Destruct: The Guard Trilogy

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Destruct: The Guard Trilogy Page 6

by Sheridan Anne

“Now that’s what I call skill,” I say to Daniel who turns to me and winks. He makes his way over, lifting his hand high for a high five.

  “Tell me about it,” he says proudly as my hand flies up to meet his making a loud clap. “Though, it’s not like that loser is tough to beat,” he says nodding towards Luke who’s still struggling to get up off the floor. Daniel sits down beside me and lounges against the wall. “You know,” he says, reaching up and lightly stroking the bruise on the side of my face. “I could kill him for this,” he says quietly.

  I give him a smile, “Yeah, I know,” I say in the same hushed tone, averting my eyes and hoping not to lead him on.

  “Get a room.” I hear Luke grunt, who has finally managed to get to his feet.

  “Bianca. Daniel.” I hear our names being shouted from across the room by a voice that has been tormenting my dreams. “Get on with it,” Rylan demands. I glance up to see him striding towards me. Crap.

  I get up and give Daniel a tight smile. “I’ll catch up with you later,” I promise and make my way back over to the mat, hoping to avoid whatever horrible, grouchy thing Rylan was coming to say, but nope, I’m simply not that lucky.

  “What’s the deal with Luke and Alex?” he asks, clearly having witnessed what had just happened, though, whether he’s asking from a professional level or he’s just plain curious, I don’t know.

  “Nothing,” I respond, not wanting to get into it, especially not with Rylan. I continue walking and meet Tom in the center of the mat and get in position.

  I sense rather than see Rylan step up on the mat behind me. “You’re lying,” he says.

  “You’re observant,” I grunt under my breath. “What does it matter?” I ask with far too much attitude as Tom makes the first move, lashing out, fast and clipping my shoulder in my failed attempt at dodging.

  “It matters because every time you’re in my class, you’re a distraction to my other students and I will not tolerate it.”

  “What?” I shriek, flinching away from yet another failed dodge and getting a kick to my thigh that will hurt like hell tomorrow. I step away from Tom and turn to face Rylan, giving him my best ‘don’t mess with me’ look, which apparently has no effect on him what so ever. But seriously, how can he blame all this on me? “Not one thing that has been my fault,” I hiss.

  “Sure, and you didn’t provoke any of it?” he pushes, fixing me with a hard look which in any other circumstances I would say is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen, though today it absolutely infuriates me.

  Tears threaten my eyes and I turn back to Tom and pick up where we had left off, throwing all my concentration into the fight. There’s no way anyone in this room is going to see me cry. I’m stronger than that. Once it is clear that I’m not going to respond, he lets out a low, triumphant ‘humph’ and turns away. Leaving Tom to quickly gain his fourth win over me for the day.

  Following Combat Training I’m feeling pretty down after having three days of getting my ass kicked. I watch the clock and count down the last few minutes of my after school detention am over the moon when today’s on duty teacher finally allows me to leave.

  I jump up and walk over to the junior campus and knock hard on the door. “Hello,” a young girl says, pulling the door open and giving me a full view of the foul yellow dress she’s wearing.

  “Oh, um, hi,” I say, attempting to look past her into the room. “Is Millie here?” I ask.

  “No, why? Who are you?” she asks with an attitude that could rival my own.

  “I’m her sister. Do you know where she is?” I say throwing the attitude right back in her face and clearly getting the upper hand, but seriously, who does she think she is? No one can out-attitude me.

  The girl gives me a stern look and finally backs down. “She’s gone to the library to study,” she mutters.

  “Thank you,” I say, giving her the sweetest smile possible and turn away, bee-lining for the library and hearing the distinct slam of a door behind me.

  I push open the large double doors to the library and make my way over to the study desks. I begin searching through the throng of people for a certain familiar face, which I find deep at the back, sitting under a window that has been slightly cracked. A gentle breeze comes through and blows her hair messily around her face, but she doesn’t notice as her nose is stuck deep into a text book.

  A wide smile spreads across my face as I realize just how much I’ve missed my little sister even though it’s only been a few days. I pick up the pace and plonk myself down in the chair next to her. “This spot taken?” I ask.

