Ingame: Virtual reality enabled

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Ingame: Virtual reality enabled Page 14

by Kieron Uchee

  Once past the resting group, I began to stretch and then started doing some Katas, I started to allow my mind to empty. This enabled me to allow the muscle memory to come back and take over, and soon I was flowing through the forms, with balance and power. After an hour of this, I eased off slowly coming to rest and then assuming the Lotus position I let me mind wonder. After half an hour I began to think about my interface and why I was not leveling up.

  Opening the interface, I highlighted myself and opened the skills and abilities tab. At the top was my name and under was my level, it read Level One, but there was a flashing red Error next to it. Clicking on the Error brought up a sub window that stated please contact a Game Master for immediate assistance. The contact button was grayed out and not operative. I stared at the screen and thought about how the system worked, playing Ingame allowed for players to choose their own paths to level.

  They could find unique spells and be granted abilities upon the completion of quests and dungeons. The game allowed for missions to be given to players who had joined the Kings guards or the City guards, who were sometimes called the Watch. The Guild houses also had scripted quests for the members to follow as they leveled, which would earn them more chances at finding rare spells or gaining rare abilities.

  It was a unique system, one that the donators had circumvented, by somehow having the latest patch changed to allow for individuals to form guilds outside of the scripted framework. As I thought about the donators I could feel my rage simmering deep inside of me like a hot fire. The Jackass and his buddies would pay.

  I contained the anger and then thought about everything I had to do. Clearly I would not be gaining levels at least not as the rest of the players did. Still my Dragon abilities helped to make up for the lack of levels, and the fact that I could not use Dragon magic.

  I also had all the spells that were now a part of my body; with the ability to read them I might be able to gain some unique runic powers. Also, I had the quest reward at the end of the dungeon, if it came from a list of spells I would choose the best, but I was really hoping that it would be a unique spell. My Judo also had shown that it was a valuable tool Ingame.

  Everyone expected to be attacked or to have to fight using what we had received or earned Ingame. By bringing a skill set into the world I had an advantage over most of the gamers and that could be useful.

  All of these things meant that while I was not leveling, I knew I was still growing in strength and would not be left behind. In fact, the only problem was that some quests might have a level cap, without hitting the level you would not be able to receive the quests. Still did I need to level to do quests, although the Gods know I have enough challenges already?

  Listing them out in my mind I started with Gaiatoci giving me the quest to help her along with saving the children at the Kradula. Cleansing the abandoned zone, and then finally taking down the Gods. Not to mention dealing with Reona and being a dad to Twink, along with my plans for my sleeping friends. Plus at this time, I did not want to even think about the Tome of Science. Not yet anyway.

  Having ordered my thoughts and plotted my actions I made my way over to the sleeping crew and clapped. “Hey, guys time to get this show on the road.” They all opened their eyes and stood up; it was all one graceful movement. Demons, they clearly were more than a little different in some fundamental ways than humans, not one of them scratched or broke the wind. I felt I was very fortunate to have them with me.

  “So we are at the last Temptation, anyone know what to expect?” I asked. “I do not want to blow this one, and not receive the reward for finishing this. I have been challenged and have had to have a close look at myself in here but it has all been worth it. I have developed relationships, had some great food and received some incredible items. So if you have a heads up for me let me know now because I want to keep winning in here.” They all nodded and then were silent as Raik stepped forward.

  Raik looked up at me and then said, “This last one is about Sorrow, feeling sad and letting it overcome you to the point of depression. You will be unable to do anything, overcome by memories and negative thoughts that lead in an ever downward spire until you hit that rock bottom. Most people will actually end themselves at that point, only to respawn in their home location, having failed to overcome all of the Trials. Some of them will come back and then start with me again to try to succeed in all six Trials.”

  “Wow, you seem to know a lot about this last Temptation, where did you learn all this,” I asked as I was curious. Raik seemed somehow a little different as he spoke about the Trial. Hanging his head Raik conveyed a sense of embarrassment. He actually started to fidget from foot to foot, and then finally he began to speak.

  “It is my sister, my twin sister; we were both brought here at the same time. Because of the nature of our being twins the last trial is Sorrow. Which is nothing more than something that leads to suicidal depression is joined to anger. You know that depression is thought to be nothing more than repressed anger. Hidden deep within a person with no outlet it festers until it seeps forth as depression.”

  “How do you know all this?” I asked Raik. “I mean this is something that I have heard about; it is something people will sometimes study where I come from.” Suddenly Sebastian spoke up, “We demons are well acquainted with other realms. Do you think all that art I was using to tempt you just was something I made up? No, the higher level demons and dragons have often traveled to the other realms. We have learned of cultures that no longer exist, and peoples that have faded till only we remember.”

  I nodded it made sense, but it was too much for just a game. There were too many things happening at too many levels. I would take some time to think about it when I got back to Topland, but first, I needed to say something. “I hear you and apologize if I was coming off like some ethnocentric asshole. I was just really surprised by what you said. I had not thought things through and was jumping to conclusions. So I am saying sorry once again. I hate it when I act stupid like this; I appreciate you guys keeping me grounded.”

