Bella the Bunny Fairy : A Rainbow Magic Book (9780545295376)

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Bella the Bunny Fairy : A Rainbow Magic Book (9780545295376) Page 1

by Meadows, Daisy

  Fairies with their pets I see

  and yet no pet has chosen me!

  So I will get some of my own

  to share my perfect frosty home.

  This spell I cast, its aim is clear:

  To bring the magic pets straight here.

  The Pet Fairies soon will see

  their seven pets living with me!


  Title Page




  Easter Bunny

  Vanishing Act

  Bella Flies In

  Bunnies Everywhere!

  Goblin Chase!

  A Magical Easter


  Also Available


  “Isn’t it a perfect day for a party?” Kirsty Tate asked, looking up at the sapphire-blue sky.

  Her best friend, Rachel Walker, nodded and handed Kirsty a chocolate egg. Rachel was staying with Kirsty for spring vacation, and the girls were busy hiding eggs. They were getting ready for an Easter party for Jane, Mr. and Mrs. Dillon’s five-year-old daughter. The Dillons lived down the street from Kirsty.

  “There are some great hiding places here,” Rachel said. She gazed around the beautiful yard full of green grass and colorful flower beds. Then she knelt down and hid the egg under a shrub. “Jane and her friends will love the Easter egg hunt!”

  “It’ll be fun,” Kirsty agreed, hiding an egg behind the birdbath.

  “How many kids are invited to the party?” Rachel asked.

  “Eleven!” Kirsty replied, her eyes twinkling. “Mr. and Mrs. Dillon are so glad that we’re helping out! They’ve been friends with my mom and dad for a long time, and Jane is really sweet.” Then she lowered her voice. “Do you think we’ll find another one of the missing fairy pets today, Rachel?”

  “I hope so,” Rachel whispered back. “Let’s keep our eyes open!”

  Rachel and Kirsty had a special secret. They were best friends with the fairies! Whenever there was trouble in Fairyland, the girls were always happy to help. But trouble usually meant that mean Jack Frost and his goblins were up to no good.

  This time, Jack Frost had been angry because he didn’t have a pet of his own. He had kidnapped the seven magical animals belonging to the Pet Fairies! The pets had all been taken to his ice castle, but the mischievous animals had escaped into the human world. Jack Frost then sent his goblins to capture the pets and bring them back!

  Without their magic animals, the Pet Fairies couldn’t help pets in the human world that were lost or in danger. The girls were determined to find the fairy pets before Jack Frost’s goblins did!

  “Well, we’ve gotten off to a good start,” Kirsty pointed out. “Katie the Kitten Fairy was so happy when we returned her magic kitten, Shimmer.”

  Just then, a pretty little girl with long blond curls waved from the back door.

  “Hi, Kirsty! Hi, Rachel!” she called. Jane had been upstairs changing into her pink party dress when the girls arrived. Now she rushed toward them, her face bright with excitement.

  “All of my friends are coming to the party, Kirsty! We’re going to have an Easter egg hunt, and then Mommy and Daddy are giving me a special Easter present!” she said breathlessly.

  “You’re so lucky, Jane!” Kirsty smiled as Mr. and Mrs. Dillon followed their daughter out into the yard.

  “Jane, let’s go get the presents ready for your guests,” said Mrs. Dillon, noticing that Rachel and Kirsty still had some chocolate eggs to hide. “I think Rachel and Kirsty are busy!”

  She and Jane went back inside, and Mr. Dillon turned to the girls. “It’s really nice of you to help out,” he said gratefully. “There’s so much to do.” Then he smiled. “Would you like to see Jane’s Easter present?”

  The girls both nodded, and Mr. Dillon led them to the garage. Inside, sitting on the workbench, was a cardboard box with little holes in it. Rachel and Kirsty peeked inside and saw a fluffy black rabbit with floppy ears, nestled on a bed of straw.

  “Oh, it’s so cute!” Rachel gasped.

  “Jane will love it,” Kirsty added.

