LUST - A Bad Boy Romance

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LUST - A Bad Boy Romance Page 17

by Lacey Legend

  At just twenty, she now had an eighteen-month-old baby and attended night classes during the week when Jenna was able to take over babysitting duties. The father of little baby Zada had dropped off the face of the planet, leaving Jenna and Liana’s mum taking on extra work to support the new addition to the family. Liana shared one bedroom with Zada and Jenna shared a bed with her mother in the other bedroom. It wasn’t an ideal living situation, but the women were a tight-knit family and wouldn’t be without Zada for the world.

  “I know and I appreciate it. I’m in a mood today that’s all. Ignore me. How’s Zada been today?”

  “Good as gold,” beamed Liana proudly.

  She may have missed her first opportunity to attend university, but Liana took to motherhood exceptionally well and for the most part, found it very rewarding.

  “Mum’s due back at six,” announced Liana, changing the subject from the mystery billionaire seeing as it affronted her older sister so much. “You planning on going out tonight?”

  With university, work and caring for her niece, Saturday was Jenna’s only night off. The trouble was she was normally too shattered to make the most of her free night.

  “I might ring Kelly. Check out what’s going on.”

  Liana’s face was green with envy. While her mother had supported her through thick and thin, she was never one to permit Liana to shirk her duties. After all, she’d been foolish enough to get pregnant and it was only fitting that she dealt with the consequences. Her break from baby Zada was attending night classes because they had an educative purpose. Nights out for drinking and dancing were not a luxury a new mother could afford. Liana understood this, but being only twenty, she was often wished for the lifestyles her friends were living.

  “Do you want to go out tonight?” asked Jenna.


  “Seriously. My treat. I’m too tired to go out, if I’m being honest. I can stay in and babysit Zada and prepare dinner for mom and you can pop out and remember what it’s like to be young, free and single again.”

  Liana’s squeal of joy, as she flung her arMs. round her sister’s neck, woke Zada. Jenna didn’t mind. It was worth it to witness the look of appreciation and joy on her sister’s pretty face. They sat in excited silence until Zada settled.

  “You are the best sister in the world!”

  “I know,” grinned Jenna, “and I’m not even going to say you owe me one.”

  Liana was in her bedroom and on the phone within minutes of accepting Jenna’s kind gesture. A little after 6 pm, the front door opened and Jenna’s mother walked through. She looked exhausted, but was eager to check on her granddaughter as soon as she entered. Jenna went close to the cot to give her mother a quick kiss on the cheek.

  “Your sister called me to tell me about tonight’s arrangements. You’re too soft on that girl. She’s not the baby of the family anymore.”

  Jenna knew from the tone of her mother’s voice she was only pretending to be cross.

  “She’ll always be my baby sister. However many nieces and nephews she pops out for me to be Aunty to, I’ll always have my eye on her to make sure she’s safe and happy.”

  “God forbid,” said her mother. “Let’s give her time to get an education and find a nice man so she does it properly next time around.”

  Jenna was going to remind her mother that their father had left them high and dry, but thought better of it.

  “Thoughts for dinner?”

  “I’d love a takeout,” replied her mother, flopping on the sofa and putting her feet up. “But we can’t afford it.”

  Jenna had already promised some of her pay to Liana. If she treated her mother to a takeout as well, she’d have a lean week until the following payday. What the hell, thought Jenna, how many sacrifices has she made for me over the years?

  “I’ve got enough saved for a little treat tonight,” lied Jenna. “As Liana’s out, why don’t we have a girly night and order in Chinese and watch trashy romantic films?”

  Jenna’s mother’s eyes filled with tears. Her eldest daughter may have made a few poor errors of judgment in the past, but she had the kindest most generous heart of anyone she knew.

  “Keep your money, sweetie. We’ll rustle something up.”

  “No can do. You’re too tired to cook and I can’t be bothered. Once Zada’s bathed and in bed you and I are going to hit the comfort food and entertainment,” insisted Jenna.

