A Better Solution (Crowley County Series Book 2)

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A Better Solution (Crowley County Series Book 2) Page 8

by T. E. Killian

  Floyd made it home from his callout in time to dress for his date with Sue Ann and maybe even enough time to talk to Penny too.

  When he came out of his bedroom, she was sitting in the living room watching TV. He was shocked to see that it was some kind of nature program. Whoa, what was going on here? Maybe Andy was being a good influence on his daughter?

  As he sat next to her on the couch, but not too close, she muted the TV. That surprised him even more.

  But then when she started talking, he was shocked but just listened.

  “If I’ve gotta to live here, I want to get some things straight.”

  Floyd realized she wanted him to answer so he said, “Sure, go ahead Penny.”

  “Okay.” She seemed to be organizing her thoughts. “Do I have to call you Dad or Daddy or anything like that?”

  Floyd was surprised at her line of thought but one look at her face told him that she was very serious.

  “No, Penny, you don’t have to. I would like it if someday you will want to call me Dad. But until then, what would you like to call me?”

  She thought for a moment. “I don’t know. How about Sheriff?”

  He grinned and said, “That would be okay with me.”

  She looked away and he was sure that he saw surprise on her face followed quickly by a pleased look. Then she said, “Do I have to go to church?”

  Floyd somehow knew that this was a loaded question so he worded his answer very cautiously. “No, Penny, you don’t have to go to church, but if you want to you can.”

  She seemed to be watching the show on TV for several minutes and Floyd had to grit his teeth to keep from saying anything in all that time.

  Finally, she turned to him and her face was the most serious he had ever seen it.

  “I’m not about to go by myself. You gotta go with me.”

  Floyd was so shocked that he realized his mouth was hanging open. He closed it and said, “Folks around here might run out the door if they see me coming into a church.”

  She giggled. His tough talking and acting little girl actually giggled. After all, she was just nine years old. What did he expect? He definitely needed to remember that.

  He realized that even though it wasn’t a question, she was still waiting for him to give her an answer. “I guess, if you want me to, I’ll go with you.”

  “Good. I want to go to Andy’s church.”

  After that, she turned the TV sound back on and turned him off. That was the end of the conversation. He knew he wouldn’t be able to bring up anything he wanted to talk to her about, so he just sat there until time to go pickup Sue Ann.

  When Wanda let Floyd into their house, he didn’t get very far before Sue Ann appeared out of the hallway. His breath caught and he was suddenly tongue-tied. She was so beautiful in a midnight blue dress that made her normally shiny blond hair fairly glow.

  She walked toward him with a smug smile on her face. He knew she had to see his reaction to her and she seemed to be enjoying it.

  “I haven’t seen you in a dress . . . in years.” Well, that one sure sounded dumb.

  She giggled and said, “I’m ready. Shall we go?”

  They were sitting at their table at the steakhouse before Floyd was finally able to make intelligent conversation.

  He’d been watching Sue Ann and she seemed to be happy about something and he didn’t think it was all due to their date.

  “Something’s up with you tonight Sue Ann. Can I ask you what it is?”

  She gave him a big smile and said, “Sure. I don’t mind. In fact, I was just getting ready to tell you that I had a mother son talk with Andy just before you came tonight.”

  He leaned forward waiting to hear more. “And . . . ?”

  She giggled. “And, not only does he understand what Ray has been trying to do to him and me by lying to him about me, but he’s even decided that it’s okay for me to go out with you.”

  “That’s great Sue Ann!”

  “But . . . there is one little catch.” She giggled again giving him the assurance that it wasn’t anything bad.

  “What is it? If it’s something I can do, I’ll gladly do it.”

  “He wants a ride in your police car.”

  Floyd’s face went blank then he broke out in a grin. “Is that all? You tell him that we’ll do it the first chance we get.”

  “I will. Oh, Floyd, I’m so happy I could just about bust.”

