Ray of Hope (Ray #2)

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Ray of Hope (Ray #2) Page 8

by E. L. Todd

  I wasn’t sure what Zeke’s response would be. She wasn’t his typical type, and he was still hung up on Rae. This woman definitely wasn’t the fuck buddy type. She wanted dinner and flowers—the whole shebang.

  “I’d love to,” Zeke said. “Are you free on Friday?”

  I guess she was his type.

  “Absolutely free.” She pulled out her phone and got his number. “I’ll see you then.”

  “I look forward to it.”

  She gave him another smile before she walked back to her friends on the other side of the room.

  Zeke turned to me, a smug grin on his face. “Looks like I have a date on Friday.”

  “She seemed pretty cool. Not too many women would have the balls to do that.”

  “I know. I’m sure we’ll have a good time.”

  “And you did say there were plenty of fish in the sea. Looks like you caught a swordfish.”

  “A swordfish?” he asked. “That’s not even a sexy fish.”

  “But it’s a big fish. Have you seen them? They’re humongous.” I realized exactly how my words could be taken, and it was in a way I didn’t mean whatsoever. “Wait, I didn’t mean it like that… I just meant they’re really rare and big for a fish. That’s all. Sorry, you know how I meant that, right?”

  “Yeah, of course. You’re an ass, but I know you aren’t that kind of dick.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief when he believed me. “Maybe Rochelle will help you get over Rae once and for all.”

  “I sure hope so. I’m tired of feeling like this.” A defeated sigh escaped his lips. “I’m tired of dating and sleeping around. I’m thirty years old, and I’m ready to settle down. I’ve got a house and a career…but no wife. Rae clearly isn’t going to be that, so I need to find someone else.”

  “Someone better.” Zeke was the best guy I knew, and he deserved someone who was equally amazing. “And you will, man.” I clapped him on the shoulder. “Things are already looking up.”

  “Yeah, they are.” He turned in his chair so he was facing me better. “Any special ladies in your bed lately?”

  An image of Kayden on her knees with her mouth tight around my dick came into my mind. I would never forget that moment as long as I lived. My hand pulled her blonde hair back, and the saliva dripped from her mouth and onto my shoes. It was the sexiest blow job I’d ever gotten. She knew how to use that pretty little mouth of hers. “No, not this week.”

  “Maybe you’ll meet someone tonight.”

  “Maybe.” I glanced to the booth and saw Kayden sip her wine. Nearly half of the guys in the bar were staring at their table, at her specifically. Just an hour ago, she sucked me off, but she didn’t need my help whatsoever. She attracted the right kind of attention all on her own. She didn’t need me at all.

  But I was enjoying myself too much to tell her that.

  Chapter Six


  “Seriously, when the hell are you moving out?” The second I walked in the door, the kitchen was a mess. The blender sat on the counter, stained with the protein shake Rex made hours ago. There was water all over the counter and the floor, and there was an empty milk carton lying in the center of the kitchen.

  His voice came from the living room. “Nice to see you too. Tell me about your day.”

  “Why is there a milk carton sitting on the floor?”

  Rex finally got off his ass and joined me in the kitchen. He wore his old ripped jeans and a red sweater. His face was shaven, something he didn’t start doing until Groovy Bowl reopened. He was actually taking time to make his appearance look decent. “Huh?”

  I pointed to the milk carton. “Why is there a random milk carton on the floor?”

  He eyed it then shrugged. “Don’t know.”

  “You don’t know?” What kind of answer was that? “Did you use it to make your protein shake?”

  He rubbed his chin. “Can’t remember…”

  I couldn’t live like this any longer. “You need to move out. I’m being dead serious right now. You’re getting paid now, and you can afford rent. If you stay here any longer, I might kill you. I’m not joking.” I’d been living with a slob for too long, and I needed my space back. Ryker never came over because Rex was always here, and the apartment smelled like ass—and not because of Safari.

  “You’re really that mad over a milk carton?” He reached down and grabbed it. “Look, all taken care of.” He tossed it in the garbage.

  “Then why didn’t you do that before I came home?” My head was about to explode.

  “I didn’t see it, alright?”

  I stomped my foot. “How can you not see it?”

  “What’s your prejudice against dairy? Almond milk tastes like shit.”

  “Not the point, Rex.” I dragged my hands down my face so I wouldn’t snatch a steak knife from the drawer. “The kitchen is still a mess even with the milk carton put away.”

  “Look.” He ripped off a few paper towels and dropped them over the puddles of water. Instead of wiping down the counters, he just let them sit there and absorb the mess.

  “You’re joking, right?”


  “Aren’t you going to throw them away now?”

  “I’m letting the towels do their job.”

  I couldn’t believe I was related to this guy. “You’re ridiculous, Rex. What are you going to do when you get married?”

  “Married? I’m never getting married. I’m not even seeing anyone. Not anyone.”

  “I didn’t say you’re getting married tomorrow. But if anyone does agree to marry you, which I highly doubt, they aren’t going to put up with this. How many times have I told you to clean up after yourself? I’m tired of walking into a battlefield of trash.”

