Garden of Serenity

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Garden of Serenity Page 3

by Nina Pierce

  Sweeping one arm behind him and one at his waist, the man bowed low as he spoke. “Welcome, cherished of humans, females of breeding age, gifted women and bearers of offspring.” The deep timbre of his voice vibrated through Jahara like a bow pulled slowly across a violin string. As he straightened again, his eye trapped hers and he smiled. “It is a privilege and an honor to be in your presence.” Inclining his head, Jahara felt his gaze on her like fingers caressing her cheek. Instinctively, she wiped at her cheek, trying to brush away the sensation.

  Her reaction to this man both stunned and amazed her. Unlike the young girls ogling this male like an extinct animal, she was a healer with years of experience. She had seen countless numbers of naked men brought to the healing facility with horrendous wounds. Construction workers and miners who needed her to mend a thigh or stomach wound. She had no idea what it was about this particular male that piqued her curiosity.

  Suddenly feeling vulnerable by his frank perusal, Jahara folded her arms over her chest and crossed her legs to cover her nakedness. Heat rose in her cheeks once again and she flushed as his stare trailed embers down her arm.

  This was foolish, Jahara chided herself. Every female must be experiencing this same illusion of touch. It must be something Kylie was doing. But when Jahara pulled her gaze from Brenimyn to look over at Attika, she saw only Attika’s slack jaw and bulging eyes. Amazement painted her face, not the flush of an intimate touch that Jahara was attempting to erase from her skin.

  Kylie looked up at her mate, the curve of her mouth reminding him she was in control.

  He cast his eyes at his feet.

  “Today, I become not your hostess, but your teacher,” Kylie said. “Mating is a very misunderstood ritual, but a necessary one if we are to continue increasing the female population. There is no guarantee, however, that when you are impregnated you will carry a female child.” She looked over her shoulder at the regal man whose eyes remained focused on the floor.

  “Prior to the plague, sperm was collected from males and routinely mixed with the eggs of women and implanted back into the uterus. Fetuses developed normally and offspring were birthed. Everything about those children was normal. Since the time of the virus, however, the fragile systems of the men who survived have made this technique impossible. Sperm exposed to air dies immediately, rendering it useless. Until such time as our esteemed researchers can perfect impregnation without the use of sperm, it is a necessary evil to foster the growth of male fetuses and ensure the continued survival of the human race.”

  Jahara hadn’t thought much about men and their role in the world. They were laborers and breeders. Everything about their demeanors suggested they all accepted their lot in life. In her twenty-eight years, nothing had disproved this notion. But the way Kylie spoke, she understood the instructor insinuated the continued existence of females specifically. Kylie intimated that there would be a day when only human females walked the earth. But all creatures were on the earth for a purpose, weren’t they? In the twenty-first century, humans had caused the extinction of many animals and plants, but steps had been taken to ensure it would not continue to happen. Surely the creators of the Gardens weren’t expecting to decimate half a species, were they? The thought soured the meager meal in her stomach.

  “Unfortunately, mating is something all females must endure until impregnated,” Kylie said. “The male’s life essence must travel directly from the breeder’s body into the female womb or conception will not take place.” The women shifted uncomfortably in their chairs. Everyone knew what Kylie’s last sentence intimated—copulation.

  “There are only three laws here at the Garden.” Kylie lifted her index finger. “The first and most important law—no man may ever mate with a woman without her verbal permission and once given, the woman may at any time ask the mating to stop. You ladies are in control at all times.”

  She held up another finger. “Second—the life essence of a man, which contains the life-giving sperm, must never be wasted. A man must leave his seed only in a woman’s vagina. Never,” she paused for emphasis, “may a man ever pleasure and waste this natural resource. And three,” she held up her ring finger, glinting with a gold band of commitment, “you have the right to choose one man for breeding, or mate with multiple men. Again, the choice is yours.” She searched the faces of each of the women to be sure all understood.