  “I’m too tired to put up a fight. Thank you very much, baby girl.”

  Keen for a break, Jenna went to her shared bedroom and dialed Kelly.

  “How’s my favorite exclusive supreme cleaner?” greeted Kelly.



  “Because the flat wasn’t empty when I cleaned it today,” moaned Jenna.

  “Don’t tell me one of his harlots was lounging in her lingerie.”

  “No. Worse than that – he was!”

  “I’d have thought you’d have enjoyed the eye candy.”

  “I did. It was when he opened his mouth that it all went wrong.”

  “Have you never spoken before?” quizzed Kelly incredulously.

  “No. I’ve always adored quietly in close proximity as he conducted his busy life. I never see him on Saturdays and usually on weekday mornings, he’s leaving the apartment not long after I enter.”

  “Don’t you say hi and bye?”

  “No. It’s minimal eye contact and a nod of the head,” described Jenna.

  “Well, that just sounds rude.”

  “What came out of his mouth was a lot ruder.”

  “Why? What did he say?”

  Jenna thought this over.

  “It can’t have been that rude if you can’t tell me immediately,” pressed Kelly.

  “It wasn’t so much what he said but how he said it.”

  “Details, please!”

  “For a start he had to ask me my name.”

  “That’s no surprise. You said he didn’t know you existed.”

  “Yes I said that,” agreed Jenna, “but I didn’t believe it. I’d hoped I may have caught his eye. If only by the high standard of my cleaning.”

  “He didn’t know your name. That doesn’t make him the big bad wolf.”

  “It seemed like he was mocking everything I said. From my studies to my presence in his house.”

  “Oh. That’s not cool.”

  “No. It’s dented my ego,big time.”

  “I can’t imagine you just standing there and not saying anything back to him. Is he so good looking you turn mute when you’re within a 5 mile radius of him?

  Actually, he is that good looking. He’s all brown curly hair, brown eyes, a strong jaw with stubble and he’s built like a football player. Honestly, I’m not exaggerating when I say he looks like a Greek God.”

  “I’d love to see a pic.”

  “Forget your hormones for a second, Kel. I did stand up for myself.”

  “Good for you.”

  “No. I’ve potentially risked losing my job and I clearly annoyed him. I think it was better when he didn’t know who I was. I suspect he now thinks of me as some kind of skin irritation, blotting his day when I enter his apartment.”

  “Perhaps you misread his body language.”

  “He turned his back and walked out on me mid-conversation.”

  It was Kelly’s turn to be quiet.

  “Jen, he doesn’t sound like such a great guy. Can’t you ask for a new client?”

  “I don’t want to look like I’m causing trouble. That old cow Ms. Princely will do some investigating if I put in a request for a change of client. I don’t want to lose out on the job completely. Besides, for all I know, Spencer Lawson may already have terminated my contract with him.”

  “Spencer Lawson?”


  “You realize he literally is worth billions?”

  “Inherited no doubt,” guessed Jenna cattily.

  “No. He made h
is own fortune. He’s in computers. Something to do with information technology and cloud computing.”

  “I wouldn’t know,” admitted Jenna glumly. “We can’t afford an internet connection so the only time I use the internet is at NYU for coursework. I never thought to run a search on who he was.”


  Jenna was plodding unhurriedly from the subway to work early Monday morning. It was only a two-hour shift, but she was dreading it. Normally, she’d be full of vim and vigor, rushing to and from the subway, making sure she was on time for her first class at 10 on a Monday morning after her cleaning job. Despite the warm sunshine, Jenna wanted to stay curled up in bed to avoid Spencer Lawson and the university.

  Spending quality time with her mother on Saturday night was splendid and discussing her sister’s antics on Sunday was equally enjoyable, but today she was back to the real world. On the plus side, she hadn’t received a call from Ms. Princely, so it appeared Spencer hadn’t told tales of her brazen back-talk at work on Saturday. For that reason, she felt a degree of warmth toward the chilly billionaire.

