Beastly Passion

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Beastly Passion Page 5

by Renee Field

  The knowledge Maeja was his perfect mate, that he was the one who could push her buttons, making her yield to the fiery beast that lay within her, made his movements at the last moment tender. Geirsson knew she had not wanted tenderness. He saw it in the hardness of her sapphire-blue eyes, the rigid stillness of her body, anxiously awaiting his cock. Well, tonight things would go his way.

  She had thrown his mind into a tailspin with her thrall talk. The erotic images of what that entailed—two lovers at once, forcing her dragon to yield, to surrender to the wild need that beat within her, had almost sent him over the edge. That he was the draconic man who would set her free left his heart beating erratically. Tingles of awareness that he was close to changing into his true form gripped him.

  Geirsson knew he had to slow things down. It was going to take tremendous effort to do so. His cock, with the red dragon appendage, sought her moist heat again. The air around them was musky—soaked with desire—and the animalistic urge within him wanted to claim her fully. It pounded through him as if a rough boulder wanted to lounge in his heart. His dragon side did not understand patience. In fact, a part of Geirsson felt as if he were literally on ice-fire as he placed a dominant hand to span her neck. Slowly, she relaxed into his hold. He felt her shift beneath him to spread her legs wider. An invitation.

  Geirsson sighed. He focused his thoughts on the bare stone slabs of his chamber. The fight for control gnashed through his mind and body as the tingles of the shift turned to shudders. He had to leash his beast and that was never a good thing. Moving his head lower, he teased her, knowing she would sense his intentions. Nostrils flared to inhale her musk. Fingers skirted over her skin, tactically feeling the raised goose bumps of desire. He loved the struggle he knew she was having with her dragon side that urged her to shift. Before I am done with you, I will see you turn. I will see the real Fire Dragon you have kept hidden, caved, shelved for so long. I will set you free.

  Geirsson wanted to shout those words out loud but instead chose to speak dragonese. He mumbled endearments. “L’isti’ma.” Translation into the dreaded Anglo language ate away at the true meaning of the word that exemplified beauty and perfection. The other word, “Zy-sa”, slithered along her skin as he moved his head lower, seeking her wet pussy lips. The word, said with the proper inflection, bespoke mine, declared to her she was his and he was about to claim her. The word harkened back to the days of old when dragons danced the mating ritual, which at times had been beautifully brutal.

  A Dragonbane warrior competed for his mate. He showcased his prowess by fighting other dragons until one yielded, or until the dragon of choice said “Zy-sa”, claiming whoever was left. That was how the ancient thrall came to be. Centuries ago, when female dragons became scarce, it was decided by the Draconic Council that it would be in the best interest of their species if two males were chosen by the female. And the choice had to be hers. She had to accept two draconic men for life because accepting the thrall linked two males, and it was not an easy task. For a moment Geirsson wondered if Maeja truly understood the ramifications of what she was setting in motion, what she had asked of him.


  Her lowered voice warned him she was losing the battle with her body that yearned for the fulfillment he could and would give.

  Not speaking, Geirsson moved his mouth to her pussy lips. He tasted her dew, drawing in the liquid salty heat of their climaxes, until his lips and face were covered with the evidence of her aroused state. His tongue lapped at her juices, while his fingers opened her lips for his explorations. Lightly, he sucked at her, the sound erotic and edgy. Her growl of acceptance caused his cock to thicken even more. She bucked up her hips, letting him view her to his heart’s content. Delighting in her comfort with her sex, he teased her entrance, poking his finger into her opening then darting it out a second before her muscles clenched around his digit. Between the devilment of his tongue, which circled her lips with light and then fast licks, he had her gasping within minutes. Even more exciting was the scent of smoke slowly filling his chamber. Her control was being peeled off her layer by delicate layer and that suited Geirsson perfectly. Placing two of his thick fingers into her cunt, he pumped her, while his mouth sucked on her pebbled jewel. She ground her bottom into his face, desperate for the climax he deliberately withheld. Her pussy muscles clenched around his fingers and he immediately withdrew.

