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LUST - A Bad Boy Romance

Page 19

by Lacey Legend

  “What’s it feel like to be on the arm of one of New York’s most eligible bachelors?” he murmured in her.

  “I can think of a thousand reasons why I’m enjoying it,” she said sharply with a smile spread wide across her face.


  “You were asking for that, big head.”

  “I suppose I was. But I feel more like five foot two now rather than my usual six foot two.”

  “Let me soothe your ego, you’re one of the tallest, most beautiful bachelors in attendance.”

  “My real reasons for attending gives me the moral high ground anyway.”

  “I thought you found schoolboy behavior and games wholly tedious.”

  “I do. But I feel myself dragged into an event that I can’t cross my arms and walk away from, then I have to resort to such lowbrow tactics.”

  “Well, you could, if I had a modicum of commonsense.”

  “Jenna, look at me,” he demanded, circling slowly to show off his honed physique in the tailored flawless materials of his suit that emphasized his masculinity. “The majority of cameras back there are for me – for us! It’s imperative we stand out and make an impression.”

  “How so?”

  “Because we’re the ambassadors for tonight, We’re the face of Rett Syndrome and to take that mantel, we have to out class, out talk and out beautify every other person on the guest list.”

  “That’s an awful lot of work for $1000!” She murmured with a sly wink.

  “You got your outfit for free, “ he whispered in her shoulder letting his mouth down to nibble the bare chocolate of her flesh. Even before Jenna acknowledged them, Spencer could taste the gooseflesh raise on Jenna’s skin from the softest brush of his mouth. Shivering, she shrugged her shoulders indicating Spencer should remain upright.

  Jenna took a few steps ahead and found a board with the table seating displayed and where people were assigned their relevant seats and table numbers.

  “We’re together,” she clasped her hands quietly. Thrilled to not have to be flung into the wilderness with rich bodies that she shared nothing in common with interest with. “Are we at the head table?”

  “Uh-huh”, replied a half-listening Spencer.

  “Will there be toasts?”

  “Yeah, yeah. There’s a running order and master of ceremonies. Just chat and smile and look madly in love with me.”

  “Perhaps I’ll settle with completely beguiled by you.”

  “That would work as well,” agreed Spencer taking two glasses of champagne for him and Jenna.

  She was surprised at the throng of people keen to network with Spencer. The dates of the men whom were cornering Spencer, were ogling the billionaire or sizing up his date – Jenna. She resisted the urge to bare her teeth and hiss like an alley cat. It would’ve made an impression, but probably not the impression Spencer wanted to make. . As they ambled around the pure white décor with dark plum drapes from the ceiling, Jenna was relieved to finally hear the bell ring for dinner.

  She felt as though she were the bride of the wedding or in the prom seats at the head table.

  “Are you going to make a toast soon and wish us long life and happiness,” said Jenna, with a perfect smile, not divulging her wicked thought.

  “Some other time, perhaps.”

  That Spencer was laughing at her cheek had Jenna flustered.. He may have been fooling but momentarily it made her feel that it wasn’t out of the realm of possibilities.

  Giving the enormous function room one final scan, the Maître d'hôtel tapped Spencer respectfully on the shoulder before slinking back into the shadows to the sidelines. Taking a deep breath, Spencer rose from his chair, picked up a fork and tapped itt on a glass so the sharply it clanged around through the hall.

  “Let me start by thanking each and every one of you for attending. The money raised tonight isn’t just to promote Rett Syndrome to raise awareness for every person on the street. Our aim is to continue fighting for funds to research and find a way to the little girls (and few boys) to live longer, happy and healthier lives.

  My Business Lawson Cloud Computing is associated with this charity and my involvement is one that is also personal. Rather than stand here and become overemotional about my gorgeous little niece, Harper, I’ll let my father, Dr Lawson, a specialist in the field of Rett Syndrome, take over and update you on the what small steps have been walked and what potential bounds lay close on the horizon. Please welcome my father, Dr Lawson.”

