Jake's Angel [Cowboy Mates, Psychic Connections 4] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Jake's Angel [Cowboy Mates, Psychic Connections 4] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 34

by Lynnette Bernard

  Claire could only smile as she watched Marnie leave. It seemed that since she had gotten pregnant, her need to shield herself from other’s emotions hadn’t been necessary. What was more amazing to her was that it was as if a wall of distance had also been taken down. The people around her felt relief when they talked to her. Their own barriers were down, and they unburdened themselves as they gave themselves up to the magic of her hands. It was really pretty cool. She couldn’t wait to get home and tell Jake about it.

  Claire turned to face their receptionist and smiled at her. “Do I have any other clients today, Kristina?”

  “No. Your four o’clock cancelled.”

  Claire had a moment of worry. She had only been working at the Denver Memorial Hospital’s satellite office for a little over one month. She thought she was doing a good job. Maybe she was wrong. A patient had cancelled. Maybe she didn’t do a good enough job.

  “LeighAnn was admitted this morning,” Kristina continued, unaware of the worry that was filling Claire. “She had a baby boy just before two o’clock.”

  The worry inside of Claire disappeared immediately. The birth of LeighAnn’s child was the reason she had cancelled. No matter how many times Jake and the entire McKade family had made her feel worthwhile, the litany of insults from her mother and sister that echoed in her memories still did a number on her self-esteem and confidence. She wondered if she would ever get past it.

  She covered her baby bump with her right hand and caressed it gently. I will never make you feel worthless, baby, she promised. I will love you and support you and encourage you to do everything that you want to do.

  She felt the warmth of her child’s love filling her. It was amazing to her that she was able to communicate with this tiny life. She couldn’t wait to hold him in her arms. She wanted to see Jake hold him. Just the thought of him holding his child brought tears of happiness to Claire’s eyes. He was going to be a loving and supportive father. She just knew it.

  She sniffed softly, laughing at the way she was so emotional. Pregnancy hormones were certainly making her very sentimental. She was glad that the only emotions that were heightened were happiness and love. She knew that Jake appreciated them as well. He loved to hold her against him as she melted into a puddle of goo when they watched sweet, romantic movies, or he told her family stories that touched her heart. It was nice that her tough cowboy had a sensitive side a mile wide even though he would never admit to it. She would allow him his delusions. She knew he was a sensitive and caring man. So did the rest of their family and friends. But none of them would ever bring it to his attention.

  The door to the office opened and Deuce McKade filled it. His blue eyes zeroed in on Claire immediately. She knew at once that something was wrong.

  “What happened?” she asked, walking over to him quickly and touching his forearm.

  “Jake is fine,” Deuce told her without hesitation. “He was at Martin Porter’s ranch taking a look at his old cabin to figure out what needed to be renovated, and the ladder he was on collapsed. He bruised his right side and shoulder.”

  “Where is he?” Claire whispered, squeezing Deuce’s arm through the heavy coat he was wearing.

  “He’s at the hospital,” Deuce said calmly. “Martin called for an ambulance. He didn’t want to take a chance because Jake landed pretty hard. He was concerned that Jake had injured his back.”

  “Did he?”

  “The doctor is checking him over now. I think you should come with me, Claire. Jake is pretty pissed off. He doesn’t want to be in the hospital. He’s giving everyone a hard time.”

  Claire turned to face Kristina.

  “Go ahead,” Kristina told her before Claire could say a word. “I’ll tell Jordan what happened.”

  “Thanks, Kristina. I’ll let you know if I can’t come in on Tuesday.”

  “No problem. Good luck. I hope Jake is okay.”

  Claire barely heard her. She rushed to the employee locker room and grabbed for her coat and pocketbook. Deuce was waiting for her when she returned. He held her coat as she slid her arms into it, jockeying her purse from one hand to the other while she got it settled.

  “I hope he didn’t do damage to his leg,” she said quietly as Deuce ushered her out the door.