  Then her face fell and she leaned toward him across the table. “Oh, I almost forgot to tell you that Ray came into the shop again this afternoon.”

  Floyd pulled his cell phone out of its case on his belt.

  She held out a hand. “No, Floyd, nothing happened . . . thanks to Jillian.”


  “Yes, she came in and dragged him off to interview him about that shopping center he’s working on.” She smiled at him. “Isn’t she just great?”

  Floyd could only think of what could have happened if Jillian hadn’t gotten in the way.

  “Are you ready to get that Order of Protection yet? That guy’s not going to stop harassing you.”

  She seemed to think for a moment then said, “Let me think about it over the weekend, Floyd, okay?”

  He didn’t like it, but he let it go and they fell into a comfortable silence. Their waiter came and took their order. After that, they lapsed back into silence for a few minutes.

  Then Sue Ann tried to get a conversation going but gave up after a few minutes of her doing all the talking.

  Finally, Floyd said, “I had a father daughter talk with Penny this afternoon too. Or maybe I should call it a daughter father talk. She did all the talking. I only listened and agreed to her demands.”

  Sue Ann looked concerned until Floyd laughed then she relaxed a bit.

  “What did she want to talk about?”

  “Well it seems that she’s not ready to call me Dad or anything like that so I told her that was okay.”

  “But what is she going to call you?” She made a face. “Not Floyd.”

  He grinned and said, “No. Sheriff.”

  Sue Ann looked at him for a moment with a straight face then she burst out laughing. “Sheriff! That’s perfect.”

  He looked down at his Coke glass and said, “That’s not all she wanted.”

  He looked at Sue Ann and when she looked back at him he said, “She wants to go to church and she wants me to go with her.”

  “Good grief. I can’t believe it. What hit her to make her want to go to church?”

  He wasn’t sure he wanted to tell her the rest.

  “Sue Ann?”

  She caught the seriousness in his tone and the smile on her face changed to a concerned frown.

  “Did you really mean it when you said that if I walked in the front door of your church that you’d go out the back door?”

  There was a momentary hesitation but he saw it nevertheless.

  “No, Floyd, I was just joking and not only that but it was back when you and I argued and fought all the time, not now.”

  He blew out the breath he’d been holding. “Good! Because Penny said she wants to go to and I quote, ‘Andy’s church.’ He waited for her reaction holding his breath again.

  “Oh, Floyd, that’s just great. I know Jo will be as thrilled as I am to see you there.”

  “Are you sure Sue Ann? I didn’t promise Penny if you don’t want me there.”

  Sue Ann reached out and poked him in the biceps. “Silly! Of course I want you there.” She paused then added, “With all the rest of us.”

  * * *

  Sue Ann was still in shock. Floyd McCracken was going to church! Her church! Is the world coming to an end? Is he sick, delusional?

  No, she knew that she owed it all to Penny and maybe somehow a little to Andy too. Jo had tried for years. Sue Ann had even tried some if halfheartedly. And since Gil and Floyd had become such good friends, Gil had been working on him big time. But who would have thought that a nin
e-year-old girl would be the one to finally get Floyd into church. Good grief!

  She was so deep in thought that she totally missed something Floyd had just said.

  “I’m sorry Floyd. I must still be in shock. What did you say?” Oops, that didn’t sound so good. But thankfully, he only smiled back at her.

  “I said that I would really like to know more about you.”

  When she gave him a puzzled look, he said, “I know we’ve been around each other since we were kids, but that’s not what I mean. I would like to know what you like to do. What kind of music you like. Those kinds of things.”

  The waiter interrupted them again, bringing their meals this time.

  They began eating and didn’t say much until they were finished. Then Floyd looked back at her and said, “Are you going to answer my questions?”

  She smiled, placed her napkin on the table, and said, “Okay, Floyd, here goes. No, I think I’ll start by telling you what I don’t like first then what I do like. How’s that?”

