Jake's Angel [Cowboy Mates, Psychic Connections 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Jake's Angel [Cowboy Mates, Psychic Connections 4] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 28

by Lynnette Bernard

  Melanie smiled, sighing with relief. She was glad to know that the visions didn’t make her son hurt physically. With time, Robbie would learn to shield himself from the emotional worry that the visions might cause. It was amazing to her that their son already had such strong visions at his young age. She had been almost twelve when she had had her first experience with visions. Robbie was far more advanced at experiencing them so early in his life.

  “I’m not hurt at all, Robbie,” she assured him. “I can see the vision like I’m watching it on a television show. You should try to do the same. And you should try to remember as many details as you can so you can help the person you’re having the vision about.”

  “Do you remember what you saw, Mommy?” Robbie asked, his voice hushed as he continued to touch her cheek lightly.

  “Yes. I remember,” Melanie said softly. “And it didn’t hurt me, honey. I just have to tell Uncle Jake to be careful.”

  She looked over at Jake and smiled gently. She saw the way Claire stood beside Jake, taking his hand and squeezing it in a show of support. Melanie knew that their mating was true. She could see the love that each of them had for the other. She could also see the glow of new life that surrounded them. It was their secret to tell, but Melanie was glad to be a part of that beautiful secret.

  “What did you see?” Gracie asked, leaning back and accepting Gia in her arms as Deuce placed her carefully within her embrace then held the both of them gently against his chest.

  “I saw Jake fall,” Melanie said calmly, careful not to upset Robbie or Cooper with her words. “I couldn’t see where he was. It was dark.”

  “Jake,” Deuce said, turning to face his brother.

  “I’ll be careful,” Jake said, stopping him.

  “How bad were the injuries, Melanie? Could you tell?” Claire asked, wrapping her left arm around Jake’s waist and holding on to him tightly.

  “I didn’t see,” Melanie said carefully. “But I did see darkness surrounding him.”

  “What does that mean?” Claire whispered.

  “It means that someone is wishing him harm,” Melanie explained. “I feel like it’s someone that you know, Claire.”

  “Why do you think that?” Gracie asked, cuddling Gia against her chest as she looked at her younger sister.

  “I don’t know. It’s just a feeling,” Melanie admitted. “Please be careful, Jake.”

  “I will, Melanie,” Jake promised.

  Claire leaned into Jake’s chest, nestling her face into his neck and kissing it lightly. “I guess I’m going to have to keep you in bed for the next few days until this threat passes, Mate,” she whispered, glad when Jake’s soft laughter blew warmth against her temple.

  “I won’t say no to that, angel,” he whispered back.

  “Could you tell us any specifics, Melanie?” Deuce asked, worried for his youngest brother.

  “I can’t,” Melanie admitted. “I saw him wearing his heavy coat and his black cowboy hat. He was talking to someone. I didn’t see who it was. The vision changed and I saw Jake falling. I couldn’t tell where he was, but I could see a dirt floor. I saw him getting up after he fell.”

  “Well, that’s good,” Luke said, puffing out a breath of relief as he faced Deuce.

  Deuce nodded. “Maybe you should keep yourself confined to the construction company’s office for a few days, Jake,” he suggested.

  “I’m not going to stop what I need to do, Deuce,” Jake said firmly. “I know Melanie is never wrong in her visions, but now that she’s told me what she’s seen, I’ll just be careful. I have obligations.”

  “Your obligation is to your mate and your family,” Deuce said, nearly growling.

  “He knows, James,” Gracie said, reaching up and touching his jaw lightly. “Jake is a smart man. You need to trust him to take Melanie’s vision seriously. I know he will.” She turned and looked at Jake, imploring him with her blue eyes to do just that.

  Jake nodded just once. He looked down at Robbie and saw the concern in his nephew’s eyes.

  “I think it’s time for a little guitar music,” Jake said, smiling at the way Robbie’ face lit up immediately. “You and Cooper promised me a song.”

  Robbie slid off his mother’s lap, the vision forgotten. He walked over to Cooper and touched her leg as Marc held her in his arms. Marc lowered her carefully to the floor.

