Breath Of The Heart

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Breath Of The Heart Page 5

by June, Victoria

  "Did you want to order something?" I could have used an over-the-top fake voice, but what would be the point? To piss her off? Not worth it.

  "A large skinny latte with almond milk. Try not to screw it up."

  I turned to Becca. In many ways she looked similar to Bianca except for the bone structure of her face. Same fake blonde hair, tiny waist and crappy attitude. "I'll have the same thing."

  Of course. Would it have been any other way? I punched in their orders and took a quick look for Jessica. She was still arguing with the two guys. At least now she'd evicted them from the booth and was attempting to lead them to the front door. I tried to make eye contact with her, to get her help, but she was too engrossed with the guys.

  I started the drinks. I could feel Bianca's eyes searing into me and I wasn't about to give her the satisfaction of a passing look. I wanted to make the drinks as quickly as possible and get them away from me.

  "OMG, what is taking you so long?" Bianca chirped.

  "I'll have them ready right away."

  Becca whispered something to Bianca and they laughed. I fought hard not to roll my eyes. So childish. Bianca whispered something back and they erupted into more laughter. Could this almond milk steam any faster? I knew my cheeks were flaming red, more out of rage than anything else. Would Jake condone this behavior if he was here? I didn't even know anymore.

  I finished up their drinks as Jessica returned having successfully thrown out the loiterers. I handed Becca and Bianca their drinks. Bianca leaned in closer to me.

  "Don't get home too late. Jake still needs to walk you. Woof, woof."

  Our eyes met and I could feel my body slowly turn to stone. At that moment I had never hated a person as much as I hated Bianca. She grabbed her drink and the two of them giggled as they took a table in a far off corner. I must have been staring at them, rage boiling up inside of me because when Jessica called my name I snapped back to reality.

  "Hey, you all right? What did she say to you?"

  "Nothing," I said, trying to busy myself by cleaning the espresso machine.

  "Did she bark or something?"


  I was embarrassed that Jessica had heard that and my worst fear was that these two evil wenches would stay until close and taunt me some more.

  "Are you sure?" Concern masked Jessica's face and I could see pity.

  "Really, it was nothing."

  Jessica gave up and fortunately Bianca and Becca left minutes later.


  I took the bus home, the first indication Dad had that something was amiss. He picked me up from the depot and I had to fight back tears when I saw him. With Dad I was safe.

  "How was your first six weeks at school?" he asked, examining my face for any signs of trouble.

  "Pretty good. I'm meeting people and even though I have a lot of school work, I'm enjoying it. I've been getting extra hours at Julian's. They have me baking a ton of stuff."

  "See, I told you they'd love your desserts. Making new friends?"

  "A few." I was counting Zach and Jessica, even though she was a bit of a stretch.

  We got into the car and I could tell Dad wasn't buying much of what I was selling. He kept looking at me, trying to figure out how to catch me in a lie.

  "Tell me about your new friends."

  I fumbled with the zipper on my jacket. Damn, a tell. If I didn't put on the performance of a lifetime, Dad would be all over me. "Well, there's Zach. I met him at the cabin Jake took me to my first week at school. He's really nice and we hang out once in awhile." I was counting the few times he stopped by Julian's. "And I work with Jessica. She's really cool. She's kind of showing me the ropes around campus." Ugh. That was an outright lie.

  "And Jake?"

  "He has Bianca, so I don't see him all the time."

  Dad looked at me strange. Crap, wrong answer. He wanted to know how Jake was, not if he and I were hanging out.

  "How's Jake doing?" he asked.

  "Good. We don't have classes together, but he says all is well."

  "Ron says he hasn't heard much from him. Come to think of it, I haven't heard a lot from you either."

  "What do you mean? I text or call every night."

  "But you aren't saying much. He and I think something is going on."

  Dad's tone dropped and I didn't know what to do. Did he know? Had Jake told Uncle Ron something to make me look bad? My head throbbed and panic set in. First the racing heart, soon the hyperventilating. I had to get this in check. "What do you mean? What do you think is going on?"

