The Chaste Legacy

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The Chaste Legacy Page 5

by Susanna Hughes

  She tried to bring herself back under control, taking her hand away. But it was too late. She ran both her hands up the backs of her thighs and over her taut buttocks, spreading her fingers wide to encompass as much of them as she could. She pulled them apart and could feel her vagina opening.

  Suddenly she straightened up. She remembered Tim. How long ago was it that she straddled over him in exactly this position, her knees either side of his hips, his penis nudging her labia? She tried to imagine what it would have been like. The penetration of the dildo had shocked and delighted her. But that had been cold and inanimate. Tim's cock would have been hot and throbbing, and alive. She could see it in her mind's eye; the smooth glans leaking a tear of fluid.

  'Oh Tim, Tim,' she said aloud. She moved her right hand back down to her sex and quickly located her clitoris. It trembled against her finger. With practised deftness she established a rhythm that matched the unconscious tempo that already seemed to have invaded her; the tempo of her own sexuality. Her body responded with a jolt of pleasure. 'Tim,' she gasped, wanting to hear his name.

  In the absolute darkness it was easy to imagine him lying between her thighs, the expression on his face torn between a worried guilt and an overriding excitement. It was easy to imagine herself sliding back on him until his cock was settled into the little mouth of her vagina. She moved her left hand over her buttocks until her fingertips nudged that very spot. She tried to remember how the dildo had felt as Arabella pushed it into her body; how it had parted her silky wet flesh as it filled her. She pushed two fingers into her body, then added a third, pushing all three as far as they would go. She wanted to feel her sex stretching to accommodate them, as she knew she would have been stretched by the thickness of Tim's erection.

  Almost immediately she felt her body flood with even sharper sensations, as though she was changing to a higher gear. This was not like her usual masturbation ritual, where she would often tease herself for some time, able to keep her orgasm bubbling near the surface but never allowing it to escape; not at least until she was ready. This orgasm could not be controlled. The images her mind was playing in the total darkness, like pictures on a cinema screen, were too strong, her imagination too vivid. She pushed her fingers in and out of her sex, in imitation of Tim's cock. How would it feel when it ejaculated? Would his semen be hot? Would she be able to feel it splattering into the deepest recesses of her sex? Would she feel its wetness, trickling down the walls of her vagina?

  'Oh Tim, Tim, Tim,' she cried. Her body went rigid as her orgasm broke over her. It rushed through her, sweeping her up and away to another place where there was nothing but pure, unadulterated pleasure.

  She was a long time coming back. When the exquisite feelings finally released their hold on her she dropped back onto the bed. Lying on her side, she curled into a tight foetal ball and fell into a deep, apparently dreamless, sleep.

  'I want to know the truth.' The voice was oddly high-pitched and reedy.

  'Get me out of this, you bastard,' Tim said bravely.

  'Casting aspersions on my parentage seems to me to be a little unwise considering your current predicament, my friend.'

  It was true. Tim was in no position to be hurling insults. In fact he was completely helpless and totally vulnerable. He was bound securely, spread-eagled in the middle of a giant wheel made from tubular steel, the two hoops of metal joined together by a series of struts placed at regular intervals around their circumference. Hanging from four of the struts were short chains attached to padded leather cuffs. And it was these which held Tim's wrists and ankles so securely, stretching his body across the device, leaving him unable to do more than writhe ineffectively against them.

  Though he had no memory of how he got there, Tim had regained consciousness in this position. He was naked, as he had been on the yacht. It was easy to see the predicament he was in since the room which housed the wheel, to which he was bound, was completely lined with mirrors. They were not just on all four walls but on the floor and ceiling too. He could see his tethered body from every angle. Every strained muscle and stretched sinew stared back at him from wherever he cared to look.