  “You will sing us a song, nidonni?” Mark asked her softly.

  Cooper nodded, smiling shyly as Robbie took her hand and led her over to the area beside the fireplace hearth where Uncle Jake was reaching for his guitar case that he had nestled in the corner of the huge living room. He lowered himself carefully onto the braided rug in front of the fireplace so that his back was resting against one of the recliners.

  Cooper sat in front of him with Robbie at her right side. Robbie never let go of her hand. Cooper liked it when Robbie held her hand. She felt happy that Robbie was her best friend. He said he was her mate. Cooper didn’t really understand what that meant, but if it meant that Robbie would always be with her, she was happy about that. Robbie McKade was the nicest boy, and he made her smile. He also made her feel safe. Only her mommy and Marc made her feel that safe.

  She looked around the room and saw all the people who were Robbie’s uncles and aunts and knew that all of them belonged to her, too. It was nice to have a big family. It had always been only her and her mommy. She was glad that they had all of these people to love.

  Jake started to play his guitar, smiling when Cooper and Robbie sang along with him. Jake sang a nonsense song about a frisky horse that his mother had taught him when he had been a kid. Both of the kids loved it. He looked up at Claire as she stood beside the couch where Melanie still sat and smiled at the look of love that she gave him. His heart swelled with love for her and their baby, his family, and the people who were new to their family. His life had certainly turned around in the year since he had met Claire.

  Madison sat in one of the chairs near the couch where Melanie was sitting. She watched Marc silently as he stood beside her. His gaze was directed at Cooper and Robbie. She loved the way his features softened when he looked at Cooper. She could see the love in his eyes whenever he was around either her or her daughter, but she also saw the way he struggled within himself. There was something that was eating away at him. Madison didn’t know what it was, but she was certain that it was going to rip them apart unless she did something about it.

  Standing, she walked away from the group to go into the kitchen, seeing that Becca had taken that moment to escape the intensity of the feelings of the people in the other room, as well. Jamie was standing at the refrigerator, taking out the small parfait glasses that were filled with vanilla and chocolate pudding. John was beside her, setting each glass on the wooden tray that was on the counter next to the sink as she handed them to him.

  “Do you need any help, Jamie?” Madison asked her as she stepped closer to them and waited beside the kitchen table.

  “John can bring out the desserts. I just want to cut up some fruit and put it in a bowl so we can have a variety of food choices,” Jamie said as she took out the container of strawberries. “There’s some nectarines and apples in the bottom drawer. Would you mind getting them and washing them for me, Madison?”

  “Sure. No problem,” Madison answered, glad for something to do to keep her out of the living room. Sometimes, the love she felt for Marc was just too overwhelming.

  “I’ve already started cutting up the cantaloupe,” Becca said as she stood beside the kitchen counter and continued cutting up the fruit into small pieces. “Rafe likes the pieces cut small. He also likes watermelon mixed in to make a nice fruit salad. We can add the strawberries to it.”

  “That sounds good,” John said, snagging a strawberry from Jamie’s hand and popping it into his mouth. “Thanks, cara.”

  “John Blackstone! Stop snitching food!” Jamie told him, laughing as John reached for another strawberry and popped i
t into his mouth before leaning forward and kissing her quickly. He licked at the juice that trickled down the side of Jamie’s lips and hummed in appreciation. “It tastes almost as sweet as you do, Mate.”

  He took another strawberry and offered it to her, laughing softly as Jamie immediately opened her mouth and took a bite. He kissed her again and sucked her lower lip into his mouth, biting down on it lightly and growling at the soft whimper of desire that Jamie couldn’t help but make.

  “Mmm, you taste delicious,” John told her, growling and smiling at the big smile that his woman gave him.

  Jamie placed the strawberry she had in her hand down onto the counter, wiped her hands on the dishtowel, and turned to face her man. She laughed softly when he pulled her flush against his body, trapping the swell of her belly between them. The miracle of this pregnancy humbled her.

