A Warrior's Choice [Warriors of the Light 18] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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A Warrior's Choice [Warriors of the Light 18] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 17

by AJ Jarrett

  “Athena asked that I do something for her. I just said whatever and went back to doing what I was doing. She then said she had information about my brother and his mate.” Kane looked over at Kayson. “She had my attention at that.”

  “What did she want from you?” Ares asked.

  “She asked that I keep her child safe.” Kane looked away from the others, his gaze dark and distant. Almost as if he were haunted by the memory. Kane had told Kayson this story several times over the past few days and he couldn’t help but think his brother was keeping something from him. “That only I could do that.” He shrugged. “I agreed then she told me that Kevin and Kayson were in danger and that I had to leave right now. If I didn’t it would be too late. I stood to teleport and that was when she rammed her fist into her chest, ripping her heart out.”

  “By the Gods, Athena.” Ares’s eyes grew cloudy and his chin trembled. Aaron, Ares’s mate, leaned in to Ares’s side and kissed his cheek.

  “If it’s any consolation, she was smiling when she did it,” Kane whispered. “She looked relieved.”

  “But why kill herself?” Ben asked. “It makes no sense.”

  “Because by ending her life it would take some of Hale’s powers away.” Ares swiped his hand at his eyes. “It weakened my nephew.”

  “That’s why he couldn’t teleport away from us that day,” Kayson said as an afterthought. They already knew this.

  “Yeah.” Kane nodded.

  “But he’s still very powerful.” Ares blew out a deep breath. “I just wish we knew how to help him.”

  “I could—” Colby started to speak.

  “Don’t even suggest it,” Ben shouted at his son. “Hale is unstable. God only knows what he’d do to you if he ever got his hands on you. It’s a gamble I’m not willing to take.”

  “It’s not up to you, Dad.” Colby jutted his chin out. Kane admired the man. Colby knew the risk but was still willing to risk his life to save his mate. A noble cause that might not even work.

  “Colby, my dear boy.” Ares reached out his hand to take Colby’s. “I want my nephew back just as much as you want your mate. But I agree with your fathers. Hale is in a dark place right now. We can’t allow you to risk your life in order to save his. I know Hale quite well and I know for a fact if he were to ever hurt you he’d never recover from that.”

  “I know, but…” Colby brought his hands up to grab at his head. “I just want this all to stop.” He looked up. “I’m sick of running and I’m sick of all the killings.”

  “Kid, we all are.” Kane lightly punched Colby in the shoulder. “Speaking of.” Kane looked over at Ben. “Did you tell him?”

  “Tell me what?” Ares sat up, staring between Kane, Kayson, and Ben.

  “There’s others,” Kayson said. “Like us that are wanting a chance at a normal life. A chance at freedom from the darkness.”

  “Really?” Ares’s eyebrows shot up on his forehead.

  “We’re not all monsters, man.” Kane sat back and spread his arms out over the back of the couch they were sitting on. “With Athena gone and Hale losing his grip on reality, it’s a mess. A friend of mine said fights are breaking out among the dark warriors. A bid for power type deal. Everyone wants to be in charge.”

  “This could be very bad.” Ben groaned.

  “That’s what we said.” Kane pointed a finger between him and Kayson. “But my buddy Addison told me that a fellow Dark Warrior, Christopher, has stepped up to take charge.”

  Kayson shook his head in disgust. He had half a mind to think that everything that had happened was somehow Christopher’s fault. It wasn’t, but still, it all played out to benefit that smarmy bastard.

  “I take it you don’t like this Christopher?” Ares asked.

  “No.” Kayson glanced over at Colby but quickly looked away. “He doesn’t have Hale’s best interest at heart nor the other warriors. Our friends want out and have left the order. It’s only fair to help them start a new life in the human world.”

  “You’re right.” Ares nodded. “And we will help them.”

  “Why?” Aaron shouted.

  “Because in return they will fight for you,” Kayson answered. “Your army just grew in numbers, Aaron. This war between good and evil has to end. Because if it doesn’t we’re all doomed—good and evil, light and dark.”

  “Can they be trusted?” Ben asked.