  He smiled back at her and nodded his head. “All right go right ahead.”

  She grinned and began. “Okay, you asked for it. I don’t like grouchy, pushy bullies who are always telling me what to do.”

  She stopped and stared into his eyes while recognition began to register there. When it did, he laughed so hard and so loud that people all around them were staring at him.

  He had to wipe his eyes before he could speak.

  “Little lady, you sure know how to cut a fellow down and put him in his place. As they always say, you really tell it like it is, don’t you?”

  She just smiled back at him afraid he might still blow up. She’d meant it as a test and so far so good.

  Floyd’s face sobered up so fast that she just knew he was going to blow up now. But no, he didn’t.

  “I guess I thoroughly deserved that. You know Jo always said that I bullied everyone except her while we were growing up. And I’m afraid that must have meant you too.”

  When she only gave a slight nod of her head, he looked into her eyes and said, “Sue Ann, I’m sorry about all that in the past, but I’m working hard on changing and I want to change a lot more. Sure, I know that Penny has changed me some already and I want to change more just for her so I can be the father she deserves. But I want to change for you too.”

  Tears formed in her eyes and began running down her cheeks unchecked. Floyd suddenly had a look of panic on his face. She simply shook her head and said, “Oh Floyd, that was so nice that I’m sure it made up for all the bad things you’ve ever said or done to me. But if I don’t go to the ladies room right now and repair my makeup, I’m afraid I’ll look like a coon the rest of the evening.”

  It took her several minutes to completely compose herself once she reached the ladies room. She sat on a stool in front of the mirror even after she’d repaired the damage done by her massive tear attack. She was afraid to go back out there and face Floyd, but on the other hand, she couldn’t wait. So many things were changing between them that she was anxious to find out what might be coming next.

  When she approached the table again, Floyd stood and held her chair for her. Was that Floyd holding her chair for her? Good grief. She wasn’t sure she could handle all the changes in the man. They were just coming too quick.

  Once he was back in his seat, he stared at her until she realized that he was waiting for her to continue talking about herself.

  “Okay, Floyd. Things I like.” She grinned at him. “As an old song goes, I like puppy dogs and little children.”

  She waited for him to respond to that. What he said almost knocked her out of her chair.

  “Does that mean you would like to have more children Sue Ann?”

  She didn’t know what to say. She hadn’t really thought about that in a long time. And that wasn’t what she’d been thinking about. But then it suddenly hit her.

  “Yes, Floyd, I didn’t really realize it until just now, but yes I think I would like to have more children.”

  When the possible implication of what she’d just said hit her, she blushed and looked anywhere but at Floyd.

  He seemed to realize her embarrassment and changed the subject. “I guess I should tell you a little about me now. Even though you haven’t really said much, you’ve actually told me a lot.”

  She couldn’t agree more. She’d said too much if you asked her.

  “Well, since you started off with what you don’t like, I guess I will too.”

  Oh no, here it comes. She was still afraid to meet his eyes.

  “I don’t like being alone. I didn’t really realize that until just about the time that Penny suddenly dropped into my life. I guess you could say I was a lonely man and she’s come a long way toward bringing me out of that.”

  “Oh Floyd, I’m so sorry. I was just trying so hard to get over my divorce and taking care of Andy. And then my mom came to live with us after my dad died. I guess I just never realized that you were lonely.”

  “No, don’t you go taking any of the blame for what I put myself through.” He reached across the table and touched the top of her hand. “Let’s not look back anymore, Sue Ann, let’s only look forward.”

  She felt the tears coming again and reached for a tissue from her purse hoping to stop them this time before they got so bad.

  When Floyd walked Sue Ann to her front door later, he cleared his throat and said, “Since it will be the first time for Penny and me both, could I pick you three up in the morning so we can all go to church together?”

  She smiled back at him and said, “Sure Floyd, but we go at nine-thirty for Sunday School. If you want to do that, you could be in my class with me.”

