by Heather Boyd
“Agatha, no.”
Her fingers squeezed his flesh tight, her head burrowed to his shoulder. “You’ll be married soon?”
Oscar pressed his lips to her hair. “Yes.”
“You’ll be a faithful husband. This is our last chance.” Agatha’s impatient fingers snapped the buttons of his trousers open.
“Daventry will come looking for us. We cannot act out our desires here.”
Her hand burrowed and closed upon his shaft. Oscar groaned.
“Lilly has plans for the earl. She wishes some extended time alone with him. I am to distract you while they talk.”
“It’s working,” he whispered. Privacy and a willing accomplice to their rendezvous. What more could a desperate man ask for?
Oscar crushed Agatha against his chest, trapping her hand between his legs as she worked to arouse him. She didn’t have to work too hard. It would take very little to push him to the peak. He slipped a hand over her hip, enjoying the firmness of her body. As his fingers found the limit of his reach, she bent her knee, curling her hips into his thigh. He rocked her against him as she shuddered and work harder at arousing him. Her hand squeezed and pulled in a delicious rhythm, disintegrating his resistance completely.
They turned, and Oscar pressed Agatha against the book case. His fingers wandered down her leg and then slowly, very deliberately, raised her gown past her knees.
“Stop me.”
Agatha’s free hand cupped his face. “Never.”
Her lips settled on his again, searching and destroying his ability to think. She was, quite simply, voracious for him. Given that Oscar felt the same way, he dragged her gown the remaining distance until his fingers curled around her warm thighs. She was restless, hungry, and when his fingers brushed her curls, he found her wet for him.
He couldn’t stop.
Agatha widened her legs.
A knock sounded on the closed door. Oscar’s eyes opened and he glanced around them guiltily. They were still alone. He pressed his brow hard against Agatha’s. “Almost.”
Her fingers slipped from his cheek, her body left him slowly, a tender parting that threatened to undo him once more. Her breath panted rapidly over his throat. “Perhaps next time we’ll be luckier. I suppose we should rejoin our hosts.”
Despite the disappointment, Oscar chuckled. “Must we?”
Agatha nipped at his jaw. “Lilly would be disappointed if we never came out.”
“And Daventry would be offended if that happened.”
“Damn right,” Lord Daventry growled from the other side of the door. “Join us as soon as you’re both decent again.”
The earl’s footsteps hurried away.
Agatha grinned at Oscar. “We have no choice? For now.”
Desire still gripped Oscar. His prick ached. He shook his head sadly. “None at all.”
Agatha kissed him fiercely. When she pushed against his chest, he staggered. “Until later tonight, then?”
Oscar’s heart raced. His body, his blood, demanded action. His hands needed nothing but the sweet softness of Agatha Birkenstock in his arms one more time. Judging by Agatha’s high color, their desires were in perfect alignment once more.
Chapter Eighteen
DARKNESS HID DESIRE well, but Agatha could sense Oscar’s presence by the swirl of the fog obscuring his house. She walked forward, her body humming already with the hope that he’d been waiting for her all night as she had been. The hours since they kissed in Lady Daventry’s townhouse had seemed far too long ago. How she had made it through the afternoon while Lord Daventry smirked at her, she didn’t know. She hadn’t expected him to be amused or even aware of their secret liaison, but it seemed Oscar had told one person about them.
At least the person he’d told abhorred gossip. Yet it pained her that Lilly must remain in ignorance. She’d likely be as disappointed with Oscar as Agatha had been when she’d learned of his lies. But Oscar was to marry another. There was nothing she could do to change his path to include her. She could only have him like this. In secret and fleeting meetings she’d never get enough of.
Oscar appeared out of the mist. Silent. Body taunt with tension. Agatha held out her arms and he swept her over the railings, tucked her against his body and hurried into his house.