  Dad tapped his finger on the steering wheel at a million beats a second. "I know you're an adult now, so I can't keep playing the dad card, but I want you to be careful. I worried that the two of you moving in together would lead to something like this and maybe it was inevitable. You and Jake have been friends your entire lives so don't rush into anything that could ruin that friendship."

  My jaw dropped. Dad couldn't have been more wrong and if I wasn't so shocked, I might have laughed. "Jake and I are not dating. He is obsessed with Bianca."

  Dad's narrowed his eyes in confusion. "You aren't together?"

  "Not even close. You and Uncle Ron thought that?"

  "It was more your Uncle Ron," Dad said, deflecting.

  I giggled. "You're so busted."

  "We kind of put two and two together. Problem is that we came up with five."

  "The two of you shouldn't do anymore math problems."

  "Well, if that's not the issue, what is going on?"

  "Nothing. We've both been busy with school."

  Dad appeared satisfied and relieved. "If something is wrong, I want you to tell me."

  "You know I would."

  I hated lying to Dad, but the alternative was worse.


  I hadn't even settled into my room when I got a text from Jake.

  Jake: Did Paul ask you anything?

  Me: Yes. He thinks we're screwing around. So does Uncle Ron. I set him straight.

  Jake: That's what they think? Thank God! Say hi to your dad.

  With that I was dismissed. Resentment set in. He didn't care about me, he only cared what Dad and Uncle Ron thought. Jake was an asswipe.

  I put my phone away and trudged downstairs. If a cloud hung around me, Dad and Grandpa didn't notice. I made dinner which Dad objected to, but I didn't really care. I could only imagine how much takeout and TV dinners he and Grandpa had eaten the last few weeks. I scrounged through the fridge and found some sad looking mushrooms I could salvage and put on a pot for pasta. We'd be eating spaghetti in sautéed garlic, mushrooms and olive oil. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a protein in the house other than a carton of eggs. Then it hit me. There had been some cooked ham in the fridge. While not ideal, I could work with it. I sautéed it too, along with a few eggs and threw the concoction together. I sprinkled it with parmesan they hadn't touched since I left.

  "This is heavenly," Grandpa said. He sighed and savored a bite.

  "It's very simple. You or Dad could make it."

  "Leave me the recipe. It can replace one of our pizza nights," Dad said.

  "How many pizza nights do you have?"

  "I don't know. One or two a week."

  Grandpa cackled. "Try three or four."

  "Dad! You promised to eat better."

  "I get home from work and I'm tired. If it wasn't for my metabolism I'd be three hundred pounds."

  Dad also worked out and ran five miles every day. If he actually ate well, he'd be a fitness superstar.

  "You also promised me you'd go out and meet people, go on a few dates."

  "He hasn't done that either," Grandpa threw in. "Even I've been on dates."

  I turned to Grandpa. "You have!"

  "I met a nice lady at the shop. She's retired, divorced and moved here not too long ago. She's got a beautiful place on Lake Simkin."

  "So you've been to h
er place?"

  Dad and I oohh and ahhed.

  "She wanted to show me a few antiques," Grandpa said, blushing a little.

  "What else did she show you?" Dad asked.

  Grandpa pursed his lips. "I've only been out with her a few times."

  "When do we get to meet her?" I asked. "What if we don't approve?"

  "We'll see when you come back for Thanksgiving."

  "What's her name?"


  "What did she do before she retired?"

  "She was a lawyer."

  More oohing and ahhing from the peanut gallery.

  "And now we are changing the subject," Grandpa declared. "How about you, little lady? Any boys from the big city sweep you off your feet?"

  "I don't have time for boys."

  Grandpa let out a snort. "Your dad here and Ron thought you and Jake were shacking up in more ways than one."

  "I heard."

  "You can do better than Jake."

  "Dad! Jake's a good kid."

  Grandpa shook his head. "Don't like him all that much. The boy's always chasing big dreams."

  And Grandpa didn't even know Bianca.

