The Bellator Saga: The First Trilogy (Dissident, Conscience, and Sojourn)

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The Bellator Saga: The First Trilogy (Dissident, Conscience, and Sojourn) Page 49

by Cecilia London

  Jack chuckled at her effort to prepare herself. “Twelve is a lot. You should have exercised more self-control. You know what to do if it gets to be too much.”

  That was extremely doubtful. She loved when her husband did this to her and he knew it. Otherwise he wouldn’t do it at all. His hands could be gentle, his caresses unbearably sweet. But they could also be harsh and cruel. He didn’t waste any time, bringing his palm down hard on her backside. Caroline let out a muffled cry, then smiled. She wanted the night to last forever but she also couldn’t wait to get on that plane tomorrow. To go back to their home where they would truly be alone, free to do whatever they wanted. Away from prying eyes and the paltriness of the campaign. Where nothing else mattered but them.

  “That one was a warmup.” He tugged on her hair. “To make sure you were ready.”

  He wasn’t starting off easy. Usually he worked up to the really rough stuff. She mumbled an obscenity into the pillow.

  “That is no way for a lady to behave,” Jack said. “I think you might need fifteen instead of twelve.”

  He counted each one aloud until he got to fifteen. He had his fingers wrapped in her hair, keeping her neck steady. Caroline knew that if she moved too much he’d pull her head back again. She was expected to take her sweet punishment and stay as still as possible. Jack brought his other hand down harder and harder with each blow, giving her a few seconds in between to feel the pleasurable warmth that inevitably came after the pain.

  Caroline’s backside was burning. He caressed her gently again. Her bottom was now incredibly sensitive, and she still wanted more. She arched her back, rising up toward his hand, whimpering as he tugged at her hair.

  “Fifteen wasn’t enough?” he asked, surprised.

  “Maybe it was twenty. I talked to almost every man downstairs under the age of forty.”

  Jack laughed and released her hair, tucking it behind her ear. “You’re still in no position to demand anything. I think you might have had enough anyway.” He gave her bottom one final gentle pat. “Undress me,” he directed.

  Caroline looked down at the pillow, no longer pure white. She’d shed a few tears as he spanked her. She likely looked a mess, her makeup ruined and mascara running. Such a disheveled appearance always drove Jack wild, so she didn’t bother doing anything to hide it. She stood up and smoothed her dress back down, wincing as the material fell over her reddened backside. He was right. Fifteen was more than enough, maybe too much.

  Jack got up off the bed, pulling her to him and kissing her deeply, raking his hands down the back of her dress. He patted her ass affectionately. Appreciatively. “Okay?” he whispered, checking in again.

  Caroline managed a shaky smile. She smarted something fierce. “Okay,” she whispered back.

  “You know what to do,” he said.

  She undressed him slowly, tugging at his tie with her teeth, pulling down his suspenders, intentionally leaving lipstick marks on his collar as she worked her way down his body. When she removed his pants and got to his boxers she nuzzled his cock through the silk material and looked up at him. Caroline was not to go down on Jack when they played their power games because he lost his focus too easily. She also suspected it was partly because Jack didn’t want her to feel degraded. A position with which she fervently disagreed, but he had never budged on the issue. Maybe all her attempts to broaden his thinking had produced a positive effect, even if it was one she didn’t particularly care for. But she wasn’t sure she could get through the night without doing it.

  Jack saw the look in her eyes. “Caroline, don’t,” he warned.

  She ignored him, even though calling out her name was his signal for her to slow down. She pulled down his boxers and took him in her mouth.

  “Fuck.” He let his hand drift to the back of her head, leaving it there for a moment before grabbing a fistful of her hair. Caroline grinned. A sensible man never turned down the opportunity to let a woman suck him off, and Jack was no exception. “You know you’re not supposed to do that.”

  His response to her performance was so impassioned that it was hard to make her grin relax. She knew he could feel her teeth against his cock.

  “I mean it.” Jack swallowed a moan. “Don’t disobey me. You’ll only make it worse on yourself.” He pulled at her hair again. “Naughty, naughty girl.”

