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The Chaste Legacy

Page 1

by Susanna Hughes




  Published by Chimera Books

  ISBN 9781780804576

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  Copyright Susanna Hughes. The right of Susanna Hughes to be identified as author of this book has been asserted in accordance with section 77 and 78 of the Copyrights Designs and Patents Act 1988.

  This novel is fiction - in real life practice safe sex.

  Chapter One

  Corinda Chaste lay naked on the large double bed. The windows, with their bleached wooden shutters, were open and she could hear the sound of the waves breaking on the beach. The scent of jasmine and bougainvillaea wafted in on the light breeze that rustled the thin white muslin curtains. Her young body tingled, anticipating the pleasure to come. She could see Arabella through the open bathroom door as she stood in the shower, and felt a surge of desire as she watched the water cascading over the ripe curves of her body. Arabella was a brunette with short hair and large dark brown eyes, and though she was older than Corinda by some twenty years would have had no trouble passing for her sister. In terms of the smoothness of her complexion, the suppleness of her limbs and the youthful sparkle in her eyes, Arabella was Corinda's equal.

  Corinda watched as Arabella's hands soaped her firm round breasts, her slightly plump belly and the thick, black hair of her pubes; she lathered them until they were coated in white foam then allowed the shower to wash it all away. She soaped her plum-shaped bottom. Her buttocks were pliant and generously fleshed. She rubbed between her legs, then turned into the flow of water until all the white lather was washed away.

  The sight made Corinda's sex moisten. She ran her hand down the soft blonde hair at the base of her belly and quickly parted the thin lips of her sex, eager to find her clitoris. Involuntarily she let out a breathy exclamation as the little nut of nerves responded to this first assault with a spasm of pleasure. Snapping her legs together, she trapped her finger between her thighs and squeezed it hard, producing another wave of pleasure as it pressed tightly against her sex.

  'Are you starting without me?' Arabella said walking up to the side of the bed. She dried her body lazily with a towel as water dripped on the blue tiled floor.

  'I was watching you,' Corinda said by way of explanation.

  'Watching me shower?'

  'Yes. You know I love your body.'

  'And it loves you.'

  Arabella threw the towel aside. Though it was late afternoon, and the Greek sun had begun to set, the room was warm and most of the moisture on her body had already evaporated. She watched as Corinda opened her legs wide, and moved her fingers down between her labia to spread them open so Arabella would be able to see the wetness of her vagina. It was scarlet and glistening.

  Corinda was simply beautiful. She had long strawberry-blonde hair, lightened by exposure to the almost constant sun on the island. Her body was bronzed for the same reason, the absence of bikini marks testifying to the fact that the girl spent most of her time outdoors quite naked. She was tall and slender with long legs, sculpted by constant exercise into supple contours, and a narrow waist. Her breasts were full and pendulous. In contrast her belly was completely flat, a plateau marked on each side by the distinct ridges of her hipbones.

  Corinda's face was peerless. She had high and hollow cheekbones, a thin straight nose, and a perfectly symmetrical mouth with lips that had a waxy smoothness. Her large blue eyes expressed an innocent eagerness to experience all the joys of life. But there was a toughness too, suggesting she would be able to cope with its disappointments.

  'Aren't you going to lie down?' Corinda said, pouting slightly. She pushed one finger into her vagina, feeling the silky wet flesh close around it as though it were trying to suck it in.

  'It's your birthday tomorrow,' Arabella said.

  'I know. I'm eighteen. Don't keep me waiting Bella; I'm so horny.'

  'You must not say such things. I thought I'd brought you up to know better.'

  'But it's true. Can't you see for yourself?'

  'I've got a present for you.'

  'The only present I want is you,' Corinda said, wriggling her finger deeper into her sex.

  'It's a way of giving you more pleasure, Corinda.'

  'More pleasure?' Corinda looked puzzled.

  Arabella opened the top drawer of the bedside table and extracted a rectangular box wrapped in bright blue paper. She placed it on the bed. Over the last year Arabella had taught Corinda every pleasure that two women could give to each other; every pleasure, that is, bar one. She had saved this until last; saved it deliberately for the eve of her eighteenth birthday.

  'Aren't you going to open it?'

  Corinda sat up, abandoning her sex with a certain reluctance. She picked the box up and tore the wrapping paper away impatiently. Inside she found a wooden box with a hinged lid. There was a little brass catch on one side, which she opened, swinging the lid up. The interior of the box was lined with red velvet.

  Lying in the padding that was moulded to fit around it snugly, was a long cylindrical object with a bulbous base, made from cream-coloured plastic. It was a perfect replica of an erect male penis, complete in every detail, from the ridges at the bottom of the glans to the large scrotum.

  'You know what it is?' Arabella asked, as Corinda pulled it from the box.

  'Yes, I think so.' Unaccountably, Corinda felt her sex throbbing as she allowed her fingers to caress the phallus. 'This is what a man looks like, isn't it?'


  Corinda had never seen a man, at least not close up, and certainly never naked and erect. This was the Chaste legacy. Twelve years ago on the death of her father, his will had dictated that she be brought to the island and educated there specifically by women. She was to be allowed no contact with men. Arabella, one of the two trustees of the will, had fulfilled its provisions to the letter.