  He had only been conscious for a few minutes when a door set into the wall of mirrors in front of him had opened and the man entered. He was one of the oddest looking men Tim had ever seen. His head was shaved and shone under the lights, as though oiled and polished, and he had a bull-neck. He was stripped to the waist and wore leather riding breeches and boots. His barrel chest was deep and covered with a thick mat of hair which was completely white. He had a wide nose that looked as though it had been broken in at least two places, and small ears that stood out at right angles. His eyes were small too, and a bright pinkish grey. The colour was even more pronounced in contrast to the complexion of his face which, like his body, was an alabaster white.

  'I want to know the truth,' he repeated. 'That is all.' He smiled, revealing several gold teeth.

  'Why have you brought me here?' Tim asked, struggling against his bonds.

  'Young man, it is for me to ask the questions. I want you to tell me what your cargo was. That is not too difficult, is it?' Though his English was perfect he spoke with a heavy accent. 'How rude of me. We have not been introduced. My name is Constantine Evangelos Stephanikis. And you are Timothy Morrison. I found your papers. Now just tell me what cargo you were carrying on that fine vessel.'

  'Cargo? What are you talking about? We didn't have a cargo.'

  'What a pity. No jewels? Money? Gold?'

  'No. Nothing. We were on our way to England.' Tim had no idea who this man was. He had heard stories of pirates operating in the Mediterranean, and was beginning to wonder if what had befallen the yacht was entirely accidental.

  'And how many females?' the Greek asked.

  'Just one. Is she alive?' Tim asked anxiously.

  'Oh yes.' The man smiled broadly. 'She is very much alive. And enjoying my hospitality.'

  Tim suddenly had visions of Corinda stripped and bound as he was. 'You bastard. If you hurt her I'll kill you.'

  Constantine laughed. 'I'm shaking in my boots. Is that the right expression? Really Mr Morrison I can assure you I have no intention of hurting her. She is my only prize. I go to a great deal of trouble to get you on my humble little island. I have to send out a complex set of decoy radio markers to fool your electronic navigating systems and get your boat into exactly the right position in a very narrow channel to the south. I lay very nasty steel girders embedded in concrete on the shallow sea bed there, all at great expense. Do you imagine, having gone to all this trouble and having nothing to show for it but a young, and admittedly very beautiful girl, that I would harm her?' He laughed again. It was an almost manic sound. 'No, my friend. Your companion is completely safe. You, on the other hand, are in a much more precarious position.'

  He stepped closer, until their bodies were almost touching.

  'You won't get away with this,' Tim said defiantly.

  This produced more laughter. 'My dear boy, I have been getting away with it, as you put it, for years. No one will stop me. If you have any foolish ideas about rescue I suggest you dismiss them now. Your yacht sunk without trace. Due to my electronic decoys your captain believed your last position to be one hundred and fifty miles north of here, and the distress signal he radioed minutes before you went down reflected that belief. That is where any search will concentrate.' He stepped back. 'So, now I want you to tell me all about my prize. What is her name? How old is she? Everything. I need the information to gain her confidence.' He smiled, the gold teeth catching the light.

  'I'll tell you nothing.'

  'Why did I know you would say that?' He went to the mirrored door and opened it. 'I think it's time you met Eloisa.'

  A woman entered the room, wheeling a metal trolley in front of her. Her appearance was as bizarre as the Greek's. She was tall even without the high heels of her black ankle-boots, which elevated her another three or four inches so she towered
over Constantine. Her head was large and she had strong features; a long straight nose, a jutting chin, big oval dark brown eyes, and hollow cheeks. Her black hair was cropped and stood up vertically on her scalp like the bristles of a brush. Her complexion was a dark coffee colour. Her body was of Amazonian proportions, her muscles hard from regular training with weights, the contours of each muscle group carved deeply into her flesh. She was wearing the skimpiest of garments; a black leather halter covered her small breasts and was attached to a wide belt around her waist, leaving her back completely bare. Another strip of leather ran down from the belt to cover her pubis and her sex. It emerged behind her, dividing into two at the top of the cleft between her large buttocks, and re-joining the belt at either side.