  Caroline looked up at him again, and the dangerous fire in his eyes distracted her enough that she pulled back a little. Oh, she would pay for that one. Jack yanked her to her feet.

  “I told you not to do that,” he scolded. “You know the rules.” He pushed her away from him and kicked off his boxers. He gazed over at her with lust, then took a step back toward the bed. “Shoes off. Garters and bra stay on.”

  Caroline stepped out of her shoes and walked toward him, her knees shaking slightly. She knew better than to speak. She was in enough trouble already.

  “Turn around.” Jack began tugging at what appeared to be a jammed zipper, muttering a curse of frustration. “I hope you’re not too attached to this dress, because it’s coming off. Right now.”

  She heard the seam ripping as the material gave way and pooled at her feet. “So much for designer quality,” she said.

  He spun her around. She was going to laugh at her own little joke but when she saw the look on his face she stopped.

  “I’ll buy you a new one.” Jack gave her a surprisingly gentle kiss. “I promise.”

  Caroline began stroking his cock as they inched toward the bed, trying to pull him toward her, on top of her, inside her. He laughed and kissed her harder, their teeth clacking together.

  “Not yet, sweetheart.” He pushed her down on the mattress. “Hands and knees.”

  She did as she was told and soon felt his breath against her ear again. Jack pulled her head up by her hair so that she turned to face him. He rubbed his cock against her still sore backside, slipping his finger along the narrow opening there. “I’ll fuck you here as soon as we get home,” he said. “But I’ll give you tonight and tomorrow to recover first.”

  How unkind to tease her like that. Caroline gritted her teeth, thrusting herself back against him. “Please,” she said. “Don’t make me wait until tomorrow night. I’ve been good.”

  Jack laughed again, releasing her hair. “You were good up until a minute ago, baby. And now you have to wait. I didn’t come prepared for that, although I wish I had. But don’t worry. You’re going to get what you deserve. You broke the rules on purpose, didn’t you?”


  Jack lightly caressed her ass again. It was still warm and throbbing, and Caroline winced. She wasn’t sure how much more she could take. But she knew she’d asked for it.

  He kissed the small of her back. “Mine,” he whispered, squeezing one of her buttocks. “All. Fucking. Mine.”

  Caroline reached for the pillow. “Yours.”

  “I think five more ought to teach you how to behave yourself,” Jack said. “You get the twenty you wanted. Get ready. I may not stop after the first five even if you beg me to.”

  She barely had enough time to thrust her face into the pillow before he brought his hand down on her ass again. This time it really, really hurt, and the pleasure was far outweighed by the pain. She wailed, collapsing onto the bed. She wanted to beg him to stop but something inside her prevented her from saying the word. She sobbed into the pillow as he continued to slap her behind. She knew he’d given her many more than five before he finally stopped.

  Jack leaned over to Caroline’s ear, brushing her hair back and wiping her tears away. “I know you love my cock but you have to learn to earn your rewards. On your knees.”

  Her entire body shook but she still pushed herself up again, feeling him position himself behind her. Without a word Jack thrust inside her as hard as he could, and she cried out in shock.

  “Does that feel good?” he whispered into her ear, fondling her reddened backside.

  “Yes.” Caroline gripped the pillow
tighter, closing her eyes. “More.”

  “What do we say?”

  Her knees almost buckled. Fuck him for using that tone, that voice, that phrase. She gritted her teeth. “More, please.”

  “Good girl. But you really should be careful what you wish for,” Jack said.

  He moved in and out of her at a feverish pace, enjoying every moan, every gasp, every whispered swear she uttered. Her hair was matted to her face, covered in sweat. He thrust into her over and over, stopping when he knew she was close to orgasm, teasing her again and again. He finally pulled back into a sitting position, taking her with him as he wrapped his arms around her breasts. She was now on top of him, her back to him, his cock still inside her. He reached down to fondle her clit and she moaned.

  “No, Jack,” Caroline protested. “That’s too much.”

