Vampire's Babe

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Vampire's Babe Page 2

by Karensa Minett

  “We’ll have a slumber party tonight.”declared Jill.

  “Great”. Now all brains were working.

  “I’ll put the mirrors charm.” volunteered Kim.

  “I can set a time-tunnel,we can return the moment she steps in our room.”

  “So there’s no cancellation.”I laughed and nobody joined me,all of them were super excited.Well I had nothing to fear,I had nothing at all which was dear to me,nothing.

  Jill dropped the book carelessly and I volunteered to help,it was not at all a strange title,very common I thought,A Vampire Story.

  Red Eyes

  “Get in your best lingerie's ladies.”chuckled Kim,she was super excited whereas Jill and I exchanged a look of disgust.

  “I should have read the procedure first.”she groaned,slipping into black bra,which managed to support her pretty decently.

  “I hate this.” I cried,covering myself in a blue bathrobe.

  “Just tell me again what are we suppose to do first?.”asked Sipper,she was uncontrollable,super excited that finally she would become a witch or a human,well it was easy to guess her wish.

  “I’ll tell you again and no matter how many times you need a reminder I am there.”smiled Kim.

  “So when you go into his lair,remember to kneel in front of him and allow his stone cold eyes to feast on your young fresh skin,don’t be afraid if you see them red,he is watching you.Ask your wish and then only kiss his heart.”

  “Why cannot we wear clothes and do the needful.”I snapped.

  “Exactly.”Jill supported.

  “Come on you two,we are just going semi-dressed.Imagine you are going to the beach.Now,I want my wish and you two stop cribbing.”thundered Kim.

  She swished her wand and the mirror spell was there,we could easily see ourselves sleeping in the bed.

  “We only have thirty minutes to beat.”I reminded them politely because Ruth used to come every night to cross check on me exactly at twelve thirty.

  “Fine.”laughed Sipper,placing her hand down,we placed ours on top of her.

  “Trave-tross-tempra.”she chanted and we were slowly melting in puff of different colored smokes.I was purple,Kim was red,Jill was yellow and Sipper was green.There was one more colored smoke I saw,it was blue and I was not sure if it was something.

  After exactly fifteen minutes we were standing at the gate of the old temple,it was dark and the moon was red in color,giving me the highest degree of creep.Kim was the first one to enter the gate followed by Sipper then me and lastly Jill.She was just making sure that I did not bail out on them at the last moment.

  It looked like a haunted mansion,there was not a single soul around it but everything was in place and to my horror clean.How haunted you ask,well,it certainly had that dry air which churns your stomach,this place did hold an eerie silence.Jill and I were definitely not liking it but we kept on moving above the steps following our leader that was Kim.

  “I think this is it.”she said halting in front of a big wooden door.

  “I will go first.”

  “With pleasure.”mocked Jill.

  Sipper was a bit sad but she did not argue.

  We waited and after just two minutes she came out.

  “Why the hell are you naked?.”I asked when she came out.

  “You’ll see.”she smiled.

  Sipper slipped in second and she also came in the same fashion. “He definitely has a dirty breath.”she complained.

  “He hasn’t brushed for a long time.”added Jill looking at me,I was not ready yet and reluctantly she pushed Kim away and marched in,both the girls outside only laughed.

  “I have never seen her naked,completely,this will be fun.”

  “First time ever Jill goes bonkers and we feast our eyes.”joined Sipper.

  Well,I thought to myself,how bad would it be,three of them had survived and I would do the same.Jill came out,Sipper and Kim circled around her naked body,slapping her playfully now and then.

  “Enjoy girls while it lasts.”she sighed,crossing her hands over her chest,it was not much of a use,she really had voluptuous flesh.

  “I’m getting tired Aagi,please lets get it over.”she requested while Kim slapped her again on her butt.


