Vampire's Babe

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Vampire's Babe Page 13

by Karensa Minett

  “I know Crystal but habits are habits they take time to change.Okay.”

  She rolled her eyes and Mudrox was cursing under his breath.

  “I wish he dies.”

  “He shouldn't.” pointed Jacob


  “You don’t get his powers and neither his throne.”

  While they were still busy in the old argument, Crystal jinxed the mirror,she could easily see the king on his bed counting his last breaths,she waited enjoying the tear that rolled down his old wrinkled eye, “Poor thing he still cries.”


  “King Auguaten.”

  The Lonely Girl

  “Are you come to kill me?.”she asked while packing her violin in the case.

  “If that’s what you want.”he smiled.

  “Strange,do I now match your taste?.”.

  “Hard to say ‘cause my tongue hasn’t licked your fresh skin.”He was reluctant in delivering those words after all her skin was not that great looking,she laughed the way he pretended.

  “You are not good at lying you know that.”she smiled picking her case and walking in the dark street.He followed her and it was not hard to keep the conversation alive.

  “This is where you stay?.”


  “May I come in?.”he tried.

  “For what?.”she laughed.

  “To taste..”his eyes just could not hide the idea that had worked his brains earlier.She did give it a couple of minutes before agreeing to the same.

  “Feel home.”her violin was on the sofa and she was up her stairs.

  “So you live all alone here?.”


  “You don’t get scared?.”


  “Why not?.”

  “Death is just an abandoned road where the traveler never returns to share the adventures of his journey.”she laughed.

  He understood what she was saying and laughed loud with her, “So when do you think you are dying?.”

  “She told me I would die after six months of my marriage and within two months I would be married.”

  “Who told you that.”

  “Kareena,my friend,she is a tarot reader,its been almost a week I haven’t met her.”she informed getting dressed in her long gown.

  “I think I met her,she did not answer my question correctly I must admit.”

  “She does that to earn her bread,mostly she is a good relationship counselor has helped many people you know.”

  “You look...”he tried to find a suitable word and his entire forehead was filled in wavy lines.

  “I know don’t even try,I have less beauty in me and more brains.”she smiled.

  “Whats that?.”he asked sitting straight.

  “Cup of tea for your majesty’s taste.”

  “Well its good to keep you awake for a long night.”

  “Who said that you can stay the entire night.”her eyebrow was lifted masked in pretentious concern.

  “I said.”he declared breathing close to her face,she could not help it,it was like a sudden charm,not hypnotic nor magical but it had a great effect.

  “What do they call you?.”he asked holding her close to his chest while she wavered between her still active senses and tired body, “M...M....”

  “Not audible.”he ignored,kissing the hollow of her neck and following the trail straight to her open cleavage.She struggled hard to keep her eyes open and managed softly,trying to feel the strange cold touch of his hands, “..yana..yana.”

  “Yana.”he smiled locking her gaze in his, “time to say goodbye to your vir.....”he trailed locking her lips again.

  “With pleasure.”she mumbled while he carried her up in his arms to her bedroom.

  It was tempting,he tried many times to keep his thirst in check,the beautiful crescent line were inviting him madly,he just wanted a little taste,just a little.Jacob’s previous creative exercises were finally paying off,Yana was melting steadily in his arms and holding her moans,it was not hard to make her feel wanted,finally her moans were free and audible.

  He enjoyed her more than before,she looked at the red moon that was shining brilliantly from her balcony,her eyes were glued on it while Jacob feasted on her delicate skin and flesh.

  He just could not help himself,his tongue circled the untouched line and the next moment Yana was bleeding down it.She did not feel much.

  “Been easy on you.”he laughed covering her in the blanket and walking to the mirror.

  “You call that to be easy.”she groaned.

  “You now match my taste.”he smiled jumping down the balcony and breaking freely in to a wild run.

  “Sure.”she whispered slipping into her dark love dreams.


