The Cowboy's Rules

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The Cowboy's Rules Page 14

by Maggie Carpenter


  Marty’s deep voice resonated through the kitchen. Startled, she spun around and saw him, larger than life, standing just inside the door.

  “Marty,” she declared, jumping up from her seat.

  “Don’t talk, just listen,” he ordered, stepping into the room. “I’m sorry, but I’m not sorry. The thing is, it’s drivin’ me nuts havin’ you here. I’m crazy about you, and I just have to admit it. I tried, I did, but I can’t pretend I don’t care about you. What you did was real bad, and I’m still gonna spank you some more, and you still have to do the work I set out, but maybe a month is too long. Anyway, I don’t see why you can’t be punished and be with at the same time, if you wanna be, that is. Do you, Hannah? Do you wanna be with me?”

  He was standing in the middle of the room, his face red, looking flustered and unsure, and Hannah thought her heart would burst. Running across the short space between them, she flung her arms around his neck and smothered his face with kisses.

  “Yes, yes, yes, of course I do,” she exclaimed. “I’m crazy about you too. These last couple of days have been so hard, and it’s felt like so much longer.”

  Swooping her up he carried her into his bedroom, and laying her on the bed hastily removed her clothes, then stripped quickly. Opening her arms she reached for him, and he laid on top of her, kissing her urgently.

  “Hannah, tonight, I’ll make slow, sweet love to you, but right now-”

  “Right now just fuck my brains out, please, Marty, just devour me.”

  Her plea sent a surge of sexual heat through his loins, and groaning, he reached his hand down, touching between her legs.

  “Oh, Hannah, you’re so wet.”

  “You made me that way when you kissed me,” she breathed. “I couldn’t move after you left.”

  “Let’s see if you can move now,” he growled, and sliding his concrete cock to her entrance, he plunged forward.

  Hannah gasped in surprise, then moaned in pleasure, surrendering to the tidal wave of passion sweeping over them both.

  “My God, Marty, fuck me,” she cried.

  Clutching a fistful of her hair, he pumped hard and fast, kissing her with unbridled lust, then kneeling up he grabbed her legs, lifting them in the air, and surged forward, pummeling her, his need fueled by weeks of watching her from afar, then days of having her close but untouchable.

  “I’m gonna fuck hard you ‘till you come,” he vowed.

  “Ooooh, Marty,” she wailed, his words pushing her to her moment. “I can feel it already.”

  “Me too,” he panted, and dropping her legs, he leaned forward, moving his lips over her nipples, sucking furiously as his cock continued to pump.

  His hungry mouth on her tits was all she needed, and as she felt the rise of the tide, she lifted her chest, crying out as the wave began to crest.

  “It’s here,” she wailed, “don’t stop.”

  Her pussy gripped him as her spasms rippled through her body, her torrent of release sweeping him into his, and with a long deep groan, hours, days, and weeks of frustration and need spilled from his cock.

  Their orgasms were violent but swift, and falling alongside her, gasping for air, he closed his eyes, and reaching out his arm, pulled her close to him.

  “Hannah,” he breathed, “I probably shouldn’t say this, but I’m so glad you messed up.”

  “Me too, Marty,” she gasped, “and I hope you remember than when you’re spanking me tonight.”


  The show grounds were bustling as Marty carefully pulled the trailer into the unloading area behind the stables. There was a three hour break between the first and second classes, and loathe to simply hang around the show by herself, she had decided to follow the trailer in her car, thinking she’d probably drive over to the Pepper Tree Inn for lunch, or even return to the ranch.

  While Marty unloaded Rembrandt, Cassie searched for Randy, and unable to find him, she assumed he was ringside helping other riders. Running back to the trailer, she took hold of her horse while Marty unloaded her saddle and tack trunk.

  “Thanks, Marty. They can go just inside the door there,” she smiled, pointing to the open area at the end of the barn aisle.

  “Good luck today,” he grinned, his personality having dramatically changed from his odd behavior in the barn.

  “Thanks,” she replied, and sensing he was feeling very accommodating, added, “I guess you have a new member of the team.”

  “Yep. Mandy Parsons. Real good at what she does,” he nodded.

  That’s not much help.

  “Chad said he’s known her a long time,” she continued, attempting to sound as if she was just making conversation, but Marty immediately recognized her insecurity.