  They all looked at each other and then smiled, with Ama grabbing my hand and stating, “The only jumping you should be doing is jumping me. Now let's get this done with, I am looking forward to meeting Raiks sister I bet she is a real sweetie.”

  Chapter thirty five: Diets

  As we entered the last door I thought to me about emotions, a little while ago I had been feeling tired and a little down. After some food, a nap, and some exercise, I now felt much better. I was ready to go forward and meet Raiks sister and see what she would do. Raiks sister, that one I had not seen coming. Still nothing really surprised me anymore I would roll with whatever came up.

  I suspected that I would be faced with the memories of my parents dying. It would make sense to me as a sort of hit him in the nuts move. I could deal with that, and honestly, I did not know what else could really affect me. Reona, not really, I had sex with her, not a long term relationship. I felt annoyed that she had done some weird sex magic but still it had been an amazing morning with her. She could give Ama a run for her money, and that took some skill.

  I was concerned about Twink; the little AI had developed a real personality. It was funny how all the NPC in the game had become very important to me. I had attempted to form a relationship with Archon and Kai but Archon turned into an asshole in one smooth move and Kai had turned into the frost queen once she saw Reona. The people I liked and feel close to are bits of code; I wonder what that says about me. I had grown up in a state run orphanage maybe that explained it.

  Refocusing on the task at hand I saw we had entered the room, it had a large desk, bookshelves, and a daybed. Leaning on the desk at the front was a cute little gal with small horns rising from her forehead and a small tail coming out from under the short skirt she was wearing. She also had on a white business shirt with no bra and the same large perky breasts that most of the females Ingame were blessed with. As I looked at her, she looked at us and t
hen shouted “Raik” and ran over and grabbed him in a hug.

  Seeing the two of them together it was apparent that they were related. The facial expressions and the way they talked with their hands, it tied them together. We gave them a few minutes to talk and then Raik led her over to me. “Tor, this is my sister and she is the last challenge. I have explained everything but she feels bound to continue.”

  “Hello Tor,” her voice was throaty and deep, “my name is Taiqana and I just want to talk to you if that is alright. Why don’t you have a seat on the day bed, feel free to relax and lay down if it is more comfortable.”

  Suddenly Ama’s voice broke through and I heard her say, “Hey Tor, your eyes can go higher than her chest, right.” Giving my head a shake I lifted my eyes and looked at Taiqana, “Sorry I was a little distracted by your err attributes, let’s proceed.” Then turning to look at Ama I spoke once again. Sorry, I honestly do not normally act like some kind of lecherous jerk who stares at a woman's breast. I am not sure what just happened.”

  Ama looked at me and then suddenly smiled, “I think I know what is going on” she said. “Now that we are soul tied some of my Succubae nature has transferred on to you, I have been feeling it for a while but it did not register to now. You are emitting a raw sexuality that is impacting any woman you come into contact with, and it is affecting you because you were not aware of it to now.”

  Looking over at Taiqana, Ama asked, “What do you feel when Tor is staring at you, looking at your breasts? Were you feeling uncomfortable, or was it more of I wish he would take my top off and kiss me all over my body feeling? Did it make you feel hot and bothered or just bothered?

  Taiqana looked at Ama and me, then smiled and said “Oh without a doubt, if you others were not here I would have been jumping on Tor. Look at him, he looks like a half demon himself and I would bet that smooth tongue of his can be used for more than talking.” Looking at us with a bit of a smile Taiqana then spoke, “Tor why don’t you lay down on the daybed and let’s get started, I am really interested in you and what affects how you feel.”

  I nodded and went to lay down on the daybed, it was solidly built with buttoned brown leather and one end had a slight angle to it. It was something Freud would have used in his practice. As I swung my legs up and made myself comfortable I mentioned that this setup reminded me of Sigmund Freud. With the desk and the daybed and bookshelves, it was similar to a picture I had seen of his office and to top it all off we had just been talking about sex.

  Taiqana listened and then with a smile told me, “You have an amazing perspective and are correct, this whole thing was set up to be a copy of Herr Doctor's office. He was one of the best demon analysts out there, and while no one really believes his theory anymore, a whole generation of men believed that they were messed up because they were in love with their mothers but could not consummate the love. It was so deliciously tragic, but the past is the past. I don’t suppose you have strong feelings of affection that are directed at your mother do you?”

  “Not like that,” I replied. “I lost my parents when I was seven and was placed in an orphanage by the time I had turned eight. My memories have grown a little dim over the years, so I can truthfully tell you that their deaths while tragic are not something that overwhelms me and causes me to weep late at night. If you want to know what makes me tick, what grinds me down and causes me to feel sadness I will tell you.”

  Taiqana listened intently and licked her lips as she looked at me. I noticed her eyes were starting to gaze downward and were focusing about 4 inches below my beltline. I have always wanted to say this to an attractive woman and could not resist at this point. “Hey, eyes up top lady” and then I began to laugh. She looked at me like I was a little crazy but then began to grin also.

