Ingame: Virtual reality enabled

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Ingame: Virtual reality enabled Page 12

by Kieron Uchee

  The brown haired girl spoke first, “Hi, I am Ama and then pointing at the blond she said, “This is Clea and the brunette is Brae.” I looked at the girls as I made my way over to them. “I am Tor, and pointing to Raik and Gluzzie I introduced them. The girls each stood up and moved over to sit beside us, with Ama next to me and Brae and Raik on the other sofa. Walking over to Gluzzie Clea grabbed him and gave him a big kiss. “That’s for feeding us all these years, boy.”

  Gluzzie looked a little star-crossed and sat down; I could tell it had been awhile since he had been kissed. Meanwhile, Brae was whispering something to Raik about having fat thighs when she suddenly stood up and lifted her dress. “What do you think?” She asked, “Are they a little fat?” It was apparent that Brae was Au Naturel as evidenced by her matching hair color and neatly trimmed bush. Raik meanwhile was nodding his head no, apparently they were not fat, they were just right.

  Ama spoke up and said, “Girls why don’t you take your guests over to the beds, and pull the curtains to give yourself some privacy.” Without a backward glance, both Gluzzie and Raik grabbed the hand of the Succubae in front of them and made off to the beds, as the curtains closed on the beds I could hear both girls begin to giggle. “Well that leaves you and me,” Ama said with huskiness in her tone.

  Staring at her I began to feel a raw sexuality beginning to radiate from her. As I stared at the white blouse she had on I could see the outlines of her nipples and the firmness of her breasts. Swallowing hard I looked up at her face. I quickly spoke before I was totally lost to her charms.

  “Ama, is this the be all and end all for you, seducing men?” Suddenly whatever she was hitting me with began to loosen its hold on me. “What do you mean?” She asked as she looking at me curiously. I am Succubae, born to bring out the desire in all men, fulfilling their fantasies but at the moment of emotional and physical rapport, I leave them empty and unfulfilled. It is impossible for me to love a human.

  I nodded at her words and then spoke. “Do you get lonely; you have been here for a long time. All this time waiting to seduce men, and I am sure you are very good at it. But being alone must be hard no one is meant to be alone. Not even Succubae.”

  She looked at me and smiled, then said “You speak very well, and you do not hesitate to get to the heart of the matter. Yes, it is lonely here for me and my sisters, but there is no escape and this is what I was made for. To seduce men is the reason for my being. You look at me and see a pretty girl; I look at you and see another man to sleep with.”

  “If that is true then why did you not seduce me when you came into my room, why did you stroke my hair and whisper something? You could have easily seduced me at that point, I was asleep and exhausted. A pretty girl climbing into bed with me would have seen no resistance from me.”

  Ama looked startled and then spoke, “How did you know I was there? I had cast a sleep spell on you.” I smiled at Ama and nodded. “I am only half human perhaps that is why it did not work. At any rate, the question still remains why did you leave that night?” Ama looked at me and spoke, “I left because I felt the presence of the curse that has been laid upon you.

  Someone has used sex magic on you to attract you and bind you to them. I could feel it from my room so I came to investigate and who did I see but you. I lifted the curse because this is my home and I am the only one to use sex magic here. What did you do, sleep with a vampire; it had a vampiric feel to it.”

  I sat back stunned, I had not been aware of any curse; in fact, the only person I had been intimate with Ingame had been Reona. What the hell, I could feel myself begin to grow angry, I had wondered briefly at my sudden passion for the red headed Dhaympire, but who would not want to jump on that perfect body. I could see clearly now that her attraction to me was somewhat artificial. I was a fool and had gone after the first set of tits and ass I had found in the game.

  I looked at Ama sitting there with a glint in her eye. “You are the master of sex magic?” I asked. “Is it possible for you to make sure that I will not be seduced like that again?” I looked at her and then smiled and said, “Let me be the first to admit it, I have spent too much time thinking with my small head and not my big one. I am weak to this kind of magic and need protection from it. Can you help me?”

  Ama looked at me, “Tor, I can block those kinds of spells but the only way to do is that is for me to place my mark on you. I am not talking about seducing you here and now, I am talking about the kind of mark that succubae give to their mates. It stops any other from tempting and leading astray one of the partners; it is something we share with each other.”

  My head was beginning to spin at the information Ama was sharing, it was interesting and I would have loved to learn more. However, I could tell by the moans that had been taking place behind the closed curtains of the two four post bed that my time privately chatting with Ama was coming to an end. What the hell, the guys had only been at it for a few minutes; I guess it had really been a long time for them. Suddenly there was a howl from one of the bed, it sounded like Tarzan having an orgasm. Crap I did not need to hear that.

  “What will be the results of you placing your mark on me, I asked. Will other be able to see it? Is it a passive warning mark towards anyone casting some kind of sex magic on me?” Is there any other benefit to receiving this mark? Will it change me in some way I should be aware of?”