  “You look different.”Jacob was astonished,it had just been a day,Yana had longer curls and her skin did not look dry.

  “Seems like dating a handsome man does make you young.”she laughed walking again the same route.

  “You still want to taste?.”she flirted turning to him while she walked backward.He smiled, “tasting is done,time for dinner.”

  His hands were quick to hold her by her waist,she did not mind it,after all a girl who was dying within seven months had made her choice,choice to live life to the fullest.

  “You seriously believe in that prediction?.”he asked.


  “You are such an idiot.”he laughed, kissing her open back,his hands were already under her dress searching her delicate and soft flesh.She tried to break free from his touch and answered softly “this prediction was actually made by my mother,she was a occult....”

  “I see.”he ignored the conversation while his lips traced the invisible line of her breakable spine.Jacob could not help it but he bit her again in the same place,the wound did not heal and he just made it a little soar,she did wince this time but he was quick to divert her energies again.

  “I think you should find some one else now.”he tried.

  She smiled holding her legs together. “Bored so soon?.”

  “Not exactly.”he answered sitting close to her body and gently stroking her head.

  “Then what it is?.”

  “My friend and I have a task to do,find a bitch and claim what is rightfully ours.”he shrugged.

  “I’ll see you.”for the first time ever Jacob was unwilling to leave,her soft curls were still a mess and her red lips were hard to leave.She smiled mocking unnaturally “I’ll find another man,someone who can manage well with the leftovers.”

  He laughed and so did she.Jacob unknowingly had developed a soft core for The lonely Girl.

  The Enconter

  “Get out before I kill you.”snarled Jacob,his fist was about to beat the guy again,he was terrified,unable to understand why this man was beating him.The moment he was free from Jacob’s clutches he ran at full speed not stopping once to look behind.

  “Tosh here is your money..Tosh..”Yana tried to find him but he was not there,the moment she turned,Jacob’s hostile face came right in front of her.She was about to fall but he caught her just in time, “Ouch,what’s the matter with you?.”she cried.

  “How many men?.”he demanded.She was red in face just like him, “none of your business to know.”she snapped.

  He was unwilling to let her go free, “How many?.”he growled.

  “Just one.”she sniffed.

  “Including me or excluding?.”his hands were a bit relaxed but the hostility that reflected in his eyes was still threatening.

  “Including you.”

  Jacob straightened himself breathing freely,it seemed like something heavy did leave his heart, “you should leave.”called Yana racing to the top of the stairs.

  “I’m hungry.”he voiced.

  “Dinner party is over.”she fired.He laughed and was out in the open racing at high speed.Back to the palace where things just got heated as King Auguaten was seriously ill,the healers had marked the time of his death and ye
t he was unwilling to choose a successor.

  “Calm down Mudrox.”tried Crystal.

  “Seriously when I find that bitch I’ll make her cry every night.She will have her nightmares coming alive,she will...”

  “Easy.What if she is dead like her mother,thought about that?.”Jacob tried stretching his legs and placing his hands behind his head,enjoying his comfort zone. “You look very happy?.”noticed Crystal.

  “I am.”he smiled.

  “How can you be?.”demanded Mudrox.

  “Well I don’t want the old man’s throne,you two do.”he replied.

  “Why not,think about his powers?.”tried Crystal and for a moment Mudrox eyed her suspiciously.

  “No, not now or ever,besides I care for my friend first.”he said placing Crystal’s hand in his.Mudrox was relaxed,it was easy to see, Crystal had mixed feelings.Jacob knew his sister well,she was like this since childhood.


  “Stop following me.”Yana was red in face.

  “Stop pretending you are annoyed.”he laughed pulling her in his arms,she broke free instantly.

  “I’m not pretending.”she fired.

  “I’m not leaving you.”he said scooping her again.

  “Put me down.”she struggled.

  “Not now or ever.”he hissed.