  Waving with an absence of enthusiasm to the doorman of Spencer Lawson’s building, she slumped through the revolving doors at the same time a willow blonde was exiting.

  Wonder if she lives here or if she was keep Spencer company last night, thought Jenna.

  A petite five foot four, Jenna felt substandard when comparing herself to the mystery lady. With a backpack slung over her shoulder with clothes to change into upon arriving on campus, she felt frumpy in her uniform. There wasn’t a crease in her apron or polo shirt. Signing in and attempting to exchange conversational pleasantries with the man at reception, Jenna made her way to the elevator.

  Taking the keys from her handbag, she inserted a small one into a slot on the panel of buttons in the elevator. . Turning it clockwise, she was permitted to press the button to take her to the top floor to Spencer’s penthouse suite. She forced herself to control her breathing. There was nothing to be fearful about. Spencer hadn’t complained. All she had to do was continue as normal and fade into the background.

  The mental pep talk she’d given herself, didn’t improve Jenna’s frame of mind. She slipped the keys in the door and used the fob to sneak into the apartment. The sound of her exhalation was audible upon discovering Spencer wasn’t in the kitchen or living room. She bolted to the minimalistic white modern kitchen and attacked the dirty dishes.

  Why on Earth can’t he use a dishwasher, she mulled while scrubbing. I understand that he built his own fortune, but that shouldn’t preclude him from everyday tasks.

  As she conducted a private assassination of what little she knew about Spencer Lawson, the handsome English gent strode into the kitchen. Their schedules were out of sync that morning. Normally, she’d be finished with the kitchen by the time he was ready for breakfast and she’d be tidying his bedroom while he ate. A domestic, responsible part of her (the part that respected her position at Supreme Cleaning Services) was inclined to ask him if she could fix him something to eat. The part of her that thought he had an inflated ego from earning too much too young, decided he could fix his own breakfast.

  As Spencer moved behind her, she experienced a frisson as his hard body brushed against her. She steeled her resolve to prevent her going weak at the knees. He felt solid and strong and she wanted to melt into him. Remembering that some other woman was melded with his body only hours earlier had her straightening her back and swiftly skipping out of his way. She watched as he put two crumpets in the toaster. Slowing her pace to that of a snail’s, she studied him as he retrieved butter from the fridge and lathered it on the toasted crumpets.

  God knows how he keeps trim eating fatty foods like that, she thought.

  Leaving the butter on the counter and the toaster plugged in, he tossed the knife and plate into the dishwater. The water barely rippled enough to splash Jenna’s apron, but she kissed her teeth at the action to demonstrate her disapproval.

  A slow smile spread on Spencer’s face. If Jenna didn’t know better, she’d think he was trying to evoke a reaction from her. She held her head high and maintained her composure.

  Spencer waited to see if the feisty girl would take the bait. He refused to let his disappointment show that she couldn’t be drawn into talking to him.

  Checking his watch, he decided to toy with Jenna a little longer. He sat at the marble breakfast bench and began reading the newspaper. The large spread of the paper covered a sizeable portion of the bench preventing Jenna from wiping it clean. With an exaggerated sigh, she drained the sink and wiped the dishes.

  Rather than ask Spencer to move the newspaper, she decided to start on the bedroom and return to the kitchen after his departure. Spencer was a businessman. She knew from his habits he was an early starter at work. Whatever game he was playing this morning he’d soon tire of and head out to his offices.

  Spencer bit the side of his cheek as Jenna left the kitchen. He was usually a good judge of character. It may have been a brief encounter, but he’d got the impression on Saturday that Jenna was a motivated, confident, high achiever. He admired those qualities and liked her spirit.

  Talking with her had been unexpectedly fun. She challenged him and that was a rare quality in the women he mingled with. That she was a university student with a part time cleaning job and wasn’t intimidated by him, made her all the more attractive in his eyes. Today though, she’d reverted back to being a faceless cleaner with no personal connection to him.