  But tomorrow all that would change. Tomorrow Corinda came of age and could no longer be governed by the provisions of the will. She would be able to choose for herself what life she led. As much as Arabella would have liked to keep her on the island, as much as she wished to husband her body for herself, she knew she could not. She had to let the girl go her own way. She had made arrangements accordingly. She would encounter men in the real world and Arabella wanted her to know what was in store, if only in the most rudimentary of ways.

  'And this goes inside me?' Like every other aspect of her education, biology had not been neglected.


  'Oh, Arabella, can I try? It's made me feel so wet already.' Corinda could feel a little river of juice trickling out of her vagina and on to her thigh.

  'Good. You have to be wet. That's it.'

  Arabella sat on the edge of the bed. She took Corinda's cheek in her hand, and kissed her softly on the lips before pushing her back on to the bed. She took the dildo from Corinda's hand.

  Corinda's pulse was racing as she felt Ar
abella trail the tip of the phallus down over her belly. She opened her legs wide, ready to receive it. Though she had never admitted it to Arabella, she had often used objects to penetrate her sex - the handle of her hairbrush was her favourite - when she masturbated; more recently she had being doing this with increased frequency. Though she had never seen a man close up, she had glimpsed them over the fences of the estate and had often imagined what it would be like to convert the cold, clinical language of the biology textbooks into hot, passionate practice. She had not told Arabella about that either.

  Arabella nudged the dildo between Corinda's labia.

  'It feels so hard,' Corinda said, wriggling herself on it, impatient for the feeling of penetration.

  But Arabella resisted the temptation to plunge it straight into Corinda's vagina. Instead she used the tip to circle her clitoris, as she had done so many times before with her tongue or her finger.

  'Please...' Corinda begged softly.

  Arabella knelt up on the bed beside the blonde. 'You want it?'

  'Oh, yes.'

  Corinda felt the dildo ploughing the furrow of her labia until it reached the gate of her vagina. Her whole body seemed to be pulsing and it felt as though her heart was in her mouth. Nothing she had used before was as big as this, or as authentic. She had lost her hymen when she had been riding a horse over a particularly high jump, so she knew - as did Arabella - that there was no barrier to the dildo's progress and there would be no pain.

  Arabella eased the dildo up into the mouth of Corinda's vagina; it was so large her labia was stretched taut by it. She pushed it forward until the ridge at the bottom of the carefully sculpted glans had disappeared.

  'Higher,' Corinda urged.

  'Are you sure?'

  'Yes, push it further.'

  Arabella pushed it deeper, watching the cream plastic disappear. She heard Corinda gasp but just as she was about to withdraw it for fear of hurting her, Corinda reached down, grabbed her wrist, and forced her to thrust the dildo as deep as it would go.

  'Yes,' she said triumphantly, as she felt her sex contract around the invader. The dildo provoked a flood of feelings so intense her body arched up off the bed, every sinew and nerve singing with pleasure. Before, when only fingers had worked on her sex, her orgasm would build slowly. But with this hard phallus buried inside her she reacted instantaneously. She felt a crescendo of intense pleasure breaking over the head of the dildo and rushing through her body. It was amplified by the thoughts flashing through her head. This was what a man would feel like; this big, this broad. It was like taking a man for the first time.

  Arabella watched calmly. She saw the crisis pass and Corinda's body sink back onto the bed. But she held the dildo in place, knowing the first orgasm would leave the young girl breathless for more. At the same time she reached forward and kissed her.

  The feeling of Arabella's soft, fleshy lips and her hot tongue plunging into her mouth, produced another tremor of exquisite sensation in Corinda's body.

  'Is this what it's like? Is this what a man is like?' Corinda writhed down on the phallus.

  To be honest, Arabella didn't know. Her sexual experience was limited to women. But she used her imagination. 'Yes, a little. They are hard like this, and thrusting. The pleasure between two women is different, but you must know what it's like to take a man inside you. That is what they'll want.'

  'But they will be hot with semen. They ejaculate, don't they?' Corinda remembered that word from the textbooks. 'Oh, Bella, give me more.'

  Arabella leant forward. She kissed Corinda's neck, working her mouth down the corded sinews to the hollow of the collarbone, then on to her breasts. She sucked at each nipple in turn, then used her teeth to pinch them lightly. She feasted on the firm but supple flesh, moulding it with her free hand, squeezing and kneading each breast in turn. Slowly her mouth sank lower, to Corinda's flat stomach. The tip of her tongue plunged into Corinda's deep navel.

  'What are you going to do?' Corinda said, her voice trembling with the feelings Arabella was inducing. Her sex was contracting against the dildo as though trying to milk it.

  'Hush,' whispered Arabella.

  'It feels so heavenly.'

  Arabella's tongue lapped at the base of Corinda's stomach. She allowed the dildo to move down, slippery with the juices that had anointed it so comprehensively, then pushed it back up again, until the imitation scrotum was hard against Corinda's labia, the lips stretched taut by its girth.

  'Oh, that's so good,' the blonde said, wriggling down on the phallus.