  “If not…” Kane shrugged. “Then we kill them.”

  “Spoken like a true Dark Warrior.” Aaron sneered.

  “No.” Kayson put his hand on his brother’s knee, stilling his actions. “It’s spoken like a man who’s sick of all the fighting. We all want to live our lives with a choice in how we live it. There’s been enough senseless killings to last a lifetime. This time, right now is ours. We can help put this world at peace without destroying it. If someone stands in our way we have no problem ending their lives. If it’s for the greater good then that’s what needs to be done.” Kayson wanted the world to be a place he and Kevin could live in without constantly having to look over their shoulders. “Do you not agree?”

  “I like you.” Ares smiled. “Kevin is fortunate to have you as a mate.”

  “Yeah.” Matt huffed out an annoyed sigh. “Hooray for Kevin. He gets Kayson and we get stuck with him.” He jabbed a finger toward Kane.

  “Oh come on, Matty.” Kane smiled so wide his ears twitched. Kayson couldn’t help but laugh. “What are brothers for?”

  Matt rolled his eyes and the room erupted into laughter. This was nice. Kayson and Kane had never had this before. Life with their parents was lonely and filled with no love. He didn’t blame his parents. They had never been taught to love. It was times like this he wondered what he’d say to his mother and father should he run into them again. Over a hundred years had passed. It was possible he could run into either of them and not recognize them.

  “He’s awake!” Wes ran into the room. “Kevin. He’s awake.”

  Kayson blinked his eyes and teleported into the room. He didn’t usually use his power but he wanted to see his mate. He reappeared beside his mate. Kevin was yawning and stretching his arms up above his head. The blanket covering his body slid down, exposing his naked chest. Kayson’s mouth watered at the sight. It had only been two days since he’d loved on that glorious body but it felt like decades.

  “Hey.” Kevin smiled and reached for Kayson.

  “My love.” Kayson bent forward, closing the distance between them. He sighed as their lips connected, drinking in the sweet taste of his mate. “I was so worried.” Tears stung at his eyes. “I thought I had lost you.”

  “Me, too.” Kevin chuckled. “But you saved me.”

  “Well, technically I saved you.” Kane plopped down on the bed beside them. Kane’s smile fell from his face. “Do you hate me now?”

  “No.” Kevin shook his head. “You did what you had to do to keep me alive. I can’t hate you for that.”

  “I’m so glad to see your blue eyes.” Matt shoved Kane out of the way and scooted closer to Kevin. “Are you really okay with this?”

  “Yes!” Kevin laughed. “I mean, it’ll take some getting used to but I’ve been given a second chance. I’m not going to kick a gift horse in the mouth.” Kevin turned his gaze back to Kayson’s. “I’m just happy I get to see your face again. I love you, Kay,” Kevin whispered.

  “I love you, too, Kevin.” Kayson pressed his lips to Kevin’s and hummed his relief when his mate’s mouth parted, allowing him inside. The warm wet cavern was home to him. He’d never take for granted his mate or his kisses.

  “Why don’t we give these two love birds some time alone,” Wes said, loud enough to get everyone’s attention. “There’s plenty of time for talking later.”

  Kayson heard when the door clicked shut and pulled away from Kevin’s addicting kisses.

  “Are you really all right?” Kayson asked.

  Kevin had a strong dislike for vampires and the Warriors of the Dark. A
nd now he was one of the very creatures he despised, turned by a Dark Warrior. Kayson wasn’t sure his mate was truly happy about this development.

  “I am. I think.” Kevin reached out to caress his fingers down Kayson’s cheek. “When I saw you and Hale fighting I was so angry at myself.” Kayson frowned. “I was.” Kevin nodded. “Here I was unable to help the love of my life because my human body couldn’t withstand the damage Hale had inflicted on it. I wasn’t strong enough to save you. I never want to feel that helpless again.”

  “Oh, Kevin, you’re not helpless then or now.” Kayson pulled Kevin into his arms. “I’m just happy you are okay and we are both alive.”