  “Me, too,” Deuce agreed. “I also hope he keeps himself under control. He’s not a fan of hospitals. I’m sure he’s being his charming self.”

  “I’m sure he won’t be bad, Deuce,” Claire told him. “He was fine the last time he was in the hospital after his accident. Sure, he was a little stubborn, but he was never mean.”

  Deuce just chuckled. Claire didn’t realize just how much her presence had calmed his brother. Claire had been the one that influenced Jake to accept help and go through the physical therapy that he needed.

  “Don’t pick on your brother, Deuce,” Claire warned him as he helped her up into the front cab of his truck.

  Deuce closed the door once she was settled and walked around the front of the truck to pull open the driver side door and step up to take his place behind the steering wheel.

  “I would never poke the bear,” he said to her firmly, his voice gruff with controlled humor.

  “Are you calling my mate a bear?” Claire asked, turning to face Deuce with her arms folded defiantly across her chest.

  “Yup,” Deuce answered without hesitation. “Jake is a big old grizzly bear who will rip your head off if you irritate him.”

  “He will not!”

  “Oh, sweetheart, he most certainly will,” Deuce said, laughing softly. “You’re the one who has turned him into a teddy bear.” He turned to face Claire as he started the engine and smiled at her. “Jake calls you his angel. The rest of us call you a miracle worker.”

  Claire was stunned. She never realized that she had that much of an influence on Jake. She saw him as a strong man who was capable of such kindness and tenderness. She saw how he treated his brothers and their friends. She saw how he adored his nephew and nieces as well as the children of his friends.

  Deuce was wrong. Jake was not a grizzly bear. He was a man who was afraid of losing those that he loved so he held on to them with an intensity that could be perceived as overbearing. He was a man who loved deeply and protected fiercely. Maybe he was more than a teddy bear. He was a momma bear protecting her cubs.

  Claire smiled at the thought. She knew Jake would not appreciate the comparison, but Claire knew that the description fit him perfectly.

  “Jake has brought miracles into my life, Deuce,” Claire said softly. “I love him so much.”

  “I know you do, Claire,” Deuce said gently. “I hope you know that my brother feels the same way about you.”

  “I do.”


  “He’s going to be a wonderful father,” Claire said after a moment.

  Deuce looked at her briefly before returning his attention to the road ahead of him. “I agree with you,” he said finally.

  Claire nodded. She wasn’t about to tell Deuce that she was pregnant without Jake being by her side. It was an announcement that they were going to share when they revealed it to their family.

  “We should be at the hospital in about ten minutes,” Deuce told her, his voice calm. “We’ll see if Jake is a grizzly bear or a teddy bear when we get there.”

  Chapter 32

  Deuce laughed softly as he pushed open the door to Jake’s hospital room. The grizzly bear was in full growl mode. He and Claire could hear him yelling from outside the room.

  Claire pushed ahead of Deuce and went to Jake’s side immediately. She grabbed for his hand and pulled it to her mouth to kiss his knuckles. Jake quieted immediately.

  “Jake, are you okay?” she whispered, leaning forward and resting her head on his left shoulder. “Deuce said you fell.”

  “I’m fine, angel,” Jake told her gently, rubbing his cheek against the top of her head and breathing in the scent of her. “The ladder at Martin’s cabin was old an
d brittle. I should have known better than to think it would hold my weight when I went up to check the loft.”

  “Did you hurt your leg?” Claire asked, touching his left thigh over the white sheet and the gray blanket that covered him.

  “No. My leg is fine,” he said softly. “Keep touching me like that and we’re going to give everyone a show, angel.”

  His voice was teasing, but Claire could hear the definite warning in it. She lifted her head and looked into the beautiful blue of his eyes, smiling at the desire that filled them despite the pain she knew he had to be in.

  “No loving for you, Mr. McKade,” she said, warning him. “Not until I’m sure you’re okay.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “We’ll see what the doctor says.”

