Flirty Ever Afters: A Flirt Club Collection

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Flirty Ever Afters: A Flirt Club Collection Page 17

by Tracy Lorraine

  “Oh, wow. I did not see that coming,” Mom mutters, forcing me to rip my eyes from Freddie, who’s already fully dressed in his charcoal morning suit.

  “What? No…no…” Her eyebrows rise as she looks between me and Freddie, and I know that nothing I can say right now is going to convince her.

  “I’m sorry. Bryony, can I borrow you for a minute?”

  “She’s just coming, Freddie.” Mom’s warm fingers wrap around my forearm as she leans into my ear. “You could do a lot worse than Freddie Bison. Whatever it is, whatever happened, let it go. Give him a chance.”

  Pulling back in surprise, I look at her, my lips parted to say something, but I’ve got no words.

  “Love’s complicated, Bryony. Never say never.”

  She removes her hand, but I don’t move. Her words of advice repeat over and over in my head until Freddie says my name again.

  Looking up, I suck in a breath at the concern on his face as he stares back at me. He’s attempted to style his hair, but really, it still looks a mess. He’s freshly shaven and the morning suit Tessa chose is the perfect color to compliment his green eyes.

  “Hey, Freddie,” Megan, one of Tessa’s bridesmaids, sings when she spots him. The smile that spreads across her face and the way her eyes drop to take him in has a fire burning in my belly.

  Forcing my legs to move, I walk towards him. The closer I get, the harder it gets to breathe. It doesn’t help that he’s basically stripping me naked with his eyes. My skin burns, my mouth waters, and it’s only made worse when his scent fills my nose.

  “Hey, beautiful,” he breathes when I’m right in front of him.

  Fighting the desire coursing through me, I snap, “What do you want? We’re kind of busy.”

  “Have you seen Mac?” His voice is barely a whisper and my stomach drops.

  “No. Why?” I refuse to panic. There’s no way Mac would do anything stupid. I’m positive. Stepping up to Freddie, I force him out of the room and pull the door closed behind us so we can’t be overheard.

  “He said he was going to the bar to grab us both a drink and he never came back.”

  “He’s probably at the bar, then.”

  “You think I didn’t look there already? I can’t find him, B.” There’s a slight quiver to Freddie’s voice and it doesn’t calm me at all.

  Blowing out a breath, I try to make a plan. He won’t be the first groom I’ve had to chase down on his wedding day. “Let me make an excuse with the girls and I’ll be back. We’ll find him.” I’m aware that I sound more confident than I feel.



  “I’ve already checked everywhere I can think of,” I complain as I follow Bryony in and out of every room in the hotel we can get into.

  “He’s here somewhere. You just haven’t looked hard enough. Have you tried ringing him again?”

  “Still voicemail.”

  “What the fuck does he think he’s playing at?” she mutters to herself, spinning on the spot.

  We’ve now got a small search party out looking for him, seeing as Bryony’s dad insisted and grabbed his brother to help as well.

  I go back to the bar once again as Bryony goes to talk to the receptionist.

  “Did you check the secret garden?”

  “The what?” I ask. She walks up to me, grabs my arm, and drags me from the bar.

  “The secret garden.”

  She’s on a mission, expertly marching across the grass in her heels. I hang back a little and watch her ass sway back and forth. My cock swells as images of her begging for more fill my mind.

  “Come on,” she barks, but the moment she looks back and finds me staring, her cheeks heat.

  We both breathe large sighs of relief when we enter the secret garden and find my best friend sitting on one of the concrete benches lost in his own thoughts.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Bryony snaps, stepping straight up to him and slapping him across the head.

  “Hey, what was that for?”

  “What was that for? What the hell are you playing at, Mac?”

  “Nothing, why?”

  Tension radiates from Bryony, making me grateful I’m not on the wrong end of her temper right now. “Why? Because we’ve been running around the hotel like idiots for the past forty-five minutes looking for you, you dick.”

