Destruct: The Guard Trilogy

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Destruct: The Guard Trilogy Page 3

by Sheridan Anne

  Miss. Layton steps down from the small stage at the top of the room and the hall immediately fills with noise and moving bodies. I make my way to the back of the room and grab a planner before jamming it into my bag while searching the hall for Jacinta and finding her by the door as the crowd pushes us out.

  “What’s your schedule like?” I ask when we eventually manage to exit the hall, completely forgetting to tell her all about the hot, coffee guy from this morning.

  “It’s pretty good. Can’t complain. I’ve got Vampire Studies up first,” she tells me with a less than enthusiastic tone. Jacinta has never really cared for Vampire Studies, she’s all into fairy magic and defence.

  Jacinta has been placed in Fairy Studies which she was also happy with. Fairy Enchantment Defensive Skills have always been a major interest for her, so with us both exactly in the classes we want to be and assigned the same dorm room again for the senior year, this ultimately means our senior year is going to be ah-mazing.

  “Ugh, I’m heading to Werewolf Studies,” I say mimicking her earlier tone. Looking at Jacinta who gives me a funny look, knowing just how much I hate any class that isn’t physical. “Do you think we have any classes together?” I ask as I pull out my schedule.

  “Show me,” Jacinta stops walking and rifles through her bag, pulling out her new planner, which of course, already has her schedule neatly folded and tucked safely into the plastic cover. She pulls it out and together we compare.

  “Oh yeah, we have Tuesday mornings and Guard Law together,” I smile.

  “Awesome,” Jacinta chimes. “Looks like we get a study period together as well. I can’t wait.”

  “Girls.” Mr. Garcia shouts, giving us a stern look. “Get to class.”

  Jacinta and I stammer out a half assed apology and get going off to our first class with a quick goodbye.


  I sit through my morning classes with an excited jitter flowing through me, far too excited about starting my Combat Training class this afternoon to even try to concentrate on my school work. Jacinta and I devour our lunch in record time. “Do you have any idea who your instructors will be?” she asks adding onto our current conversation about her wacko teacher she was given for her language class.

  Majority of the time students never know who their teachers will be as The Guard like to replace teachers every year. Sure, we have some who stick around for the boring subject’s like Math and Science, but for the elective classes, the teachers are always new.

  The Guard like to think of it as having the best possible education for the students by having teachers pulled right from the field. Keeping it fresh, I guess. Which, I have to agree with, as that means I’m about to get an instructor who has some actual experience in the field rather than someone who has spent their lifetime in a training room. Which is pretty damn exciting. I’m pretty sure the teachers are given a few months’ notice to prepare lesson plans and go over curriculum but The Guard don’t think it’s necessary to let us in on that little tid-bit, so we’re stuck with a surprise.

  “I have no clue. Though, I do know it’s one female and one male,” I say. “But either way, they better be good.”

  “What better be good?” I hear coming from a husky voice behind me. I look up into the face of Trey who’s trying his hardest to balance two lunch trays and I suddenly fear for my outfit. I jump up and grab one of the trays and place it down on the table. Trey puts the other one down and slides it across to the empty spot beside him.

  “We were just talking about who our instructors are going to be,” I say. Trey nods as he takes a bite into a greasy hamburger. “You sure you want to eat that right before Combat Training?” I ask, momentarily concerned for his wellbeing.

  “Hell yeah. Do you know how good this thing is?” he brags with a full mouth. “And besides, my stomach’s made of iron,” he grins as Daniel comes and joins us at our table.

  “Why hello, pretty ladies,” Daniel says, giving me an exaggerated wink. “You ready to have your ass handed to you?”

  “Oh, please. I’ll take you down in seconds,” I grin, seeing Jacinta rolling her eyes at me.

  “Yeah? I’d love to see you try. Though, you know, I’m always open to rumbling with you,” he smirks.

