Make Me: An Erotic BDSM Romance

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Make Me: An Erotic BDSM Romance Page 2

by Cate Bellerose

  I brace, but nothing happens. Opening my eyes, I see Dennis is still there, his shoes shifting back and forth uncomfortably. He can’t even handle someone else doing the job properly. Who ever let him put a flogger in his hand to begin with? Gabriel’s shoes appear.

  “Listen, Dennis.”

  “Y... yeah?”

  “I think this might take a while. Why don’t you head to the bar. Drinks are on me tonight. Just let Mike know Gabe sent you. If she comes around, I’ll bring her over to apologize. Sound good?”

  “Uh... yeah. Thanks.”

  “Hey, no worries. Listen, ask Mike if Miss Victoria’s around. I think she might be right up your alley. You know her?”

  “No, don’t think I...”

  “You’ll like her. Off you go. I’ll take care of our little brat here.”

  “Right. Thanks.” He’s off like his ass is on fire.

  I dare a question. “Who’s Miss Victoria?”

  Gabriel’s back down to my level, a boyish grin splitting his face. “Best Domme in town. That guy’s as much a Dom as I’m a sub. I think they’ll get along great.”

  I can’t hold back the giggle.

  He’s at my throat immediately, his huge hand wrapping around so far his fingers almost touch. I want to swallow, but I can’t against the pressure. “Laughing at your former master? I’m not done with you, you know. You still owe that guy an apology.”

  Being defiant isn’t easy when you can hardly breathe. “What, you’re gonna make me?” It comes out as a wheeze.

  “Fuck yeah. Unless you safeword.”

  I only think for a second. “No.”

  He lets go, and I draw a deep breath. Air. Sweet, sweet air.

  “Well, back to it, then.” His voice is a growl that makes me shudder and my stomach drop. Even the soft material of my bra feels rough on my tight nipples, and my thighs feel sticky. This is what I want.


  Ow! That was his hand! Right onto my left asscheek and staying there, gripping the flesh hard in his rough fingers. It hurts and feels so good, so fucking good.

  “You know, I can do this all night. I’ve got nowhere else to be, but I’ll have to get someone to drive you home, cause you sure as hell won’t be walking. Or you can apologize to the man.” Husky, his voice cuts into me.

  I quiver, realizing he can do anything he wants to me and I’ll let him. “I won’t.”


  The same spot again, pain on pain, compounding. I sob, my shoulders shaking.

  “You will, if it takes me all night.”

  His hand adds heat to my already burning ass, over and over. I scream. A crowd has gathered around us, watching him work his magic, watching me squirm beneath him. Every strike shakes my flesh and pushes me against the sawhorse. My feet kick uselessly. My ass hurts, tendrils of pain snaking their way all the way out to my toes and fingertips.

  I’m crying, salty tears sliding down my cheeks, dropping to the floor. I’m reaching my limit, but I don’t want to give up, don’t want to give him the satisfaction. He’s stern, but I’m tougher. At least, that’s what I want to think, but fuck, it hurts.

  He’s stopped. All I feel is burning, stinging pain, but he’s not spanking me anymore. Are we done? Did I win? I want to gloat, but at the same time I’m disappointed. It couldn’t be that easy, could it? I wince and twitch. Not that easy, I suppose.


  It’s the hardest one yet, driving into my ass, pain exploding like a firecracker. It’s the last straw, and I gasp, sob and whimper all at once, my head hanging in defeat.

  Shoes. He crouches in front of me. Wiping the tears off my face with his thumb, he studies me. “Look at me.”

  I twist my head to meet his eyes, his glinting, green-flecked hazel eyes that seem to stare right into the deepest parts of me. They crinkle in amusement, making crow’s feet. “All it takes is an apology. Nothing more, and we can end this. We’ll find him, you’ll kneel like a good girl and tell him you’re sorry for ruining his scene. That’s it.”

  I don’t want to lose, but I want him to win. What do I do? I’m exhausted. I won’t be able to sit for a week. He’s read me so well, taking me right to my limit. I do the only thing I can do. I surrender.

  “I’ll...” The crying’s made my nose run, and I pull it back in with an indelicate sound. “I’ll apologize.”