Agatha curled her hand about his head and brought his lips to hers as they traversed the dark hall. The light pressure soon blurred into possession and compliance. Each of them giving and taking what they needed from the exchange. Darkness faded as Oscar swept her into his candlelit bedchamber and locked the door to keep the world away.
Slowly, he dropped her to her feet, but Agatha wouldn’t let go. Not yet. Not completely. She needed him too much to lose his touch so soon.
She wriggled her hips against him and his breath hissed through his teeth. She silenced him with more kisses. He need not say a word. They both wanted and they both could have. She’d share this last night with him, and she intended to burn the memory of their passion deep into his soul.
But that wouldn’t happen if he controlled their pleasure. His habit of seeing to her needs first went against her plans for the night. He had his own needs he’d rarely asked her to fulfill and by night’s end, she’d do her best to meet every one. Gently, Agatha pushed against him until a foot of air stood between them.
Oscar’s face had flushed a hot color and his chest rose and fell in a harsh rhythm.
“Sit on the bed, my love,” she whispered.
His brow rose, an amused smile tugged his lips, yet he did as she asked, dangling his long legs over the side. She admired his legs as she raised her hands to her hair. Oscar liked to play with the long strands over his chest, so she slowly removed the pins. As the pale mass fell, Oscar moaned.
Agatha smiled and drew the locks forward to cover her breasts then slowly worked the knot at her waist free. The dark material of her robe pooled at her feet, and Oscar bit his lip. She loosened her nightgown and inched the material down a bit at a time.
Oscar met her gaze. “Resorting to torture, are we?”
“I’m hoping to seduce you.”
He smiled. “You have me, precious. You have always had me.”
As her nightgown slid down her legs, she smiled. His gaze roamed up and down her body hungrily, his robe tented by his hidden erection. She had him for one last night and if one night was all she could have then she would make it count. She took a step forward and played with the ends of her long hair, conscious that when she did her nipple would appear to him then disappear. She took another step until she stood before him.
Agatha gestured to his robe. “Take that off.”
Still smiling, he shucked the robe and sat before her in all his naked glory.
“Beautiful,” she whispered, running her fingers over his exposed thighs and upward to brush his cock lightly with her fingertips. He shuddered.
Agatha widened his legs so she could get closer. Her gaze rose to his. As she leaned in to kiss him she also gathered the strands of her hair and swiped the ends over his erection. A rough pant passed his lips. She smiled at how simple their lust could be. A touch, a brush of warm breath and they were both gasping to find release.
Oscar cupped her face in his hands and kissed her. She knew she should resist just a little longer, but the pleasure of being completely naked with him left her body too restless to protest. She climbed onto the bed until she straddled him and thrust her tongue into his mouth time and again. Oscar’s fingers dipped into her body. She arched as a hard shudder rocked her. He knew exactly how to tease her in return. Although she’d like nothing better than to let him into her body, she wriggled her hips away from his fingers until she could touch his cock with her lips.
She swiped her tongue over the head then pressed little kisses to the soft skin. Above her head, Oscar moaned her name. She smiled and wrapped her hand about him.
A drop of fluid beaded on the head and she lapped it up eagerly. Opening her mouth wide, she struggled
to take him in. He grunted as his head settled on her tongue, and she licked the shaft to help his progress. She rose and fell again, taking more, slicking him with her saliva and did her best to ignore the ache between her legs. Her nipples hardened to points as his fingers stroked over them and pinched. Agatha sank lower, and then bobbed up and down, tightening and relaxing her grip on him until he moaned again.
Oscar twisted, one hand smoothing over her bottom, the other penetrating her from beneath. Agatha moaned around the cock in her mouth, but didn’t stop, despite the distraction. She slipped a hand to his bollocks and rolled them.
He pulled her hand away. “You do that and I’ll come too soon.”
His cock popped from her mouth and she twitched her bottom to dislodge his fingers. “Then you have to promise not to make me come too soon either.”
He grunted and tossed her onto her back. “Can I help it if I’m irresistible?” He covered her breast with his hand and kneaded. “Or that you love everything we do together?”