  She could not believe the speed that he carried her away with,the next minute when she opened her eyes,she was in her room,sitting on her bed.

  “What are you?.”she asked taken by surprise.

  “You should not care for the answer.”he smiled,the crooked line that curved his lips were definitely unfriendly. “I already told you the dinner party is over.”she snapped pushing him away.

  “Is it?.”his eyes were locked in hers and the next minute she was swaying softly in his arms.

  “Yana didn’t you miss me these thirty nights?.”he asked still kissing her open skin.She choked and a tear escaped her right eye.

  “Every night.”

  “Then why pretend?.”

  “I am not pretending.”she argued maintaining her level of anger, “you beat Tosh ‘cause you thought so cheap about me.Since I allowed you it does not mean I would allow any other man from street I met.”

  “Why did you allow me?.”he asked curious for the first time ever.

  “I don’t know,Its just your eyes,they promise to be a soul of a true lover.”

  He laughed dropping the conversation instantly,Yana was the same again,her moans were gradually maturing as Jacob’s imaginative degree was at par.

  “Don’t hold back Yana the night is still young.”he tried forcing her energies into his directed actions. “Jacob I cannot feel my legs..”she groaned.

  “Delicate Yana.”he laughed turning her over and kissing her open back.

  “How many women?.”

  “Just one.”

  “Including me or excluding me?.”

  “Including.”there were tears in her eyes and for the first time Jacob was taken aback,he did not like the saline monsters,he was once familiar with them but not now and neither did he wish to be again.

  “Yana don’t be a kid.”he snapped forcing her back into play,she wanted to laugh but she couldn’t,something within her was changing,her mirror was speaking a different language,the man who was making love with her was a stranger,complete alien personality but he had certain traits that Yana just could not ignore,she was drawn to him like a magnet,ready and willing to do whatever he commanded.

  “Jacob you are overeating...”she groaned and finally he pulled himself away,placing his passionate kiss again on her thick lips.

  “Why do you always do this?.”she asked dabbing her torn lower lip.

  “Its a seal.”he shrugged.

  “What?.”Yana was surprised and terrified at his words.He came close to her, kneeling and holding her naked curves, “you only belong to me.”,Each word that was delivered had honesty and trust sealed in it.It was very hard to ignore his burning eyes. “One day your tongue will get used to the taste.”she smiled,trying to stop the blood that raced down her left breast, “and stop biting me please.”

  “You see the results Yana don’t you,soft black curls and great skin are my gifts,don’t be rude.”

  “It looks like you are a Vampire.”she tried,reading his expressions while he dressed himself.

  “I might be the father of a vampire.”he laughed placing a kiss on her cheeks.“I’ll see you tomorrow night okay.”

  “No,don’t come.”she added softly.

  “Why not?.”

  “Its kinda..personal.”

  “Really personal,Yana are you trying to get rid of me now,because if you are, sure you are inviting trouble.”his voice was extremely polite and deviously threatening.

  “Jacob there’s no other man,I’m not trying to get rid of you and there is no specific reason you should know.”she smiled “I just need a night off to charge myself.”

  “Oh Yana,you are killing me.”his face was smooth again,the anger that was ready to infuriate his veins melted away quickly, “one night without dinner,don’t you think its unfair to starve somebody.”

  “Once in a while you should try fasting,helps your system and brains.”she said pushing him away from the balcony.He landed neatly on his legs.

  “See you day after tomorrow.”he called and she threw a flying kiss at him.


  “You seem very happy now a days.”noticed Mudrox drinking from his cup while Crystal did the same. “I am.”confessed Jacob ignoring the two scrutinizing pair of eyes.

  “You are happy because of me aren’t you?.”asked a stranger walking close to him,she comfortably snuggled on his lap,allowing him to smell her.

  He laughed and broke free from her hands,easily making her sit on the chair. “Selina its nice to see you.You present here that means we have a lead.What info do you have?.”