  “Yes, he has,” he chuckled, “and believe me, they’ve never been more than friends, and never will be.”

  How can you be so sure? she wondered, but afraid to ask, shook her head.

  “Oh, I wasn’t, I mean, I’m not worried or anything. He’s already told me that,” she declared defensively.

  “Believe him,” Marty said, lowering his voice.

  “I do!” she exclaimed. “It’s just interesting, that’s all.”

  “Best be goin’,” Marty said, closing up the trailer. “You have a good day.”

  “Okay,” she sighed. “Thanks again.”

  As she watched him climb in the cab and slowly roll away, she could understand why Hannah was attracted to him. He was tall and rugged, and had an easy confidence about him, much like Chad. Chad was smoother, more sophisticated, but Marty was definitely an attractive guy.

  “Okay, Rembrandt, let’s get moving,” she smiled, patting her gelding on the neck, and leading him into the barn, shook off her thoughts about Mandy Parsons, and started to focus on the show.

  Back at the ranch, Chad had shanghaied Hannah from Marty’s house to help with the cleanup of the empty barn. The bathroom off the tack room needed some serious sprucing up, and there were areas in the barn itself that were suited to a woman’s touch. Grateful to be out of the house, and thrilled by the change of her circumstances with Marty, she worked happily, not allowing a speck of dust to escape her cloth.

  As Chad quietly watched, her positive attitude and diligence were obvious, and he made a mental note to ask Marty what magic potion he had brewed up. The naughty young lady, having just lost her job and in the middle of being punished, certainly didn’t appear to be unhappy or resentful.

  After spending the morning going through the barn with a fine tooth comb, he discovered some dry rot along some baseboards, some saddle holders in the tack room in need of refurbishing, and remnants of rat nests in the hay loft, but otherwise the barn was in good shape, and his maintenance crew assured him it would be ready for Mandy’s belongings the following day.

  Satisfied, he headed back to the main stable area, and as he approached he saw dust coming up from the round pen. Walking over he saw Marty had returned from dropping Cassie at the show, and was working with one of the younger horses. Climbing the steps to the viewing platform, he settled down to watch. The man was smooth and easy, and Chad admired the fluidity of his moves. The skittish young horse was calming down, and it didn’t take long for Marty to elicit the telltale sighs and licking of the lips that signaled the horse was thinking and learning. Walking up to him, Marty patted him on the neck and received a nuzzle on his chest in response. Removing the horse’s halter, he smiled as the gelding wandered away, then dropped down for a well deserved roll in the sand.

  “That was a pleasure to watch,” Chad remarked.

  Unaware that he’d had an audience, Marty turned around and grinned.

  “You’d make a good cat burglar,” he joked.

  “Horse rustler, more like,” Chad laughed, and standing up, made his way down the steps as Marty walked out the gate.

  “Glad you’re here,” Marty nodded. “Got a little something to discuss with you.”

think I know,” Chad replied. “Hannah? I’ve got her workin’ up at Mandy’s barn, and she sure looked happy.”

  “Thing is,” Marty began, “things have taken a bit of a personal turn sooner than I thought they would. Since she’s not workin’ here anymore…”

  “Hey, like I said, whatever works for you, Marty. You’ve got a twinkle in your eye, and as long as she’s not a team member, you’re welcome to make things as personal as you want.”

  “I’m not done teachin’ her a lesson,” Marty declared. “Don’t worry about that.”

  “I’m not, and I don’t doubt it for a second,” Chad replied.

  “It’s a funny thing,” Marty frowned, “as angry as I was, and as bad as she was, I’m real glad it all happened.”

  “Early days my friend,” Chad remarked.

  “I guess, but the thing is,” Marty said soberly, “it feels so damn right. Natural, you know? Like it was meant to be.”

  Cassie flashed into Chad’s head, and he crossed his arms.

  “I think I know what you mean,” he reflected.

  “Anyway, just wanted you to know, make sure it was still okay,” Marty said.

  “Yep, it’s absolutely okay,” Chad assured him.

  “Is that Mandy?” Marty asked, looking past Chad to the driveway.

  A three-horse trailer was slowly rolling past the house towards them.

  “It sure is. Are there any paddocks free?” Chad asked, as the two men began walking briskly up to meet her.

  “Yep, on the other side of Shelby.”