  “Geez, laying it on thick today,” I laugh. “But seriously, keep dreaming,” I say as he picks up his hamburger and digs in.

  “You two are going to regret those burgers soon,” I laugh, shaking my head at these two idiots and watching in disgust as they annihilate their lunch and wash it down with a coke. I glance over at Jacinta who’s watching them with the same repulsive look.

  “How hot is the new year advisor?” Daniel suddenly pipes up.

  “Tell me about it. I do love a hot blonde,” Trey agrees with a smile and a quick glance in Jacinta’s direction that she doesn’t seem to notice. Could he be any more obvious?

  The bell indicating the end of lunch rings and we all get up from our spot. “Have fun learning your fairy shit,” I say to Jacinta.

  “Have fun beating on the boys,” she replies.

  “Oh, I intend to,” I laugh, hearing Trey and Daniel snorting behind me as if there was no chance in hell that I’d actually be able to beat them. We exit the cafeteria and turn towards the senior’s combat building with an excited smile spreading wide over each of our faces. This is it, the beginning of the rest of my life.

  Chapter 3

  I enter the large room and join the small group that’s already begun to form. I look around, taking in my surroundings. The room is huge and with so few people in it, you’d be able to hear a pin drop. There’s a small stage at the front of the room which I’m assuming is used for academy meetings and such.

  As I walk deeper into the room, I notice five sets of sparring mats have been set up, though I’m sure they are more of a permanent fixture in this great room. I realize that I am indeed the only girl but that was expected. There are nine males, including Trey and Daniel among our small group who are all waiting anxiously to find out just what this class is going to be like.

  “Hey, Bianca,” I hear, looking up to find the voice belonging to Luke Bailey, my loser ex-boyfriend, who’s still holding a grudge from when I dumped his ass two years ago after getting way too handsy at a party, like serious, no means no, dude. I had punched him square in the face, knocking him to the ground with the majority of his friends there to see.

  “Oh please, do keep talking. I just love how the sound of your voice makes my ears bleed,” I say in a tone that I keep for special occasions, just like this.

  “I heard you were in this class, but didn’t think it was actually true,” he laughs ignoring my snide comment.

  “Why? Worried I’m going to kick your ass… again?” I laugh, fixing him with a stare and reminding him just how dangerous I can be. I hear Trey and Daniel break into a laughter as Luke’s face turns beet red. His eyes flash with embarrassment which quickly turns to rage. Oh yeah, looks like that party is still a sore point for him. “Come on, just try and touch me.” I dare him, itching for the chance to feel my fist slam into his face again.

  Luke takes a step forward as Trey and Daniel step up beside me, ready to jump into what could quickly become an all out brawl. The door of the training room flies opens, startling us all. I spin around to see a small brown haired woman with plain features striding towards our group with purpose, and I recognize her instantly, Tessa Grey.

  Shock surges through me as a lifetime of memories come to the forefront of my mind. My Dad’s guard partner, She’d been a great friend of the family, though after Dad had died, her visits had gotten further and further apart.

  A wide grin appears on my face. If Tessa is one of my instructors, I’m going to be over the moon. She’s short and slim like me, though her moves are fast and deadly and I have always looked up to her. Tessa is an amazing fighter with amazing skills. I know I can learn a lot from her.

  Tessa comes to a stop in front of us, silently rais
es the water bottle in her hand and places it firmly on top of a training dummy. Without warning she throws her body around into a spectacular spinning roundhouse kick right in the center of the dummy. The impact sends the water bottle flying high into the sky. On its decent, Tessa kicks her leg out again, slamming it into the side of the water bottle and sending it flying across the room. The bottle slams into the far wall and immediately drops, landing perfectly in the rubbish bin below.

  I’ve seen her do this trick before when I was younger and it impressed me just as much as it does now. She always used to come over and she and Dad would show me all sorts of cool things, she was the one who gave me my first pair of boxing gloves.