  As I entered his den,felt like someone was behind me,but I couldn’t see anybody out there.I did as everyone else had done,went on my knees and let the bathrobe slip gently down my skin.He was right in the center,sitting on his throne,it looked as though someone had carved a piece out of white marble,he was not breathing nor did he move.I waited and closed my eyes,but nothing circled my mind,what was I going to wish for,I did not have my parents well they were dead,so there was no way they were coming back to life or I was wishing the same,I did fair in school,eventually would get a job and marry.So everything right now was okay to me,there was nothing that I desired at the moment.It was an awkward situation.

  “Sorry I think I am out of wishes.”I smiled at his stone structure,the moment I said this,his eyes flew open,red as blood,I was dragged straight in to his arms and he screamed,his breath flew right in my face and the next moment,I was naked.My favorite bikini was in pieces.

  “Wow.” I managed getting up and walking to the others.

  The moment I stepped out Kim was happy to slap me,Jill laughed and so did Sipper.

  “Didn’t your mom teach you any manners.”I smiled at her.

  “She did but my guy taught me something more,high time you all should learn the same.”she winked.

  There was another scream and we turned to look who was coming out of that door,it did open a little at the edges but no one came out.

  “I think he just got into practice.”laughed Sipper,we joined and were back in our room,completely dressed and covered,wrapped in our blankets.

  I looked at the clock it was five minutes past twelve thirty,there was no sign of Ruth,but after few more minutes I did hear my age old bedroom door creak,in the darkness she was there,I could easily make her out ,a faint light shone on her face,she was in pain well camouflaged in her brilliant smile.I hated to see her like this.She did not enter the room and threw a flying kiss at us,purely mistaken that we were sleeping.

  Well we were not,she did not enter like she used to everyday to kiss on my forehead before going to bed.Not that she used to not when I had friends, in fact they used to also get to know how warm she was and how cold her lips were.

  “Why didn’t she kiss us good night today?.”asked Kim,the two girls had the same question.

  “I guess,she is tired.”

  All of them dropped to bed one after the other,Sipper turned into her usual pixie form,well Jill and Kim knew her secret.

  I was wide awake, this was the first time Ruth did not kiss me,I did not like it at all.I wanted to know what was bothering her,so I tried to take a peek in her head,well,it was not a common thing but we siblings could figure out what was troubling the other.That’s how Ruth and I survived so long together,being part of each others sorrow as well as joy.

  She was scared,tossing in her bed,when I went a little further,I saw what was troubling her,it was nothing but a pair of big Red Eyes.


  “Strange she never leaves like this.”I said sitting on the chair,Kim was right in front of me and Jill was next to the gas stove preparing the breakfast.Sipper was helping her with all the ingredients.

  “I have a very bad feeling about this.”muttered Jill.

  “Do you think she knows..”

  “Knows what?.”demanded Kim.

  Jill turned around and fired in the same tone, “that we were naked and trying to seduce a thousand year old leech.”

  Kim was petrified,she did not have an answer to that one and I literally imagined myself to be drowned in the cereal mix in front of me.”

  “I think she has an idea about what we did.”I finally said it loud,three of them were staring at me in pure disbelief.

  “How?.”asked Kim still perplexed.

nbsp; “Sister bond,hard to explain,can read her easily when she is troubled,seen those red eyes in her mind.”

  Kim was devastated,Sipper dropped the glass jar of salt and Jill banged the frying pan hard. “Oh god,why I failed to use my brains...”she shouted.

  I was dead,what was I suppose to tell her the moment she came home,I had to confront her,this was the very first time that Ruth did not scream or scold me,she just left,could imagine the pain that I must have caused her.She was my only family and I hurt her.

  “What if she never comes or worst never wants to see me again.”I cried,hot tears rolling down my cheeks,Kim could not manage a single word,her hand just pressed my shoulder gently.Jill came right besides me and slapped hard. “Shut your mouth. Sister’s don’t abandon each other easily even if you make worst mistakes and a sister like Ruth,she will never abandon you nor us,that's not in her nature.You have to do a sin to drive her crazy,I bet then too she shall stand by you.So now we drop this topic,whatever it is Ruth will vomit it on us.Who’s up for fried Rice with herby roots,learned it from Tuber-eye.”