  His brows crease with confusion. “Why?”

  “Because this idiot thought you’d done a runner.” She flicks her eyes over to me.

  “A runner? I ain’t that fucking brave. Tessa would have my balls. I just came out for some fresh air before the chaos kicks off.” He shrugs like it’s no big deal and Bryony fumes.

  She opens her mouth to rip him a new one but she soon closes it again and turns her anger on me when I place my hand on her arm.

  “What?” she snaps. Excitement zips through my veins. She’s hot when she’s worked up.

  Our eyes lock and hold as we battle the connection between us.

  “Okay…well, I’m going to…” Mac trails off, and I’m vaguely aware of him walking back towards the hotel.

  “You’re—” My words are cut off when she presses her body against mine, wraps her arms around my shoulders, and smashes her lips to mine.

  I immediately open for her and she wastes no time in teasing my tongue with her own. My cock swells and presses against her stomach. She doesn’t miss it and begins grinding against me.

  Skimming my hands up from her hips, I squeeze her breasts and a loud moan falls from her lips.

  “Fuck, Freddie. I need—” Her phone ringing fills the silence around us and it’s the reality check she needs. Ripping her lips and hands away from me, she backs up. Regret fills her face and I’m desperate to say something to wipe it away but I come up short.

  “Yeah. Okay, I’ll be right up,” she says into her phone before tucking it back inside her bag.

  “I need to go.”

  “Bryony,” I beg, just managing to grab her hand before she disappears.

  “I can’t do this, Freddie. I’ve got a wedding to organize. The sooner this weekend is over, the better.”

  Her words and the conviction she says them with slice through me. Dropping her hand, I allow her to go.



  Thankfully, the rest of the morning runs smoothly, and before I know it, Tessa and her dad are ready to head down to the room the ceremony is being held in.

  “Are you ready for this?”

  “I think so. Thank you, Bryony. I know I haven’t been the easiest person to work with on this, but I just want you to know how much I appreciate everything. Especially you standing in and being my something borrowed.”

  “You’re more than welcome, Sis.” I give her a quick hug before we all head towards the elevator.

  I can only imagine how Tessa feels because as I stand behind the closed doors, preparing to make my entrance, my entire body trembles. This is one of the reasons I wouldn’t want a big wedding. Just the thought of everyone turning to look at me the second the doors open is enough to make me want to puke.

  Taking a deep breath, I try to put my maid of honor duties aside and just pretend I’m working. It doesn’t really help, but it pushes me forward and I poke my head around the door and give the cue.

  The music changes and I push the doors wide open. The moment I step foot in the room, everyone turns to me but I hardly notice. My attention is solely on one man at the front of the room. His eyes find me instantly. They hold mine for a second before dropping down my body. Everything around me vanishes, and as I take a step forward it’s like it’s just the two of us. He draws me to him just like he did when I was a kid, and it’s in that moment I realize I can’t keep running. As much as he might scare me. As much as I don’t want my heart shattered again. I don’t think I have a choice. He’s the only man who’s ever made me feel worthy, loved, and cherished. He’s the only man who’s ever made me feel complete.

r eyes connect again and my feet move without any instruction from my brain. At the last minute I have to force myself not to walk right up to him. He must see my fight because a smug little smile appears on his face.

  Dragging my eyes from him, I look to my brother, who’s anxiously staring at the door the bridesmaids just walked through, waiting for his bride to appear.

  When the doors are pulled back and he gets his first look at her, the expression on his face is priceless. Tears burn my throat as I fight to keep myself in check.

  While my focus is on the bride and groom, soaking up their love and excitement, Freddie’s eyes burn into me. Tingles follow his journey around my body and it’s enough to have desire licking at my insides.

  My head knows the sensible and safest option would be to keep fighting him. But right now, in the middle of the most romantic of settings, my heart is winning the war inside me.

