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A Warrior's Choice [Warriors of the Light 18] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Page 10

by AJ Jarrett

  Kevin walked slowly up to the house. He tried the knob on the front door but it was locked. He used his key to unlock the door then silently went inside. He scanned the front room but didn’t see anything out of the ordinary so he headed down the hallway toward the kitchen. The sound of the microwave pinging had him rushing around the corner to see Kayson standing by the counter.

  “What the hell, man?” Kevin kept his gun pointed at Kayson.

  “Oh, hello.” Kayson set the mug he’d just pulled from the microwave down on the countertop. “I was wondering when you’d be back. I hope I’m not intruding or anything.” Kayson’s gaze lowered to the gun aimed at his chest. “Is it necessary to point that thing at me?”

  “Fuck, Kayson.” Kevin lowered his gun then laid it on the table. “You can’t just show up here whenever you want. There is such a thing as boundaries. You need to respect them.”

  Kevin was saying the words trying to convey that he was annoyed by Kayson’s sudden appearance in his life but he was full of shit. He was happy to see Kayson and that caused him to want to shoot himself in the leg. What the hell was wrong with him? This mating bond was stronger than he expected.

  “I’m truly sorry.” Kayson set his cup down and looked about the room. He looked unsure of himself and that was an odd thing to see coming from this larger than life man.

  Kayson was massive in height and weight, built in a way that would frighten any sane person from messing with him. Plus, those black eyes were terrifying in their own right. Kevin noticed that Kayson was moving about his home as if he were comfortable and he wasn’t wearing his sunglasses. Seeing Kayson so vulnerable caused Kevin to let go of his anger.

  “It’s fine. You just need to start calling or texting to give me a heads up.” Kevin turned around and headed for the living room. He sat down on the couch, kicked his feet up on the coffee table and grabbed the remote for the TV. He flipped to the local news station. “So, what do I owe this visit to?”

  “I’m on vacation.” Kayson sat down beside him. He sat so close their thighs touched and shoulders bumped together when they moved.

  “Vacation?” Kevin narrowed his eyes. “Warriors of the Dark go on vacations?”

  “I’m not sure about the others.” Kayson shrugged. “I mean under all the evil they are just humans. I’m sure some of them take vacations. Doesn’t everyone need a break every once in a while?”

  “Oh my god, this is just too weird.” Kevin sat up and rested his elbows on his knees and held his hands to his head. “It creeps me out when you talk about Dark Warriors and being normal.”

  “But they are,” Kayson defended his kind.

  “But they aren’t, Kay.” Kevin took a deep breath. “It’s not normal to kill and torture people for the pure joy of it. It’s wrong.”

  “But humans do it all the time, do they not?” Kayson asked in a way that let Kevin know he was truly curious. “I’ve seen less care for human life by other humans than by Dark Warriors. Humans kill without cause and take from others.”

  Kayson had a point and Kevin wasn’t sure how to explain it in a way that Kayson could understand. Humans did kill other humans just like Dark Warriors killed. Were they really that different?

  “Yeah, we’re not getting into this.” Kevin relaxed back on the couch, stretching his legs out. “It only causes my head to hurt.” The sound of a soft giggle had Kevin looking over at Kayson. He had his cup to his mouth, his lips were pressed together but that light laughter snuck out. Kevin just stared. It was strange to hear such an innocent sound come from this evil man. It was cute. “Dude, you’re giggling like a girl.”

  “Am not.” Kayson jerked his head around to stare into Kevin’s eyes.

  “Yes, you are.” Kevin started to laugh. “It’s cute coming from you.”

  “Don’t be silly, Kevin.” Kayson shook out his shoulders. “Warriors of the Dark don’t giggle. It’s undignified.” Kayson sat there with a straight face for all of three seconds before he too started to laugh. “Okay, fine. I giggled. I couldn’t help myself. I find it sweet when you can’t argue your point. You just get mad and feign illness.”

  “It isn’t that I don’t want to argue my point or that I think you’re right. It’s just frustrating.” Kevin pursed his lips. “I will admit there are some really shitty humans in the world that do terrible things. I guess the same can be said for the Warriors of the Dark and Light. Can’t have the good without the bad.”

  “I never thought of it that way before.” Kayson eased back on the couch, putting more pressure onto Kevin’s arm.