  “I traced the bitch.”she smiled maliciously.

  “I always knew you could,with such a gift as yours....’

  “Crystal I did not do this for you,I did it for Mudrox,after all we had been in relationship till you came.”snapped she.Crystal froze in her seat,ready to bite her now in open,since she called this on herself.

  “Easy there you two.What’s the lead?.”asked Jacob pacifying both angry heads.

  Selina turned to him, “Tomorrow night the so called queen died,tomorrow we will see the bitch,she comes there every year to offer flowers to her mother.”

  “Excellent.”Mudrox was happy filling his cup again and raising it to Selina.

  “I think you want your man back.”the hatred that reflected in Crystal’s eyes were obvious.

  “Change of plans,I am thirsty for somebody else now.If you excuse me...”she said gently placing her hand on Jacob and pulling him away from the two.

  “Selina,there was a time when I wanted to actually be with you...”he tried but she placed her finger on his lips.

  “I can still win you, provided you give me a chance,just once and I’m pretty sure you will forget the women you have been playing with.”

  “I must compliment you on your confidence.”

  “My confidence is gifted Jacob...”her gown gently slip down her curves,she was a breath taking beauty.Long legs and charming skin topped with a hourglass figure.The rays of the moon burned her beautiful face making him more uncomfortable.

  “If I was not with Mudrox,you would had been mine long back.”He was mesmerized,unwilling to pull himself,her flesh had a hynotic feeling that made him loose his mind,behind his back a small voice whispered, ‘Yana was just a toy till time allowed,she was soon going to die,he did not really love her,well he could never love any women,it was just the hunger that he needed to satiate.Just the hunger.’

  There was no sleep in his eyes and he did not allow her to sleep either.


  “So how much do I score?.”she asked walking close to him,he ignored her,trying hard to keep a track on Crystal.

  “Why do you car
e about her so much?.”she fumed.

  “ ‘Cause she is my sister.”he snapped.

  “If time put her to test she will never stand by you,mark my words.”voiced she running at a high speed and he followed her without delay.

  He could see Mudrox and Crystal perched on a branch of thick tree.Selina was on the other.He picked a tree very close to the grave.

  “When I say.”hissed Mudrox and everybody nodded silently,eyeing him.The women was not suppose to die,she had to face what they had been through,sleepless nights and powerless actions.

  Jacob’s mind raced madly,he was the first one to hear the timid footsteps.Each and every ear turned to the west narrow street.She was dressed in pale white gown,her face was covered and she carried a red rose in her hand.Jacob failed for a moment,the little creaking sound from his tree did pull her head up,she wasn’t able to see anybody in the dark.He did camouflage himself well.

  Once again she walked slowly to the grave and knelt by its end,placing the rose on the stone and praying.Mudrox hinted Jacob,he landed neatly on his legs,moving quickly towards her but before he could attack a polite voice interfered, “Don’t even try it.”

  “Pathetic bitch you try to...”he was dead,the moment the scarf came down her face,the grounds beneath his legs moved on his own.


  “How could you Jacob,I told you I needed a night off and why did you call me a bitch?.”she was confused.

  “Well I think we need some explanation here.”hissed Mudrox,Crystal and Selina were occupying each of his sides.

  “There is certainly a misunderstanding guys,she is Yana.”

  “Is she?.Is it the same girl that you go every night to see?.”asked Crystal.

  “How do you know and why do you even care.”snapped he.

  “You are my brother after all,had to keep a watch as you do on me.”

  “Is she?.”asked Selina pure hatred reflecting in her eyes.

  “Interesting.”interrupted Mudrox sitting on a stone.

  “Yana what the hell are you doing here?.”he demanded holding her in his arms and shaking her vigorously.

  “Stop Jacob you are hurting me.”she cried.

  “That hurts you then you can not imagine what we have planned for you.”hissed Mudrox still holding Crystal and Selina back.


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