Vampire's Babe

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Vampire's Babe Page 15

by Karensa Minett

  Mudrox eyed Miyana like a treat,he was not only happy but desperate,that is when he was disturbed,Jacob was already swinging his blade in his arms, “She is only mine.”Blow after blow,he fought as though it was end of his life,one tight box around Mudrox’s chest sent him flying on the ground. “Go inside and don’t come out till I tell you.”roared he,she was hurt,what did she do.

  “Serves right.”muttered Crystal and Selina had the most devious smile shaping her lips.

  The king did not understand what it was,his girl was laughing a moment ago,but why was she trying to hide her tears now.

  “What happened?.”


  “You can tell me.”

  “He scolded me in front of everybody,I don’t even know what went wrong and how did I contribute to the same.”she sniffed, “I will never talk to him again,he always does that,I am always wrong when I don’t do anything at all....”

  “Ah my girl,you are not wrong,its just that he gets tired of the wrong doers who try to harm you.My world was never healthy,your mother and I took the decision to part ways for your own good,she was the best thing that happened to me and now you are the best thing that has happened to Jacob.Never leave his side,he will protect you and you will do the same.He is very strange,we lunati can go to any extremes to have power,where as he does not like power,seen it the first day when he came into this palace with his evil sister.”

  “But why did he scold me?.”she demanded wiping her tears.

  “Mudrox is my evil imagery,he wants everything that I have.”

  “Whats an imagery?.”

  “Its an old dark spell,where a lunati can tranform his reflection into a living thing.If mastered well,you can have more than one imagery.He is born out of my dark side,I was helpless once,needed somebody young to accomplish my task,task of defeating the king of Lunatish,that is when Mudrox was born,I just could not help it,so much anger and evil corrupted my soul,I wanted that king on his knees the way I was near the dark banks of that lonely river on the battle night.I could hear the hooves of his progressing attack,he was close and I would soon die,I did not wish to give my kingdom in such evil hands,I was mistaken ‘cause,I brought Mudrox to life,born from my reflection and dark desire he has only caused me trouble so far.I won the battle but till date my people live in fear,fear of him.I want him to loose because he is fighting a man who loves you not my throne,he knows what it is to care and protect,unknowingly he has surrendered himself,strange boy,I’ll never understand him,never.Promise me no matter what,you do not leave his side,no matter how hard a blow he gives you.Promise Miyana.”his hands were already shaking,Miyana did not take time,her delicate palms were already placed in his rough ones.

  He could hear the loud applause coming up from the ground,not hard to guess,Jacob had won. “Just take a peak.”he encouraged.

  “No,he will shout again.”

  “He won’t, try to listen to his voice,he wants you to see.”

  Sure it was,she could hear somebody whispering, “you will never have,she is only mine,she only belongs to me.I don’t know what this is but I am not leaving her no matter what.”Her steps were automatically drawn to the balcony,she stood behind the curtains watching him being shuffled in everyone’s arms,Mudrox was lying on the dirty ground,it was pouring heavily,there was no way he missed her silent eyes,he could see,her heart was beating wildly,while his eyes turned now and then only to her,he did not care what the others were doing,he was just lost in her gaze and she was the same.

  That day Jacob experienced a pain,it was a very sweet one,her thick lips and smiling face would always be with him,he would never forget this day,when he actually won the most beautiful women,she alone ruled his heart,he could not imagine anyone so pure and lovely,the droplets that fell on his face could not close his mad eyes,they watched her,mesmerized and she did the same,the wild wind ruffled her hair but she stood watching him,she did not know how long she would live but one thing she had to thank god,he sent Jacob in her life,a man who loved her but did not know what love was.

  Selina hated the peaceful look round their faces,the intensity of their passionate love was hurting her more than ever.She marched in her room and dropped every thing,her anger was unbelievable,she could not see him with somebody else,someone she considered as a low life.

  Crystal ignored the two,hinting few of the workers to take Mudrox back to his place.

  “You fought well brother.”she tried to break his focus.

  “Thank you.”he said avoiding her,his eyes were still unwilling to leave Miyana.

  “Don’t concentrate on the toy,its going to break soon,remember she is going to die.”

  The anger that surged within his heart was unavoidable.

  “I will not allow that.”he hissed,the others watched in perfect horror,she could also not miss it,Miyana’s eyes did water,that was the ultimate truth wasn’t it?.

  “You are just a lunati, not god, brother.”she tried to hide her annoyance in her polite tone.

  “But I am a the king of Lunatis,I don’t know such word,I live when my body dies,I’ll find a way,I am the Invincible One.”

  Planned Execution

  “Your father is dead.”She just could not believe what Jacob was saying,it had been a while since they both faced each other and talked,Miyana was completely broken,she was not sure how long was she suppose to cry,her tears were not stopping,for the couple of months all that she did was cry and cry.He tried to touch her shoulder like before but something within him had changed,he was no longer the same Jacob who fought Mudrox for her,he had changed,he remarried Selina, had two queens and the throne,his biggest opponent Mudrox was dead and she was caged forever in the highest tower of the castle.This was the first time in forty-eight days that he showed her his face,he was cold and hard,he ignored her tears like it was nothing.