  She was efficient, punctual and good at her job. It appeared as though that was all that was on offer to him. She’d intimated that his life was boring, but her ability to embrace a hands-off approach so readily after Saturday’s encounter suggested her life wasn’t overly stimulating. Clearly maintaining a professional facade was more important to her than engaging in a little flirty banter as they passed in and out of one another’s lives.

  Grabbing his briefcase and double-checking his pockets for his cell phone, keys and wallet, he discarded the potential plans he’d created for Jenna. He stuck his head round the door to see her making the bed up with fresh sheets and a distasteful look painted on her face.

  The jeans, polo shirt and apron did nothing for her figure. He’d been attracted to her personality, but seeing her as a cleaner in his apartment, he realized he hadn’t lost anything by not distracting Jenna. She was no major loss to him.

  However, as he strode out of the apartment, he experienced a niggle inside that prevented him from focusing on the day ahead. It was irrelevant. Even with his billions, he couldn’t buy Jenna’s affections. He couldn’t pay her to like him. Perturbed, he nodded at the receptionist and doorman and hopped in the limousine that routinely took him to work.

  Jenna finished her tasks after a quick tidying of the apartment. She’d got through the shift without any awkwardness. Now Spencer was witness to the fact that she could behave as nothing more than a faceless, emotionless maid. That is what he’d wanted and that’s what she delivered.

  Jenna was relieved the following day to find Spencer’s schedule was back in sync and their paths didn’t cross until he left the apartment each morning with his normal brief nod.

  Looks like work can revert to normal, she declared, somewhat disheartened, to the empty apartment.

  Chapter Three

  “Mr. Lawson’s away for the next two weeks,” stated Ms. Princely.

  Jenna felt the view of Central Park from the 25th floor in a grand, but dim and darkened office of Victorian design, was a little extravagant for a cleaning agency – whatever the company’s net worth was. The furniture was authentic and so aged, Jenna feared she might inadvertently break something when she was obligated to meet Ms. Princely from time to time in her employer’s private office.

  “He has, however, asked for you to continue tending to his apartment in his absence.”

  “As in I should visit the day before he’s due back to clean the apartment thoroughly?” clarified Jenna.r />
  “As is your current terms. Two hours in the morning on weekdays and half a day on Saturdays. This way it won’t impact on your earnings for the two-week period.”

  Jenna was at a loss for words. There was very little for her to clean if no one was living in the apartment, but at the same time, she desperately needed a steady income stream.

  Ms. Princely read Jenna’s face accurately. Privately, she too thought it was unnecessary for Jenna King to spend time in the apartment, but her job was to provide a service to Mr. Lawson, not question his decisions.

  “You can at least keep it dust-free and I believe he’d like you to collect his mail and dispose of the newspapers. Make sure nothing is out of date in his fridge or cupboards.”

  The two women eyed each other, neither daring to intimate the comment that it was an odd arrangement. Ms. Princely was plump and barely reached five foot, but she was well dressed and had an air of a headmistress about her. Jenna didn’t dare argue. Her conscious was pricked. Spencer may be able to afford her services, but he shouldn’t throw his money away carelessly.

  “Maybe I should cut my hours so that he’s not paying me to sit around and....”

  Ms. Princely smiled kindly at Jenna. The young lady was hard working and good hearted.

  Clearly, Mr. Lawson saw those same qualities and didn’t want to deprive Jenna of her regular income.

  “Mr. Lawson trusts you. I suspect in terms. of security, he’d feel confident if someone he knew was checking in on the apartment daily. There may not be a lot for you to do in terms. of cleaning, but he’s probably paying for peace of mind while he’s abroad.”

  “His apartment building is like Fort Knox and I doubt his neighbors are petty thieves.”

  “Jenna. Stop talking yourself out of a job. Accept it with good grace. Maybe it is just a goodwill gesture, but is that the worst thing in the world?”

  “No,” Jenna answered quietly. I just don’t want to think of arrogant Spencer Lawson being in possession of a beating heart, she thought.


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