  “You are being a bastard on purpose, Geirsson.”

  “Am I, my lady?” His voice, rough with unmasked desire, teased her.

  “Geirsson, please…please.”

  “Are you begging, my lady? Because it is not very becoming of a queen to beg.” It is delightfully arousing.

  “Fuck you, Geirsson.”

  Geirsson immediately plunged his fingers back into her soaked cunt, loving her oomph of surprise. “Is this better, my lady?”


  “As always, you are demanding.”

  Her hair rose up on its own, signifying her control was slipping. Geirsson took his cock in his hand and moved his body up hers, teasing her with his wet shaft. Extreme delight from his sensitive red appendage slid through his own body. With purpose he continued to finger-fuck her.

  “Maeja, I want to fly.”

  “What?” She threw a startled, almost crazed look at him. Long black hair swirled madly around her.

  “You heard me. Fly with me tonight. Just tonight. I will not ask more of you than that.”

  He liked that her sky-blue eyes got distracted by the movements of his hand that had claimed his own cock. Warrior swift he pumped it, letting her see how long his red dragon appendage had become.

  “You ask a lot, Geirsson. I forbade it.”

  He leaned toward her mouth, wishing with all his might he could claim her lips again. But the time was not ripe enough yet. “You are the queen. Make an exception.”

  “An exception. Why?”

  An inch barely separated their lips. Removing his fingers from her swollen cunt, he trailed his wet digits up to her nipples, marking her with her own scent. “Why? Because I want to hear you scream.” This time, he took a cunt-soaked finger and trailed it along her bottom lip. Erotic play. Enticement. With her sapphire eyes focused, she licked her bottom lip, tasting her own passion, which fueled his own.

  “Scream. What are you talking about, Geirsson?”

  “When I fuck you again, Maeja, like a Dragonbane warrior you will scream. Mark my words, I will have you calling out my name. Are you sure you want me to do that to you here?”

  He gave her a moment to digest his words. Then he yanked her up off the bed, forcing her to stand. After a moment he moved, throwing her off balance on purpose as he claimed her back. His ice-heated body drenched with his own sexual scent covered her. She inhaled sharply. Geirsson knew if she did not like his dominant position she could easily throw him off. The fact she let him spoke volumes.

  She stood regal and straight but panted, “Where would we go?”

  Geirsson did not hesitate. “To the Solomeen Mountains.”

  Maeja shivered. The mountains were significant to both Fire and Frost Dragons and at one time in her life he knew she too had journeyed to them. Glacial jewels housed deep within the bowels of the mountaintops called all Elemental Dragons, especially Fire and Frost Dragons, when they went through the transition from puberty to adulthood. It was a call that could not be ignored. Geirsson knew too the mountain winds, wicked with their hot and cold temperature ranges, would keep Maeja on edge. And he needed her like that—teetering, fueled with need—if he was going to force her to embrace her true essence.

  Her eyes darted around the room. She was balancing his words. Knowing he was capable of making her scream with pleasure warred with her reality that said others might hear them. “Now?”

  “Yes, now. Come fly with me, my lady. Embrace what you are.”

  She pushed his hands off her. Her decision had been made. He took a step back with practiced ease, ready
for anything.

  “You may carry me, Geirsson, but I will not change. We will continue this fornication on the mountain.”

  Geirsson laughed. “Fornication. I take it that is the nice, fancy word you are using to convince yourself that you are only doing your duty for Castra.”

  She invaded his space and he loved how her areolas had flushed even darker as her passion surfaced. “This is my duty. I told you that at the beginning.”

  “Yes you did, my lady. And I told you I will make you scream my name tonight.”

  “Well then, it seems we are both in a mood for challenges. You may change.”

  He preened angrily, hating that he needed her permission to change into what he was. The flame of ice-heat morphed him. In a blink of an eye Geirsson transformed from Dragonbane warrior to a mighty Frost Dragon. When he did so his wings folded to his side in a passive pose. His sensitive hearing heard the extra thud of Maeja’s heart and he smiled the sharp, white dragon grin that conveyed a lot. He ambled to the balcony. She followed.

