Wolf's Bane

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Wolf's Bane Page 10

by Joe Dever

  If your total score is now 5 or less, turn to 108.

  If it is 6 or higher, turn to 191.


  You follow the tunnel as it ascends towards the surface. A dot of daylight appears in the distance which, as you climb towards it, becomes a cluster of bright sunbeams filtering through a curtain of vines. This fringe of emerald streamers conceals the cave mouth entrance to this tunnel. The tunnel itself becomes increasingly humid as you get nearer to the exit. Its dry earth floor has gradually transformed into a slick and treacherous surface which is alive with beetles and centipedes, some as long as daggers.

  Upon reaching the cave mouth, you stop to peer through the hanging vines. Outside, in the fiercely tropical heat, you can see a dense jungle sweltering beneath a blazing sun. It extends in every direction towards a jagged horizon of volcanic mountain peaks. Then your eye is caught by something small and metallic glinting in the mulch of vegetation that carpets the entrance. You pick it up and discover that it is a brass button, engraved with a sun motif. It is identical to the buttons which adorn your own tunic, none of which are missing. You deduce that it has come from the tunic of your adversary, but you cannot be sure whether it was lost accidentally or was placed here deliberately for you to find.

  If you wish to search the entrance for further clues to the whereabouts of your enemy, turn to 101.

  If you choose to leave the tunnel and explore the jungle beyond, turn to 47.


  You regard the distant vent with trepidation. It looks to be so high and so far away that you fear an escape from this world may truly be impossible. In your growing despair, you call upon your divine mentor — the God Kai — for inspiration and, as if in answer to your prayer, you experience a sudden moment of revelation in which a bold plan takes form in your mind's eye.

  Using your innate Magnakai Discipline of Animal Control, you focus on one of the smaller dragonflies that is circling above the fecund blossoms lining the lip of the gorge. Instantly it responds to your silent command and comes soaring down to land in a nearby clearing. Like a tame and obedient horse, this winged creature waits patiently for you to clamber upon its back. Then, once you are in position, it takes to the air with such speed that your stomach feels as if it has been physically torn from your body. Several minutes pass before you fully recover from the shock of the stunningly swift take-off, and are able to sit back and enjoy the spectacular aerial views of the gorge.

  Using your palms and your knees, you quickly discover that you are able to steer the dragonfly towards the distant vent. Unfortunately, your ascent does not go entirely unnoticed. You are close to a mile above the canyon when suddenly your insectile steed attracts the unwanted attention of a larger predatory dragonfly. This predator is bigger and faster than your encumbered mount and, as it circles around him, it is clear that it is simply biding its time, awaiting the best moment to strike.

  You draw your weapon and tighten your grip on your mount's scaly back as the predatory dragonfly swoops down to make its initial attack.

  Illustration VII—The Golasyx attempts to stab you with its spear-like proboscis as you draw your sword.


  This creature is attempting to stab you with the tip of its spear-like proboscis as it swoops past; therefore you need only fight this combat for one round.

  If you inflict an equal or greater ENDURANCE loss upon the enemy in this single round of combat, turn to 38.

  If you sustain a greater ENDURANCE loss than your enemy, turn to 192.


  Nimbly you dodge aside and avoid being hit by this creature's drool. At first you think nothing of it, but then you look to see where it landed and you notice that this trail of saliva is melting the flagstones.

  If you wish to attack the creature that attempted to spit acid in your face, turn to 141.

  If you choose to evade this creature, turn to 91.


  Vigorously you attack the sticky strands of the net with your magical sword, cleaving through them with unexpected ease. They shrivel at the touch of your golden blade and drop in smouldering heaps onto the floor of the tunnel. Within a matter of seconds you have cut your way through and are able to continue your pursuit.

  Turn to 316.


  You and the others watch as Steel Hand slings his coil of rope over his shoulder and commences his climb. The rough wall of this vault offers many handholds and he is able to progress swiftly to the ceiling and work his way across to the middle of the chamber, directly above the fissure. Whilst holding himself in position with his left hand, he attempts to fix one end of the rope around an exposed stone beam with his right. On completing the task he ties off the rope and tugs it to make sure it is secure. There is a loud crack! and you gasp with horror as the buttress to which he has fixed his rope suddenly crumbles and breaks away from the ceiling.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

  If the number you have chosen is 0–7, turn to 92.

  If it is 8 or 9, turn to 268.


  At the end of the passage you discover another tunnel that leads off to the left. The walls and ceiling of this adjacent passageway are dripping wet, indicating that it passes directly under the stream. You stride along its narrow confines, your shoulders grazing the muddy walls as you advance up a flight of steps which lead to an archway supported by thick wooden beams. Beyond the arch lies a large subterranean chamber that is daubed and decorated with runes and evil insignia. It is a primitive temple and it radiates an aura of Evil so vile and malicious that the thought of entering makes your skin crawl.

  On the far side of this unholy place, you see a stone altar standing before a huge boulder that has been crudely chiselled to resemble a grinning human skull. An eerie green glow pulsates from the eye sockets of this great skull-rock, and a mist swirls from its open jaw. Wolf's Bane stands before the altar, an arrogant sneer spreading slowly across his face.