  Mr. Dillon smiled. “Yes, she will,” he agreed. “She’s been pestering us for a rabbit!”

  Rachel turned to Kirsty. “We’d better finish hiding the eggs,” she said. “The guests will be here soon! Thanks for showing us the surprise, Mr. Dillon.”

  Quickly, the girls hid the remaining eggs behind flowerpots, trees, and the shed. Just as Kirsty placed the last egg behind a clump of daffodils, she heard the front doorbell ring.

  “Here they come!” Rachel said with a grin.

  Fifteen minutes later, all the guests had arrived. Jane was dashing around the garden with her friends, looking for the chocolate eggs.

  “I found one!” Jane shouted, her cheeks glowing.

  “Good job!” Kirsty laughed. She and Rachel were watching from the patio. There were shrieks of delight as some of the other children found eggs, too.

  “Oh!” A little girl in a yellow dress suddenly gasped loudly. “Come look!”

  Rachel and Kirsty hurried over to the girl. She was kneeling down in front of a tree, peering at the trunk.

  “I just saw the Easter Bunny!” she announced breathlessly.

  Rachel and Kirsty stared at her, confused. They hadn’t hidden a toy rabbit anywhere!

  “Where?” asked Rachel.

  The little girl pointed at a hole in the tree trunk. “It came out of there, but then it popped back in again,” she said.

  “How do you know it was the Easter Bunny?” Kirsty asked.

  “Because it was bright pink!” the little girl replied.

  Rachel and Kirsty glanced at each other in surprise. Then Rachel looked more closely at the hole in the tree. Suddenly, her heart began to race. She was sure she could see the faintest glimmer of fairy magic!

  Rachel nudged Kirsty, who had just sent the little girl off to search for more eggs. “Look!” she whispered.

  Kirsty stared at the shimmering, magical haze in front of the tree trunk, and her eyes lit up. “Fairy magic!” She gasped. “Rachel, do you think —”

  But before Kirsty could finish, there was another shout from across the yard.

  “I saw the Easter Bunny, too!” A little boy was pointing at a large, leafy shrub and beaming with pride.

  Kirsty and Rachel ran over to him. They could hardly believe their eyes. There was a beautiful, fluffy lilac-colored rabbit, sitting under the shrub! But as Kirsty bent to move the leaves out of the way, the rabbit vanished in a glittering cloud of purple sparkles.

  “This is definitely fairy magic!” Kirsty whispered. “The bunny must be one of the fairy pets!”

  “Yes, I’ll bet it’s Bella the Bunny Fairy’s rabbit!” Rachel agreed.

  By now, all the children wanted to see the Easter Bunny.

  “Where did the bunny go?” asked one little girl, looking disappointed.

  “I don’t know,” Kirsty replied quickly. “Why don’t you go and look for more eggs until we find out?”

  “Let’s look for the Easter Bunny instead!” Jane suggested. All the children cheered. They began racing around the yard, calling, “Bunny! Where are you?”

  “We have to find the rabbit and get it back to Bella,” Kirsty whispered to Rachel. “Luckily, I don’t see any goblins around! I wonder where the bunny is now?”

  Suddenly, Rachel’s eyes widened. She grabbed
her friend’s arm. “Look at the picnic table!”

  Mr. and Mrs. Dillon had put the party food out on the table while the children searched for eggs. They had just gone back inside to get more. But as the girls stared, they could see a swirl of golden sparkles hovering over the food!

  The girls hurried to the table. Sitting next to a big plate of salad, nibbling on a carrot, was the magic bunny. And now, it was a sunshine-yellow color!

  Before Kirsty and Rachel could do anything, Jane spotted the rabbit, too.

  “The Easter Bunny!” she shouted. The whole group of children rushed over to the table.

  “Be careful,” Rachel said anxiously. Would the bunny disappear again if it got scared?

  But Jane stepped up to the table and gently stroked the rabbit’s fluffy head. It seemed quite happy to have someone pet it.

  “Isn’t it cute?” Jane said with a sigh. “I wish I had my very own bunny!”