  They sat there watching the news. There was a feel-good story about a young girl who had raised money to put toward cancer research on the screen. It made Kevin smile. Then a story about a hit and run that took the smile for his face. Being a cop, Kevin saw enough bad shit to last him a lifetime. Kevin just wished life for everyone was happy and painless but that was a fool’s wish.

  “Why are you on vacation? Doesn’t Hale need you at his beck and call to do his dirty work?” Kevin didn’t bother to look over at Kayson. Just saying Hale’s name made him grind his teeth.

  “It was his idea that I take some time off.” Kayson set his empty mug on the table. “He was going off by himself for a few days. I didn’t question him. He’s done this before.”

  “You just did as you were told.” Kevin rolled his eyes. “Don’t you hate being his little lap dog, always doing what he tells you to?”

  “I don’t look at it like that, Kevin.” Kayson shifted around on the couch, tucking his leg under him, and now facing Kevin. “Yes, he is my boss but I don’t do anything different than you would do if you were asked something by your employer.”

  “This is so fucked up.” Kevin rubbed a hand over his eyes. “You look at what you do with Hale as a normal regular job and it isn’t. My boss would never tell me to go and kill another person’s family for the sheer joy of it.”

  “I know it is, that is why I’m not going to ask you to understand it.” Kayson stared over Kevin’s shoulder as if staring at something only he could see. “All I want is a chance to be with you. And if that means giving up on that part of my life then so be it.”

  “You’d do that for me?” Kevin was shocked. Never in a million years would he give up his family for anyone, especially a Warrior of the Dark, but here Kayson was ready to do just that.

  “I’d do anything for you, Kevin.” Kayson reached out and touched his long fingers to Kevin’s head, caressing his hand over his shaved head. “I’m liking the short hair. Makes you even sexier.”

  Kevin’s eyelids grew heavy at the gentle touch of Kayson’s hand on his scalp. He leaned into the touch and silently begged for more. He couldn’t deny how right all this felt. He understood he had an obligation to his brother and his parents but could they really fault him for wanting to be with his mate?

  “Can I kiss you?” Kayson asked in a rough husky voice.

  Kevin opened his eyes and stared into the pools of darkness. How could he say no to this gorgeous man?

  “Yes,” Kevin whispered. He was unable to control his true desires anymore. He’d waited so long to find someone to be with sexually and there was no one more attractive than Kayson.

  Kayson leaned in close and pressed his soft full lips to Kevin’s and that was it. Kevin was a goner.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Kayson wanted Kevin so badly but there was always that one obstacle between them. He worked for Hale and Hale killed his parents. It was right and Kayson blamed himself every day for not doing something to stop it. But in the end, he knew he did the right thing. Had he intervened Hale would have killed him then killed Kevin and he couldn’t allow that to happen. Kayson would never be sorry for protecting his mate.

  When Hale left the house to go to wherever it was he was going to Kayson felt it was safe to head to Shreveport. He wasn’t sure if his presence would be welcomed or not but he had to try. Kayson didn’t like living without Kevin. He longed for just
one more kiss, one more touch. He had high hopes that Kevin felt the same way and things would escalate to so much more than friendly kisses and soft touches.

  Kayson pressed in harder to Kevin, hovering over his mate’s body, placing his hands on either side of Kevin’s head. Each kiss was just as intoxicating as the last. The soft touch of skin against skin and the sweet taste of his saliva drove Kayson mad with hunger. He wanted to devour Kevin in such a way the man never wanted to let him go.

  Kayson flicked his tongue out to touch Kevin’s lips and felt the jerk in Kevin’s body. His mate froze up and Kayson pulled away.

  “I’m sorry.” Kayson met Kevin’s eyes, afraid he’d done something wrong.

  “Just shut up.” Kevin fisted his fingers in Kayson’s hair and yanked him back down. Their lips met in a frenzy and Kayson could taste the mix of his and Kevin’s blood from the brutal force.

  Kayson growled and wound his arms around Kevin’s waist. His cock grew hard and pressed at his zipper, wanting to break free. Kayson scooted down on the couch, taking Kevin with him. Kevin spread his legs and Kayson eased in between them, grinding his stiff rod against Kevin’s. Time seemed to stand still as Kayson drank from his mate’s lips. His ears rang and his heart beat out of control. He’d never felt like this with another person before in his entire life.