  “It’s not. You’re going to come like this when I’m inside you.”

  She tried to squirm out of his grasp but her legs were wrapped up in his and she couldn’t do much more than hold still. She was exposed, helpless. Jack held her steady to keep her from pitching forward.

  “Stop,” he said. “Don’t hurt yourself.” He tweaked her nipples through her bra. “This is what you get for being such a bad girl earlier.”

  He let one hand drift down to slide his fingers over her clit, then moved his other hand over her throat, holding onto it loosely. Not enough to restrict her airway, but enough to remind her that she had no control over the situation.

  “You like when I do this to you, don’t you?” He stroked her faster.

  “Yes,” she gasped.

  “You like when I’m in control.”

  Caroline nodded as best she could, tears springing to her eyes again.

  He held her still, pulling one hand up to her waist, leaving the other around her neck. “You know you can stop me any time you want but you never do. Why is that?”

  She whimpered, unable to speak as the tears ran down her face. She rubbed one of her shaking hands over his arm, trying to push his fingers back down.

  “No, baby. You have to wait a minute.” Jack kissed her tear stained cheek, moving his hand from her throat to her chest, holding her tightly. He kissed his way down to her neck, biting her gently. “That might leave a mark,” he murmured. He bit her again, smiling as she cried out, then pulled her face toward his.

  “Do you know how much I love you?” he whispered. “Do you know how unbelievable you look right now? Do you know what it does to me when you let me fuck you like this?” He brought his hand back up to her hair, pulling her head back and tugging her into another hard kiss.

  “Please, Jack,” Caroline said, grabbing at the hand around her waist. “Don’t make me wait any more.”

  “I won’t.” His fingers trailed down her torso. “You’ve had this coming to you all night.”

  She lunged toward his hand, trying to will him to move it faster down her body, then cried out in pain.

  “Stop, sweetheart,” Jack said, releasing her hair and putting his arm around her, under her bra. He broke character again, just for a moment. “I mean it. You’ll hurt yourself if you move too much.” He hugged her against him, his mouth at her ear. “Do you want me to stop?”

  She hadn’t even considered that as an option. They’d gone too far to stop now. She shook her head back and forth vigorously, unable to speak.

  His arms tightened around her. He knew what she meant. Game on. “I think you’ve learned your lesson. You’re going to get what you need now.”

  Caroline stiffened. She knew what would happen next.

  He loosened his grip just a little. “Calm down, tiger. You’ve earned this.”

  She made a primal noise, continuing to paw at his hands.

  “Who’s making you come?” he whispered harshly, his fingers at her clit again.

  Caroline moaned. “I can’t-”


  He had promised her. He had promised her and now he was teasing her again. “Please-”

  “Who gets to do this to you?” Jack sounded angry. Aggressive. Rigid and uncompromising. A pure alpha male had her trapped in his grasp. He’d been controlling in bed before but never like this. It made her want him even more.

  “You, Jack. Only you.”

  “Good girl.” He kissed Caroline’s neck softly, near where he’d bitten her. The skin was still tender. “You know what I like to hear.”

  She leaned her head back against his shoulder and closed her eyes as he kissed her neck again.

  “I don’t think I can get you to twenty,” he said. “That would probably knock you out for a week. But I’d say more than one is enough.”

  Jack continued to tease her with his fingers until her legs started to shake. He brought his hand up over her mouth to stifle her cries, bringing her to orgasm multiple times until she was crying out his name against his palm. He removed his hand and she started babbling, telling him how much she loved him, how good he felt, how much she needed what he gave her. She sobbed and thrashed back against his chest over and over until she finally begged him to stop.

  “We’re not finished yet,” he said. Caroline now hung limply in his arms. Her head drooped as he swept her damp hair back from her face. “Tell me what else you want.”

  She could barely form words. “I want you.”

  “Oh, baby. All that screaming and clawing and crying and you still can’t tell me what you want.”

  “Jack,” she whispered. “Please.”