  Laughing at my questions Ama nodded. “We will be joined at a very deep level; I am not sure how it will work for you as you are not a demon. Normally we would be able to summon each other, and also to share in our emotions and to give strength to each other as needed. In short what the mark signifies is a marriage between us. We share all and we give all to each other, also you will be radiating a sensuality that women will find hard to resist. Plus the mark is permanent, forever. The price for this is twofold, one, you must take my sisters and I with you and two, this bond between us must be consummates for the mark to work. So are you ready for marriage.”

  Holy hell, I needed to think about this and think fast and hard. I looked at Ama and thought I could do worse; also, I needed the safety of her sex magic. Not sure what the hell kind of game Reona is playing but something was wrong there. The buffs that Ama had mentioned were a bonus as well. It was just the thought of being married and to a demon, it was not what I had expected being Ingame.

  Looking at Ama I nodded, and then spoke, “I do not know how it works with your kind but if we marry you must do what I say, I have several missions to accomplish and they will take precedent over anything else. Do you agree? Ama nodded and then grabbed my hand and pulled me to the last bed. “Hurry,” she said, “It has been a long time for me.” I guess I was about to consummate my wedding now I was married.

  Chapter thirty one: Spells

  When Ama and I left the bed and joined the others, there was a subtle difference in how I felt; there was a feeling of something that had persisted beyond the pleasures of the flesh. Looking at my interface I saw the permanent buff marker displayed. It was a heart with two horns and the description read.

  True love prevails, two souls forever joined. You are now immune to any love or sex magic.

  That seemed a little much for even me but this is a game I thought. I hid the buff display; no one needs to know what buffs or abilities I have and it was a little embarrassing. My companions looked at me and then both whistled and coming over they grasped my arm and offered congrats to me for my marriage.

  It felt weird as hell but so did a lot of what I have been through Ingame. Ama quickly took charge of her sisters and explained that they would be traveling with us as a group. Once she mentioned that we would be going to the Topland and living there the girls became very excited.

  At this point I spoke up, I felt they had a right to know what I was going to be doing, fighting the Gods, protecting Gaitoci, helping the orphaned kids at the Kradula and trying to level. At this point, Raik interrupted and asked if the thing with leveling was to give peopl
e abilities as they developed. Most of these abilities were predetermined by the class that the individual would level into. At this point he wondered if I would level into a predetermined class, or being a unique individual would I have to make my own class.

  As far as the abilities and spells that people find as they level, the ones they chose dictate the class of the individual. During my time Ingame, I had discovered racial skills and received certain buffs. This was how people were to progress Raik continued. “If I were you I would not be too concerned about leveling or finding new abilities or spells. I suspect that you are going to be a bit of a hybrid and that it will be interesting to see how things turn out.”

  I nodded what he said certainly made sense to me. I then asked if the girls had second thoughts and wanted to reconsider. Ama looked at her sisters and then they all looked at me. “We go where you go, we are now a party,” Ama said then she whispered at me “We are now a family.”

  Giving her a tight grin I nodded and then asked what was left in the dungeon and did anyone know what to expect. My party of demons all stared at one another and then Raik spoke, “I was the gatekeeper and fulfilled the role of anger. Not too well I am afraid, too much time has passed, anger is hard to maintain. Gluzzie nodded and then said I brought gluttony to the table. Ama gave me a wicked smile that held a bedtime promise in it and said, “We succubae introduced lust and desire, but were caught up by the chains of love. Then she licked her lips and gave me a wink.

  “So what is next,” I asked after I peeled my eyes off Ama. “Pride, Avarice and Sorrow,” Gluzzie spoke with a frown, “In that order. Pity, we cannot help you with any of these but it was not designed to work on demons. I can tell you that pride comes suddenly, and once established, it leads to avarice. That whole mental state of being, you work hard so you deserve whatever you want. Then at the end of a person’s days, they realize that in pride they had given in to their desire for material items, and then they deal with sorrow as they begin to become aware of what they have lost by looking at what they have.”

  “That sounds deep, and I will think about it at some point but are there any practical things I can be aware of that might help,” I asked. Ama suddenly spoke up; when you enter the next area it encompasses all three remaining temptations. Once you deal with one then next one will come at you and then the final one.” “What wait you mean there are only three levels in this dungeon. I thought there were five or six? That will simplify things for me.

  “So ladies, as you have conceded to me this level, what is the treasure that is my reward?” Ama pointed under a bench and watched as I brought out the small chest. I settled down with it and then putting it on a little table I opened the chest. Inside were three sheets of vellum inscribed with the same markings that covered my upper body.

  I glanced at the demons they were curious but did not seem to care about the contents. I was thankful for that, what the hell I would do if one of them turned ninja. I did not even want to think about that. Staring at the first scroll I noticed the runes begin to form shapes that I could read.

  The Rune of Translation

  This Rune gives the unique power to know all tongues and languages.

  This Rune was written with the blood of a dying God and is unique to the world.

  Do you accept?

  Yes or No.

  I stared at what I had read, it seemed unbelievable, and on the surface, it was OP but was it really I wondered. The game had a universal language and each race had their own, but players could learn the other languages with enough time or gold. Dead language like the runic script might not be possible, but still the average player would not ever need to be able to read runic.