  I watch the connection between Tessa and Mac as they stare into each other’s eyes and say their vows. For the first time in years, I start to imagine what it might be like to be the one standing up there with the love of my life staring into my soul.

  My heart starts to race and I’ve no choice but to find Freddie. He’s the only one I’ve ever imagined spending my life with, the only one I thought could give me my happily ever after. It might be ten years later, but could he give me everything the eighteen-year-old inside me is still yearning for?

  Everyone’s crowded around watching the newlyweds take to the dance floor for their first dance when hands land on my waist. My heart jumps, but the second his scent surrounds me it begins to race for a whole other reason.

  “Dance with me?” When I look up, my parents and Tessa’s are joining them on the dance floor. A few other couples move to dance as Freddie slides his hand into mine and gently tugs. I go willingly, the pull to be close to him too much.

  He brings me to a halt, pulls my arms, and I step into him. The heat of his body burns through our clothes and a slow throb starts up between my legs. This fucked up foreplay we’ve got going on is getting a little bit much to bear.

  His hands slide around my waist and rest just above my ass. Far enough away that anyone looking wouldn’t be suspicious, but close enough I can feel his fingers twitching to explore more. I thread my arms around his neck and look up into his emerald eyes. They’re sparkling with delight like he can sense the shift in me.

  He smiles, then leans forwards. His lips brush against the shell of my ear and I shudder in his arms. “Are you ready to give up fighting yet? Let me give you what you need, Bryony.” I sag against him, my body more than willing to accept what he’s offering. “That should be you in the white dress. It should be us starting the next chapter of our lives together. It’s time to put the past behind us. Tell me you don’t want it.”

  “I…” I want to argue. My head tells me I should in an attempt to protect my heart. But I can’t. “It can’t work. You live miles away and I’m here,” I say, deciding to focus on the logistics and not what my body desires.

  “Stop worrying about what comes next. All of that can be sorted. Just focus on what you want. On what you need.” I nod, but it’s not enough “What do you want, Bryony?”

  “You,” I whisper. “Always you.”

  The most incredible smile spreads across his lips as he stares down at me. His face lowers and I panic that he’s about to make a scene. My eyes widen and thankfully it’s enough to make him see sense. So, instead, he tightens his arms around me and I lay my head on his shoulder as we continue swaying back and forth in time with the music.



  “Can I cut in?” a familiar voice says over my shoulder. Squeezing my eyes shut, I try to prepare for what’s to come.

  I saw Vaughan the moment she walked in the room for the evening reception. After our conversation the other night at the bar, I knew she’d have questions, and I guess dancing with Freddie like I was will only allow her to ask even more.

  Freddie stills, his arms tightening around me, and I let out a contented sigh. He doesn’t want to share me. The knowledge has warmth spreading through me.

  Lifting my head from his shoulder, I turn and look into Vaughan’s smug blue eyes. She doesn’t need to open her mouth to say the words, I knew I was right is written all over her face.

  “It’s okay,” I whisper to Freddie and he reluctantly lets me go.

  “So…he’s hot. Care to explain?”

  Unfortunately, Freddie hears every word, and he’s laughing when he turns back to us, amusement shining in his eyes. He winks before heading towards the bar, and it has butterflies fluttering in my stomach.

  Blowing out a slow breath, I turn back to Vaughan, whose eyebrows are raised as she waits.

  “That’s Freddie. He’s Mac’s best man.”


  “And I’ve been in love with him since I was about sixteen. Okay?” I say in a rush, although I feel lighter having admitted it.

  “I knew it. Let’s go and get a drink and you can tell me all about it.”

  “Freddie, this is Vaughan. Vaughan, Freddie,” I say when we walk up to the bar and join Freddie with a few of his old school friends I recognize.

  “It’s good to finally meet you,” Vaughan says, making Freddie’s eyes light up. I don’t point out that she’s only just found out about him because he looks too happy that I’ve spoken about him. “Please excuse us. We’ve got some gossip to catch up on.” With a glass of wine each, Vaughan drags me over to an empty table. Sitting down, she stares at me until I start talking.