  Spencer sat down to a round of applause. Without even thinking, Jenna had turned her head and snuggled into Spencer’s chest to watch his equally confident father take the stand and go into the science of the company he worked for.

  Like his son, Dr Lawson was charming and a little eccentric, but that somehow gave more authenticity to his lecture.

  “You tired?” mumbled Spencer to Jenna.

  “Fascinated, I’m sorry to say.”

  “He’ll be very flattered when he corners me for your honest critique later.”Once we’ve finished dinner, we’ve pretty much covered the bare essentials if you want to sneak away for an early night.”

  “Certainly not. I intend to fulfill my contractual obligations. Besides,” she said picking up a folder with an itinerary for the evening. “I believe there’s dancing after dessert and cheese and biscuits.”

  “I’d no idea you were a malingerer,” he teased.

  “I’d no idea you were such an old man.”

  He bent his head forward with a mock sneer and before he could help himself, his thick lip and gently caught her bottom lip in his. It was brief, but held the promise of something more. Spencer didn’t release immediately. Instead, he watched Jenna pull her lip from the gentle clasp of his teeth.

  “I bet the dessert I could offer you would be a lot sweeter than what is on the menu?”

  “I have a feeling the cream might be a little salty and sour,” replied Jenna.

  “You won’t know until you try.”

  “Very true!”

  “Does that mean you want to try?” prompted Spencer.

  “No,” retorted Jenna sharply, “it means I want to dance.”

  Growling as though it was an unfathomable suggestion, he rose from the table and offered his hand to Jenna. She took it and the dimple of his left cheek popped in and out at pleasure that he’d been able to please her so easily with such a simple gesture.

  “I’m glad this music is old school,” he whispered as he realized they were the first to take the dance floor.

  “Why. Were you going to throw out some of your 80s style break dancing moves?”

  Spencer bit his lip from laughing. From the indoor pond partitioning off the head table to the other tables, a giant shell rose and opened to produce a gorgeous iconic jazz singer dressed in the style of a flapper band. Seats emerged along the waterways for the strings and wind and brass instruments to take their positions.

  “Looks like you’ve got me for the first waltz,” Jenna teased.

  “I’d like to think I have you for every waltz, fox trot or whatever Harlem sound they’ll graduate into tonight.”

  “Was that in our contract?” asked Jenna

  “No,” he said, “I’m just hoping of all the guys here, I’m the one that’ll treat you right and hold your attention all night so you don’t go straying.”

  His brown eyes were piercing and without any note of flippancy. If ever there was a moment to steal a kiss from this modern fairytale she’d fallen in for a night, it was then.

  Closing her eyes and tilting her head slightly, she was relieved and delirious when Spencer’s, firm soft lips planted on hers. There was no hurry. No tongue diving in to locate her tonsils. It was a sweet, affectionate kiss with the promise of so much more.

  “So shall we stay on the dance floor or should I take you home before the clock strikes midnight.”

  “My slippers aren’t made of glass,” she whispered, “but now seems as good a time as any to make
a move home.”


  With valets lined up, it didn’t take long for Spencer’s limousine to make its way around to the front. The nesting paparazzi were still waiting.

  “Can we ask who you’re date is tonight, Mr. Lawson?” shouted one red nosed, overweight journalist who’d been nursing a bottle of whiskey to keep him warm during the last few hours.

  “You’d have to ask the young lady,” he said shortly, rubbing his hands together. No doubt about it there was a chill in the air tonight that suggested summer may be coming to its natural end.

  “So little lady, how long have you been dating Spencer Lawson?”

  “We’re friends,” she smiled. “I know it sounds trite but it’s what we are. Spencer does a lot of charity work, I’m studying social work at the university, our paths were bound to cross at some point. I’m privileged to be here contributing to something so important and something that isn’t featured prominently in terms of medicine and research.”

  “Friends aside, are we going to see you and Spencer Lawson hitting the town later this week?”

  Jenna laughed.