  “I’ll just go and check if the car is working.”shouted Kim.

  “I think I misplaced my bag need to find it.”Sipper escaped and she stared at me angrily,imagine Jill,in one hand she had the spoon and in the other she held the pan,if I tried to run,it was surely coming on top of my head.I smiled and she smiled in return,placing a large amount of rice in my plate.There was no escape she waited for me to try, “Go on,waiting...”

  I had to try otherwise the next thing that she would fry would probably be me.

  “Edible.”I announced and Kim was back in her seat while Sipper danced slowly down the stairs. “I found my bag.”she chirped.

  “The car is perfectly fine.”laughed Kim,we all stared at her for a while and she joined in,a disastrous cook like her was finally managing the basics.

  I laughed a little and everyone was relaxed.We continued with our breakfast and the next topic was the easiest to discuss,the play that I was about to organize at school.

  “So who is going to be the main lead?.”asked Jill.

  “I don’t know,how know...Troy Winshot.”

  Kim jumped in happiness and kissed me immediately.

  “Who is going to be the female lead?”questioned Jill there was a sly mischief in her eye while she threw the same at me,sipping her soup slowly,one at a time and not leaving my gaze.

  “Is there any doubt,Kim Seawock.Trying to pair my guy with somebody else are you?.”she snapped angrily and I smiled,breaking the eye lock with Jill.She grinned back.

  “Of course you will be the lead.”I assured and Jill just sighed.She swished her wand and everything was under the sink and cleaned.Sipper did the last thing,placing everything back into their place.Kim cleaned the table and I did the bedroom.

  “Neat,clean and organized,gives her less reason to screw us.”smiled Jill.We just stared at her,annoyed of course,bringing us back to reality.

  “Thanks.”we barked in unison.

  Once we were inside the car,Jill tried to speak but I raised my hand,she just nodded her head and was back to reading the same book Vampire’s Story.

  “Kim what are you waiting for?.” Sipper was sitting next to her while Kim meditated,Jill pulled her book right over her face,she did not want any body to know she was laughing silently.

  Weird Kim,hot headed and rough tongue never allowed anybody to know that she had a very good soft spot that was full of love rather than arrogance.Sipper tried again, “Kim you there....”

  “Of course you idiot...”and she pulled her hand back immediately.Jill was by now red in face,I desperately needed a book,it was hard to hide my grin too.

  “Everything is going to be alright,everything is perfectly fine,I am the best.”she roared.The car started and it should have raced ahead on the road but it went back and hit the tree.

  “Everything is fine...”laughed Jill more loudly.

  “I wish I could kill her..”

  “No not now,after school,I still have my wish to come true.”

  I joined Jill,it was hard not to,the two who were sitting in front of me were dumb and dumber duo.The car raced furiously and we were in our school grounds before the expected time.

  “GreenWitch High.”clapped Jill coming out.

  “Second best place that I love.”added Sipper.

  “Agreed.”Kim and I were on the same note,hand in hand we walked to our classroom.

  The first period was always free and I had my casting done then,the drama club took all the responsibility for the costumes and props,all I had to do was just find a band for the few songs which Mrs Wee had squeezed in my play.

  “Script?.”she demanded

  “Ready.”I answered in the same tone.




  “Taken care.”


  “Taken care.”

  “Rehearsal Timing?.”

  “Done.Today in the lunch break,fifteen minutes.”

  “I am so proud of you Agatha.”she smiled,kissing my forehead.

  “Troy Winshot and Kim Seawock,you make a lovely pair.”she clapped “I know you two will take this play to great heights.”her fingers were crossed and for the first time I saw she was getting dimples in her cheeks.Wow,everybody was happy, there was not a single face in the class who was not,except Jill and me,she knew how I felt and did not smile.I did.He did not love me and Kim was far better than I was,only daughter to a millionaire wizard.She had everything that I always wanted, except one ,Ruth.I was grateful,very grateful to the lord,but didn’t he think it was high time to send someone in our lives too.