  Kevin broke the kiss to gasp for air. Kayson lowered his face to suck along Kevin’s neck then moved down lower to get to the hard chest he was able to grope all night long the night before. He yanked on Kevin’s shirt but the way they were positioned with him on top of Kevin he couldn’t get it off and Kayson refused to separate from his mate.

  “Kay, wait a minute.” Kevin reached down to pull on the hem of the shirt but it was taking too much time.

  Kayson grabbed the collar of the T-shirt in his fist and jerked his hands away, tearing the shirt in two. Kevin moaned and arched upward to rub his cock against Kayson’s. Kayson stared down at the expanse of tanned flesh. Kevin’s nipples were hard and poking up at him as if begging for his touch. He gave in to his need and lowered his mouth to suck on the right one while using his fingers to toy with the other.

  “Yes,” Kevin moaned.

  Kevin put his hands on the back of Kayson’s head and held him close to his chest, pushing him harder into his body. Kayson switched sides and sucked on the other nipple. He bit down hard and a little drop of blood pooled to the surface. At the first taste of blood he jerked away, afraid he’d upset Kevin.

  “For the love of god, don’t stop, you moron.” Kevin reached for him but Kayson held himself back.

  “I…I…I bit you.” Kayson’s gaze was on that spot of bright blood around Kevin’s hard little nipple. He so badly wanted to lap up the slickness with his tongue.

  Kevin looked down. His eyes widened and he looked up at Kayson’s but the look in his eyes wasn’t one of fear or anger. No, the sight of his blood seemed to have turned up the heat in the room.

  “You have a little on your chin.” Kevin sat up in a crunch position and flicked his tongue out to wipe away the blood with his tongue. “I taste good on you.” Kevin wound his arms around Kayson’s neck and pulled him back down with him on the couch.

  The kiss grew more aggressive and Kayson winced when he felt Kevin bite into his bottom lip. Not one to back down, he bit Kevin back, mingling their blood together. There was no reason to fear of accidentally turning Kevin into a vampire. It would take Kevin being drained to the point of death then fed vampire blood and Kayson had no desire to make that decision for Kevin.

  Kayson broke the kiss and started to kiss down Kevin’s body. Kevin groaned as Kayson used his tongue to outline every groove of muscle along his abdomen. The lower he got the stronger the smell of the cum leaking from Kevin’s cock became. Kayson rubbed his cheek against the hard bulge in the front of Kevin’s jeans. He loved the sweet spicy, smell and couldn’t wait to get a taste of his essence. Kayson propped himself up on his knees and moved his hands to unfasten Kevin’s pants.

  Kevin moved his arms to rest above his head and had this euphoric expression on his face. His eyelids were hooded, his cheeks a bright pink and his lips swollen from their kissing. It was a sight to behold and one Kayson would carry with him forever.

  “What are you doing?” Kevin asked.

  “I want to taste you.” Kayson jerked the stiff denim down Kevin’s legs. “No, I need to.” He grabbed ahold of Kevin’s boxers and took them down his thighs, too. Kevin’s thick cock sprang forward, smacking against Kevin’s stomach. The organ was red and juicy at the tip. Kevin’s cock wasn’t as thick or as long as Kayson’s but to him it was perfect. “So beautiful.”

  Kayson lowered his mouth to engulf the entire length. He relaxed his throat to swallow Kevin down the whole way.

  “Holy shit.” Kevin thrust his hips upward, causing Kayson to take more of him into his mouth. “Kay!” Kevin shouted.

  Kayson only managed to get Kevin’s pants halfway down his legs. He wished the damned material was gone but this would have to do. There was no stopping him now. Kayson reached down and fondled Kevin’s tender balls, rolling them between his fingers. A burst of pre-cum exploded on his tongue, letting Kayson know that Kevin was enjoying himself.

  “Oh my god!” Kevin whimpered. “So good. Oh shit, Kay.” Kevin started to hump against Kayson’s mouth faster and faster.

  Kayson moved his hands behind Kevin to grab at his firm cheeks and squeezed. God, he so badly wanted to flip Kevin over and eat out his tiny hole then fill it with his thick cock, coming deep inside him. Forever marking him as his but he refused to take that choice away from Kevin.