  Immediately, he’s untying me, releasing my sore wrists and lowering me carefully from the sawhorse. I collapse right into his arms, and he holds me, comforting me, his large arms enveloping me as he pulls me close. I close my eyes, resting my head against his chest.

  “You’re a tough master.” I mumble it into his shirt.

  “You’re a tough customer, babe.” There’s a grin in his voice, but I just nestle in closer, not caring. His hands stroke my arms while I recover.

  Chapter 3


  This is so unfair. It’s not like it was just me messing up the scene with Dennis, but Gabriel’s orders are clear: apologize or he’ll refuse to play with me again. The fucking gall. Like I can’t go on without playing with him.

  So why am I here? Because I’m weak, and I want another round of what I just got. Once I feel I can sit comfortably again, anyway.

  Dennis is at the bar, his back to me. Stopping right behind him, I look down and cross my wrists behind my back, as Gabriel instructed. He’s watching me. Making sure I don’t fuck up.

  “Master...” I bite back the words, then try again. “Master Dennis, I’m sorry to disturb.”

  He turns but I can’t see his face. No words. Just waiting for me.

  “I’m sorry I ruined your scene.” I swallow. “Master Gabriel has... instructed me in proper etiquette, and I see where I went wrong now. Please forgive your pet.” Gabriel had even given me a little script, like I’m too dumb to do this on my own, or something. Maybe he’s right. I’m not good at hiding snark. Already I’m gritting my teeth, trying to do this right.

  “It’s alright, pet. I’m over it, but I don’t think we’ll be playing again.”

  That’s for fucking sure. He doesn’t need to tell me that, but I let him have his little victory. “Yes, Master. Thank you.”

  I retreat before I say something I’ll regret.

  Immediately, Gabriel is there. “Good job. You can be civil when you want to.” He laughs, and it’s a really nice laugh, rich and deep.

  “Screw you.” I thought I muttered it, but he has sharp ears.

  “All in good time, babe.”

  “You’re an ass.”

  “Sure. But an ass who knows how to make you feel good. Don’t underestimate that.”

  “Cocky, too.”

  “Totally, but listen, I have to do some actual work for a while. Let me get you a cab home. Maybe it’ll make up for your humiliation.” He winks at me. Winks.

  “I can walk just fine, you know.”

  “Nope. It’s late. This neighborhood isn’t that rough, but I don’t want you walking home alone in the dark.” He looks around the room, like he’s searching for something. “Hey! Caleb!”

  Caleb’s a mountain of a man, guarding the door. I’d noticed him coming in. A guy his size is hard to miss. His black t-shirt only barely holds it together around his bulging muscles, some of which look like they have muscles of their own. Head shaved, he looks like Mr. Clean moonlighting as a bouncer. I want to ask him to cross his arms over his chest and lean back a little, just to get the stance right.

  “What’s up, Gabe?” His voice is rough, gravelly even.

  “Mind doing me a favor and calling up a cab for Dawn here? She’s heading home. Just put it on the club. I’ll sort the paperwork later.”

  “Sure thing.” Caleb stops midturn and looks over his broad shoulder at us with a crooked grin. “You back on the market, then?”

  “Hell no. Just get that cab sorted.”

  Caleb shrugs. “Yes, sir!”

  Not sure what to say really. “Thanks.” I blurt it out. “Wh
at did he mean by the market? This isn’t a date, is it?”

  “Nope. Just business.”

  “Do you get cabs for all your business?” I raise an eyebrow.

  “Only the cute ones. Now get your ass up front. They usually come quick.” He makes as if to walk away.

  “Gabriel.” I catch his wrist in my hand.


  “Can I have your number?” What am I doing? “I mean, not like a date number, but you know, if maybe I want to play again. Or I need help getting my car out.”

  I’ve already got my phone out and he takes it from me.


  He ignores me while he taps the screen, typing in something. “Here.” He’s added himself as The Sexiest Dom Alive, which I just roll my eyes at, but there’s a number there. “Call me anytime. I love moving cars.”

  “I love watching you move cars, so I think we can work something out.” I’m smiling so hard it hurts. Market or not, there’s totally something there. I know it.