  Telepathically he spoke to her. Get on.

  With his weight braced on all fours, he bent down as low as he could go. With surprising agility, Maeja climbed onto his back and tucked her arms around his neck. Geirsson’s breath hitched with the feel of her lush breasts against his sensitive scales. She was still naked. Nudity did not bother dragons.

  “You are ice-hot,” she said.

  For you, always, he thought of saying. Wisely, he said nothing. His wings unfurled and within one swoop they were engulfed into the dark expanse of clouds. Geirsson heard her surprised squeal when a fellow Dragonbane warrior flew close to them, only to sharply break away when he realized Geirsson was not alone.

  “There are dragons flying in my skies, Geirsson. Dragons!”

  Let them be. It is only one night. Watch them. Stop being such a prude.

  “Prude. For your information, Geirsson, I am not a dried-up spinster. I made that law because I was sure if I did not the humans’ satellites would discover what we really are.”

  We are dragons, my lady. That will never change.

  Two other dragons, each small in size and shape, zipped by Geirsson.

  “They are sort of cute.”

  Cute! Don’t let them hear you say that, my lady. These are Dragonbane warriors and cute is not something they strive for. Ferocious and fierce. Those are the traits they seek.

  “Ah, so it is as I thought. You gave them permission. These are your warriors, Geirsson, flying my skies in dragon form.”

  Better my Dragonbane warriors than some faction attempting to make war with you, my lady.

  Before Maeja could speak the crest of the Solomeen Mountains loomed into their view. As always, when Geirsson came to the mountains he felt a deep kinship of peace settle within his frame. He wondered if Maeja dared to acknowledge the same.

  “They are breathtaking. Just the way I remember.”

  Landing on a solid piece of glacial ice, Geirsson let Maeja off. He changed back into man even though his heart longed to stay in dragon form. It seemed sacrilegious to not stay in his true shape when he was on the mountaintop.

  “It feels strange and almost sacrilegious being here like this.” Maeja’s voice echoed his thoughts and that startled him.

  “Yes, I know what you mean. I did not realize you were a Fire Dragon. I thought they were extinct,” said Geirsson.

  Maeja moved closer to where Geirsson stood. Shivers of desire sped along his skin. Awareness of the pleasure they would both consume with the Solomeen Mountains as their witness was an erotic enticement. “I am the last of my kind. All these years when I…”

  He waited but when nothing else came forward he realized her pain. “All the years you tried to conceive and nothing.”


  The weight of that word settled as if an avalanche were crashing around him, almost making him choke on his thoughts. “Is what we are about to do duty or pleasure, Maeja?” He used her name on purpose this time, hoping to draw her out.

  She sighed. That one sound filled with uncertainty did not fit his Maeja. She was always the determined one. Always sure of herself. Geirsson did not like what that small sound felt like on his heartstrings.

  “I do not know. I-I gave up on the notion of being able to conceive. It is hard knowing you are the cause of the extinction of your family’s lineage.”

  Wisely, Geirsson remained silent. Deciding it was time for action, he pulled her to him, claiming those tempting lips of hers. They had recently mated but it had been quick and not nearly enough. Geirsson wondered if he would ever get enough of Maeja. After all the centuries he had worked for her, still he awoke each morning with a smile on his face, and a rock-hard cock when he thought of seeing her. Watching her negotiate with the humans while she oversaw their race, he alone knew the burden she shouldered every day. Born to the task meant she had learned long ago to shelve her animal instincts, disregard the female aspect of her beast, even more. That did not mean she was not passionate. He had sampled her passion but now he planned to stroke it until she roared.

  Geirsson grinned in earnest, knowing he was male enough and beastly enough to push those buttons of hers that needed to be primed and oiled.

  Chapter Six

  “Do you remember the bubbling pool inside the mountain?” asked Geirsson, hoping she did.

  Maeja licked her lips, her eyes heavy with renewed desire, and nodded.

  “My lady, let us continue this night of fornication inside.” Not waiting for her answer, he took her hand, guiding her inside the sacred mountain.

  “I had forgotten the smell.”