  “We’d better get the rabbit away before Mr. and Mrs. Dillon come back out,” Kirsty whispered to Rachel. “I don’t know how we’ll explain a yellow bunny! We can take it over to my house.”

  Rachel nodded. “The bunny’s very tired,” she announced to Jane and her friends, picking it up gently. “It’s going home now, so say good-bye.”

  “Good-bye, Easter Bunny!” the children cried, waving. Then they dashed off to search for more Easter eggs.

  “I’ll tell the Dillons we have to run home for something,” Kirsty murmured to Rachel, heading inside.

  When she came back outside, the two girls carried the bunny around the house.

  They went out through the side gate and closed it carefully behind them.

  “How are we going to keep the rabbit safe until Bella the Bunny Fairy gets here?” asked Rachel as the girls walked along an overgrown path next to the house.

  “She can’t be far away,” Kirsty replied. “But maybe we could use the fairy dust in our magic lockets to take the bunny back to Fairyland ourselves.”

  Before Rachel could reply, the girls heard a nasty chuckling sound above their heads. Alarmed, they looked up. Four green goblins were sitting on the branch of a large oak tree, grinning down at them!

  “Oh, no!” Rachel gasped.

  “Let’s get out of here!” Kirsty whispered.

  The two girls hurried along the path. But all of a sudden, the ground beneath their feet seemed to disappear.

  “Help!” Kirsty cried as she tumbled into a large hole.

  Rachel was too shocked to yell, but luckily she managed to keep hold of the magic rabbit as she fell. The two girls landed on a bed of soft leaves and looked at each other in horror.

  “The goblins must have dug this hole and covered it with branches.” Kirsty gasped. “They set a trap!”

  “And we walked right into it!” Rachel groaned.

  “Ha, ha, ha!” the goblins cackled gleefully, peering down at the girls.

  “We were trying to catch the magic bunny, but we also caught two pesky girls!” one goblin cried. “Hooray!”

  As Rachel and Kirsty climbed to their feet, the goblins bent over the hole. Before the girls could stop them, one of the goblins reached down and snatched the magic rabbit out of Rachel’s hands. The bunny squirmed in dismay.

  “Give that bunny back!” Rachel shouted, trying to climb up out of the hole.

  “Come and get it!” jeered the goblins. They ran around the side of the house toward the front yard, laughing and cheering as they went.

  “We can’t let them get away!” Kirsty said urgently, trying to pull herself out of the hole, too. But it was just a little too deep for the girls to climb out of.

  Just then, a silvery voice echoed through the air. “Hang on, girls, I’m coming!”

  Rachel and Kirsty looked up. A tiny fairy surfed through the air toward them on a large green oak leaf. Her long hair streamed out behind her in the breeze.

  “It’s Bella the Bunny Fairy!” Kirsty said happily.

  Bella came to a stop above Rachel’s and Kirsty’s heads and waved at them. She wore a beautiful green dress, beaded sunflowers at her waist and neck, and gold shoes.

  “We’re so glad to see you, Bella,” Rachel said gratefully. “But I’m afraid the goblins have run off with your bunny. We’re so sorry!”

  Bella nodded. “I knew Misty was around here somewhere!” she exclaimed. “Don’t worry, those goblins can’t have gone far. I’ll have you girls out of there in two twitches of a bunny’s nose!”

  She lifted her wand, and a shower of golden sparkles floated down onto the girls.

  Rachel and Kirsty held their breath as they shrank to fairy size, and glittering wings appeared on their backs.

  “Great idea, Bella!” Rachel laughed as she flew easily out of the hole, with Kirsty beside her.

  “What should we do now?” asked Kirsty. The three friends hovered in midair, wings fluttering. “How will we find the goblins?”

  Just then, a gruff, angry shout rang out across the yard.

  “Follow that sound!” Bella cried, swooping through the air toward the front of the house.

  Rachel and Kirsty hurried behind her. Within moments, the three of them peered around the corner of the house, into the front yard.