  “Take care.”with that said he walked down and ordered the guards to close the doors.Everything happened so fast,she was not sure where things went wrong but one thing she knew well,there was nothing left between her and Jacob,she was counting her last breaths,it was so hard to be so close to him but not to his heart.He did stop looking at the high steps of the stairs,she wanted this,she chose this,he was busy like any other king managing his kingdom and the new responsibilities leveled on his shoulder,a sick wife and her father were extras in his list,he had changed drastically,marriage with Selina was just a political method to shun the evil heads lurking in his own council,she could give him the heir and everything else what dying Miyana couldn’t.

  He did reconsider his decision,marriage to her after all was a mistake,he was reduced to something which he himself did not understand.His reflection in the mirror did scream the same,who was he?,what happened to that Jacob who knew how to laugh.He had his best friends blood on his hand and now even his father-in-laws.He killed the old king not under anybody’s pressure but because it was a request.He himself requested the same,no matter how hard Jacob denied he did give in to the old mans last wish,Miyana did not know the same,he was tired of explaining her each and everything, on the other hand Selina just read his mind,he found a little peace in her company.

  “Why don’t you kill her?.”He could see Selina’s face in the mirror where he was debating with himself but that is when he snapped rudely “I don’t need your advice, toy.”

  “Toy?.”she repeated annoyed and red in face as though each and every nerve under her skin would explode and she would be bleeding soon.

  “You heard right,you serve me like she did,you are not more than her in any ways.”

  “I am the one that helped you see her true face,how she was cheating on you with Mudrox,I saved your life and killed him,I am the one that helped you win the trust of your council,you won that battle because of me.”by now she was holding his collar and her lips were too close to his, “I am the one that completes you,who satisfies your hunger,she cannot satisfy you now can she?.”

  He smiled “exactly toy.”She hated him more than ever
,he was out on the grounds,the dark night was not helping him,where did he loose himself,where did he loose her,he did see Mudrox many a times entering in her room but she denied it,Mudrox on the other hand accepted it boldly in front of everybody.He had no other choice,blood boiled within his veins,he wanted to kill him but before he could reach his room,he was begging for his life,Selina slit his throat neatly.The smile on her lips did pacify his burning heart.

  “You believe him.I did not do it...”

  “Shut-up you liar,he was always protecting you,he married a lifeless toy like you and this is how you repay him,excellent.”hissed Crystal.

  “Its wise to kill her.”suggested Selina,Jacob was busy battling within,he did see her cuddled in his arms,that one night, he just could not get that picture out of his head.

  “Will you kill me Jacob?.”Miyana’s eyes were wide open,he was taking too long to answer her question, “yes.”that one word brought huge smiles on Crystal and Selina’s lips,her heartbeat reduced instantly like she was still dreaming,was this really her Jacob,who would do anything or fight anyone for her. “I’m tired of fighting for you,you have done no good to me,after all you are going to die soon why not die tomorrow with the hands of your beloved.”

  Selina walked out and so did Crystal,Jacob’s sword was close to Miyana’s throat willing to cut her in half.

  “Don’t do this Jacob,please.”she requested.

  “You scared of death Miyana?.”he laughed without any humor.

  “No,I don’t want your hands to have stains of my blood.”

  “It doesn’t make a difference.”

  “It does to me,I want you to be free but if you kill me the same stains will haunt you for the rest of your life.”

  “The stains don’t haunt me but an image does till now.”he spat leaving her to cry more.

  Jacob was recalling all the events one by one,Miyana’s humble request,Mudrox’s death,the ugly fight in his court,Selina as the second queen,Miyana’s acceptance to go far away from him into Birchwoods.Everything was happening so quick,finally in the court of the great Lunati’s Miyana was found guilty and she was summoned to leave the kingdom immediately.He just could not forget how she stood in front of alien faces who called her all sort of names,only one lunati was honest and grave,he was the eldest among the five, sitting in the center of the courtroom,his throne was the highest of all.

  “If she is innocent she should not worry.”voiced Crystal and Selina supported her, “she is right,people are counting on you,you have to give them an answer.”

  The courtroom where he stood was different, he was a bit nervous but she was not,what would it be,what was he going to sentence her with?.

  The eldest of the lunati announced without dragging it too long, “She is no longer the queen and nor she has any rights over the king as her husband,however the court denies that her character is corrupt,she is from this moment itself leave to Birchwoods,land forbidden for any lunati to travel,because it belongs to the Birch Witches,they are no friend to any lunati,wise for her to stay in her last days with her own kind until the king...”

  “I agree.”her soft voice cut him politely,he continued after a brief pause, “if the king wants she can spend the rest of her life in the castle like any ordinary women,whatever is decided should be brought in action immediately,the king shall leave her to Birchwoods in case he decides the best for both of them.The court is adjourned.”

  “I agree...I agree....”those words rang in his ears,Jacob did not waste anytime,he was already on his horse and he pulled Miyana with all his might on the same,he raced at a blinding pace,she was not scared anymore.After many miles Jacob dragged her in a small house,it was pouring heavily,he pushed her roughly inside and went back to find a suitable shade for the horse.