  Arabella's tongue lapped over the soft pubic hair, then eased into the crease of Corinda's sex, finding her clitoris immediately. The little promontory had swollen out from beneath the hood of flesh that normally protected it. Arabella tapped it with the tip of her tongue and felt Corinda's body tense.

  'Oh that's - that's...' Corinda couldn't believe the feeling. Arabella had used her tongue on her a hundred times, but now the pleasure she felt instantly merged with the new sensations the dildo was generating deep inside her. Once again her whole body shook; every nerve, it seemed, thrilled to the overall sensation.

  But Arabella had no intention of leaving it there. Grasping the base of the dildo she eased it out slightly then pushed it back, establishing a rhythm. Using exactly the same tempo she pushed Corinda's clitoris from side to side with the tip of her tongue. Slowly she increased the stroke of the dildo, bringing it out further so it would have further to go back in.

  'Oh, Bella, Bella,' Corinda cried. The rhythm was perfect, the sensations already surpassing her first orgasm. She knew this was how a cock would feel. She knew this was what a man would do to her. She could imagine what it would be like; how his weight would crush down on her and his buttocks would rise and fall as he drove his erection into her body. She had seen a young boy over the fence, working in the vineyards on the other side. He had been stripped to the waist and his muscular body rippled as he sawed at the vines, pruning the old wood. Corinda imagined him, his mouth kissing her, his chest crushing her breasts, his strong fingers touching her, his cock buried where the dildo was now. She was coming. Every muscle in her body was knitted into a rigid contour; her back arched off the bed like a long bow. As she felt Arabella's tongue drag across her clitoris and the dildo buried itself in her sex again her orgasm exploded, releasing a torrent of energy that sucked her into a maelstrom of pleasure.

  Arabella lifted her head and took her hand from the base of the dildo. She watched as Corinda's body sank back on to the bed, the rigidity leaving her limbs. Corinda flinched reflexively as the dildo slid out of her sex.

  'Happy birthday,' Arabella said softly.

  'It's a wonderful present.'

  'Did it feel good?'

  'Oh yes.' She didn't tell Arabella what had been going on in her mind. 'Why haven't we used it before?'

  Arabella had used a dildo frequently and enjoyed the pleasure it gave her, though she never thought of it as a substitute for a man. Conversely she had held it back from Corinda, until now, because it represented the masculinity her father had been trying to protect her from. 'It wasn't the right time.'

  'Can I use it on you now?' Corinda asked enthusiastically. She was keen to give her tutor equal pleasure.

  'Yes, if that's what you want.'

  Corinda sat up. As she kissed Arabella she could taste her own juices on Arabella's lips, as she had done many times before. Gently she pushed her back on to the bed and knelt beside her.

  Leaning forward she cradled Arabella's left breast in both hands and sucked on its cherry-sized nipple. She repeated the process with the right breast, then groped around with her hand until it lighted upon the bulbous base of the dildo. It was sticky and wet. She suddenly imagined what it would be like to wrap her hand around a real live cock, hot and pulsing at her touch.

  Feeling her heart beat faster again she brought the dildo up to Arabella's belly, and nosed it down into her thick black pubic hair. As it descended Arabella open
ed her legs and bent them at the knee.

  'I'm very wet, Corinda. Doing that to you has made me very excited,' Arabella said.

  'And me.'

  Corinda worked the glans-shaped tip down between Arabella's legs. She could see the clitoris, as the dildo stretched the labia apart, so it was not difficult to nose the phallus up again and centre it perfectly on the little knot of flesh.

  'Yes,' Arabella said. She had raised her head to watch what Corinda was doing, but allowed it to fall back as a wave of pleasure coursed out from her clit.

  Corinda pushed the dildo up and down and saw Arabella's body tense. With the fingers of her other hand she stroked the tops of her thighs, then angled them inward until she could feel the opening of her vagina. Immediately she thrust two, then three fingers deep inside her, as deep as they would go. She had done this many times but the feeling of Arabella's silky tight sex always thrilled her. Her own body pulsed at the sensation; her clitoris, trapped between her thighs, throbbed with the memory of the passion she had experienced only minutes before.

  Taking her fingers out she replaced them with the dildo, driving it as high as it would go, the penetration made effortless by Arabella's copious fluids. Learning her lesson quickly, as all Corinda's tutors had said she was able to do, she dipped her head forward and flicked out her tongue to press against Arabella's clitoris. Then, just as Arabella had done to her, she drew the phallus in and out of her vagina, as her tongue agitated the engorged clitoris from side to side. Instantly she felt Arabella's body tense.

  For a moment Arabella raised her head and looked down her body to watch Corinda. The girl's long blonde hair was sweeping over her navel as she moved her head; her breasts squashed against her thighs as she crouched forward. Then the sensation her body was generating became too self-absorbing and she had to drop her head back and close her eyes, luxuriating in the sheer exhilaration of what was being done to her. Immediately an orgasm seized her, provoked by the head of the dildo and the delicate movements of Corinda's tongue. She clutched at the sheet, needing something to hold on to as she plunged over a cliff of pleasure, and fell deeper and deeper into an abyss of bottomless joy.


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