  That’s when the chill hits. Sometimes I get these premonitions, like I know something bad’s going to happen. It’s always that tingle that runs right down my spine. Gabriel’s eyes go wide, staring past me. What the hell?

  I turn and see one of the most beautiful women I’ve seen in my life. She’s the anti-me. Tall where I’m short, slim where I’m just a bit more curvy than I’d like, striking red hair that falls straight past her shoulders where my blonde curls always seem just a bit too wild. Her eyes are so bright green I wonder if they’re contacts, but they sparkle with life.

  Alright, fine, I get it. She’s hot and I’m not. He doesn’t have to be so fucking obvious about it, though. I begin to leave when she speaks.

  “Gabriel. I thought I’d find you here.” Her voice is smooth honey with a smoky undertone, like a fine whisky. Just the kind of voice you’d want whispering your name in bed. I know when I’m outmatched, and she already knows him. How did I even think I had a chance?

  “Viv.” The coldness of his voice startles me. There’s more going on here than I know.

  “Still playing with the locals?” Her eyes pass over me briefly before I’m dismissed. Cunt. Wonder if she feels the daggers my eyes are shooting at her. Guess not, since she’s still standing.

  “Why are you here, Viv? It’s been what, two years?”

  “Yeah, just about. Time enough for me to think. A lot.”

  “Good for you.” The flatness of his statement takes any well-wishing out of it. “Why are you here?”

  “I want to talk. About my thoughts. About us.”

  “I’ve got to work. We don’t have anything to talk about.”

  “Don’t you take that tone with me.” She raises her voice, getting the attention of some of the clubgoers. “No one knows you better than me. I know what makes you tick, Gabriel.”

  “Fine. Whatever. I don’t need a scene, not that kind. Let’s go to the office. You can have your say there.”

  I’m forgotten. Shit. Whatever. Guess I’ll see myself out. So much for our connection.

  “Hey.” Caleb’s right there when I come out, watching the door. “Not here yet.”

  Right. The cab. We wait next to each other in silence.

  “Who is she?” I have to know. Why? Not like we have anything going. I just do.


  “Viv. Who is she?”

  He laughs, a rough bark. “This is going to be trouble, isn’t it?”

  “No idea what you mean.”

  “Right. Vivian’s an ex. The ex, I guess. They were together for almost three years. Committed BDSM relationship with all the trimmings. Like the star couple, you know.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” I didn’t need to hear how wonderful they’d been. “What happened.”

  “Well, they broke up. She broke up. Something about wanting one thing and him the other. Shocked a lot of people on the scene and broke his heart. He swore off relationships and put on his lone wolf act. He knows his shit, but I haven’t seen him connect with anyone in a scene after that. Well, except maybe you.”

  “Me? Like I can compete with her. Sounds like she’s back for more.”

  “If you didn’t notice how much he wasn’t into that idea, you weren’t paying attention.”


  The cab pulls up and Caleb steps in front to open the door for me. “Don’t sell yourself short. Just sayin’.” The door slams shut.


  I give my address and slump into the seat. For a couple of moments I try to find ways to compare favorably to a tall, beautiful, flame-haired sex goddess who knows his every kink, but I come up empty. Oh well. Tonight was fun, anyway. There are other fish.

  Chapter 4


  “Not on the market, huh?” Caleb’s grin is fucking annoying, just as I’m sure he means it to be. “I haven’t seen you that star struck in, well, maybe ever.”

  “Oh, back off.” I swig my beer. Who gives a fuck what he thinks, anyway? These after hours beer meetings once the club’s closed are bullshit.

  The annoying thing is that he’s right, and I hate it when he’s right. She’s a goddamn angel. Sure, a bratty little angel, but that’s how I like’em. Domming’s no fun with someone who just rolls over and plays dead.

  Tiny little thing, but curvy as hell. Curves I want to trace with my fingertips, to squeeze and pinch. Her ass is made for spanking, full and quivering just the right way when my hand hits it. Does she fuck as hard as she plays?

  Full of fire too. Like that best. She’s not afraid to talk back, even when not in a scene. Especially when not in a scene. Full time brat. What is it Caleb likes to say? That I need someone to take me down a few pegs. Fuck him. I did like our back and forth, though.