  “Me, too.” Kevin rubbed his face against Kayson’s chest. “This needs to go.” Kevin sat up and ripped open Kayson’s shirt. Kayson’s breath caught in his throat at the strength his mate now had. It was sexy as hell. “Much better.”

  Kevin leaned in to press kisses to Kayson’s chest. Kayson ran his fingers over Kevin’s short brown hair, applying pressure to Kevin’s head. Kevin sucked in Kayson’s left nipple, sending a rocket of pleasure straight to Kayson’s cock.

  “Oh god!” Kayson cried out, thrusting his chest up into Kevin’s mouth.

  “You like that?” Kevin sat up, staring into Kayson’s’ eyes. His fangs had lowered and the tips were coated in Kayson’s blood.

  “Very much so.” Kayson propped himself up to flick his tongue over Kevin’s short pointy fangs. “God, you’re beautiful. I love you, Kevin.”

  “I love you, too.” Kevin jumped up, straddling Kayson’s legs. “No more talking.” He tore at the fastening of Kayson’s jeans. “I want you. I want your thick cock inside me and I want to feel your blood roll over my tongue.”

  “I can do that.” Kayson smiled. He allowed Kevin to undress him and take what he wanted. Because that’s what mates did. They loved without question and gave what their counterpart needed. Yes, this was the life Kayson was destined to live.


  One year and a few months later

  “He’s acting weird.” Kevin narrowed his eyes as he stared at Kane from across the room. They were at a barbecue at Wes and Matt’s place. In attendance were other Warriors of the Light and their new recruits. It was still odd for Kevin to see so many men walking around with black eyes and them not trying to kill him. It took some getting used to but as most things it became normal. Kevin couldn’t let down upon these men when his mate had the same matching black eyes. Everyone deserved a chance.

  Since leaving Shreveport they’d moved to Portland, Oregon and started a new life with new careers. Wes and Kevin loved being cops but thought it might be easier to do something else on their own so if they had to pick up and leave again it wouldn’t be such a big deal. They’d partnered up and started a private security company. They helped those in need and in the process, were able to keep tabs on the whereabouts of the Dark Warriors who had chosen to stay with Hale. It was a dangerous job at times but a fulfilling one, as well.

  It had been over a year since he’d been turned into a vampire and not much about him had changed. Sure, he drank blood, could never age and healed quicker than humans but he was still just him, Kevin.

  He never once hated Kane for making the decision that he had. He saved Kevin’s life and he couldn’t be angry about something like that. Kevin had so much to live for and dying wasn’t on his agenda anytime soon.

  “He is.” Kayson wrapped his arms around Kevin’s waist and rested his chin on Kevin’s shoulder. “But every time I ask him what’s wrong he’s says everything is fine. Who are we not to believe him?”

  “He’s family, Kay. I just worry about him.” Kevin leaned his back into Kayson’s chest.

  “Me, too.”

  Kane acting weird wasn’t the only odd thing that had been going on as of late. When Kevin came to after being turned he learned about hundreds of Dark Warriors like Kayson and Kane that were looking for a sanctuary away from Hale and the Warriors of the Dark. In return, all they wanted was a chance at living a normal life and they all agreed when the time came they’d stand with the Warriors of the Light to stop Hale and his army of Dark Warriors.

  Ares had been a big help in getting these warriors settled. Ares bought a chunk of land in Portland, far enough from city life to keep what exactly resided in the home a secret from the humans in the town. Ares had built a dorm styled living facility built for the warriors who needed a place to stay. It was near where Wes, Matt, Kayson, and Kevin lived. They spent their days training and discussing battle strategies with the Warriors of the Light. They all were eager to stop Hale and the Dark Warriors. Until that final battle came they were all living on edge, unsure when the next attack would come. Some even started working for their security company. They were normal people just trying to make it in life.

  New warriors were arriving every day. Some brought with them information. They’d just recently learned that Christopher, one of Hale’s sexual partners, had become closer to Hale. That together they were building their army. Hale’s main focus was finding Colby but no one really knew what Christopher was getting out of it. Kevin had never met the man so he couldn’t say for sure but power did crazy things to people. It could be that this Christopher had let his connection to Hale manifest into something more. Kevin just hoped that Hale kept his wits about him and not let this Christopher destroy him.