  Millie startles at my sudden arrival, but quickly recovers. “You scared me,” she confesses in a whisper.

  “Sorry, I was excited,” I whisper back. “You nearly done?” I ask indicating towards her scattered books covering the table.

  “Yeah, just have a few questions left. Why?” she asks.

  “I thought you’d like to come and hang out with me and Jacinta for the afternoon, maybe avoid that roommate of yours,” I suggest.

  “Ooh, you’ve met Lucy?” she asks, with a grin.

  “Lucy? You mean Nora’s sister?” I ask, picking up a pencil and flipping to the back of one of Millie’s books and begin doodling.

  “Yeah, I think so,” she says, a little unsure of herself. “She’s a bit of a cow,” she adds a little louder than what’s acceptable in the library.

  “I bet. I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” I laugh. I continue drawing while I wait for Millie to finish her study. I’m lost in my own world when Millie announces she’s done and grabs her things out from under me.

  “Let’s get out of here,” I say, getting up and looping my arm through hers.

  “Alright, where are we going?” she asks.

  “How about we grab something to eat and go back to my dorm to watch a movie with Jacinta?”

  Millie beams at me, “Sounds good to me.”

  Together we make our way to the cafeteria and load up Millie’s school bag with all sorts of yummy treats. I head over to grab some drinks and I’m fighting an inner battle between Cola and Lemonade when I see a tall shadow approaching beside me.

  “Hey,” the shadow says softly, sounding familiar. I turn my head and look up into the face of Daniel.

  “Hey, what’s up?” I smile.

  Daniel glances around the room, suddenly losing his cool, confident nature and I could swear he almost looks nervous. “You disappeared after class. I’ve been meaning to talk to you,” he says as dread washes over me. A nervous jitter fills me and I’m suddenly not sure I’m ready for this conversation. I mean, I haven’t even had time to process my own thoughts let alone his.

  “Yeah, sorry I had detention, but now isn’t really a great time,” I say, nodding my head towards Millie who’s quickly approaching, hoping he gets the message and changes the topic.

  “Oh, I see,” Daniel says, quickly understanding. “What are you guys doing?” he asks as Millie pushes herself into the conversation.

  “We're having a movie night,” Millie beams. “Want to come?”

  Oh, Shit, Mills. Say no, please say no.

  “Sure, I’d love to,” he responds, beaming back at her. Oh great. This is going to be awkward. “I’ll bring Trey?” he adds on as an afterthought with a raised, questioning eyebrow.

  “Fine,” I say. “But if you guys get us in trouble for having boys in our room, you’re both dead. I’ve had enough detentions for this week,” I say as Millie and I start to make our way out of the cafeteria.

  “Geez. Thanks a lot.” I groan when we are far enough away for Daniel not to hear.

  “No problem,” she says, bursting into laughter and I realize she’s done it on purpose. “He likes you doesn’t he?” she grins.

  “Yes, but seriously, when did you become so conniving?” I ask, not sure whether to be proud or annoyed with my little sister.

  “Don’t change the subject,” she demands. “You like him too. Don’t you?” she
asks with a smile that looks like it’s about to split her face in two.

  I fix her with a look to say mind your own business, but apparently, this kid isn’t giving in. “No…. Maybe. Oh, I don’t know,” I say trying to be as honest as possible.

  Millie’s face fills with delight. “Well I guess were about to find out.”

  Sneaky brat.


  Jacinta, Millie and I are squished together on the small couch in the corner of the room that’s been used as our dumping ground for our dirty clothes. A blanket is thrown over us and my laptop is propped open on the small table before us. We’re mid-way through a scary movie when a screech at our window has the three of us shrieking and ducking for cover under the blanket.

  “Let us in,” we hear Trey whispering loudly from the other side of the window.

  “Oh, thank god. It’s just the boys,” Jacinta sighs in relief as I climb out of my cocoon, hit pause on the movie and make my way over to the window to let the idiots in. I push the window wide open and within seconds, have a heavy bag thrust straight at me.