  "Don't say that stuff around Ron."

  "You think Ron doesn't already know?"

  I looked at Dad and then Grandpa. I was lucky to have two of the coolest guys in the world in my life. Who needed a boyfriend?

  "Well, I hate to end this fun early, but I'm beat," I said, taking plates and loading them into the dishwasher. Dad shooed me away when I tried to take away the rest.

  "Goodnight, Kiddo," Dad said, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

  I went up to my room and climbed into bed. Sure, it wasn't even eight-thirty, but the day had been a long one. I drifted off to sleep while reading my psych textbook. It felt like only minutes passed when my phone trilled and woke me. I pawed for it on the nightstand. I glanced at my alarm clock and was surprised to see it was after midnight. I couldn't imagine Jake had anything else to say to me, except that it wasn't Jake.

  Zach: How you doing? Went by Julian's tonight and you weren't there. No éclairs either.

  Me: Sorry. Back home this weekend. Making éclairs Monday.

  Zach: Did you tell your Dad what happened?

  Me: No. Don't want to upset him.

  Zach: Wimp. Lol! Have a nice weekend. See you Monday. Save me an éclair.

  Me: Will do.

  I turned my phone off and smiled.

  Chapter Eight


  I met some of the guys at Fixx, a new club that had opened near campus. The place was packed, but we knew the bouncer and he let us bypass the line. I grabbed a beer, fully intending it to be my only one. I had to be home early in the morning for our annual Christmas card photo session complete with fake snow and Christmas decorations galore. If I looked remotely hungover, Mom would kill me.

  "This place is nuts," Brett said.

  "Yup," I said, glancing at my phone. Three texts from Becca and another from a girl in my Terror and Espionage class. I deleted Becca's texts and replied to the girl from class. What was her name again? Heather? Carla? I couldn't remember and her text came up as only a number.

  "You here with me, or with your phone?" Brett asked, staring at my cell with contempt.

  "You're jealous cuz all the girls love me," I said, punching him in the arm.

  "Fuck off."

  We got our beers and hung out in a less crowded corner. Brett chatted up a cute brunette, but by the disinterested look on her face, I knew he was wasting his time. I took the opportunity to check my phone again. Terror and Espionage girl texted me again. Wanted to know if I'd study with her and go for coffee after that. She was cute, but not my type. I texted back that I'd let her know.

  "Well, look who it is."

  I looked up from my phone. Bianca. I'd managed to avoid her for weeks since the incident at Brett's cabin. A huge smile spread across her face as she batted her eyelashes a few times. I was easily six inches taller than her and she had to crane her neck to stare up at me.

  "Hey," I muttered.

  "I haven't seen you around campus. Hiding or something?"

  "I guess we don't cross paths."

  She smirked. "So I hear you were the one who gave Emma a ride home from Brett's." She said Emma's name like it repulsed her.


  "You know she's a loser, right? Totally freaking weird. Jake says you've been nice to her and I thought you should know what kind of person she is."

  I shifted my feet and stared over her head and focused on the dance floor. I didn't want to give her the impression that I found her interesting. "And what kind of person is she?" I sounded bored. Mission accomplished.

  "She's in love with Jake and wants to break us up. She's always trying to get between us. And she's super strange. She's into something like witchcraft or whatever. Everyone stays away from her. She has no friends. Zero. Nada. Nothing. You should stay away from her too."

  "Why?" I asked. I should have shut down the conversation, but I was curious what more she'd fabricate.

  "I heard you had a soft spot for her. I don't think your parents want you mixed up with someone questionable."

  Fucking Brett. "The only questionable thing here is your story."

  Bianca's mouth gaped open followed by a sneer. I took a sip of my beer.

  "You like her, don't you," Bianca said with a sneer. Not a good look for her.

  "I think she's a normal and nice human being. I can't say the same thing about all the people I know."

  "OMG! You do like her!"

  I shook my head and rolled my eyes. "So what if I like her. What is the big deal? Am I not allowed to be friendly to her? Do you make the rules?"