  “Are you hungry, my love?” Kayson asked. He kissed the side of Kevin’s neck.

  “I am, but not for bagged blood.” He turned in Kayson’s embrace, winding his arms around his mate’s waist.

  “Kevin.” Kayson groaned as Kevin licked along his neck. “We are in public and we just arrived. Your brother might be a little upset if we left so early.”

  “So.” Kevin nipped at Kayson’s earlobe. “I want you.”

  “You always want me.” Kayson moved his hands to Kevin’s lower back, just above his ass, pressing him closer so that their hardened cocks rubbed together.

  “You want me just as much.” Kevin grinned as he sucked little marks up along Kayson’s neck.

  “By the gods, I do.” A growl seeped past Kayson’s lips and Kevin knew he’d get his way.

  “Don’t you even think about it,” Matt shouted as something soft thudded against Kevin’s back. Kevin turned around to see a hot dog bun lying on the ground at his feet.

  “Did you really just throw that at me?” Kevin snapped but it was hard to be annoyed with Kayson laughing behind him.

  “I did.” Matt stepped forward and jabbed a finger into his chest. “You just got here and you’re not leaving yet. You have plenty of time to do…” Matt’s face paled and he coughed to clear his throat.

  “To go home and fuck?” Kevin asked. He knew it made his big brother uncomfortable when he talked about his and Kayson’s love life. It was fun for Kevin.

  “Do you have to say it like that?” Kayson made a tsking sound with his tongue. “I prefer making love. The joining of our bodies in the most splendid—”

  “Enough!” Matt shouted, interrupting Kayson. Kevin turned to look over his shoulder at his mate. Kayson was smiling from ear to ear. They took great pleasure in messing with Matt. “Go and socialize with the others. You can wait at least two hours before mauling each other.”

  “Two hours?” Kevin asked, appalled by the thought of having to wait that long to ride his mate’s long thick cock. Kevin wasn’t ashamed to admit how much he loved being fucked by his mate.

  “We can do that.” Kayson wrapped his arm around Kevin’s shoulders.

  “Kay,” Kevin whined.

  “I can’t believe I’m saying this but listen to your mate.” Matt rolled his eyes. “God knows he’s the reasonable one out of the two of you. Now go.” Matt walked behind them and lightly shoved them toward the crowd. “Go be social.”

  “You owe me for this one,” Kevin whispered out the side of his mouth.

  “And I plan on delivering as soon as we get home.” He kissed the side of
Kevin’s head.

  “I can’t wait.” Kevin stopped in his tracks, tugging on Kayson’s arm when he continued to walk. He pulled Kayson close and looked deep into his dark eyes. “I love you, Kay. Don’t ever forget that.”

  “I won’t forget it because you are here to remind me every day.” Kayson pressed a soft kiss to Kevin’s lips. “You are the sun, the moon, the air I breathe. I will love you for the rest of our days.”

  “I love when you talk like that.” Kevin nipped at Kayson’s bottom lip.

  “And that is why I do it.” Kayson smacked his hand down on Kevin’s ass. “Now let’s go do as your brother asked. I don’t need him giving me the death glare all day long.”

  “Two hours, you promised.” Kevin entwined his fingers with Kayson’s.

  “That I did.”

  Kevin walked hand in hand with Kayson toward the crowd around the buffet table. As he glanced around, he smiled. Never in a million years did he ever think that something like this could ever happen. Warriors of the Light and Warriors of the Dark sharing a meal together. But in the end, there were no sides. Only those willing to fight for the chance for life versus death. They all had a common goal and that was just to live and be happy. When it came down to it they were all the same. It was those who had no free will they had to worry about. And for that reason, they all would stand and fight together to save the world because there was too much to live for to let it all go to waste.

  A battle was in their future but Kevin had complete faith that good would overcome evil because there was too much at stake for them not to win. Kevin glanced over at Kayson and his heart filled with joy. Love helped mend his broken heart and soul. He could only hope that everyone got to experience this sensation because a life without love wasn’t a life worth living.


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