  “Yes, so close. Don’t stop,” Kevin pleaded.

  Kayson’s dick was hard and rubbing against the cushion of the couch. He could feel the wetness in his pants and knew he was about to come, as well. Kayson sucked up and down the hard shaft, tonguing the small slit at the tip. He moved his right hand closer to the crease of Kevin’s ass and let his fingers rub down the center. Kevin’s body tensed as Kayson caressed his back entrance and hummed around his cock.

  Thick ropes of cum shot down Kayson’s throat and that’s when he lost his own control of his release. He came in his pants, no doubt leaving a wet mark on the sofa beneath him. He swallowed and worked his tongue along the underside to intensify the sensation for Kevin. He loved the taste of his mate on his tongue.

  When Kevin’s cock stopped pulsing, Kayson pulled off his length, kissing the tip as he sat up. He stared at his tired mate. Kevin’s body was flushed with heat and sweaty. Kayson couldn’t help himself. He rubbed his hands up and down Kevin’s quivering thighs.

  “Are you all right?” Kayson asked. He grinned like a madman at the sight of his lover.

  “Yeah. Just give me a minute.” Kevin chuckled. A minute or two passed until Kevin sat up. Kayson was still sitting between his legs. Kevin met his gaze then leaned forward to kiss him. “Thank you,” Kevin said softly.

  “I should be thanking you.” Kayson nuzzled his nose against Kevin’s.

  “I’ve never done that before.” Kevin looked up at Kayson through his thick eyelashes. His cheeks tinted an even deeper red than before.

  “Never?” Kayson was shocked by that. Kevin was a handsome man. How could anyone not want him? Kayson could barely keep his hands off of him. “Why?”

  “I was never interested in sex after I was kidnapped.” Kevin scooted back to his end of the couch. He pulled up his pants but didn’t button them. “I just assumed it was some sort of hang up from watching my parents get murdered then being taken like I was.” Kevin looked up to meet Kayson’s gaze. “I guess I’m just a freak.”

  “No, you’re not.” Kayson moved to straddle Kevin’s thighs. He placed his hands on Kevin’s cheeks and forced him to meet his stare. “We’re mates, Kevin. Even back then your younger self recognized that on some level. It has nothing to do with you being a freak.”

  “So, what you’re saying is I’ve been waiting for you all this ti

  “Yes.” Kayson brushed a gentle kiss against Kevin’s lips. “Even I have abstained from all sexual activity since I met you.”


  “Like I said before.” Kayson breathed in Kevin’s scent. “Because I love you and no one else will ever compare to you.”

  “Are you lying to me?” Kevin asked. “Just telling me what I want to hear. Isn’t that what the Warriors of the Dark do?” Kevin’s voice shook with each word he spoke.

  “I would never lie to you.” Kayson shook his head. “Yes, I’m a Dark Warrior but I’d never hurt you, Kevin. I’d never deceive you in any way. You brought the light back in my life and it’s like a whole new world has opened up to me. I don’t expect you to believe me but just please give me a chance. I swear I won’t let you down.”

  “I must be completely insane.” Kevin huffed out a sigh. He moved his arms around Kayson and hugged him close. “So, what’s your story?” Kevin asked. “Were you attacked and turned?”

  “Uh, no.” Kayson brushed his lips against Kevin’s temple. “I was born into this world, from the darkness. My mother was a witch who died but was saved by a vampire. My father. They lived for years before they had me.”

  “Was? Are your folks dead?”

  “Not sure.” Kayson snuggled closer to Kevin. “They aren’t the most touchy-feely types and aren’t for keeping in touch. They were madly in love and having children was never part of their plans. They did the best they could. They weren’t like your parents.”

  “I miss my mom and dad. They were the best.” Kevin rubbed his face against Kayson’s chest. “Everyone should have parents like them. Love is important to have and to feel. Maybe if more Dark Warriors had that in their lives they wouldn’t be…” Kevin pursed his lips. “Killing monsters.”

  “Maybe.” Kayson wasn’t sure if love made a difference in how a person turned out. Did love make a person more sympathetic toward others? Did love give a person the desire to do good? It was something to wonder about for another time.


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