  The goblins were crouched behind some bushes under an open window. They were arguing fiercely. One of them, the biggest goblin, was holding Misty.

  “There’s my bunny!” Bella whispered, pointing at the frightened-looking rabbit. “Girls, we have to save her!”

  The goblins hadn’t noticed Rachel, Kirsty, and Bella watching them. They were too busy arguing.

  “You do it!” one snarled.

  “No, you do it!” another replied.

  “I’m not climbing up there!” The first goblin said, pointing at the open window. “I might fall and hurt myself!”

  “Coward!” jeered the goblin holding Misty.

  “What are they arguing about?” Rachel whispered.

  “Look!” Kirsty replied, pointing at the open kitchen window. A big basket of chocolate Easter eggs sat on the windowsill. “You know how greedy the goblins are. They want those chocolate eggs!”

  Under the window was a wooden trellis with roses growing on it. One of the goblins tried to climb the trellis, but it swayed slightly. He jumped off, nervous.

  “What’s the matter with you?” another goblin sneered. “Scaredy-cat!”

  “Am not!” the climbing goblin roared furiously.

  “Poor Misty!” Bella said, staring anxiously at her bunny. “She’s shaking with fear.”

  “Why can’t she just disappear, like she did before?” asked Kirsty.

  Bella shook her head sadly. “Misty can’t disappear if someone’s holding her, or if she’s scared,” she explained. “We have to figure out a way to get her back!”

  While Kirsty and Bella were talking, Rachel had been looking at the basket of chocolate eggs. In the middle of it sat a beautiful, blue toy bunny. It looked a lot like Misty! Just then, Rachel had an idea.

  Excited, she turned to the little fairy. “Bella, I think there might be a way to get back Misty! Can you make me and Kirsty human-size again?”

  Bella nodded. She waved her wand, and in an instant the two girls were back to normal.

  “We need to go inside the house,” Rachel whispered.

  Confused, Kirsty and Bella followed Rachel back to the side gate. As Rachel opened it, Bella fluttered down and hid in her pocket. Then the girls walked into the backyard, where the children were still looking for eggs. Mr. and Mrs. Dillon were putting plates out on the picnic table.

  “Mrs. Dillon, is it OK if I borrow the blue bunny from the Easter egg basket in the kitchen? I promise to return it,” Rachel asked.

  Mrs. Dillon looked surprised, but she said it
was all right.

  Rachel and Kirsty smiled at her and went inside to the kitchen. Rachel peeked out the window and saw the goblins still arguing down below. Then she picked up the blue toy bunny and gave the basket a little tap. A few of the chocolate eggs fell out and tumbled to the ground outside the window.

  “That’ll keep the goblins busy for a few more minutes!” Rachel said quietly.

  Kirsty looked out over the windowsill. The goblins had pounced on the chocolate eggs and were gobbling them up.

  “Let’s head back outside now,” Rachel whispered. Kirsty followed her friend out of the house, through the side gate, and over to the hole in the path that the goblins had made.

  “Kirsty, can you cover the hole with twigs and leaves like the goblins did?” Rachel asked.

  Kirsty nodded and began pulling some fallen branches over the hole.

  “Bella, we need a long piece of string,” said Rachel. “Can you help?”

  “Of course!” Bella agreed, zooming out of Rachel’s pocket. She waved her wand. In a shower of sparkles, a long piece of golden string appeared on the path.

  Rachel grabbed the string. She tied one end of it around the middle of the blue toy bunny. Kirsty and Bella watched in amazement. They didn’t have a clue what Rachel was up to!

  “We’re all set!” Rachel grinned as she finished tying the knot. “Now all we need is Misty’s help to make sure my plan works!”

  “Tell me what Misty has to do,” Bella said eagerly.

  “We need her to escape from the goblins for a few minutes,” Rachel explained, waving the toy bunny in the air. “Then we’ll try to confuse them with this!”

  “You mean, we’ll make the goblins think the toy is Misty?” Kirsty said. “But to do that, Misty will need to be —”


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