A Warrior's Choice [Warriors of the Light 18] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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A Warrior's Choice [Warriors of the Light 18] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 13

by AJ Jarrett

  “I’m sorry but I still don’t believe you.” Matt shook his head.

  “Of course you don’t.” Kane rolled his eyes. “It’s easier for you to believe that we’re all monsters so when you kill us you don’t feel guilty about it. Now don’t get me wrong, there are some really fucked up Dark Warriors who do some pretty fucked up shit but we’re not all like that. Most are just lost souls. I’m sure given the chance to live a normal life without the constant fighting, they’d take it. But there are some who would rather spit in your face but we’re not all like Hale.”

  “We need to call Ben and Benedict in on this one,” Wes mumbled.

  “Yes, that sounds like a great idea.” Kane barked out a laugh. “Call the men who want to destroy every last one of us without giving any of us a fair trial.” Kane sat back in his seat and crossed his right leg over his left at the knee. “And you wonder why we kill your kind.”

  “What about the innocent humans your kind has killed?” Matt pointed at Kane.

  “Some people let the darkness control them.” Kane grinned evilly at Matt. “My brother and I were born from darkness. It’s a part of us but doesn’t consume us.”

  “So, it’s fair to say you and your brother are an exception to the rule,” Wes asked.

  “Probably.” Kane tilted his head from side to side. “But there are others like us that aren’t a total waste. All I’m saying is give a person a chance to speak their mind before you kill them.”

  Kayson could hear the others talking. For once they weren’t shouting at one another. It was nice but that small joy was clouded by Kayson’s sadness over Kevin. All he wanted was for the man to accept him and be his mate. They were so close to having that. Kevin was starting to accept Kayson and they were getting closer. Then this had to happen.

  “Do you really love my brother?” Matt asked, pulling Kayson from his thoughts.

  “More than anything but it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t give me a chance to prove it.” A tear slipped from his eyes and he reached up to touch the dampness. “And it doesn’t help that you put so much blame on Kay for your parents’ death. Believe it or not but Kay did the right thing twelve years ago. He saved what family you had left. The least you can do is give him a chance.”

  “It’s hard to get past knowing who you guys work for.” Matt’s jaw clenched. “But it’s not up to me. This is Kevin’s decision to make, not mine.”

  “Babe, it’s not that simple and you know it.” Wes reached out and took Matt’s hand in his. “They’re mates and that’s not something either one can walk away from. I’m not saying it’s going to be easy but we need to accept this or chance losing Kevin. I for one don’t want that.”

  “Me either.” Matt brought Wes’s hand up to his forehead and leaned against it. He took a deep breath then looked over at Kayson. “If Kevin wants to be with you I won’t stand in your way, but I swear to god in heaven if you hurt him I’ll kill you.”

  “Fair enough.” Kayson nodded. “I appreciate your willingness to accept this but it’s not up to either of us. It’s Kevin’s choice.”

  “Yep.” Wes grinned. “You need to give him time. He’s a thinker. I’m sure he feels that being with you is being disloyal to Matt and I and his parents.”

  “I hate that it’s like this.” Kayson groaned.

  “Yeah, well, life isn’t easy, brother.” Kane looked at his watch. “Oh shit. I gotta run.” Kane stood up and smiled. “Nice meeting you guys but work calls.” With a wave of his hand he was gone.

  “What the fuck!” Matt’s eyes were wide as saucers and his mouth hung open.

  Kayson shook his head and prepared himself for a long night of explaining things to Matt and Wes. It was the least he could do. Kayson didn’t want anything standing in between him and Kevin. And the best way to do that was be honest and open with the people in Kevin’s life and that included the Warriors of the Light.

  Kayson had lived a long time as a Dark Warrior but he was prepared to change his entire life for the love of a good man. Kevin was worth anything and everything. He just hoped Kevin gave him the chance to prove it.

  Chapter Nineteen

  The sun had fallen and night settled over the quiet town. Kevin had driven around for hours, not sure where to go or what he was doing. It hurt to be apart from Kayson but it also hurt to see the disappointment in his brother’s eyes. He owed Matt so much and this was how he repaid him, by falling in love with the Dark Warrior that helped kidnap him twelve years ago.