  I nodded to myself, my brain was off on a tangent, I hit the yes on my interface and the scroll turned a white color which floated over and faded into my skin and that was it. Not sure if it had worked but the scroll was now gone. Gently I lifted out the next scroll and read symbols.

  The Rune of Change.

  This Rune will give you the ability to change your very essence.

  Are you a man, now you can become the woman you know you are deep inside?

  Or are you a woman, tired of putting up with all the male ineptitude you see daily.

  Now you can become the man of action. Do you accept?

  Yes or No.

  Hell no, I am happy and glad to be a man. I have nothing against people who want to live and be happy with their own lifestyles; after all, everyone has a right to be happy. For me, I am a man, and will stay that way. I gently put the scroll into my bag as I explained what it did to my curious party.

  I then lifted the last scroll and read what was on the scroll.

  The Rune of Travel.

  This Rune teaches the power of draconic portals.

  Once the skill is acquired the potential to open a portal is there.

  In order to power this spell at least 5 ml of dragon blood is needed.

  Be warned, dragons do not willingly share their blood or treasure.

  Do you accept?

  Yes or No.

  This was perhaps the easiest choice I had yet made Ingame as I mentally hammered the interface key to accept. I now had a way out of here and could take my companions with me. As I shared what I had just received, I cautioned the others to stand with me as I finished the last three trials. I wanted the reward for finishing the challenges, and who knows what other treasures might be found from the last three.

  Looking at my people, I stood up and asked: “Are you with me?” Ama jumped up and grabbed my arm, and the others all stood up and nodded. “Let’s get to the next one then,” and with Ama leading we made our way to a small door hidden beneath a tapestry.

  Chapter thirty two: Pride

  As we went down the stairs I noticed that the light remained on, it seemed to just be glowing on the walls. It was just another strange thing that my mind had focused on as I went to the next level. Once we reached the bottom, it was a short passageway and then the doors. I reached out and touched the doors which swung open on silent hinges. Again my mind wondered and my only thought was who the hell was oiling the hinges in this place.

  Once the doors opened we entered into a small room that was softly lit up. There were several chairs and benches scattered around the room and in front of each was a mirror. Clearly the intent was to sit down and gaze at yourself in the mirror. I gestured to the mirrors and told the party to have a seat.

  As I sat down near the center the mirror began to change, soon the picture of what only could be described as an oily car sale man appeared. He had scales, not skin and two small horns poking up near the top of his forehead. His lips were fat and bulbous, and his teeth were yellow and stained.

  As he looked at me he smiled and then said, “Ah we have someone here, looks like a human but smells like a dragon. I see you have some companions, ha but they are demons so cannot join us, too bad those succubae look like they take a lot of pride in their work. He was clearly looking over at them and leering. All in all, he was a repugnant individual.

  “Let’s get this going,” I spoke with a firm tone, I did not care for anyone to look at women the way he was. Even though this was a mere game, the realism was more than enough to invoke a strong response within me. For the next year, this was reality and I would have to work out how much I was willing to invest in myself while Ingame. I knew I was already invested emotionally with some of what I had gone through. For example, those donators who had tortured me were going to all die. That had gone beyond an emotional response to something else.

  Looking at me the greasy car sales demon being nodded and began to speak. “Will an eager one and rightly so, for you have so much to be proud about? Ingame for only a short period you have managed to achieve some deep physical intimacy with not one but two lovely ladies, you sir are a playa.

  As I looked at the mirror it suddenly faded and then brightened. It now showed Reona and me, she was on top riding me and I had her breasts in my han
ds gently rubbing her nipples. Then it showed her kissing my stomach and licking her way downwards with my hands in her hair. This continued for several more scenes with each one more graphic and more detailed.

  Then the mirror switched to another bedroom scene, this time with Ama. It began with her heels on my shoulders as we ground into each other. Continuing on it showed more of the same. In the background I could hear Ama’s sister talking about my performance; clearly everyone could see what I saw. I am not sure what was more embarrassing the advice the girls were giving Ama or the fact that everyone was watching myself performing in a porno.

  Once those two escapades were done the show continued, showing me at the orphanage, going out on a date. Again it showed the culmination of intimacy with me and the teenage girl I had briefly dated. This one lasted about 4 minutes. I was younger then, and I will not say more. Then the mirror showed another girl, who had led me to the stage above the gym at school. With her, I had made out on the blue gym mats stored in the corner. All we had done was kiss and grope one another after she had taken her shirt off.

  The mirror clouded over again and then revealed a much younger me I was at the state-run orphanage and hiding in the female employee change room. I was actually in a locker and was looking through the holes n the metal grate. I had a clear view of the open shower area and was watching some of the female staff have a shower. Finally, the mirror once again revealed the greasy car sales demon.

  He looked at me and with that greasy smile stated, “No wonder you are a playa, you have had a thing for the chicks since you were a child. Wow, I bet you are full of pride at your accomplishments.” Let’s see what else you have to be proud of. Once again the mirror began to change and show another scene, this time, it started when I was younger and had just arrived at the orphanage.


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