  “Here, hold this,” Trey says as I grab the bag.

  “What is this?” I ask while I watch dumb and dumber climb through the window.

  “We brought snacks,” Daniel says, giving me one of those ridiculously good looking smiles.

  “So... this is your room,” Trey comments, making his way around the room before situating himself over to where Jacinta and Millie lay curled up on the couch.

  Millie hops up off the couch and takes herself into the bathroom. “Let me back in,” I say to Jacinta who’s sprawled her lazy ass over the entire couch.

  “Oh, fine,” she grunts, getting up and making room for me. Trey comes over to our small couch and plonks himself down on the floor in front of Jacinta, using her legs as a back rest. Millie comes out of the bathroom, drops herself down on the floor on the opposite side of Trey and flashes me a wicked grin, leaving only one spot for Daniel.

  That little brat.

  Daniel looks down at me and nods his head to the side, telling me to move the hell over. I scoot myself closer to Jacinta and make room as he squishes in next to me, grabs the blanket and yanks it over so it covers the three of us. He throws his arm over the back of the chair, practically an open invitation for me to lean in. Feeling confident, I do just that, testing how his body feels against mine, which I must say, is nicer than I thought. He moves his arm down off the couch and brings it slowly over my shoulder.

  “Chocolate anyone?” Trey asks leaning forward and grabbing the bag of snacks while interrupting the thoughts that are exploding in my mind.

  “Hell yeah,” I say, leaning over Jacinta and grabbing the choccies from his hands, ripping the bag open and popping one into my mouth. “So, were we all just going to sit here in silence or was someone going to press play?” I say to nobody in particular, hoping that at least one of my misfit friends might react. After everyone sits around for a short moment, not wanting to get out of their spots, Millie finally gets up and hits play.

  I look over to Jacinta and catch her eye. She gives me a smug look as she takes in Daniel’s arm around me and raises her eyebrows in delight. I roll my eyes at her and turn my attention back to the movie. Well, at least, I try to pay attention to the movie as my mind runs round and round in circles trying to figure out the mess of emotions in my head.

  I sit here, curled up in a blanket under Daniel’s arm and I realize I feel content, which, I’m not going to lie, is really nice, though feeling content is always the way I’ve felt about my friends. Sure, he’s a great friend and I know he really likes me. A relationship with Daniel would be so easy, but are you supposed to start a relationship just because it’s easy?

  I think about the crazy emotions over the last few days. The fireworks with Rylan, the weak knees, the butterflies in my stomach. I get all these crazy feelings with Rylan, but never with Daniel. It makes me wonder what the hell I’m doing snuggled under his arm?

  Crap, have I been talking myself into this? Do I actually have feelings for him or am I just going along with it because he treats me like a badass queen?

  Sitting here next to him now suddenly feels wrong and I feel sick. You know, not in the literal throwing up chunks kind of way, but the mental guilt kind of way. I’ve been leading him on. Sure, there are some feelings there, but nothing in compared to the ridiculous way Rylan has been making me feel.

  Guilt pours over me as I realize I’m going to have to let him down. Which should probably be sooner rather than later, though sitting here, curled under his arm, surrounded by friends probably isn’t the best time to do it. The movie is nearly finished, so I decide it can’t possibly hurt to stay snuggled in his warmth until it’s over.

  God, I’m such a selfish cow.

  I look down at Millie who’s been pretty still for quite a while and realize she’s fallen asleep on Trey’s shoulder and notice Trey’s hand drawing tiny little circles on the side of Jacinta’s leg. I’m shocked to find I’ve spent the last hour debating whether or not I actually have feelings for Daniel instead of actually watching this ridiculous movie, then I probably would have noticed Trey getting comfortable with Jacinta. Damn.

  I feel Jacinta’s eyes on me and look up to meet hers. She has a strange and curious look plastered over her face. ‘What?’ I mouth at her so the boys don’t hear.

  She shakes her head at me, giving me a look that suggests she has something to talk to me about later. No doubt she’s noticed my lack of sarcastic comments that I usually like to throw out during these movies.