  “Who’s taking care of you, Jake?” Deuce asked as he stepped forward to take his place at Jake’s right side.


  Deuce nodded, relief filling him that their cousin was once again taking care of Jake. He trusted Brody. Brody had been the one to pull Jake from the brink of death after his accident the year before. Brody had helped heal Jake’s body, but Claire had been the one who had made him want to stay in the land of the living.

  “I’ll go and see if I can find Brody so we can find out when we can take you home,” Deuce said, turning and walking to the hospital room door. “Claire, keep him in that bed even if you have to tie him there.” He left the room before the bear could growl at him.

  Claire looked at Jake worriedly. “Where do you hurt, Jake?” she asked him gently.

  “My right side and shoulder,” Jake admitted. “My back is sore because I tried to twist myself to get loose of the broken wood of the ladder. It’s not that bad, Claire. I just want to get out of here. I want to go home. I hate hospitals.”

  Claire nodded, understanding completely. She nuzzled into his neck and kissed his throat gently before brushing her lips against his.

  “You’re going to have to deal with being in a hospital when we have our baby, Jake,” she whispered against his lips. “You are going to be with me when I give birth, aren’t you?”

  “You couldn’t keep me away, Claire,” he told her, his voice gruff with emotion. “I’ll be with you for every one of our children’s births.”

  Claire smiled and sighed with relief. She knew that some men weren’t able to handle the stress of the delivery or what birthing a child entailed. She had hoped that Jake wouldn’t be one of those men.

  “Don’t even get it in your head that I would ask you to go through that without me, angel,” he said quietly, kissing the top of her head and caressing her back over and over again. “I’ll be there to help you. I want to hold our baby right after he’s born.”

  “Are you worried about it, Jake?” Claire whispered, sensing Jake’s concern.

  “I’m worried that the pain will be too much for you,” he admitted. “I’m also terrified of losing you.”

  “I’m not going anywhere, Jake,” she promised. “I have a lifetime of love to give you. I’m not leaving until I’m old and gray and we have tons of grandkids to surround us.”

  She felt his left arm tighten around her and gave in to the feeling of peace and security that he always gave her. He made a grunt of some sort, making her smile.

  “Thinking about our grandkids, Mate?” she asked him, easing back so she could look in his eyes.

  “I’m thinking that I’m a lucky man to have found you, Claire Hamilton,” he admitted softly. “I love you.”

  Claire kissed his chest lightly, careful not to put any pressure on his body. She could tell that Jake was in pain even though he tried to hide it from her.

  “Rest, Jake,” she whispered. “Don’t worry about anything. Deuce will talk to Brody and see when we can take you home. I’ll be here to watch over you.”

  “My sweet angel,” Jake whispered, allowing his eyes to close as exhaustion overcame him. He had been fighting the pain medicine that Brody had ordered for him. Now that Claire was here, he was able to relax. Closing his eyes, he allowed the strong medicine to pull him into slumber.

  He felt Claire move away from him and he snapped awake at once, regretting his sudden movement immediately as every pulled muscle in his back, neck, and shoulder flared with pain. He gripped her hand tightly and tugged her back toward him.

  “Where are you going, Claire?”

  “I just need to take off my coat and shoes,” she whispered.

  He watched her as she set her purse down then removed her coat and set it carefully on the chair beside the bed. She toed off her comfortable shoes then pulled back the sheet and light blanket that covered him so that she could carefully ease her body into the narrow hospital bed and lie at his left side.

  He sighed with satisfaction when she snuggled next to him and covered them both before resting her head beside his on his pillow. He wanted to hold her, but he was in too much pain. He knew that Claire could sense his dilemma because she slid her hand across his waist, held him carefully, and rested her cheek against his arm.

  She pressed her body against his with utmost care so that her belly was flush against his left hip. She sensed the life force within her warming in a sweet hello, and she smiled at the concern their baby already had for his father.

  “I can feel our baby,” Jake whispered, closing his eyes and smiling as he soaked in the love that his little family gave him.