  "You're a fucking idiot, you know that! People like her can screw up your dad's re-election."

  "Thanks for the valuable insight."

  "I'm trying to help you."

  I'd had enough of her shit. I stared her down, planting myself in front of her. "I don't need your help. Last time I checked, it's you who needs me."

  She knew exactly what I meant. She retreated and her shoulders dropped. "Is that what I get for giving you a heads-up?"

  "Yeah, so leave me alone. Leave Emma alone too."

  She stomped off and I was glad to be rid of her. I turned to Brett who'd been dismissed by the brunette. He was scanning the crowd for his next victim.

  "What'd you tell Bianca?"

  "About what?"

  "About Emma."

  Brett thought about the question and shrugged. "Who's Emma?"

  "Emma from the cabin. I took her home. Remember? How many times do I have to remind you who she is?"

  "Oh yeah, the weird one. Nothing." He paused. "Oh wait, I told her you were texting her."

  "Why'd you do that?"

  "She came up in conversation. Something about Bianca going around to her job and giving her a hard time."

  "Wait, what? Going to her job?" My blood pressure was rising. I could literally feel it ticking up by the second.

  "She and Becca went by the place she works and gave her a hard time or something." Brett looked at me and the smile on his face vanished.

  "You're an asshole, you know that, right?"

  "Hey, it was sort of funny."

  "What was funny about it?"

  "Why are you getting so bent out of shape?"

  "Because she didn't do anything to you, to Bianca or to whoever else was there."

  "Jake laughed too and he's her friend."

  "Then that makes you all assholes." I gulped back the last of my beer and slammed the bottle down on the bar. "I'm out of here. I'll walk home."

  Chapter Nine


  I didn't have classes until the afternoon so I spent my morning making éclairs in Julian's kitchen. I finished up, grabbed a coffee and ate my lunch in an empty booth. I was looking through notes when my phone played the James Bo
nd theme.

  Zach: You free at all?

  Me: I am until 1pm. Having lunch at work.

  Zach: I'm five minutes away. I'll stop in. Save me an éclair.

  Little did he know that I tucked one away at the bottom of the cooler. We'd already sold two dozen of the three dozen I'd made. I'd also baked pecan and butter tarts which were selling briskly.

  As promised Zach showed up five minutes later. He grabbed a coffee and took the empty seat across from me. His éclair was waiting for him.

  "I could eat these for breakfast, lunch and dinner."

  "I don't recommend it. You do want to keep your physique, don't you?"

  "I guess so. How do you stay in great shape being surrounded by all this food?"


  "That'll do it."

  "So what brings you by?" I asked, shutting my books. I cherished the diversion.

  "I haven't seen you in a few weeks and thought I'd stop by. How are things? How'd the weekend go with your dad?"

  "Great. I cooked up a storm once I discovered that my dad and grandpa are eating a lot of pizza. The freezer is restocked with tons of healthy meals. And I found out my grandpa has a girlfriend!"

  "That's cool."

  "How about your weekend?"

  "Went to FIXX on Saturday night. I ran into Bianca."

  I groaned. "Lucky you."

  "I hear she came by and it wasn't a friendly visit."

  Every muscle in my body tensed. I'd tried to forget about that. "Yeah, she was here. And no, not very friendly."

  "Did you tell Jake?"

  "Why? He wouldn't believe me."

  Zach smiled and his brown eyes warmed me like hot cocoa. Why did I trust him? Why did I feel like I could tell him anything? What if he was the enemy, infiltrating my life and taking everything I said back to Bianca?

  "If I tell you something, will you believe me?"

  I leaned back in the booth and crossed my arms over my chest. I'd read somewhere that we did that instinctively to protect ourselves when we felt threatened. "I don't know."

  He pushed his coffee to one side and folded his hands on the table. "I thought about this for a long time before I came over here. I know Jake's your friend and, to be brutally honest, I think you're in love with the guy, and before you protest," he said in response to my opening mouth and attempted objection, "I think you should hear me out."


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