  I glance at the other students who are all gaping at her with their mouths hanging wide open. She turns to face us and studies the small group, her eyes looking over each of us. As her eyes pass each of the boys, I grin as I watch each and every single one of them straighten their posture, giving her all their respect just as she deserves. Her gaze stops when she gets to me and she gives me a small smile and nod. She takes a quick second and continues looking down the line of students doing her best to remain professional.

  “My name is Tessa Grey and I have been assigned as one of your instructors for your senior year. I graduated third in my class. I have many years experience in the field and have faced down more of the supernatural than you could imagine.”

  The room is dead quiet as the class takes in her words. “You will do well to pay attention and learn as much as you can from both my guidance and experiences. I will say this once and once only,” she says, giving the boys all a hard look. “I will not tolerate any bullshit from you. Put one foot wrong and I will not hesitate to kick your ass. Is that clear?” The boys eagerly nod their heads in response as I smirk at her badass routine. “Now, your other instructor,” she says, raising her hand, indicating to the back of the room.

  I turn around and my world falls flat on its face.

  Shit. It’s the guy I spilt coffee all over this morning. Just my luck.

  Mr. Sexy Coffee Man, dressed in all black and standing at the back of the room. The white shirt from this morning looked hot, but in all black, he looks dangerous and lethal. He leans against the wall, hands in his pockets with one leg propped up, looking extremely unimpressed with the group standing before him, though I would too if my day started with a coffee burn all over my chest.

  He peels himself off the wall and slowly walks towards us, lifting his chiselled arm to run his hand through his dark hair. His eyes bore into each and every one of us and there’s no doubt in my mind that this is the kind of guy you would never bring home to meet the parents. A slight stubble dons his jaw, making my mouth water and my fingers twitch to feel it. I can practically feel my ovaries exploding inside me.

  He comes to a standstill next to Tessa, still with an unimpressed look on his face. “My name is Rylan Neill,” he says as the group around me erupt into awed gasps. Crap. I spilt coffee all over Rylan Freaking Neill. If there was ever a moment to awkwardly back away, this would be it.

  Rylan Neill, better known as Guard royalty, he must have graduated at least four years ago and was ranked first in his class, but not just first, his results majorly surpassed any of his fellow classmates and his records have never been close to being beaten. I’m a complete idiot for not recognizing him this morning. Rumour has it he went straight into the Front Lines and went straight to the top of his field, though, I also heard he’s an absolute asshole, which if you take this morning as an example, that would be correct.

  Some say he has our current leader, Brett Norrington in his back pocket which is why he rose in ranking so fast. Others say he had a girlfriend or a sister who was kicked out of The Guard and had to live among regular humans which is why he’s so closed off, but I’m not so sure about that one. I even heard that on his last mission, he took out four vampires alone and saved a group of hippy teenagers, again, not something I completely believe. I mean, sure, the guy is good, but no one could be that good.

  He steps forward and begins walking down the line of students scowling at each and every one of us, though that scowl deepens when he recognizes me. “I am here to prepare you for your future of being on the front lines. I believe that respect is earned, not given and the only way you’re going to earn my respect is by putting one hundred percent into each of your training sessions. Now, if you’re not committed to putting in the type of effort that’s required of you to become a fighter for The Guard, then there’s the door and I suggest you leave,” he says, raising that chiselled arm again, indicating towards the door. I glance over at the other students in my class, each of them with a fierce look of determination plastered on their faces. “Your training session starts at 1 pm. As of 1:01, you’re late and will suffer the consequences.”

  “As you would all know, your first defence against a supernatural being is a weapon. We will touch on this in more detail in the weeks to come, however, if and when your weapon fails you need to fight,” he starts, then launches into the days plan.

  The class is broken into pairs and are told we’ll be sparring for most of the week so our instructors can gauge our skills. Luckily for me, I’ve been paired with Daniel. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this moment,” he says as we walk over to our sparring mat, throwing his arm over my shoulder.