  Tim could see every angle of her body reflected in the mirrors. By looking down at the floor he could even see the way the thong of leather cut into her sex revealing rubbery labia on either side. Her black pubes had obviously been shaved, leaving dark stubble on either side of the leather.

  Eloisa closed the mirrored door, then wheeled the trolley up to Tim. The top was draped with a bright blue scarf. From the indentations in the silk there were obviously several objects lying underneath.

  'Not a bad specimen,' she said. Her accent was American. She walked behind him and ran her hand down his back until she reached his buttocks. 'What do you want me to do?'

  'Apparently this gentleman has decided he wishes to withhold information from me.'

  Eloisa smiled a knowing smile. She had large, regular teeth. 'Well, that's just great. Time we had some fun around here.' She walked around in front of him and seized his cock in her hand. 'I don't think it's going to take too long to change his mind, do you?' She rubbed her finger against the distinct rim at the bottom of Tim's glans. To his amazement he felt his cock throb with excitement. In this position the last thing he had expected was to experience sexual excitement. He looked down at his cock. It was already beginning to swell.

  'You see,' Eloisa said triumphantly, as the erection grew between her fingers. She squeezed to encourage the development while her other hand reached under the silk scarf on the trolley and came out with a long thong of leather. Expertly she looped the leather under his balls and around his rapidly expanding erection. Tying it tightly at the base of his shaft, she pulled the two loose ends around to the front. Then she twisted them over each other before stretching them down between his balls, and looped them under his scrotum and back over the shaft again, where she tied them off securely. His cock was now fully erect and straining against the leather binding, his balls spread apart by it and no less restricted, the veins and skin of his scrotum stretched taut.

  Tim's reaction was as unexpected as his erection. The restraint of the leather made his cock throb wildly, and he felt an unaccountable sexual arousal.

  'Look at that,' Eloisa said. 'Are you into this, bad boy?' she mocked.

  'No,' he said, struggling again. 'Get me out of this.'

  'Get you out of it? When you've just started having fun?' Eloisa stepped back. Like a magician completing a startling trick she whipped the silk scarf from the top of the trolley and let it fall to the floor. Tim looked down at what she had revealed. There were several straps and clips and steel instruments, a black tube moulded into the shape of an erect penis, and a short leather whip.

  'So much simpler if you tell me what I want to know,' Constantine said, seeing Tim eyeing the trolley with alarm.

  Tim said nothing.

  Eloisa looked at the Greek. He nodded for her to continue. Without a word she picked up a short chain. Attached to each end was a miniature replica of a tiger's head, made from silver and no bigger than an acorn, its jaws bared and teeth flashing. Eloisa pinched the back of the head and Tim saw the jaws open, the inner surface of the teeth serrated with tiny metal nodules. Carefully the woman positioned one of the jaws over his left nipple.

  As she allowed the teeth to clamp around the tender flesh he expected pain. Instead he experienced a wave of pleasure so intense he moaned. There was pain too, but it was so striated with pleasure he could not separate one sensation from the other. As the second clip pinched into his right nipple the feeling was renewed.

  Eloisa took the chain that hung down between the two heads and pulled it out until taut. The imitation teeth bit deeper. Tim moaned for a second time, the pleasure and the pain making his cock swell against its leather bindings.

  'This is almost too easy,' Eloisa said.

  She let the chain drop and picked up the black phallus. Taking the top off a dark green jar she dipped the glans-shaped tip into it. The jar contained a thick white cream. Tim could have little doubt about what she was going to do with it.

  'No,' he said.

  'Oh yes,' Eloisa said. She was smiling, clearly enjoying his reactions.

  She moved behind him but Tim could see everything she did in the mirrors. Looking down into the mirror on the floor he saw, as well as felt, her push the dildo between his buttocks.

  'No, please,' he begged. The extraordinary thing was he found he didn't mean it. As the head of the phallus nosed into the puckered gate of his anus he found it created a thrill of excitement that was quite new to him. More blood coursed into his erection. Whether it was the tightness of the leather thong, or the powerlessness the bondage imposed, or the nipple clips, or the prospect of being penetrated, or all three, it had never been so hard. It was like steel.