  “Love your pregnant belly, cara,” he whispered against her neck so that no one could hear him.

  “I do, too,” Jamie told him, kissing his cheek lightly.

  “Do you think it’s a boy, Jamie?” he whispered.

  Jamie shrugged. “I’m not sure, but I think so,” she said softly. “Maybe we’ll find ourselves the parents of a beautiful little girl next time.”

  “That would be nice,” John admitted. “I would like to hold a little Jamie in my arms.”

  Jamie could only smile as she leaned into his body, kissing his neck lightly. She laughed softly as their baby kicked strongly and bumped against his father’s body. When John looked down, Jamie saw the wonder in his eyes as he experienced the movement of their child.

  “He’s kicking,” he said gently.

  “He’s saying hi to you, Daddy,” Jamie said, laughing softly.

  Becca smiled at the sight before her. She was so happy for John and Jamie. She wanted what they had. She had given Rafe enough time to come around. He was either going to be her mate, or she was leaving. She couldn’t live this close to him and not have him any longer.

  “I’ll bring out the nectarines and the apples,” she said quietly, taking the wooden fruit bowl that Madison had placed all of the washed fruit into and turning to leave the kitchen. Her unique brown eyes with flecks of blue in them clouded with sadness as she left.

  “She looks upset,” Madison said quietly as she watched Becca leave.

  “So do you,” Jamie said gently. “Are you okay, Madison?”

  Madison didn’t know how to answer her question. “I guess,” she said finally.

  “What’s wrong?” John asked, never releasing his hold on Jamie. He had a need to always hold her. Jamie didn’t seem to mind.

  “I don’t know, John,” Madison said after a moment. “I can’t figure out your cousin.”

  “Marc is a tough guy to figure out,” John admitted. “I really believe he’s happy being with you and Cooper.”

  “Sometimes I think so, too,” Madison said softly. “Other times, I’m not so sure. He seems to push us away a lot.”

  “He’s got his own demons, Madison,” John explained carefully. “It’s not you that he’s pushing away. It’s the feelings he has for you and your daughter that he’s protecting himself from. It scares him.”


  “Because, you can reject him and tell him to go away,” John said gently.

  “I can’t do that. I love him.”

  “We know you do, honey,” Jamie said for them both. “I think he does, too.”

  “I’ve tried to tell him, but I keep chickening out. I’m afraid he doesn’t want me to love him. I don’t know if he wants to be a family with me and Cooper. I can’t blame him. I don’t know of many men that want to accept the responsibility of a family with children that aren’t theirs.”

  Madison’s words were spoken softly, but both John and Jamie heard the pain in them. John smiled as he gently kissed Jamie’s forehead.

  “You’re wrong about that, Madison,” John told her.


  “Marc already thinks of Cooper as his.”

  “Did he tell you that?” Madison asked, surprised.


  “Then how do you know?”

  “Marc uses the word nidonni when he talks to Cooper,” John told her. “In the Cheyenne language, nidonni means my daughter.”

  Madison looked at John in shock. “It does?”


  Madison smiled, sighing with relief because of this new revelation. Marc often used Cheyenne words when he spoke to her and Cooper. Whenever she asked him to tell her what they meant, he always said that he would someday tell her.

  “What about ne mehotaste? What does that mean?” Madison asked John, determined to know everything that Marc wouldn’t reveal to her. “Marc says that to me all the time.”

  “That’s something you’re going to have to ask Marc to tell you, Madison,” John said gently. “It’s not my place to tell you what it means. My stubborn cousin has to be the one to be honest with you about that.”

  Madison nodded, accepting what John said. She picked up the wooden tray that was filled with the pudding desserts. Turning, she left the kitchen with a lighter heart.

  Marc called Cooper his daughter. Who knew what he said to her? Madison would wait for him to tell her. She had secrets of her own to tell him. Maybe it was time. She just hoped he would be willing to hear them.

  Jamie turned to face John, her heart melting at the way he looked at her with such happiness and love in his eyes. Marc looked a lot like John in many ways. She also knew that they both held a definite wariness of people—and for good reason. Both had been treated with disrespect and prejudice throughout their lives. But they both had women who loved them, and a family who accepted and protected them now.