  I laugh and shake my head at him trying to ignore his flirty tendencies but fail miserably. Today’s session is going to be fun. Changing topic, I ask, “What do you think of the instructors?”

  “I think Tessa will be good. She seems like she knows what she’s doing, but this guy,” he scoffs, indicating with a quick nod of his head in Rylan’s direction. “A bit full on.”

  “Yeah, I got that impression too. I heard he was a jerk,” I say as we step onto our mats and get in position, “I think he’ll be tough on us.”

  “Was it not clear what was asked of you?” I hear a stern voice behind me. I spin around to find myself standing directly in front of a wall of Rylan’s pure muscle. So close I can smell him, and man, does he smell good.

  Raising my eyes to meet his, bypassing the sharpest jawline I’ve ever seen. “Yes. Perfectly clear,” I say attempting to sound untouchable, but trembling when I notice the gold specks deep within his dark eyes. Hoping he takes my tremble as a sign of unease rather than my girly emotions getting the best of me. Crap, I’ve got to get a hold of myself. I attempt to take my mind off his smouldering good looks, intoxicating smell, and enticing gold speckled eyes.

  “What’s your name?” he orders.

  “Bianca Moore” I respond, sounding braver than I feel.

  His eyes travel up and down my body, taking in my small frame and poorly toned muscle, somehow managing not to look like a creepy perve in the process. “Are you sure you’re in the right class, Bianca Moore?” he asks with a challenge clear in his voice.

  Fury rips through my body at his question, his good looks instantly forgotten. Who is he to judge me? “Why don’t you wait and see,” I chide with far too much attitude, accepting his challenge and giving him my best ‘don’t mess with me’ glare, wanting desperately to prove my worth.

  His lips press together as he studies me with interest, his eyes sparkling and making the gold speckles that much more prominent. Apparently, he isn’t used to anyone standing up to his challenges. Though one thing is clear, he’s certainly not fazed by my glare that has had so much success in the past. “Get on with it,” he orders, dismissing me and turning away. Yep, no matter how good looking he is, this guy is definitely a jerk.

  I turn back to face Daniel. “Oh shit,” he laughs. “Way to get on his bad side.”

  “I know. What a d-bag,” I grumble, “I spilt his coffee all over him this morning.”

  “You’re in deep shit,” Daniel agrees, lunging for me as I dodge his oncoming fist. “Oh, come on,” he says with a grin. “Just let me get my hands on you at least once.”

  “That will
never happen. Besides, I didn’t think I was your type, I’m not inflatable,” I say grinning back at him, kicking him hard and putting him flat on his ass.


  An hour later, Daniel has got me pinned to the ground and I’m absolutely exhausted. Those last few weeks of lounging around have really taken its toll on my body. Tessa and Rylan stand in the center of the training room and call us over. Daniel reaches a strong hand down to help me up off the ground and I wince as he pulls me up. “Told you I could whip your ass," I say as we both hobble over to meet with Tessa.

  “Whatever, I annihilated you,” he says proudly, holding me up.

  “Please, I must have got you on your ass at least ten times.”

  “You got me down once and that was because I wasn’t looking. It was sheer luck,” he laughs. I punch him lightly in the side where one of my kicks had landed earlier and laugh as he winces in pain.

  “Was that sheer luck?” I ask, laughing as we reach the rest of the students who look just as bad as I’m feeling.

  “Ok, so you don’t completely suck,” he whispers in a low voice, flashing me an award winning smile with just the right amount of twinkle in his dark eyes. Good God, Daniel is an exceptional looking guy.

  “Alright, guys. Good job today,” Tessa says, interrupting my unwelcome thoughts. “Now, after a few observations of your skills so far, it seems each of you still has a long way to go before you’re even close to being ready for the front lines,” she sighs, sounding as if she had hoped we were already a lot further along. “But having said that, you have all worked extremely hard today and if you remain consistent in your efforts, I’m sure you’ll all succeed.”


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