  ‘I'd expected better sport from you, Lone Wolf,’ he chides. ‘You disappoint me … but no matter. Such easy triumph proves the worthiness of my master's cause. I bid you farewell, Lone Wolf. A final farewell.’

  And with these chilling words ringing in your ears, your enemy stretches out both of his hands and takes hold of two iron staves that protrude from the ground on either side of the skull-rock's jaw. He jerks them out of their settings and casts them into the centre of the temple. Then, with a patronising salute, he turns and enters the open jaw, swiftly disappearing into the swirling mist.

  The dull boom of an explosion somewhere in the rock above the ceiling makes your heart miss a beat. Moments later, the walls begin to shake and the floor shudders violently beneath your feet, throwing you off balance. Rock and earth cascade from the roof and fissures tear open the ground. With fear running ice cold in your veins, you begin a desperate race to reach the mouth of the skull-rock before the entire roof collapses and you are buried alive in this doomed temple.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 2 to the number you have picked. For every level of Kai rank you have so far attained above the rank of Sun Knight, add 1.

  If your total score is now 3 or less, turn to 222.

  If it is 4–6, turn to 321.

  If it is 7–9, turn to 205.

  If it is 10 or higher, turn to 59.


  You detect that the fluid which the creatures are drinking is highly flammable. Armed with this knowledge, you realize that if you were able to set fire to the fluid in the trough, it would cause such a panic among the creatures that, in the ensuing chaos, you would very likely be able to reach the distant archway without being seen.

  If you possess Kai-alchemy, turn to 292.

  If you do not possess this Discipline, or if you choose not to use it, turn to 314.


  The sudden and unexpected ferocity of this psychic assault makes you fall t
o your knees and clasp your head in both hands. The pain is worming its way deep into your mind, causing your body to convulse with psychic shock. Dimly, through a red haze, you sense that the Platinum Amulet you are wearing around your neck affords you some defence against this attack, although it cannot protect you completely.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. For every level of Kai Mastery that you have attained above the rank of Kai Grand Guardian, add 1 to the number you have picked. (The maximum you are permitted to add is 5.)

  If your total score is now 3 or less, turn to 16.

  If it is 4–9, turn to 96.

  If it is 10 or higher, turn to 315.


  As you retreat a few paces from the shrieking horde to unsheathe a weapon, you glance towards the plinth to see how Alyss is faring. She has drawn upon her powers to create a cocoon of energy to protect both her vulnerable body and the legendary Moonstone. Kekataag assaults this glowing shield with maniacal ferocity, his great two-handed axe drawing fiery sparks with every mighty blow. You can sense from the hatred which blazes in his supernatural eyes that he and Alyss are old enemies.

  Her bravery inspires you to fight like a demon to reach the Shadow Gate and escape to your home world. You are determined that her efforts to save you will not be in vain.

  Crypt Spawn Horde: COMBAT SKILL 50 ENDURANCE 36

  If you win this combat, turn to 350.


  The great portal closes behind you with little noise, save the serpent-like hiss of escaping air. Inside, a cavernous plaza awaits you, crafted entirely of steel, glass, silver, and iron. Towering girders arc over your head, buttressed upon each other to support the many upper levels of this stupendous edifice.

  The plaza is vast and alien in design, and it is virtually deserted. You count no more than six armoured warriors, some so far distant that you have to magnify your vision to be sure that they are what they seem to be. Your arrival goes unchallenged and you waste no time in attempting to locate your adversary's trail. As expected, you find traces of his tracks close to the portal. They lead you to an archway which opens into a steel-lined chamber that has two exits: one to the left, the other to the right. Here the tracks become indistinct and you are unable to determine which way Wolf's Bane went from here.

  If you wish to explore the left exit, turn to 243.

  If you choose to explore the right exit, turn to 254.


  You instruct your Kai comrades to search the chamber's four walls for hidden levers or secret panels, while you busy yourself with a careful examination of Baron Garrulen's sarcophagus. You attempt to lift its heavy stone lid but without success; it is sealed tight by the grime of centuries. You are considering ways to prise it open when Black Hawk discovers something unusual about the north wall. He signals to you to come and take a closer look.

  Your experienced eye immediately detects two faint hairline cracks in its granite surface. They run vertically from the floor to the ceiling and appear to reveal the outline of a secret panel.

  ‘Good work, Black Hawk. I'd wager the impostor escaped this way,’ you say, as you scan the entire wall for some means of opening the secret panel. When no obvious way can be found, Black Hawk volunteers to force it open.

  If you decide to allow Black Hawk to attempt to force open the secret panel, turn to 41.

  If you choose to try to open it yourself, turn to 286.


  One arrow passes wide and shatters against the ceiling. But the other shaft clips your left leg and opens a painful gash above your knee: lose 2 ENDURANCE points.

  On reaching the balcony you speak the words which negate the effects of the Teleport spell, and, the moment your feet touch the ground, you hurry into the archway beyond.