  “I can, too.”

  “Geez, I love the little guy already,” Jake admitted.

  “I can guarantee you that the feeling is mutual, Daddy,” Claire said softly, loving the happy smile that ghosted across Jake’s lips at her words. “Sleep, Jake. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “Promise?” Jake whispered back.

  “I promise.”

  Deuce stood at the foot of the hospital bed with Brody Walters by his side. Jake and Claire were both sound asleep. The sight of them cuddled against each other made Deuce breathe a sigh of relief. It had been a long road of loneliness for his youngest brother. To see him so happy and in love made him finally relax. Jake had finally found his path in life. The Great Spirit had truly blessed him with Claire.

  “What do you think, Brody?” Deuce asked quietly.

  “I think Jake will be fine after a few days of rest,” Brody answered honestly. “Claire will be able to help him ease the strained muscles with some massage therapy. He should be back to normal within the week. He was lucky that nothing was broken or torn.”

  Deuce nodded. It was about damned time that Jake caught a break. He was going to make sure that Jake allowed all of them to take care of him at the ranch until he was back to one hundred percent.

  “He should take the muscle relaxers that I’m going to prescribe for him,” Brody told him. “They’ll make him tired and he’ll probably be a bit groggy from them, but he’ll heal faster if he’s rested and relaxed. The last thing he needs is to be tense and tighten his muscles. He needs as little stress as possible, Deuce. Do you really think you’ll be able to get him to take the pills and have him rest?”


  “Didn’t think so,” Brody said sadly.

  “I won’t be able to, but Claire will.”

  Brody laughed softly. “I believe you.”

  “When can we take Jake home, Brody?”

  “Why don’t we let the two of them sleep?” Brody suggested. “It looks like Claire might be settled in for the night, and Jake seems to be completely calm and relaxed. His vitals are excellent.”

  “Claire does that for him,” Deuce said quietly. “She’s always been able to calm him, Brody. It’s really amazing the influence she has on him.”

  “I think he’s been good for her, too, Deuce,” Brody said thoughtfully. “I’ve never seen Claire so happy or so at peace. They’re good for each other.”

  “Yeah. They really are,” Deuce agreed.

  “Go on home to your wife and daughter,” Brody told him. “I’ll keep an eye on the sleeping couple.
Come back in the morning and you can take them home.”

  Deuce nodded, turning to face his cousin. He rested his hand on Brody’s shoulder, seeing the lightness of heart in his cousin’s hazel eyes.

  “You doing okay, Brody?” he asked quietly.

  “I’m doing really well, Deuce.”


  Brody nodded. “I never thought I would ever have the chance to find and love my mate, but I have,” he admitted. “I know we have things to figure out, but I’m very hopeful that everything will work out for us.”

  “I’m really happy for you, Brody,” Deuce said sincerely. “It’s about damned time that you found your mate and started your own family. I’m glad that things have finally gone your way.”

  Brody nodded. Deuce was right. His life had been filled with sadness and loneliness for so long, he never thought he would ever be happy. How many times had he prayed to the Great Spirit to give him a chance at happiness and gift him with a loving mate? More times than he could count. He had been given that chance the day he had met Trina Jacobs.

  “Thanks, Deuce. All of you have been so good to me. I’ll never be able to thank you and your brothers or your parents for everything that you did for me after my mom died. I really felt like I was one of the McKade brothers. Aunt Mary and Uncle Jake always made me feel like I was truly their son.”

  “You were, Brody. Every one of us thinks of you as our brother. Ma and Pa thought of you as their son. Don’t ever think that they didn’t. They loved you and wanted the best for you,” Deuce told him quietly. “I think it’s about time you built that home you’ve always talked about building on the parcel of land that my parents set aside for you.”

  “Uncle Jake and Aunt Mary were very generous, Deuce, but I can’t accept that.”

  “It’s what my mother and father wanted, Brody. You became their son the moment your mom died.”


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