  “You think anyone is going to marry you with that shrill voice?”

  “He’ll never hear it because I would never marry an ass!”

  “The only guy who would marry you is a deaf guy. And maybe not even then.”

  I smacked my hand against his arm. “We’re finding you an apartment.”

  “I’m not leaving.”

  “Excuse me?” He was getting out of here even if I had to drag him. “You don’t need to live here anymore. You’re making money now and can afford a decent apartment.”

  “I need to save money to pay you guys back. Remember?”

  “I don’t need the money that bad. I would much rather not get paid at all and you not live here.” Because if he kept staying here, I would murder him and not have a brother at all.

  “Rent, utilities, and food really add up. If I saved that every month, I could pay you guys back twice as fast.”

  I stomped my foot like a child. “I don’t care about the money, Rex. I just want you out.”

  “I’ll clean up, alright? Look.” He grabbed all the paper towels and carried them to the garbage, but water leaked from the bottom of the pile and dripped all over the place. He tossed them in the garbage, where they would soak everything else inside. “There. I fixed it.”

  I stared at the line of water that went all the way through the kitchen. It was like a goddamn river. “Just forget it.”


  “Please. Please. Please.”

  Zeke’s deep voice came over the line. “No. Sorry.”

  “Come on. I’ve lived with him for six months now. It’s your turn.”

  “I’m not related to the guy, so I don’t have to do anything.”

  “But he’s your best friend.” I sat on my bed with the phone to my ear. Safari sat beside me, his chin resting on my thigh. “You’re always with him anyway.”

  “Yeah, but I know he’s a nightmare to live with. I’m at your place all the time and see the fun you two are having.” He chuckled into the phone.

  “But your place is huge, Zeke. You would both have plenty of room.”

  “I worked my ass off for this house, and I’m not letting that wrecking ball demolish it. If he thinks you’re anal about keeping your ap
artment clean, he’s not going to like living with me. Besides, when I have dates over, they like hanging out the next day. We make pancakes and watch TV. I wouldn’t be able to do that with Rex around.”

  “He’d stay out of your way…”

  “We both know he would eat all the pancakes and hog the remote.”

  I knew he was right but admitting that wouldn’t help my cause. “He won’t move out because he’s trying to save money to pay us back.”

  “Not surprised. He’s determined to pay off his debt.”

  “Well, his nobleness is goddamn annoying.”

  He laughed. “It’s only for a few more months, Rae. Then he’ll be gone for good.”

  “Ugh. I’m starting to hate him.”

  “Yeah…I can tell.”

  I rubbed my temple to fight the migraine fast approaching. “Rex mentioned you have a date this weekend.”

  “Yeah, I met her the other night at the bar. She asked me out.”

  “That’s cool. Where are you guys going?”

  “I’m taking her to that new café downtown.”

  “The one with all the pretty birdcages?”


  “That’s a cute place. Any woman would like that.”

  “That’s what I’m thinking,” he said. “And if things go well, we’ll be eating pancakes and watching TV the next morning.”

  “I would love to eat pancakes and watch TV. Ryker never does stuff like that.”

  “He doesn’t cook?” he asked in surprise.

  “No. In fact, I’ve never seen him use his kitchen.”

  “Weirdo. If a lady goes the extra mile, I always make her breakfast. I guess I’m a gentleman.”

  “So if she’s bad in bed, she doesn’t get anything?” That didn’t sound gentleman-like to me.

  “No…I always make them breakfast no matter what.”


  What’s my girlfriend up to? Ryker used that term whenever the opportunity presented itself, either because he thought it would butter me up or he liked saying it.

  Locked in my room.

  That sounds like fun…

  Rex is driving me crazy so Safari and I are in hiding.

  In your own apartment? His sarcastic tone seeped through the screen.

  I realized just how pathetic I was in that moment. Yeah…

  Come over here.

  No. I don’t need your pity invite.

  It wasn’t a pity invite. I want sex.

  How sweet…

  The three dots appeared immediately. Sweetheart, get over here. Or I’ll come get you myself.

  I didn’t want to be there any longer, and my stomach was starting to rumble. Can Safari come?


  Then we’ll be there soon.


  The elevator doors opened, and Safari and I walked inside. The scent of pine needles and his cologne immediately hit my face, and I felt like I was in a safe haven. This place was heaven in comparison to the hell I just left. “So beautiful…”

  Ryker stepped out from the hall in gray sweatpants that hung low on his hips. He was shirtless, like he usually was anytime he was in the apartment. “Thank you. You look beautiful too.” He wore a smug smile.

  He knew exactly what I was talking about, but I let it slide. “Thanks for letting us crash here. Even Safari was annoyed.”

  He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me softly on the lips. The touch was gentle and warm, removing the taint of my terrible afternoon with Rex. He made me melt into a puddle on the ground, and I was perfectly fine with being a mess on the floor. “You guys are always welcome here.” He gave my ass a playful squeeze before he stepped away.

  “Are you talking to me or my ass?”

  He wiggled his eyebrows. “Both.”

  I removed Safari’s leash so he could find a comfy spot on the couch to lie down.