  I should be so lucky, she thought. “I wouldn’t be camping out waiting for that photo,” she laughed as she hopped in the car.

  “I’m super impressed,” praised Spencer draping an arm around her shoulder and toying with the shoestring strap.


  “That was a pretty ballsy on-record conversation, wasn’t it?”

  “Truthful, though.”

  “Truthful in that moment.”

  The two looked at each other again.

  “May I?”

  “I’m impressed you feel obligated to ask.”

  “I’m not a Neanderthal.”

  Jenna put a finger to his lips. Removing them quickly, she planted her own lips on Spencer’s. She’d been waiting to do that since they first met.

  Without further invitation, Spencer’s hand was already working its way under the shimmering olive-green and gold fabric of Jenna’s dress.

  “Not like this and not in here!”

  “What a little traditionalist you are,” he laughed respectfully.

  The car pulled up outside Spencer’s residences. The chauffeur already had an umbrella open to cover them from the small rain shower that was threatening to break. Once inside the revolving doors, Spencer gave a nod and wink to the receptionist.

  As soon as they were in the apartment, Spencer’s lips were clamped on Jenna’s collarbone as he sucked hard while efficaciously removing her necklace. He flung the simple bejeweled necklace onto the kitchen counter. Spencer could see Jenna’s feline-esque eyes note where it landed.

  “Don’t worry, it’s still be yours when you wake,” he promised.

  “It’s not the jewelry that bothers me, it’s the fact if it lands in the waste disposal unit and I forget about it, it’s going to take forever me to rectify it.”

  Spencer’s hand flew over her mouth.

  “Now is really not the time to be talking shop, Ms. King.”

  Spencer’s large thumbed rolled down the shoe string straps of Jenna’s gown. Her frame was so narow, the gown effortlessly sank to the floor like a settling autumnal leaf. Realizing she was standing only in her golden bra and lacy thong, she felt very exposed, even if Spencer had dimmed the lights.

  Spencer had already struggled to loosen his bow tie and flung his black tails and white waistcoat to the floor. All that was left was for Jenna to unbutton his dress shirt and make her way southward to his trousers.

  He offered a hand to her. Unthinkingly she took it, but with the automatic tug, she knew where Spencer was directing her.

  “Not in there,” she said, shaking her head at the bedroom.

  “Jen, don’t be foolish. It’s clean, comfortable and no one nearly as close to your beauty has ever taken a step into that room.”

  “You’ve had dozens of women in that bed.”

  “But not one was half the lady you are.”

  “Spencer you’ve got all the right words-“

  “So let me show you all the right moves.”

  Without giving her time to answer, his hands went forcefully to her shoulders and he flung her back on the king sized wooden bed. The shove was so powerful, Jenna landed with arMs. and legs astray. Spencer wasted no time. He knelt on the end of the bed, being sure to part Jenna’s feet and running a firm hand from her throat over her flat stomach to the lining of her underwear. Lifting Jenna’s foot one at a time, he kissed each one gently. Moving between her parted legs, he reached for her thong and began slowly peeling it down.

  Jenna’s hands struggled to cover her modesty in the brightly lit room. Spencer was clearly a man who was tantalized by the physical imagery around him. Peeling the sheer material from one foot, he quickly did the same to the other one. He inhaled her scent deeply form the crotch of her thong.

  She saw him do it from the side of her eyes and was flattered that he inhaled so deeply and smiled so sweetly afterward. Discarding the underwear, he parted her legs flat. He examined her public mound. Grinning wolfishly he was thrilled that she’d managed to shave his initials S & L into her trimmed pubic hair.

  “You do bestow quite an honor on me tonight.”

  “I wasn’t expecting you to see it,” she mumbled, mortified.

  “I like it,” he said, as he bowed his head for closer examination.

  Jenna could feel his warm breath on her pubis. It shivered and quivered. She couldn’t pin point exactly what, but she knew she wanted Spencer’s hands on it. Lowering his head, Spencer’s thumbs parted her soft brown lips. He let his tongue run up and down the length of the crevice. Jenna squirmed on the spot. His tongue let itself amble onto her clit. Jenna could feel herself wriggling and boring down on his tongue to guide him as to how much pressure she required.

