. Dottery, their two boys, James and William, and much love and laughter.
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