  Ryker grabbed my purse and set it on the table. “So, Rex is a pain in the ass, huh?”

  “I asked him to move out but he won’t.”

  “Why wouldn’t he?” He stood in front of me, his arms across his powerful chest. “He’s making money now, right?”

  I rolled my eyes. “He wants to save more money to pay us back. I told him I don’t care if he ever pays me back. I just want him to leave.”

  He chuckled. “What a nightmare.”

  “When I came home today, there was a milk carton sitting on the ground…just sitting there.” I stared into his eyes and saw the humor rise in his irises. “Like, how the hell do you drop a milk carton on the floor and just keep walking? How?”

  He shrugged, his lips stretched into a smile. “Was it empty?”

  “I think so. But there was water all over the counters and the floor. When I told him to clean it up, he dropped paper towels everywhere and that was it.”


  “He said he wanted the towels to absorb the water.” I rolled my eyes again. “He’s the biggest dipshit on the planet. That doesn’t even make sense. And then when he threw the towels in the garbage, he got water everywhere—again.”

  Now Ryker was struggling to stop himself from laughing.

  “This all happened the second I walked in the door. And he had a dirty blender sitting on the counter collecting germs. Why doesn’t he just move to a garbage dump? He would feel right at home there.”

  Ryker finally laughed. “How much longer will he be there?”

  I shrugged. “A few months…maybe more.”

  “Well, why don’t you and Safari spend more time here?”

  “So my apartment can be demolished with trash?”

  “That way you can have a break. I’ve got a nice kitchen, several bathrooms, a nice living room, and not to mention, I’m always clean. So you guys would feel right at home here.”

  He basically just offered me a million dollars. “I would love to but that’s okay.”

  “Why not?” He stepped closer to me. “Stay here three days straight every week. It’ll give you a nice break from Rex so you won’t hate him so much.”

  “I don’t want to cram your bachelor pad with panties and dog hair.”

  “I welcome the panties. And the dog hair is fine. I’ll have Mindy clean the house more often.”



  I’d never seen her before. “My problem with Rex shouldn’t be your problem too.”

  “Did you ever think I’m taking advantage of your problem with Rex to get you over here more often?” He pressed his face to mine but didn’t kiss me. The proximity was enough to make me quiver.


  “Well, I am. So please stay here.”

  “What about Safari? He might accidentally do his business in your apartment.”

  “I’ll ask Mindy to let him out every day at lunchtime. Problem solved.”

  “She shouldn’t have to do that…”

  “She’ll appreciate the extra pay. Don’t worry about it.” He grabbed me by the hand and pulled me along with him. “Let me show you something.”


  He walked in front of me, the tight muscles of his back rippling as he moved. Every detail was carved from stone, and he looked so beautiful it was painful. “I like your back.”

  He turned around, his eyebrow raised.

  “I mean, the muscles of your back. They look really nice.” I could usually give a compliment pretty well, but this time, it came out stupid.

  He finally smiled. “Thanks, sweetheart.” He gave me a quick kiss on the ear, somehow making it one of the sexiest kisses I’d ever had. He walked into his bedroom then approached one of his thick dressers. Everything in his apartment was made of dark wood, suiting his personality perfectly. “See this drawer here?” He pointed to the one on top. It was two feet wide and several inches deep. “This is yours.”


  “Yeah. Put your stuff in here. I can give you another drawer if you need it.”

�You’ve seen my room. There’s no space for anything in there because I have so many clothes.”

  “Alright. You can have the one beneath it too.”

  “Seriously?” It was that easy to negotiate?

  “Yep.” He leaned against the dresser and watched my face for a reaction. “What do you think?”

  I knew no other woman ever had a drawer in his dresser, so this moment was particularly profound. I had something no other woman ever had. I was special—different. “I think your offer is really sweet, and I love it.”

  “Good.” He shut the top drawer. “Bring all your panties over.”

  “But we have one problem.”


  “Safari needs a drawer too.”

  He chuckled. “For all his dog toys?”

  “Yeah.” I was being dead serious, and I didn’t think he understood that. “And he needs a place to put his bed when no one is home.”

  “This is one high-maintenance dog.”

  “He’s my best friend, not just a dog.”

  Ryker rolled his eyes but smiled at the same time. “How about we get him a basket to put all his things in—and the dog bed?”

  “Deal. I would offer you a drawer at my place, but you wouldn’t want one right now.”

  “I will when Rex moves out. And I want a nice drawer, one at the top.”

  “Now look who’s high maintenance.”

  He gave me that smoldering smile, looking sexy without even realizing it. “I guess I am.”

  “So, what do you want to do now?” I shut the drawer then leaned against it. “Want to watch a movie or play a game?”

  He eyed the door and spotted Safari lying on the couch in the living room. He walked to the door and shut it before he sat at the edge of the bed. He leaned back on his elbows and crossed his ankles. “You know what I want to do, sweetheart. I saved you from that troll, and I deserve to be rewarded.”

  “Is that your motivation behind everything? Sex?”

  He considered my words like he was truly thinking about them. “Actually, yes.” He patted the mattress beside him. “Now get to it.”


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