  “Oh god,” Kevin groaned. “This fucking sucks.” He was lying in the bed of his truck on the outskirts of town staring up at the starry sky. The answers he was hoping to find weren’t anywhere in sight.

  Kevin was torn with feeling as if he let his brother down and pissed that his brother had kept something from him for so long. He felt betrayed by the one person he was supposed to be able to trust. If there was even a little chance that Matt knew that there was a possibility that he and Kayson were mates he should have told him. He probably wouldn’t have taken the news very well but at least he’d know and understand his lack of sexual attraction to anyone else.

  For so long Kevin felt as if he were broken. It wasn’t a good feeling. Being alone surrounded by loving couples kind of sucked. Matt and Wes were very affectionate toward one another and so were the other warriors he knew that had found their mates. They were always touching and kissing. There had been plenty of family dinners with the warriors where he and Colby were the odd men out. At least he wasn’t alone. He saw his own longing and sadness reflected in Colby’s eyes.

  But things were different now. Kevin had found his mate. Kayson might be a Warrior of the Dark but at least he wasn’t some psychotic killer like Hale. Kevin’s heart broke for his friend. He wondered if Colby would ever get his happy ever after.

  A shooting star flashed across the sky and Kevin smiled. It was a pretty sight and he really wished Kayson was here to see it.

  Kevin rubbed at his tired eyes. He was sick and tired of trying to analyze everything. This was his life. There were some things he had no control over and this was one of them. He could be mad all he wanted but it didn’t change a single thing. He was falling for Kayson and there was no stopping it and he wasn’t sure he wanted to stop it.

  Kayson was an oddity. He was a Dark Warrior but he wasn’t some mindless zombie killing everyone he came across. No, he was thoughtful, caring and understanding. He never once pushed Kevin to do something he didn’t want. If anything, Kayson had been very respectful toward Kevin. He’d done something that Kevin never thought possible after seeing Hale tear apart his world. Kayson had given him a choice and Kevin knew without a doubt if he asked Kayson to walk away the man would, no matter how much it hurt. If that wasn’t love, he didn’t know what was.

  Kevin climbed out of the bed of his truck and got into the driver’s seat. He was sick of moping. He knew what he wanted and he hoped that being with Kayson didn’t mean losing his brother’s love or respect.

  The drive back to his house seemed twice as long. By the time he got there his hands were sweating and his breathing had increased. He wanted this but he was nervous. He truly believed that Kayson was a good man. Kayson might be a Warrior for the Dark but that didn’t define who he was. He’d showed nothing but kindness toward Kevin. That meant something to him.

  Kevin parked his truck in the driveway and got out. He used his keys to unlock the front door. The house was dark and absolutely quiet. His shoulders slumped forward. His biggest fear on the drive back home was that he’d get here and Kayson would be gone. Looked like that was his reality.

  “Fuck,” Kevin mumbled to himself. Did he really expect to find Kayson here waiting for him? After the way he ran off, Kayson being the nice guy that he was probably did just as Kevin had asked, give him space.

  Kevin locked the front door then kicked off his shoes. He didn’t bother turning on the light as he walked down the hallway to his room. The door was cracked and he pushed it t
he rest of the way open. To his surprise he saw a large lump lying under the covers asleep.

  “Kayson,” Kevin whispered. He smiled to himself.

  Kevin never had anyone besides his brother to come home to. A warm fluttery feeling filled his chest at the sight. Kayson was his to love and care for. Some might think he was crazy for falling for a Warrior of the Dark but Kevin was starting to see that Kayson was never given a choice on whether he was good or bad. It was just assumed. Kayson was a loyal man and that was why he stayed with Hale all these years. If given the chance to change, Kevin knew without a doubt Kayson would take it.

  Kevin reached over his head to grab at the back of his shirt and pulled it off. He tossed it aside then unfastened his pants. He moved as quietly as he could, not wanting to wake Kayson. Kevin walked softly toward the bed and eased himself under the covers. He snuggled up to Kayson’s warm back and wrapped his arms around the man. Kayson’s dark rich aroma filled his nostrils and Kevin never wanted to let go. Some might consider him selfish but he wanted this. He wanted to know what it was like to be in love and to be loved.