  Satisfied she’d conveyed the three laws, Kylie continued in her lilting tone. “After today, you will be expected to mate with a male at least three days out of seven, except during your menstrual cycle. If your supervising healer confirms a regular ovulation after the second month it may be necessary only for you to copulate during a fourteen day timespan. But not every woman is that fortunate. Once you are with child, you must move out of the breeding wings and be housed with other pregnant women and those with female infants. Of course for the safety of the fetus, copulation is forbidden. Also, once you are impregnated, you will not be allowed outside visitors to the Garden.”

  A collective groan rose from the group, including Jahara. Merenith must have remembered that detail. The betrayal slammed into her with such force she lost all the air in her lungs. Nine months without outside visitors. How would she ever survive this ordeal?

  “I know that’s not easy to hear,” Kylie said, the condescending tone of her voice conveying no sympathy. “But it’s the only way we can ensure the safety of the fetuses.” Narrowing her eyes at Jahara, Kylie flashed an arrogant smile. “Though we do offer breeding guides to help with the copulation process, some of you more experienced in relationships may find the mating ritual disturbing.”

  Jahara refused to squirm under her stony gaze.

  “But it can also be very enjoyable,” Kylie continued. “Especially for those of you not in committed relationships. Our breeders have been taught the art of satisfying a woman while still performing their duties. Whether you work with a guide or just a male breeder, again, the choice will be yours. This is about you—not the male.” Kylie pointed to the women as she talked. “Your comfort and pleasure—not the breeder’s. Men are here to serve and service you.” Emphasizing the last word, Kylie turned to the man holding himself with dignity though his eyes never looked away from the floor. “What is your role, Brenimyn?”

  “My sole purpose is to mate with females in the most pleasurable method possible,” he said flatly. “I will cause no pain and minimal contact if that is what is desired.”

  Kylie’s mouth curved in approval.

  “We have found over the years that women are better able to handle their first mating if they see a live demonstration. Holographic images do not have the impact that two humans can give you.” For a moment, so brief Jahara thought she’d imagined it, revulsion shadowed Kylie’s features, but just as quickly the woman shook her blond tresses and inhaled composure.

  “Copulation is nothing to be ashamed of; it is necessary for our continued survival. Couples often mate in public areas. I stand before you naked today because our bodies are beautiful and should not be hidden. For convenience, many women choose not to wear clothing. Your own garments were simply for your comfort, but they are unnecessary in the controlled environment of the Garden.” She swept her arm around the room.

  “Now, before Brenimyn and I demonstrate mating techniques, I’d like you to get a closer look at a perfect male specimen.” Kylie stalked back to the breeder, her demeanor dominating him despite the fact that he towered over her.

  “Their physiques are quite different from ours,” said Kylie. “Not all cushy and round. Rather ugly if you ask me.” Brenimyn bent and allowed Kylie to pull off his tunic. The smile she flashed him was as fake as her nurturing attitude.

  She didn’t enjoy these monthly exhibitions any more than being forced to copulate with him. Though Kylie would never admit it, she detested his touch. He didn’t mind. It was less confusing without emotions getting all tangled in their peculiar relationship.

  “Sorry, Brenimyn. I k
now the truth about your body stings.”

  Forcing his lips to lift, he bent and kissed her cheek. “Nothing is as beautiful and sweet as a woman, Kylie. Not even the flowers in the gardens.”

  “Thank you.” She callously patted his stomach with a cold hand.

  Patience. That’s what was required of him. But damn, he’d been treading water a hell of a long time while he waited for destiny to change the course of his life.

  Since arriving at the Garden three years ago, Brenimyn had become accustomed to arrogant women who thought they were the only intelligent creatures walking this earth. Kylie was a prime example of that conceited attitude personified.

  To the women before him, he was nothing more than a stud. Stupid, beastly and—inhuman. Oh, if they only knew what he could do, they wouldn’t think themselves so superior, now would they? But the time had not come to travel that particular road. Preparations still needed to be made. In the meantime, he would swallow his pride and let the mauling begin.