  Goddamn, I’m hard as a rock. I was supposed to be done with women, with relationships. They only hurt you, right? That’s my experience, anyway.

  “So what did Viv want?”

  Caleb has this amazing ability to repeatedly bring up the topics I’d least like to discuss. Every. Fucking. Time.

  “What do you think?”

  “Really? After two years? She thinks you guys have something going?”

  “We had three really good years before that. I dunno. I know what I’ve said, but maybe...”

  “Shut the fuck up, Gabe, then think about what you’re saying. Think hard. She quit you, man. You wanna go back to that?”

  He’s being right again, and it makes me wanna punch him. “No. Fuck it. I’m done with women. Nothin’ but trouble anyway.” I hold up my beer in a toast, but he just looks at me like I’m a moron. “Now what?”

  “Alright, I’m telling you this because I’m your friend, right? You get that? I love you, man, but sometimes tough love is necessary. Inevitable.”

  I roll my eyes at him. “Melodramatic much?”

  “Gabe, stop acting like a moron. Women aren’t always trouble, but Viv is. If it was up to me? That cute girl from today? Much more your type.”

  “Yeah. Thanks, Mrs. Matchmaker. You done?”

  He gives me that same stare he uses when he’s throwing a thug outta the club. The don’t-fuck-with-me bouncer stare. It pisses me off that I’m the first to look away.

  Caleb sips his beer. “Yeah. Now I’m done.”

  Maybe he’s right about Dawn. Dunno. Wish I’d remembered to say goodbye tonight. This whole Viv thing... Fuck, how did I let her distract me like that? I don’t know what to do, and I hate that. It’s not my gig. I’m direct, decisive. I do shit, I don’t think about it.

  Well, considering I let her just walk out, she’s probably already forgotten about me. I don’t think I’ll get any calls about moving cars, or anything else. Maybe Viv...


  Chapter 5


  What was that?

  God, I can’t see. I blink, try to rub the sleep out of my eyes. Peer at the alarm clock. In the darkness of my bedroom, even the faint glow of the blocky digits seems way too b
right. 2:34 AM. What the hell am I doing awake?

  Something creaks then pops with a crack. Suddenly my eyes are wide open, and my heart’s pounding. Was that my front door? I sit up in bed, holding the sheets close while peering into the darkness. My bedroom door is almost closed, but I don’t dare get up and check it out. Not yet.

  Footstep. Another. A soft creak. A beam of light colors my wall for a moment. A flashlight.




  Someone’s in my apartment. My chest tightens and I look around my bedroom for a weapon. Something. Anything.


  Drawers are opening. Closing. Cabinets. God, I don’t even have anything worth stealing. Take my TV, computer, whatever. Just don’t come in here. Please.


  My whole body’s shivering. It’s difficult to breathe. What do I do? What do I fucking do?

  My phone’s on the nightstand. I almost drop it when I pick it up. Gabriel. He’s right around the corner. I hope. I find the Sexiest Dom Alive and hit ‘call’.

  It rings. And rings. And rings. “Hi, this is Gabe. I can’t take the phone right now, but if you...”

  I dial again. He’s sleeping. He must be. Fuck.

  It rings. And rings. Click. “Hello?” Even groggy and cotton-mouthed, his voice is sexy. “Who’s this?”

  “Gabriel!” I whisper as loud as I dare. “There’s someone in my apartment.”

  “Wha... Dawn?”

  “Please, Gabriel. Help me.”

  “Shit, alright.” It’s like someone turns on a switch, and he’s in action mode. “On my way. What’s your apartment number?”

  “3B. Hurry!”

  “Already coming. Did you call 911?”

  That would have made sense, wouldn’t it? “No.”

  “I’m flattered, babe, but they’re the pros. Call them. I’ll be right there.” He hangs up.

  Just then, the door to my room opens. A tall, broad shape fills my opening, then his beam of light paints my bed, blinding me.

  I scream.

  He’s quick. I taste leather as he cuts my scream short with a gloved hand and gets behind me, holding me tight. He smells of cigarettes. His breath is ragged and uncomfortably close to my ear. His whisper is a quiet growl. “Shut up. Just keep quiet and I won’t slit your throat. Got it?”


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