  Use of the Teleport spell costs you a further 4 ENDURANCE points. Remember to make the necessary adjustments to your Action Chart.

  To continue, turn to 50.


  You unsheathe a hand weapon and brace your back against the door as the great metallic beast comes leaping through the darkness with its iron jaw set wide.


  This creature is immune to all psychic attacks.

  If you win this combat, turn to 5.


  The damp subterranean tunnel meanders for nearly a mile before entering a cavern which is lit by rays of insipid sunlight, permeating through holes in its root-entangled ceiling. Your natural Pathsmanship warns you that the slimy water is deep at the centre of this cavern and, as you enter, you take extra care where you tread.

  Thirty yards opposite there is a sloping tunnel which appears to ascend towards the surface; dim light illuminates its dry earthen floor. You approach it, keeping near to the cavern wall to avoid the deep water, but you have only taken a few paces when a sudden noise jars your nerves. With a dull boom, a concealed portcullis falls from the ceiling to seal off the tunnel through which you have come. Moments later, swirling eddies form in the water at the centre of the cavern and, with a hissing splash, a huge snaky head breaks through the surface and rises up to scrape the ceiling. Around its banded neck there is a collar of iron which is attached to a heavy chain. The chain disappears below the surface, keeping the creature a prisoner of this cavern. You gasp as you look into the eyes of this gigantic serpent for they radiate waves of evil that seem to place a chill in your very soul.

  Illustration VIII—The eyes of the gigantic serpent radiate waves of evil, chilling you to your soul.

  If you possess the Discipline of Animal Mastery and have attained the rank of Kai Grand Crown, turn to 61.

  If you possess Animal Mastery but have yet to attain this rank, turn to 208.

  If you do not possess Animal Mastery, turn to 110.


  You step away from the bodies of your slain enemies and collapse against the wall of the vault, gasping for breath. As you slowly recover, you notice that one of the reptilians has a leather pouch slung around its neck. You kneel down and tear open the pouch to discover that it contains a small Iron Disc. A cursory search of his dead companion reveals a Dagger, a Sword, and a small stone phial containing a Black Potion (properties unknown).

  The size and shape of the disc suddenly trigger an image in your memory. You take the disc and insert it between the gemstone squares which operate the portal lock. There is an audible click! and the disc reappears at the slot. (If you wish to keep this Iron Disc, record it on your Action Chart as a Special Item.) Seconds later, the heavy portal begins to rise. You wait until it has risen a few feet and you are sure that no enemy awaits you on the other side; then you duck under the iron plate and hurry into the tunnel beyond. As you run, you hear the portal slamming shut behind you with a dull reverberating boom.

  Turn to 115.


  The moment you key in the correct number, it activates the detonator lock and the bomb ceases to function.10 You wipe a trickle of sweat from your brow as you look at the illuminated display, for it shows that there were only five seconds to go before the bomb would have exploded. Carefully you set the device down on the floor and then hurry to the nearest dragonfly pen where you use your Magnakai Discipline of Animal Control to subdue its hostile occupant. The creature reluctantly submits to your will and allows you to climb upon its back. It has no saddle, and so you are forced to grip its scaly spine as you urge it skywards in pursuit of Wolf's Bane.

  As you emerge through the open steel roof of the tower, you catch a fleeting glimpse of the rain-swept city far below. Then, in the next instant, you plunge into the base of the thick black storm clouds which keep this alien city forever in shadow.

  Turn to 310.

  [10] This is the correct answer to the time bomb puzzle in Section 177.


  The inside of the tomb is a cold and sombre place, devoid of all life. Its featureless walls glisten with rivulets of moisture and the air is dank and evil smelling, like the breath o
f some cold-blooded reptile. At its centre, where one would have expected to find the remains of the nobleman who long ago was incarcerated here, there is instead a yawning shaft. An ancient bronze ladder is fixed to the shaft wall which descends to an unknown depth.

  Using your Kai senses, you scan the tomb and detect lingering traces of the impostor. His trail leads directly to the ladder. After satisfying yourself that your quarry has left behind no unwelcome surprises, you step onto the ladder and begin a slow descent into the shaft.

  The ladder ends inside a larger stone chamber, one hundred feet below the tomb. Here you discover a granite coffin embellished with runes and ancient Sommlending script. As you wait for your Kai companions to complete their descent, you read enough of the script to learn that you have found the final resting place of Hul Garrulen, the third Baron of Tyso. Your senses confirm that you are on the trail of the impostor, yet there appear to be no other exits from this chamber, other than the shaft by which you entered.

  If you possess Kai-alchemy and have attained the rank of Kai Grand Crown, turn to 290.

  If you do not possess this skill, or if you have yet to attain this level of Kai Grand Mastery, turn to 125.


  You draw your divine blade from its scabbard and a halo of golden light irradiates the throne hall. Naar bellows with a terrible rage. He is mortally aghast that such a holy weapon should be unsheathed in his presence, in his inner sanctum, and in his anger he summons a host of rubbery-limbed horrors from the smoky walls of his evil domain.


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