  “Kevin.” Kayson’s body tensed then relaxed under Kevin’s hands. “I was worried about you.” Kayson turned in his arms to face him. He wound his arms around Kevin’s body, pulling him closer. “I wanted to go after you but—”

  Kevin cut off whatever else Kayson wanted to say. They had plenty of time to talk, later. He pressed his lips to Kayson’s and relished in the sensations of Kayson’s dry plump lips against his own. It was heavenly, soft and smooth and all Kayson. Kevin flicked his tongue out to lick across the seam of Kayson’s mouth. Kayson moaned and Kevin slipped his tongue between his parted lips and kissed Kayson as if his life depended on it.

  Kayson groaned and his arms tightened to the point Kevin nearly couldn’t breathe. He didn’t complain, though. He loved it. He wanted to feel Kayson’s passion for him without the man holding back.

  Kevin tugged on Kayson’s back and Kayson rolled on top of Kevin, pinning Kevin beneath him. He could feel the hard ridge of Kayson’s cock pressing into his thigh. Kayson was still wearing the shorts he’d borrowed from Kevin and he didn’t like it. He wanted to feel all of Kayson, naked skin to naked skin. Kevin reached down and shoved at the offending material, wanting it gone.

  Kayson growled into the kiss and helped him remove the shorts. Once they were off he settled back into the V of Kevin’s spread legs and Kevin whimpered as Kayson’s hard thick cock nudged up under his balls.

  Heat exploded between them. Kevin’s entire body broke out in a sweat along with Kayson’s. Their mouths were sealed together, neither of them wanting to break the kiss. Hands grabbed and nails scratched and Kevin loved it. He never felt passion like this before. He’d heard others talk about it but never experienced it. It was intoxicating how good being wanted felt.

  “Please tell me this is real?” Kayson asked as he broke the kiss. He rested his forehead against Kevin’s.

  “Very real.” Kevin nipped at Kayson’s bottom lip. “I’m sorry I ran out like that.”

  “No, it’s okay.” Kayson lightly thrust his hips against Kevin, his fat cock head pushing between his cheeks. “I—”

  “Can we talk about this later?” Kevin interrupted Kayson.

  “Anything you want.” Kayson grinned then slammed his lips to Kevin’s.

  The kiss intensified. A heated fog wrapped around their writhing bodies and Kevin humped his stiff dick into Kayson’s stomach. The hard friction caused his cock to leak a steady stream of pre-cum. His body tingled as he felt his orgasm rise to the surface.

  Kayson reached down and wrapped his fingers around Kevin’s cock and started to pump his fist up and down the solid length. It felt way too good and Kevin was about to come.

  “No, Kay.” Kevin reached for his lover’s hand but it was too late.

  Kevin’s back arched up off the bed as he spilled his seed into Kayson’s hand. His body jerked and tingled as he came for what felt like forever. Kayson bent his head to suck on his right nipple, causing Kevin’s orgasm to linger.

  “Are you okay?” Kayson asked as he kissed his way up Kevin’s chest to his neck then to suck on his left earlobe.

  “God, the things you do to me.” Kevin placed his trembling hands against Kayson’s sweat-soaked cheeks.

  “You do the same to me.” Kayson smiled, his dark eyes staring into Kevin’s.

  “Make love to me.” Kevin heard himself utter the words but it felt as if his body was acting all on its own. He raised his legs to wrap around Kayson’s waist, his thighs clenching around the solid body.

  “Are…are you sure?” Kayson’s eyes darted between Kevin’s as if looking for any hesitation.

  “Stop talking, Kay.” Kevin pulled Kayson’s face down toward his and kissed him hard. He bit at Kayson’s lower lip and the warm blood flowed into his mouth. It was rich and bitter and Kevin loved it. He wanted everything he’d missed out on and wanted Kayson to be the one to give it to him.