He drew the peak into his mouth and sucked hard, then lapped the nipple tip quickly. Agatha threaded her fingers through his hair and kept him there, but her body quivered, her pulse raced. She curled her leg around his hip, opening herself to him again. “I do love you. I couldn’t do this with anyone else.”
Oscar buried his face in her neck, his breath harsh and hot against her skin. “And you won’t. I’ll see to it tomorrow. You’re mine now and forever.”
A few tears stung her eyes. Her final fall. His mistress. The die was cast, the deed done. Why fight the inevitable anymore? Agatha sought his lips again and plunged into her new life. She’d tease and please him so he never considered casting her aside for another.
Oscar appeared very ready for her change of heart. His hands curled over her bottom and squeezed, pulling her against his erection. She tilted her hips and he slid in a little. When she rocked against the intrusion, he claimed her a little more. She was desperate for his pleasure to take over hers. She closed her eyes and pinched his nipples. Oscar rose up above her and his strokes grew in strength, forcing her to grip him tight with her legs to keep them connected.
Suddenly he stopped. Agatha opened her eyes and stared up at him. His face held a foolish grin and she smiled back, content to share this small moment of perfection with him. He glanced down to where they joined and then back at her face.
“Marry me, precious.” He smiled again. “I’d like to do this with you for the rest of my life.”
“Yes. Marriage.” He slid his finger over her cheek, wiping away her happy tears. “I should have done the honorable thing from the start. Forgive me.”
He began to move again, and Agatha’s heart soared. Marriage. But how? Oscar widened her legs, glancing between her face and where he invaded her body. She shuddered at the fierce look on his face.
“Touch yourself, Aggie, love. Let me see you do it.”
Agatha ran her hand over her belly and into her folds. The hard nub tingled at the increased attention and she curled up to see them make love. Although her fingers strummed over her nub with increasing speed, she watched Oscar’s thick length enter and leave her body. Knowing Oscar was watching too, his head pressed hard to hers, added to her pleasure and the precipice approached too swiftly. She removed her hand.
“No, don’t stop, precious. I’m waiting for you. Waiting.”
She met his gaze as her hand returned, then wailed as her body clenched around Oscar and he groaned in tandem. He pumped his hips hard again and again. They collapsed in a sprawling heap, limbs sticky with the sweat of their exertions. Yet he wouldn’t let them rest like that. He scooped her up against him and flipped a quilt over her cooling skin.
“One of these days, precious, you’re going to break me with that control of yours.”
Agatha nudged him to gain a little space. She kissed his cheek. “Nonsense. It’s you who breaks me every time.”
He grinned foolishly. “So we are equals. I like that.”
Agatha frowned. “Do you really?”
“Oh, yes.” He stood suddenly, whipped the covers back properly and settled them both into his bed. “You keep me in line very well. I am a better man when I’m with you.”
He drew her back against his chest, his grip loose but comforting just the same. Constant.
“You are a good man even without me, Oscar.” She clutched his hands. “I know what you did for Lilly, my love.”
Oscar stilled, and she wondered if she shouldn’t have brought it up. But secrets were bad between them. He needed to know she knew everything. Otherwise he might never find peace.
“He haunts me,” he said.
She rubbed her hands over his briskly. “You wouldn’t be a good man if you did not question your actions, Oscar. He was dangerous and you had a clear shot, I’m told. If someone else had had a better idea, they would have acted long before you did.”
Oscar remained silent behind her.
“Lilly lives and is happy. Daventry worships her and is content. Don’t torture yourself with what ifs and deny yourself a chance for a happy life. Live for now and never look back.”
“It is just…” His breath rushed out. “I don’t sleep anymore. I find it impossible to relax. I have terrible nightmares.”
Agatha frowned. That did not sound good at all. “No sleep at all?”
“Not enough.”