  “Now, Brenimyn is going to take off his breeches. Though you all studied anatomy in school, the first look at a man’s genitals can be shocking.”

  Brenimyn untied the cords at his belly slowly, seductively. This was the only time he had control and he stretched the moments out until the females before him leaned forward in breathless anticipation. His eyes locked on the only woman in the room who seemed less interested in this farce than him. The raven-haired beauty actually looked lost despite the maturity lining her face. Her hand caressed her cheek even as he thought of her. Her eyes shifted uncomfortably around the room, not watching as the fabric pooled at his bare feet and the inevitable gasp of awe echoed off the walls.

  “Please come up and have a closer look,” Kylie said. Her hand fondled his buttocks. Touch but don’t desire, this one is mine, her caress communicated to the breeders even as her lips curved into that disingenuous smile he’d come to despise. “My mate is a wondrous specimen.”

  That was a line of crap. He belonged to no one. Least of all her.

  On shaky legs, the dark-haired woman approached with all the others. Her gaze searched everywhere but the one place he willed her to look—his face. For some reason, he wanted her to see him, not as a supplier of sperm, but as a man.

  Like all the others, her eyes focused only on his physique. Her gaze slid over his well-defined chest he worked hard to maintain. She followed the small line of blond curls around his navel then lower. From her frank appraisal, he wondered if she’d ever seen a human male as natural as the day he was birthed. Disappointment slumped his shoulders. This woman was no different from all the others.

  He worked hard not to shudder at Kylie’s intimate fondling.

  “Touch everything, it’s all right,” the instructor purred. “Now is the time to explore and ask questions.”

  At Kylie’s tone, Brenimyn dropped his gaze to the floor. He worked to block out the uncomfortable flurry of fingers petting his skin. He thought again of the Governmental Body of the Garden and wondered how much longer they would keep him as head of the male breeding population if Kylie didn’t conceive soon. As much as he abhorred this display, he needed to be here. He was desperate to meet all the new women entering the Garden. After the mating ritual with Kylie, he’d circulate through the other instructing rooms, pretending to check on his breeders. Surely the woman he sought would be among this breeding class. Although the girls currently giggling and fondling his body couldn’t really be classified as women, now could they?

  Lost in his own thoughts, Brenimyn wasn’t prepared for the shock wave that tore through him like a jolt of electricity. He stared at the fingers trembling along his forearm then into the amber pools that had held his gaze since he entered the room. He wasn’t supposed to meet the women’s eyes when they were this close, but the unexpected tingle of awareness had broken his usually stoic concentration. The beautiful brunette looked at him through thick lashes as if she recognized him. Her mouth trembled with a smile. Did she feel it too? He studied her, trying to discern if she sensed the flow of knowledge rushing between them.

  He didn’t have time to consider the implications when Kylie asked the women to step back, breaking the contact that bound Brenimyn to the woman.

  “They’re different, these male animals, but not so unlike us.” Kylie tapped the floor with a jeweled toe and a bed rose behind them. “Come. Position yourselves around so everyone can see. There should be plenty of room.”

  Brenimyn assumed his role as submissive once again and stepped back, sitting on the edge of the bed. Kylie droned out instructions as she mechanically moved between his thighs. He teased her flesh with his mouth, knowing any response was merely a reaction to physical stimuli. His hands, resting lightly on her hips, weren’t seeking hot flesh or attempting to seduce. He’d given up trying to get Kylie’s body to awaken to his intimate touch. They both had. This little show was for the new breeders observing the process, not for the pleasure of either of them. Though neither of them admitted it, they’d become very adept at convincing the casual observer that copulation was enjoyable.

  “Sex with a man is not so different from being with a female lover.” Her upbeat tone belied her boredom.

  Brenimyn ran his hands over Kylie’s buttocks, kneading the mounds before sliding around to splay his fingers on her thighs. She sidestepped, allowing him access to her sex.