  Chapter Twenty

  Kayson didn’t know what to expect when Kevin woke him up but it wasn’t this. The last he saw of Kevin his mate was mad and with good reason. Kayson could never be angry at Kevin. Kevin never asked for this life but Kayson would make sure he had the best that life had to offer him.

  Kayson kissed Kevin softly as he lowered his hand covered in Kevin’s cum down between Kevin’s legs. He felt as Kevin’s body trembled at his touch. Kayson loved that he had this effect on his mate. This was Kevin’s first time and he wanted to make it as pleasurable as possible for the man he loved. Kayson rubbed the cooling cum over Kevin’s rippled opening.

  Kevin jerked against him and Kayson sat up to look into his mate’s dark blue eyes. He held Kevin’s gaze as he stroked his finger over Kevin’s’ tight hole. The skin was hot and slightly furred. He loved that Kevin was all man. Not some pretty boy like Christopher but a real man with a hard body and even harder cock.

  Kayson pushed lightly at Kevin’s entrance. The tip of his finger slipped inside and he stopped. Kevin’s hands curled into his shoulders, gripping him tight. He waited a moment then pushed a little further in. Kevin’s white teeth bit at his bottom lip and he whimpered as Kayson went in further.

  Kevin whimpered and his hips thrust upward. Kayson pulled out then pushed back in, going further each time. He bent his head and sucked at Kevin’s neck, leaving little bruises from where he nipped at the tender flesh. Before long Kevin was riding his finger. Kayson slipped in another finger then another until he had four inside Kevin’s virgin hole. It amazed him the trust Kevin had in him. For so many years he believed that Kayson was his enemy even though he wasn’t. Kayson would never hurt his love. Kevin was his and he planned on showering his mate with as much love and pleasure at every possible moment granted to him.

  Kayson curled his fingers and stroked over the little bundle of nerves inside Kevin. Kevin’s body lurched forward and his blunt fingernails tore at Kayson’s back.

  Kayson slowly pulled his fingers out. He grabbed his thick hard length and placed it at Kevin’s loosened opening. He rubbed the wet tip up and down Kevin’s hole, holding himself back from just ramming his cock into his lover. This was Kevin’s first time. He wanted to do it right. He wanted to seal their fate together.

  “What’s wrong?” Kevin grabbed Kayson by the chin and turned him to face him.

  “I want you.”

  “You have me.” Kevin smiled up at him with all the trust in the world.

  “No.” Kayson shook his head. “I want to bind you to me for the rest of our lives. I want…” Kayson closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to keep control of his instincts. “I want to perform the mating ritual with you. I want us to be together for the rest of our lives, Kevin. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

  Kevin just stared up at him and for the longest moment of his life Kayson thought he’d made a mistake. But then Kevin nodded his head. He turned his head to the side, offering Kayson his neck. />
  It was the sweetest gift ever given to Kayson. He’d lived so long in the darkness he never thought he’d be given such a gift. Kayson knew right then and there he’d work every day to be the man that Kevin deserved. To be a man as honest and good as Kevin.

  Kayson didn’t waste another moment. His teeth lengthened and he bent his head to lick at the salty skin. Kevin pressed his supple flesh against Kayson’s teeth and he bit down. A fountain of the sweetest blood he’d ever tasted flowed over his tongue. Kevin wound his arms around Kayson’s body and rocked into him. Kayson’s cock was dripping with need and he quickly pulled away from Kevin’s neck. He bit into his wrist and held it up for Kevin to drink.

  Kevin hesitated for a moment but then licked at the flowing dark liquid oozing from the wound. It only took one drop of blood to complete the ritual. He then moved his wrist to the bite mark on Kevin’s neck and rubbed the blood together. He pressed his hand into the bloody mixture on Kevin’s neck. The smell of copper and burning wood filled the room.

  Kayson wrapped the bloodied hand around his shaft and covered it in the wetness. His skin pebbled in excitement at what they were about to do. He’d waited twelve years for this. Kevin hiked his legs up higher, opening himself up for Kayson. Kayson placed the head of his cock at Kevin’s opening and pushed inside. As the head was sucked in he cried out as the tight muscles tugged at his cock. Kevin sucked in a breath, his body shaking around Kayson’s.


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