  'What are you doing to me?' he said.

  'I think you know that, pretty boy,' Eloisa said. He felt the dildo test the muscle of his sphincter. It resisted initially, then relaxed and the dildo slid into him. Again he experienced that peculiar melange of pleasure and pain, though this time it was even more intense.

  Eloisa circled a hand around his body and grabbed his erection, squeezing it in her fist. Letting go of the phallus she ironed her body against his back so the base of the dildo was pressed against her navel. Pushing her belly forward, the muscles of her buttocks dimpled and hard, she made the dildo slide deeper, the cream making the penetration frictionless. She moved back, allowing the dildo to slide out an inch or two, then bucked her hips again and drove it forward just as though she were a man.

  'You love it don't you, pretty boy?'

  He stopped himself from saying yes.

  Her fist started to move up and down his cock. With her other hand she caught the chain on the nipple clips and pulled it up. A new shock of pain that translated into pulsing pleasure overwhelmed him. An electric connection seemed to have been made between his anus, his nipples and his cock; an extraordinary sensation flowed between them.

  'Please,' he said, though he did not know what he wanted.

  'Please what, pretty boy?'

  The tip of her finger rubbed over the ridge of his glans. His cock jerked in response. He looked to his left so he could see Eloisa's body pressed against his own, her muscled legs spread apart, her leather-covered breasts crushed into his back. As he watched she sank her lips to his neck, sucking and biting. She moved her mouth up to his ear and forced her tongue into the inner whorls. It was hot and wet, and made him shudder.

  Constantine Evangelos Stephanikis stood watching, his own erection straining against the confines of his leather trousers. The young man would tell him everything he wanted to know. Eloisa was an expert at her work. She had been on one of the first boats he had wrecked some years ago. She had been recruited to his staff with the promise that many of the young women, who would no doubt be shipwrecked on his island, would be consigned to her un-tender mercies. Occasionally, if the mood took her, she would take a young man too, but her preference had always been for women.

  Tim's body was reeling. His nipples and anus were on fire, the pain and the pleasure melded together. His cock was so full of spunk he thought it might burst. He had never wanted to come more in his life. But he couldn't. Eloisa's touch was infuriating. Strong enough to keep him on the brink of orgasm but not strong enough to take him over it.

  'Please,' he repeated, this time knowing exactly what he wanted. He wanted her to close her fist tightly around his cock, so he could fuck it. He needed to relieve the enormous pressure she had created in him, the desperate desire to come.

  But Eloisa had other plans. Dropping the chain she stepped back.

  'No!' he cried in alarm.

  'Yes, pretty boy,' she assured him.

  The dildo began to slip from his anus. Almost playfully she pushed it back with the palm of her hand, then allowed it to slip out again under its own weight. She caught it as it was finally expelled.

  'Do you want to come?' she whispered in his ear, still wet from where her tongue had licked.

  'Yes. Yes, please. Please let me.' His whole body ached for it.

  'Too bad,' Eloisa said. He could see her in the mirror, smiling cruelly.

  She moved to the side of the steel wheel. The base of the structure was slotted into two tracks set into the floor. She took hold of the two outer hoops and pulled them down. They moved smoothly on the tracks, the wheel turning. Two or three more tugs and Tim was upside down, hanging from his ankles, his head a few inches from the floor, the chain of the nipple clips now looped around his chin.

  In the mirror on the ceiling he saw her go to the trolley. She picked up the leather whip.

  'This is the part she enjoys,' Constantine said.

  Eloisa positioned herself behind Tim. He watched as she raised the whip, her muscles tensing. He flexed as he saw her arm flash down. Instantly a stripe of searing pain exploded across his buttocks. He had expected that. What he had not expected was that the pain would turn to equally intense pleasure that coursed through his body, directly to the nerves of his cock, provoking them to new levels of arousal.


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