  He frowned. “I wasn’t thinking about that.” He leaned back and then said, “Oh well, I might as well go all the way. Okay, I’ll pick you up at nine-fifteen then.”

  Chapter Six

  Floyd was as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs and he knew it too. He still wasn’t sure if he was dressed quite right. He had on his best almost new pair of jeans and a western shirt that wasn’t too loud. At least he didn’t think it was until he left his room and stepped into the living room.

  Penny was wearing a dress! His nine-year-old tomboy was wearing a dress? He didn’t even know she had one. Stella must have helped her pick it out. It was Kelly green and set off her red hair pretty good. He was just about to get over that when she turned to look at him and burst out laughing and pointing at him.

  “That’s so tacky! You can’t wear that to church.”

  Floyd looked down at the shirt and frowned. It didn’t look that bad to him. Penny jumped up and raced into his bedroom calling over her shoulder, “Come on, I’ll show you what to wear.”

  Ten minutes later, they were ready to go. As they went out the door, Floyd looked down at his white shirt and black jeans. He felt strange. He’d forgotten about this shirt. He only wore it for funerals and it’d been several years since he’d gone to one of those. Penny hadn’t been too happy that he didn’t have any regular dress slacks and had settled on the black jeans saying they looked dresser than regular jeans.

  When Sue Ann opened the door for him, the look she gave him made him glad he’d listened to Penny.

  “You look nice Floyd.”

  He decided he’d have to thank Penny later. Then he took in her sky blue dress and matching shoes, which by the way were heels. As she stepped up to him, he realized how well they looked together. In her heels, she was only a few inches shorter than his six four. Just right.

  “You look great too, Sue Ann. I’ve always thought so ever since I saw you that first time.”

  She gave him a look and said, “I’ll bet you don’t even remember when that was.”

  He grinned. “I sure do. It was the fall that you and Jo started first grade. She brought you with her to a Sunday dinner at our house.”

  She gave him a surprised look. “I didn’t think you’d remember.”

  “I r
emember every time I ever saw you.”

  Wanda and Andy joined them on the front porch so they all headed toward his Cherokee. As they did, he thought he heard Sue Ann say softly, “Me too.”

  He’d have to think about that later and maybe even bring it up with her the next time they were alone. If he was brave enough that is.

  He was afraid there might be a fight over windows in the back seat, but he was surprised when Wanda jumped in first and slid over to the center. The two kids jumped in after her from each side and things looked right peaceful back there. He was amazed. He gave Wanda a smile and she winked back at him.

  When they went through the front doors of the church, Wanda was in the lead with Andy on one side and Penny on the other. Floyd noticed that Jo and Gil were right there greeting them.

  Jo was talking to Penny and didn’t see him when he stepped in front of her. When she looked up, she let out a shriek and jumped into his arms.

  She leaned her head back and said, “Oh Floyd, I’m just so thrilled to see you here.” She turned to her husband and said, “See Gil, God did answer that prayer after all.”

  When Jo slid to the floor, Floyd looked over at Sue Ann and said, “You didn’t tell her?”

  She shook her head with a big grin on her face. “No. I wanted it to be your little surprise.”

  Floyd noticed that Wanda went off in one direction and Andy led Penny off in another. They must be going to their classes.

  While Gil stayed at the door to greet the rest of the people as they came in, Jo stepped between Floyd and Sue Ann, grabbed each by the arm, and walked with them to their class, chattering all the way.

  Sue Ann had explained to Floyd earlier that the class was one for single adults. She also told him that they would basically be studying a Bible passage and talking about it.

  When class was over and they were walking through the connecting hallway to the main building where the sanctuary was, Floyd said, “That wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. No one picked on me or even asked me any questions. They were all kinda nice.”

  Sue Ann giggled and said, “Hey, everyone in there knew you. We grew up with most of them. They were just glad to see you here.”


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