  The end credits come up and I jump out of my spot to hit stop on the movie, desperately needing to be out from under Daniel’s arms, though, I’m not looking forward to whatever awkward moment is bound to come next. I look down at Millie who’s still fast asleep and then over to Trey who’s desperately trying to move out from under Millie without waking her.

  “Here,” I say, leaning down and nudging Millie on the shoulder, just enough for her to stir slightly. “Mills, you want to stay here tonight?” I ask. She opens her heavy eyes and gives a small nod while attempting to stand up.

  Trey rushes in like a knight in shining armour and scoops Millie up before placing her down on my bed where she snuggles in, wrapping her arms around my favorite pillow. I grab the blanket that’s still covering Jacinta and Daniel and yank it off, delighted with their protests at the sudden rush of cool air on their skin.

  “Now, if you don’t mind,” I say towards Jacinta and Daniel who are both still lounging on the couch. “It seems you two are in my bed,” I add. A huge grin spreads over Daniel’s face that I recognize instantly. “Don’t even think about it,” I scold, knowing he’s seconds away from coming out with numerous of jokes and comments, all involving the three of us in a bed.

  “Oh come on. You can’t say a line like that and not expect me to say anything,” Daniel laughs as he gets up off the couch.

  Trey makes his way back towards the window, stretching his arms as a huge yawn takes over his body. “I’m pretty tired man,” he says to Daniel. “You good to go?”

  “Yeah,” Daniel murmurs, reaching down for the bag, which I’m surprised to see is almost empty.

  “Thanks for being Millie’s pillow,” I say to Trey.

  “Anytime,” he says looking down at Millie who hasn’t moved an inch.

  Jacinta hops up and walks over towards her bed with the rest of us following. “See you guys tomorrow,” she says, picking up one of her pillows and tossing it at me.

  “Yeah, see ya,” Trey says, hooking his fingers under the window and opening it wide before looking out in search for any teachers who may feel now is the perfect time to bust a group of delinquent teenagers, breaking as many academy rules as possible.

  Deciding the coast is clear, he jumps straight out the window, followed by a hesitant Daniel who turns back to me, giving me the look that says ‘I’m ready to have the awkward ‘what’s going on between us?’ conversat
ion’. Though realizing now is really not the time, he gives me a small nod and disappears with Trey.

  Jacinta reaches over and closes the window while I rummage through the wardrobe in search of another blanket. Finding what I’m after, I begin to make myself a bed for the night.

  “So… what the hell was that?” Jacinta questions as she climbs into her bed.

  “Don’t know what you’re talking about,” I grumble, trying my best to sound as confused as possible.

  “Don’t BS me, Bianca Moore,” Jacinta laughs. “What’s going on with Daniel? First, you're all snuggly and happy on the couch, then you went all weird, and I swear, it looked like you couldn’t get away from him fast enough. So let’s have it, what’s going on in that brain of yours?”

  Realizing there’s no way she’s going to let it go. I climb into my makeshift bed and blurt it out. “There’s no fireworks,” I say, being as honest as possible.

  “Huh?” Jacinta grunts, obviously confused by my explanation.

  “I just think when you’re with the right person, there’s supposed to be fireworks. You’re supposed to have butterflies and feel all giddy. I just… I don’t feel that with him.”

  “Ok... but you realize life isn’t a movie and sometimes you just have to go for it, grab the bull by the horns,” she pushes, clearly all for the relationship between me and Daniel. “And besides, how do you know the whole, fireworks and butterflies thing is real when you meet the right person?” she asks.

  “Uh duh. Because all the movies say so,” I say, making light of the situation, not ready to admit that I’ve already experienced that exact feeling the first day in Combat Training. ”Though, I’m pretty sure you’re already familiar with the feeling, you know, especially when a certain someone’s hand was rubbing up and down your leg... I bet you enjoyed that, you little hussy,” I smirk.

  “What? We’re talking about you here. Don’t change the topic,” she scolds and even in the dim light of the room, I can still make out the slight blush that takes over her cheeks.

  “Are you trying to tell me you don’t get all weak at the knees and dreamy eyed whenever you see Trey?” I ask.


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