  “You were right. Is that what you wanted to hear?”

  “Yes and no. Mostly I wanted to see that smile on your face.”

  My cheeks heat that my happiness is so obvious.

  “So, I’m assuming Freddie is your brother’s best friend, seeing as he’s the best man. That is so hot. Please tell me Freddie was forbidden to touch you, yet you did it anyway.” Vaughan fans herself as she imagines what the situation could have been. “I always wanted an older brother so I could lust after his friends,” she muses.

  “It isn’t all that much fun.”

  “So, what happened? Does your brother know? Are you getting back together?” She throws each question at me before I’ve even had a chance to consider what the answer to the previous one might be.

  Letting out a sigh, I tell her everything right from the very beginning.

  “You’re going for it, right?” she asks once I’ve recapped the past ten years of my life into about ten minutes.


  “Don’t even think about saying no. You’ve already told me you’re in love with him, and in all the time we’ve been sitting here he hasn’t been able to take his eyes off you. Forget about all the other shit and just enjoy him. Fuck knows I would if I got the chance.”

  “I can’t believe you’re encouraging me to do this, Ms. Forever Single.”

  “I might be different if I could meet a guy who’d look at me like that.”

  I glance over at the bar, and exactly as she described, Freddie is staring right at me. The guys he’s standing with are in the middle of a conversation, but he’s totally zoned out. My insides heat under his intense scrutiny and I shift on my seat.

  Movement catches my eye and when I look back to Vaughan, I find her pulling her phone from her clutch. “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” she mutters, letting out a loud sigh.

  “What’s wrong?” Turning her phone, my eyes land on a photograph of a slightly older couple on their wedding day. My brows draw together before realization hits me. “Shit, is that your mom?”

  “Yes. Looks like I’ve got a new stepdad…again.”

  “How many have you had?”

  “This guy is probably…” She counts in her head for a few seconds and my chin drops. “Number seven or eight.”

  “Seven or eight?” I repeat in utter shock. She’s mentioned before that her mom’s been married a couple of times, but I didn’t real
ize it was quite that many.

  “Jesus. Weren’t you invited?” I ask, shocked that a mother would get married without her only child present.

  “We don’t speak all that often. She usually just does her own thing.” She waves the phone. “And I do mine.”

  “When was the last time you saw her?”

  “Uh…it’s been over a year.”

  My eyes widen but I don’t get to respond because Freddie appears over her shoulder.

  “Can I have her back now?” His deep voice washes through me and my skin erupts in goosebumps.

  “She’s all yours,” Vaughan says getting up and going to step away. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  “That doesn’t leave much,” I call after her and watch as her shoulders shake with a laugh.

  “Everything okay?” Freddie asks, sitting himself in the chair Vaughan just vacated. Reaching forward, he entwines our fingers.

  “I think so,” I say, looking down at his hands and back up to his eyes. They’re dark, expressing exactly what he wants. My thighs squeeze together at the thought.

  “So…I was wondering if you’ve finished working? Everyone’s enjoying themselves,” he says, glancing around the room. “Surely you can slip away now.”

  Biting down on my bottom lip, I consider his words. “It’s my brother’s—your best friend’s—wedding. We can’t just leave.”

  “Says who? Mac won’t notice. There’s like a hundred people in here to keep him entertained.”

  “Two-hundred and twenty, actually,” I correct.

  “Exactly. He won’t miss two.”

  “I don’t know.” My sensible side tells me to stay put just in case I’m needed. But the spontaneous side of me who doesn’t pop her head up very often is screaming at me to drag him from the room and enjoy everything he’s offering.

  “Fuck it.” Freddie pulls me so I’m standing, wraps his arm around my waist, and pushes me towards the exit. I’m too excited and shocked to do anything other than do as I’m told.


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