  “Easy now, tiger,” he teased coming up for air. He rested his hand on her mound, leaving his thumb to toy with the clit as he gently brushed the slight growth that defined his initials.

  Looking at Spencer, she realized he remained almost fully dressed.

  “You going to assist or am I expected to put on a full show?” he asked.

  Trying to straighten herself onto her knees, she was able to face Spencer. Although chiseled, his jaw wasn’t as square as she initially thought; it was quite boyish with the smattering of stubble and hints of dimples on both cheeks. Closing her eyes to stop her fingers trembling, she slowly undid his dress shirt. Underneath it, she saw thick brown hair curling around his defined pectorals. The hair continued toward his flat stomach. Spencer watched her eyes as they glinted in appreciation of his physique.

  Having unbuttoned the shirt, it was left to Spencer to remove his cufflinks and fling his shirt to the floor. His skin was pale, but somehow that excited Jenna’s experience of him. Her dark skin contrasting against his paler complexion was the ultimate in sexy.

  Spencer’s come-to-bed brown eyes lowered as he watched Jenna’s hands wrestling the buckle of the belt of his trousers. Her tiny hand moved its way under the trousers and then under the Calvin Klein label of his underpants. Spencer’s breath came out as a long whoosh as the coolness of the back of her hand inched its way down his pubic region. He could feel his cock straining at his pants, needing the contact of her hand.

  Without waiting, he shoved his trousers and underwear down in a swift movement, revealing a proud eight-inch penis for Jenna to marvel. She gulped at the size of it. Torn between fear and determination, her hand gripped it firmly. She could feel it growing in her hand with the blood pulsating against her palm. He groaned and she knew he wanted it to be in her. The feeling was completely mutual. It was all down to who would make the first move.

  Spencer’s hand flew to Jenna’s throat. Not cruelly, he flung her down on the bed. Instinctively her legs clamped shut. He grinned and crushed his mouth on hers. Preventing her from breathing naturally. She struggled under the sheer weight of Spencer. She wanted the same thing, but his entire
body was suffocating her. Eventually he wrestled her till her legs were spread wide enough for him to press the fat purple head against the entrance of her pussy.

  She moaned in his mouth.

  “Relax,” he whispered breaking the kiss. “I don’t want to rape you, I want to ravage you.”

  The hand on her neck relaxed enough for Jenna to listen and proceed to dip her hips to invite Spencer in. He’d wanted to go slower and gentler, but a man driven by lust doesn’t always possess the self-restraint to forbid himself invading a lady so. The thick fat head of his cock slipped into Jenna’s slit. She squealed aloud. It had been some time since she’d been sexually active and Spencer wasn’t a small guy. He stopped the minute she sounded in pain.

  He lay still for a second or two. That her internal vaginal muscles were tight enough to massage Spencer’s shaft was driving him insanely horny. He’d no intention of hurting the girl. Taking deep breaths he began to inch his way in and out of her slit. Jenna winced with each new portion, but made no complaint other than the unusual mewl of delight.

  Her pussy was gushing so Spencer was in no doubt that she was as needy for him as she was for her. After keeping a gentle reduced speed, Spencer was excited to feel the nails of Jenna’s fingers gripping his buttocks, urging him to go deeper. He bucked sporadically like a bronco for a few minutes to let Jenna know just how deep and how rough he could be. Deciding to test his bed partner, his hands gripped her waist like a vice and he rolled on his back, pulling Jenna on top.

  Time to see just how badly she wanted his cock. Jenna was on her haunches, hand underneath seeking the thick throbbing muscle to direct it in her pussy. As the head burst through the entrance she threw her hand ack to accommodate the stretch on her pussy. In the same instance, Spencer’s hands flew up to unclasp her bra and free her breasts. In the cool air of the flat her nipples hardened like bullets.


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