  “They have been taught all the sensitive spots and just how to touch a woman. Mmmm, that’s nice, Brenimyn.” There was no heat in Kylie’s voice as he stroked and teased her body. No gasps of desire as he prepared her for joining their bodies. How he yearned to have a woman beneath him who desired the coupling, not the acquiescence of a woman hell-bent on birthing more females.

  Kylie was already moist from the artificial lubricant she inserted to make their copulation more comfortable. The women watching would think it was her natural moisture glistening on his fingers.

  “Lie back, Brenimyn.”

  Reclining on the pillows, Brenimyn was still flaccid. It was becoming increasingly difficult to be aroused by Kylie.

  “Copulation cannot take place until the male penis is fully engorged with blood.” Brenimyn heard the repulsion laced through Kylie’s words. “We call this an erection. Sometimes this requires stimulation.” Kylie looked down at him, forcing a smile on her face. “Whether you ask your mate to do it or you do it for him is up to you.”

  She looked hopefully around the sea of faces whose eyes were wide with fear and mouths unhinged with awe. “Would anyone like to feel Brenimyn’s penis fill with blood and become erect?” Kneeling beside him on the cotton spread, Kylie flashed a hopeful smile. Brenimyn understood the breeding instructor had no desire to arouse him. Fine by him, he didn’t really want her hands on his body anyway. At the moment, Brenimyn wanted only one woman to touch him.

  He watched her step forward out of the crowd. The look of confusion contorting her features was so cute, he had to bite back a smile. These women wouldn’t like it if they knew what he could do.

  “Oh Jahara, thank you,” Kylie said. “But I’m sure you’ve seen many men in your years of healing. Would anyone else like to try?”

  So, the raven-haired beauty was a healer. Interesting how she’d stared at him as if she’d never seen a naked man. He knew there would be hell to pay later, but he spoke up anyway. “I don’t mind the healer … if it would please you, Kylie.” Brenimyn kept his voice even, his tone quiet. He definitely wanted the healer to touch him again.

  “I suppose.” Kylie dragged out the last word. “Yes, that would be fine.” Kylie’s voice was tight as she sat back on her heels. With a wave of her hand, she invited Jahara to touch. “Simply stroke him as you would your lover.” She laughed. “Well, not exactly the same, but you get the idea. Close your eyes if it’s easier.”

  The healer called Jahara stared at Brenimyn’s navel, her hand reaching out tentatively to caress his stomach. The corner of her mouth trembled. Her heated palm slid down his be
lly, her fingers pushing lower to the base of his penis. Air whistled through his clenched teeth as the gentle touch of her fingers tickled over his sensitive skin. Now, this woman he could enjoy.

  She massaged up the shaft, squeezing the tip with gentle pressure. Brenimyn had to bite back an oath as she added force to her caress. The heat of her touch boiled blood, making him instantly firm and ready. He wanted nothing more than to pull her body down on him and feel her wet heat surround him.

  “Thank you, Jahara. That’s enough.” Kylie sounded disgusted. But perhaps it was his own perverse pleasure at his exchange with the healer. Kylie had never made him ready so quickly. Jahara stepped back into the anonymity of the crowd. Brenimyn felt once again the break in their connection, hoping like hell she’d felt it too. He didn’t have time to contemplate his reaction to this stranger before Kylie straddled his hips.

  “Now, there are countless positions for copulation. Penetration isn’t so much different from a neuro stimulator. Though definitely not as arousing.”

  Brenimyn always appreciated that little insult.

  The woman had no idea how he could make her body sing if he really cared, but Kylie was too blind to understand that male bodies were made not only for procreation, but for the pleasure of a woman. Though they’d invented contraptions like the neuro stimulator, women still didn’t understand that ninety percent of sexual pleasure happened in the mind, not the nerves of the vagina. Until they did, men would never be elevated to their rightful place.

  Reluctantly joining his body with Kylie’s, Brenimyn went through the motions of copulation. In the next few minutes, they would both buck and moan—all the appropriate motions of breeding. But neither of them would walk away physically satisfied.


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