  Sipper was unusually happy and Jill hinted me why she was,well Rocky Bigpat was finally eyeing her in a different way.Double wow,I desperately wanted someone else now that I was growing,my hormones were getting wild minute by minute.Now only I and Jill shared the same status, still single ready to mingle.I hated it.

  “What about the music dear?.”


  “Agatha where is your head,I am asking who have you thought to do the music.”pressed Mrs Wee.

  “I...I....ah...well....”there was no way I was escaping her wrath now,it just slipped my mind,great.

  “We thought that you would suggest us the same Mrs Wee.After all you know the best about music and lyrics,good band us.”winked Jill and Kim breathed,so did I and Sipper.

  “Of course dear.”she smiled,there was no way a teacher would say no to Jill.

  “I will bring them in the lunch break,they are new students and a music teacher who has recently joined us.You will definitely love them.”

  Rest of the periods were smooth and time flew easily that day.Finally that time of lunch break arrived when everybody held their script in hand.We practiced the first scene,where the witches walked painfully and the narrator,our very own Sipper,began the story.Kim flaunted her acting skills and I could not imagine the loud applause that came from other students who were not a part of our group but had dropped in to see the rehearsal,he was definitely stealing the show.It actually suited him,wildness blended in arrogance and brushed generously with good looks,Troy was the best thing,I wish..well lets just drop it.

  “Agatha.”Mrs Wee whispered behind me.She had the new members following her.

  “This is Mr Bodwin,the music teacher and Chris Doodbeek,the composer.”

  “Hello.”I smiled and shook hands with both of them.

  Jill joined me instantly,she scanned the two and smiled softly,“I am assisting her.”

  “Great.”Mrs Wee smiled leaving us.

  Mr Bodwin wanted to first look at the faces and I allowed him,Chris stood by my side. “Thank you.”he smiled.“Your welcome.”replied Jill slipping slowly towards Mr Bodwin,she easily understood the wrong thing,the guy was pretty interested in me.

  “So you wrote the play.”

  “Yes.”I avoided him.

sp; “Hope you don’t mind few extra faces.” he tried again.

  “Nope not at all,I go very good with Addition.”

  Boys,Boys Everywhere

  Kim was the best,I hated to see her smooch Troy,it just pained,I didn’t know how would I free myself from his deadly looks.The new guy was still standing close to me,he observed me pretty well and I just wanted to bark at him, Get Lost,unfortunately Mrs Wee was still lingering in the corridor.

  “Its very difficult to get over your first crush.”he smiled plainly.

  “What...he...well...I don’t....”I was speechless,what was he thinking,talking so boldly with me,even Ruth never pulled me so straight.

  His smile was charming and for the first time ever I tried to see him correctly,green eyes,soft red lips and pale white skin blended well with light brown colored hair,he was definitely not a human.

  “You mixbreed ?.” I asked directly,his face shone in the light.

  “Yes.Dad’s a Vamp and mom is a witch.You don’t like mixbreeds ?.”

  “No...I didn’t know....”

  “I know.You are very lame at framing sentences and worst at expressing yourself.”he laughed,for some reason I had to show him I was annoyed but someway he just figured out how badly complicated I was.Ruth would love him,to throw things straight on my face.

  “Thanks.”I added avoiding his eyes,they were so intense,as though he was trying to communicate a very powerful emotion.

  “I’ll see you later.”he said bowing a little low and racing back to Mr Bodwin.Jill came back to me,she was frustrated and it was easy for me to guess.Sipper was locked with Rocky and Kim with Troy.The two of us headed to the library.

  “Why are we missing classes?.”

  “I feel very lonely,its high time we should also get boys,don’t you think?.”

  “Just because Kim and Sipper have boyfriends...”

  “You are so naive Aagi..You don’t understand do you?.”she said looking so mature through her transparent glasses.


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