  “Sorry, it has been a long time alone in here and Ama is right, you are practically throwing out a come here and jump on me vibe. I do not think many mortal women are going to be able to resist you. Somehow you are going to have to be able to contain this raw sexuality or a lot of angry guys well be looking for you feeling jealous that their women all are looking at you.”

  Licking her lips again, Taiqana then said, “Let’s refocus then, from the beginning, your parents tragic demise has not overcome you on an emotional level. But there is something that really has caused you to feel saddened. Please tell me what that is and how you feel about it. What do you do to not be overwhelmed, to not let the downward spiral of emotional discontinuity be brought forth?”

  “Taiqana” I spoke up interrupting her monolog, “What the hell are you talking about? Just because someone has gone through hard times does not make them weak or overcome with emotion. It is like the saying what does not kill you makes you stronger. I know that you are here to try to bring about some sort of emotional upheaval in an attempt to derail people from progressing past this trial and finishing. But honestly do you think that everyone is going to be so overcome that they will quit or even suicide?”

  “You wanted to know what makes me sad, let me tell you and then we can be done alright? As you probably know I came to the Roundland from the Topland. However, I am actually from another realm and was brought here as a reward, a vacation of sorts. Are you following me?” Seeing her nod I continued, “Now the realm I am from is different from both Roundland and Topland, and here wherever the hell here is.”

  “It is a place of unmitigated greed, where the rich are few but they hold almost all the wealth. Where most of the people struggle to survive, following blindly the suggestions that they have to buy items that they don’t need. The people are inundated with commands to buy things that they cannot afford and to get into debt for years for items that are worthless. Are you still following me? I asked.”

  Seeing not just Taiqana nod but all of the party I continued. “Let me give you an example of how this fucked up system works. Many people in my realm are large, very large.” Ama spoke up at this point and asked, “What do you mean large?” I looked at everyone in the room and thought about everyone that I had seen while Ingame. We all were perfect specimens, with the bodies of Olympic athletes.

  “Gluzzie, what happened to the people who did not make it past your trial of Gluttony?” I asked. Gluzzie perked up and began to speak, “They would stay and eat, and eat and eat. Eventually, they began to change, and their bodies morphed into this large mass of flesh. At some point, they quit moving and then they ceased to exist. Then they disappeared, to a respawn point I would guess.”

  Looking around I stated, “In my realm we do not have respawn points, once you cease to exist you are gone. So when you have large people as Gluzzie described you have real problems. The health of the individual begins to drop and eventually they die. Most people do not want to die but seem incapable of changing anything to make sure they stay healthy.”

  “To deal with this problem, there are many schemes that people buy into and spend a lot of money on to somehow try to maintain a healthy weight and body. I heard one just before I came here, and it still makes me sad to think about it. I stopped at this point for a minute as I recalled the commercial I had heard on the trip to Sleepy Hollow camp.”

  “For a fee, people are being offered an easy way to lose the kilos in my realm. They sign up with a company called CoolDown. This company declares that it can help people lose the weight by putting them in a cold room and chilling them down till they start to shiver uncontrollably. They stay in the room freezing until it is determined that it would be dangerous to the health of the client to continue.

  CoolDown does not want anyone to die of hypothermia or get frostbite so they monitor everyone and bring them out and warm them up when needed and then once warm they send them back into the freezer. As I remembered the commercial the stupidity of it and the fact that it was the fastest growing diet company in the world was a little overwhelming.

  Taiqana spoke up, “So people pay to have other people freeze them in an attempt to lose weight and be healthy. Are they insane,
why would anyone do this? It makes no sense on any level, how is being frozen supposed to help a person to lose weight?”

  I thought for a moment and then replied, “People need a unit of energy called a calorie to survive. If a person has too many calories they will gain weight, and the reverse is also true. To lose the weight the person must use up any extra calories and the only way to do this is to make your muscles move. Most people maintain a balance of caloric intake followed by exercise which will deplete any extra calories.”

  Fuck, why am I giving a diet lesson here to a group of demons, somehow this challenge was proving a little harder than I had assumed it would be. One of Ama’s sister spoke up at this point and asked, “is that why my thighs are starting to get fat? Looking at her I nodded, too much of Gluzzie’s cooking and not enough exercise I would guess.

  Getting back to the topic I said, “When a person starts to shiver it is an involuntary muscle movement that spreads to most of the major muscles in an individual's body, so you have people sitting around freezing their asses off while being told they are getting a full body workout. It is crazy but so many people are so desperate for a change they will try anything. And that insanity is what makes me sad, that is what brings me down, seeing this sort of shit every day in my realm.”

  I looked around at the room seeing my friends look puzzled and shaking their heads. “Why don’t they just exercise,” Raik asked. “I mean, it seems so simple, if you eat too much just work it off.” I nodded in agreement and spoke, “I am not sure why Raik, but people in my realm have a sense of entitlement that makes no sense. I think it is because from birth they are told they deserve this or that. It is all bullshit but it is what it is.”


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