  Geirsson had not. For Elemental Dragons the scent of the sacred caves hollowed out inside the cavernous mountain was an aphrodisiac, the best perfume created from deep within Castra’s core. That tantalizing aroma of fresh-churned jewels and molten lava bubbling away deep within their planet’s center sailed through him with a swiftness that surprised him. He wondered how the scent affected Maeja. Casting a glance at her, he noticed her raised goose bumps, how they glittered dangerously close to shiny scales. Maeja too was affected. She was close to shifting.

  “You brought me here with a purpose in mind,” said Maeja.

  Geirsson noted it wasn’t a question, so he declined to answer. He did grin at her, with a twinkle in his eye.

  Turning right, he took them to a second spacious opening, and there nestled in the middle was the sulfur pool. The sharpness of the smell aroused him like nothing had before. The diamonds and green emeralds that glittered along the side of the pool had been placed there by newly mated dragons. A gift from the mountain for the lovers’ pool.

  “That water is too hot,” declared Maeja.

  Geirsson laughed. “Come, Maeja, don’t play coy with me. The heat has never bothered our kind. Do not pretend you do not ache to soak your body in the pool.”

  She sighed, closed her eyes and gave up her feeble argument. He edged her closer to the bubbling surface.

  “What exactly are you planning, Geirsson?” asked Maeja, eyeing the pool with a mixture of pleasure and fear.

  Geirsson would have to be blind not to notice how flushed her body had become. Part of her reaction might have been from the swathe of heat coming from the pool but he hoped it also had to do with him.

  “Why must I need to explain everything for you? I could vividly describe how I plan to take great delight in your body but sometimes actions are better than words.” Pushing her into the pool probably was not how she envisioned her induction to the water but he liked to keep her on her toes. Or on her knees, he mused, sinking his body into the hot liquid.

  She came up cursing and gasping at him, her long hair plastered to her head. She looked angry and beautiful.

  “Geirsson, that was not nice.”

  “I never claimed to be nice,” he teased. “Come, Maeja, you would have taken forever to get in. This was the fastest way for both of us to get wet.”

  Her eyes cast s
lowly over his body. He stood his ground. She could look at him all she wanted but soon there had better be action.

  “Are we going to stand here glaring at each other all night, Maeja?”

  “If you are waiting for a royal decree to proceed, you were granted that earlier,” she retorted, flashing him a shy smile.

  His gut twisted with longing. “Come, sit beside me.” Geirsson forced his body to sit on the edge. Maeja eased her bottom onto the ledge, gasping from the heated seat. She was close but not nearly as close as he wanted. Shifting over so that his thigh brushed hers, he leaned back, stretched his arms behind his back so she could rest her head on his arm. Slowly, her body melted into a relaxed pose and he took great delight in the feel of her wet hair on his arm.

  Turning to face her, he said, “Kiss me, Maeja.”

  She blinked. Her sapphire-colored eyes gazed at him but Geirsson could not decipher her look.

  “I had thought you would want to take control,” she said.

  “Who said I was giving up my control?” He almost chuckled at the surprised expression that flew across her flushed face. “Are you going to kiss me, or not?”

  She huffed at him. Her annoyance was clearly evident and that amused him. When she leaned toward him, Geirsson’s heart raced with restrained excitement. She wanted him but this time he planned to make her show it. There would be no taking until she did the crawling to get on top of his body and knowing how far he planned to push her awoke his lower extremities. The bubbling hot water made his cock expand. He was glad she directed all her attention to his mouth. The contact of her soft lips on his felt like an electric jolt. She gasped, the soft scent of smoke flowing into his mouth. His hands itched to grasp her face, to anchor her to him. Instead, her tiny hands full of dragon strength did the job expertly. And kiss they did. This was no brutal beastly claiming. Tender explorations as two lovers yearned to master what the other liked. Her tongue slinked over his bottom lip and Geirsson shivered. He repeated her actions on her upper lip and then dragged her slightly swollen bottom lip into his mouth, sucking on it to draw her closer to him. He kept his hands stretched behind his back but his willpower was fading fast.


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