  He pressed his finger to her clit and she cried out. After all of that, the slight contact was almost painful.

  “No more,” she said. “I can’t-”

  He thrust up inside her and she moaned hoarsely.

  “What do we say, sweetheart?” he said.

  “Please,” Caroline pleaded. “Please fuck me.”

  “That’s better.”

  Jack pushed Caroline back down on the bed and she fell forward into the pillow, barely able to hold herself up. He began moving in and out of her again, harder and faster this time, until her hands and then her knees gave out. He held her hips, driving into her again and again. She knew he could hear her muffled screams, could feel her tighten around him as she came once more. He finally finished inside her with a yelp, collapsing onto the bed on top of her. He lay there for a minute before pulling out of her, slowly kissing a trail down her shoulder blades to her legs. She was still shaking.

  “I love you,” he murmured. “Fuck, that shit made me cross-eyed.” He gently ran reassuring fingertips over her sweat slicked back, then noticed she had stilled.

  “Caroline?” he asked cautiously, sweeping her hair out of her face.

  She turned her head and looked up at him with tears in her eyes. “I need a minute.” She tried to push herself up before crumpling back onto the bed. Her insides were still contracting from her last extraordinarily deep orgasm and she could barely move. “That was intense.”

  Jack kissed her cheek and wiped the tears from her face. “That was incredible, my love. You’re incredible,” he said. “Thank you.”

  He didn’t need to thank her for something she wanted just as much as he did. He could take exactly what he wanted from her but he always gave it back in equal measure. If she was incredible, it was because he helped make her that way.

  Caroline smiled weakly. “I would do anything for you, Jack,” she whispered, right before she passed out.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  The Fed

  When Caroline woke up, she retched. Not that she had anything that could come back out. The dinner roll was long gone. She hadn’t had anything else aside from a few shaky handfuls of water. Procured using her useless fucking hands. Her entire body ached. Her bones, her head, her skin. Her stomach still throbbed from Murdock’s well-placed kick. All part of a purposeful plan. Dehydrate her. Break her bones. Break her spirit. Make her talk or fuck her up if she doesn’t. Make it as painful and agonizing as possible.

  She hoped her spleen ha
dn’t ruptured on top of how many other things were wrong with her at this point. Caroline doubled over in her bed, trying not to cry. She’d never been punched or kicked in the gut before. But then again, she’d never been pistol whipped, never had her fingers broken with a hammer, never been blindsided with a blow to the head…yeah, the past few weeks had been a revelation. Many things had been done to her that had never been done before. She doubted anything else that happened would be on her bucket list.

  Stockholm Syndrome was not a concern.

  She’d dreamt about the night that she never wanted to forget yet was terrified to remember. Beverly Hills. That incredible, mind-blowing night when she and Jack had turned the corner and never looked back.

  But even that wasn’t as bad as dreaming about food. Why did she have to dream about food? Not even real food, but mere mentions of food. Even when she was asleep she was a goddamn tease. Imaginary food was enough to set her off. A sure sign of pure desolation.

  Chocolate. Her kingdom for a piece of chocolate. A Hershey's Kiss. A chocolate chip. She'd choke down a teaspoon of disgustingly bitter baking cocoa at this point. Hell, she'd cut off one of her useless hands and offer it as a sacrifice if they'd just give her something to eat. That fucking dinner roll had tricked her body into thinking there would be more. Reactivating her hunger and giving her nothing in return. Maybe that was Powell’s mindfuck. He hadn’t been there to help but to make it worse, since she now considered bartering body parts just to nourish herself.

  How many times had she shoved half a meal into the trash or dumped something down the drain? So wasteful. So damn spoiled and picky. Funny how privilege could evolve so effectively into despondency. If the guards marched in and put a pile of rancid meat in front of her, she’d probably choke it down without a second glance.

  The lights flickered on and she shoved the now warm ice pack under her mattress. Hopefully they weren’t doing some sort of surprise cell search. They’d never done one before, but she wouldn’t put anything past them. They actively sought ways to draw her into further misery.


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