Agatha squeezed his hands where they’d curled over her breasts. “Then think about what you do have instead of what you don’t. Close your eyes, my love, and sleep. I’ll keep your demons at bay.”
Oscar snuggled closer. “I never do think of him around you. Don’t leave before I wake. Please.”
Such a sweet, confused man. The perfect lover, but so very unsure of himself because of the past. She looked over her shoulder. “Don’t hog the blankets tonight like last time.” But he’d already fallen asleep and didn’t stir till early morning.
He stretched. “You’re awake?”
Agatha smoothed his hair from his eyes as he blinked up at her. “I haven’t slept. I was watching over you.”
Oscar drew her close again. “No dreams. It seems you are exactly what I need in my life. I’ll speak to your grandfather as soon as I can, and then we can be on our way.”
Agatha sat up and hugged the sheet to her breasts. “On our way where?”
“To Gretna, of course. Lord Thorpe will be vexed about it all, but I’ll deal with him when we return.”
Agatha chewed her lip. “He’ll sue for breach of promise, won’t he?”
“More than likely, but we’ll manage somehow. I want to marry you and only you. Mother will be able to smooth things over with the ton eventually.”
“Oh, dear. Not a very good beginning.” Agatha chewed her lip again. There was no telling how her grandfather would view the scandal. Would he still pay her dowry to Oscar under such scandalous circumstances? “Will Thorpe ruin you?”
“I have no idea.” Oscar smiled wickedly. “Now, enough of the Thorpe’s and problems. Come here. A very wise woman I know suggested I live in the past no more and hold on to the present. Right now I’d like to hold on to you.”
As Agatha crawled across the bed to perch on his lap again, she noted the absence of dark circles beneath his eyes and the ready smile that lightened them. He was content again. Had her presence caused that?
Oscar drew her down upon him and she did her best to kiss his remaining cares away.
Chapter Nineteen
“HOME, SWEET HOME,” Estella murmured as she looked about her entrance hall with complete satisfaction, admiring all the things she loved best in her life. Her possessions gave her comfort as they winked back at her in the sunlight streaming in from a high window. Every time she went away, she was always glad to return home.
“Good to have you back, milady,” her butler said as he saw to the dispersal of her possessions into the upper reaches of the house.
Hellishly good to
be home, in fact. Estella tugged her gloves from her fingers with relief. Her brief interlude with Thomas hadn’t been the calm affair she’d anticipated. Thomas had been difficult. He had not liked her mothering one bit. Oh, she hadn’t really attempted to mother him in truth, but he’d been tired and Estella had attempted to encourage him to slower pursuits.
They hadn’t even made love—the first time they had traveled together and not done so.
Estella took her bonnet from her head. What had changed to set his hackles up so strongly? Had he tired of their affair?
Estella brushed the thought aside. If Thomas was done, he would certainly tell her so. He was a direct man in all his dealings and would not lead her on without a full explanation if he had withdrawn his affections. Perhaps the fault lay within him. He had struggled from bed most mornings and by their journey’s end, dark circles had graced his eyes.
Perhaps he was frustrated by getting old. Heaven knew Estella sometimes peered into her looking glass, lamenting over the arrival of one more line to her face.
“Would you care for tea, milady?”
“Yes, I think I would. Send it upstairs to my chambers, along with some butter biscuits, too.”
Estella climbed the stairs. She looked forward to the solitude of the afternoon before Lord Daventry’s dinner party tonight. She quite thought she might lie down and rest for a good hour. Her maid could wake her when she needed to get up and dressed. Yes, a bit of solitude would be wonderful, indeed.
Yet as Estella crossed her bedchamber threshold, a loud knock sounded on the front door. Not the knocker, either, because it had not been put up. A man’s heavy fist. She turned around and peered over the railing to spy on whom it might be.
“Lord Lynton to see Lady Carrington.”
Estella drew back for two reasons. One, shock that Lynton had come to call on her the minute she’d returned home and two, shocked that he used his title in an attempt to intimidate her staff.