  When he came in he could not see her anywhere close but her slow heartbeat was still audible that meant she did not try to escape.He looked long outside,it was not going to stop raining,he wanted to ask her again,why Mudrox?,why?.

  It was freezing and he could not find her but her slow breathing and heartbeat was still there then how come he was not able to see her,his sharp eyes did not miss the silk under his feet,the open room in front of him was empty,it had a huge oak door,he moved the door just to see Miyana resting her head against the wall,she was behind the door in the small cavity,hiding from him and freezing to death,her lips were already white,he felt a strange pain,something was hurting within his chest,he did not know what it was but he did recall his promise to the dying king, “I’ll make her last days remarkable.”, and here she was freezing to death.

  Her cold lips eased the pain in his chest the moment they touched his skin,what was he going to do,he did not know how to live without her,he failed to imagine a single day where he missed her smiling and innocent face.She was cuddled in his arms and he was still battling things around,he could not take her back,he was a king and his people counted on him,even if he did,they would never forget what happened and never let her forget.He held her close,this was the last night where they would be together,he just could not miss the saline tears that slowly slipped down her sleeping eyes.


  Jacob was wide awake,he could not see Miyana anywhere close to him,his sensitive ears tried to hear but there was no sound,madness filled in his eyes,he wanted her,he could not live without her,his ears tried hard to pick her sound and it did,soon he was racing on his bare feet at a lightening speed,Miyana was crossing the invisible line,many hidden heads did come out watching her mutely,most of them were unhappy to see Jacob pull her back.She was baffled but he was not,she avoided his eyes, “its alright I can manage.”she voiced softly.

  “You cannot manage without me.”he hissed but before he could shout more few crawling creatures came in front of him. “Let the girl pass.”hissed one of them, “She won’t.”answered he pulling his sword out.They were no match to his blade,no matter how many of them attacked he slashed neatly their wrinkled skin,Miyana was terrified she tried to cross the line but Jacob held her back,not allowing her to escape.

  “Jacob let me go...”she screamed.

  “No..”his one hand held her by her waist and the other held the blade, fighting all the creatures one by one,many of the sly things slipped on tree tops and watched the wild man battle his way,they were terrified,nobody wanted to go in front of him,there were only few of them who still kept up.

  “Why are you changing your decision lunati?.”asked a women in white silk,she looked very beautiful with purple eyes that were confused and sharp.

  “Who the hell are you?.”demanded Jacob.

  “Strange lunati,you enter in my home and don’t recognize your enemy,let my sister free and I shall spare your life.”she said advancing close to where the blood on the ground still stayed,her silk was painted red while she did not leave Jacob’s gaze,she was mad and so was he,Miyana watched in horror,her soft innocent eyes were turning a different color,the same color that the women in front had.

  “The land welcomes you sister,I guess the pretended leech had no clue what you are capable of.”

  Before Jacob could attack her, her nails were already sinking in his throat, “no don’t do it,please.”begged Miyana,something within her was changing besides her eye color,she held her stomach tightly,unable to move from the ground, “you leech how long have you been feasting on her.”she barked more annoyed than before.

  “Help her please.”Jacob could not help it,the words flew automatically out of his throat,his eyes were fixed on Miyana,her painful face was taking his breath away.The birch witch was touched and she smiled letting him fall on the ground, “you want to help your enemy lunati,how strange?.”

  “She is no enemy to me.”answered he shaking his head.

  “Strange,a pretended leech loves one of us.”she smiled to the others while their eyes turned soft to the man who had caused the massacre a moment ago.She went close to Miyana and touched her forehead where she was able to see everything,her life was like a open book to her.
  “And I thought I was wrong.”she snapped standing again on her feet. “leave lunati I spare your life,don’t come back again ‘cause the women who loved you will not remain the same,to protect you always.Strange and true,we are birch witches,born from our own flesh again and again,we never forget what is love but we do forget the one who misused us in the name of love.Very soon she will be re-born and you will mean nothing to her,nothing at all.”

  “She will be re-born..Dying that is temporary for you’ll is it?.”he asked enthusiastically,Miyana was already unconscious,her eyes turned soft again, “what are you lunati,you are happy and in love but what is it that separates you two then.”she placed her palm on top of his head,visions from his past and future were easily readable to her, “you are such a fool lunati,you could not see the evil in your own blood.”

  “What do you mean?.”asked Jacob annoyed.

  “Your sister.”answered she moving towards Miyana and lifting her in the air,the creatures on top of the trees took hold of her and escaped as fast as they could.

  “You,bring her back to me...”Jacob finally stood on his legs,tired and exhausted,his blade did point at her again.

  “Crisinda your majesty,my name...”

  “I don’t care about your name,I want Miyana back...give me back my wife...”

  “Anger does have consequences, doesn’t it?, too bad you realized now your majesty.”she laughed walking at a quick speed,Jacob could not keep up, he let his sword do the needful,she did stop,her silky trail was stuck and the sword was right in the center of it,she tried to pull it out but her hands burned,she did not scream or cry but laughed uncontrollably on it, “ah lunati you will not stop till you find her do you?.”


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