  “What does ne mehotaste mean, John?”

  “It means I love you,” John explained. “My cousin is stubborn, but he’s not an idiot. He loves Madison. He loves Cooper. He just needs to admit it to them.”

  “I think Marc had better admit it soon,” Jamie said worriedly. “I don’t think Madison will wait around for him for much longer.”

  “You don’t think so?” John asked, concern filling him. He didn’t want his cousin to miss out on a future with a mate who obviously loved and respected him. Marc deserved happiness.

  “It’s hard for a woman to wait for a man to come to his senses,” Jamie said softly. “It hurts, John.”

  John nodded. “I know, cara. Maybe I should talk to him.”

  “I think you should. We need to help them.”

  “You’re a good woman, Jamie. I’m a lucky man to have you as mine.”

  Jamie smiled, wrapping her arms around her mate and hugging him gently. “Ne mehotaste, John,” she whispered.

  “Ne mehotaste, cara mia,” John whispered back.

  Chapter 27

  “It’s great that you’ve finished all your requirements for licensure, Claire,” Sheriff Franklin Sturgess said as he sat at the edge of the right corner of his desk. “The criminal background check is your final step. Bryce is processing it now.”

  He looked through the open doorway to see if he could catch sight of Officer Bryce Fletcher, but he was nowhere to be seen. That man was a dedicated and caring member of his team. Bryce worked hard, did his job thoroughly, cared about the people of the community, and was the son of his childhood friends Stan and Gwen Fletcher. He had promised them that he would look out for their son, and he took his promises very seriously. He loved Bryce like his own son and was determined to help him find the happiness that was destined for him.

  “I know it was hard for you to work and go to school. I’m real proud of you, Claire.”

  Claire was all smiles as she looked up at him. The sheriff had been a constant source of protection for many years. Jake had called her his angel, but Claire knew that Sheriff Sturgess truly was her guardian angel. He had looked out for her from the time she had been a child. Although she had kept a lot of her mother’s and sister’s cruelty and abuse to herself,
she always suspected that Franklin knew. He would often come by their home and check on things with some excuse or another, just to see for himself that Claire was unharmed.

  “I’m proud of me, too,” Claire said, laughing softly at the immediate grin that came to the sheriff’s face.

  She was filled with pride as she thought about what she had done. Her classes were completed. She had completed her nine hundred hours of training, including the required hours of clinical internship. She had just taken the Massage Therapist Licensing Exam and was waiting for the results. That was the most nerve-wracking part of the whole process—the waiting.

  “You should be, darlin’,” Franklin told her gently.

  “Thanks for everything you’ve done for me, Sheriff Sturgess.”

  “Now, how many times do I have to ask you to call me Franklin, Ms. Hamilton?” he asked her, leaning forward and tugging on her long black hair as it hung to the middle of her back.

  Claire smiled, reaching up and taking hold of his hand and squeezing it lightly. She saw the surprise on his face when she touched him and was warmed by his sudden awkwardness. Franklin was a big, burly guy that most people expected to be tough. In a sense, he was because he had to be as sheriff, but Claire knew better. He was such a caring soul. He had always been so kind to Claire. She often thought of him as her surrogate father. For that reason, she wanted to share her news about the miracle that had occurred because of Jake McKade.

  Jake had wanted to go to the police station with her to complete her criminal background check, but she had been just too excited to wait. She had come a long way to complete this dream of hers. It had taken her a little longer than most, going to school for fourteen months part-time instead of the eleven and a half months full-time that most students chose. But, she didn’t care. She had done it. She had persevered, and she had finished. She felt proud. She felt happy. And she felt free.

  For the first time in her life, she felt no negative energy pulling on her. The demeaning words of her mother and her sister no longer took up residence in her mind. She was not a loser. She was not weird. She was a success. She was happy. She was in love. And she was pregnant. This new chapter in her life was a roadway to all good things. No one could stop her now.


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