  The truck and trailer slowed to a stop, and a beaming Mandy jumped from the cab.

  “I can’t believe I’m here,” she exclaimed.

  “Well, you are,” Chad declared. “Let’s get your horses out and into a paddock. I’m sure they’re gonna love a run around after bein’ in stalls all week, then we can mosey on up to the house, sign all the paperwork and grab some lunch.”

  “Let’s do it!” she agreed.

  While Mandy was arriving at the ranch, Cassie was receiving yet another blue ribbon, and Randy was at the exit gate as she rode out.

  “You’re on a roll,” he grinned. “Great ride!”

  “He was amazing,” she smiled. “He’s so relaxed.”

  “Living out at that ranch, I’ll bet,” Randy commented.

  “You’re probably right,” she agreed, jumping off. “I’ll put him away then I’m going to take off. I don’t need to spend the next two hours here twiddling my thumbs.”

  “Okay, see you later, and great ride,” he repeated.

  Missing Chad, she walked her horse back to the stables. It was a strange sensation for her. Normally she’d be eager to hang out with her friends, run around the small town and shop in the high end boutiques, or have lunch at the Pepper Tree or in one of the chic, intimate restaurants, but all she could think about was getting back to the ranch to share her latest victory with Chad, and feel his warm, enveloping bear hug. Picking up her pace, she hurried forward, eager to get back to him.

  In his study, Chad had provided Mandy with the contract that she would have to sign as a handler, but the agreement covering her performance in his show was still not drawn up.

  “My lawyer’s fast,” he remarked, “but not that fast.”

  “Chad, I couldn’t be happier,” Mandy replied, signing on the dotted line, “and I know my horses will thrive in this place.”

  “The barn’s bein’ made ship-shape, and by the time you get here tomorrow it’ll be ready. After lunch I’ll take you up there, and if you need any shelvin’, or containers, anything at all, just tell the crew and they’ll make sure you get whatever you need.”

  “Fantastic, thank you,” she smiled.

  “Hungry?” he asked, standing up from his desk.

  “Starving. I was up at six and haven’t had a bite since.”

  “Come with me, I’ll make us some barbecue chicken and cornbread. My speciality,” he declared, heading towards the kitchen.

  “Ohhh, that sounds divine,” she grinned, and followed him out.

  As Chad began preparing their meal, and Mandy downed a cup of coffee, immediately reaching for a second, Cassie was on her way back to the ranch.

  She was thrilled about her win, and had to consciously keep her foot off the gas pedal. If she won the two afternoon classes, or even received a first and second, she’d be crowned Show Champion for her division, but she knew what she wanted more than anything, was to have lunch in the comfy kitchen with her handsome cowboy, and McTavish.

  Moving up the driveway, she immediately saw the three-horse trailer in the distance, and knew it wasn’t Chads.

  Damn, Mandy’s here. As long as she doesn’t interrupt our lunch I don’t care.

  Pulling her car to a stop in front of the house, she raced inside, but as she headed through the living room towards the kitchen she heard voices. Pausing, she listened, and to her dismay, one of them was female.

  “That was the best barbecue chicken I’ve ever had. Where did you learn to cook like that?”

  Shit. I don’t believe it. He made her lunch? What the hell?

  “Glad you enjoyed it. I’ll give you the recipe, it’s easy.”

  “Do you cater?” she laughed.

  “If the price is right,” he chuckled.

  Ohhhh, this is too much.

  She was about to burst into the kitchen and see exactly what was going on, when she caught herself.

  You need to calm down. It’s probably perfectly innocent. Take a deep breath, gather your wits, and then go in.

  Though Cassie had no desire to meet the beautiful, talented trick rider named Mandy, or talk to her, or be friends with her, or anything else, she took a deep breath, squared her shoulders and moved forward. Stepping quietly into the kitchen, McTavis, laying on his blanket, stared silently up at her, causing her to break into a small smile.

  Sitting at the table was the lovely Mandy, drinking coffee from a large mug, and Chad, ever the gentleman, was reaching for the coffee pot to pour her some more.

  “No thanks, I’m good,” Mandy said, holding up her hand, “and as much as I hate to eat and run, I have packing to get to.”

  “Cassie!” Chad exclaimed, finally seeing her. “I’m so glad you’re here. This is Mandy, Mandy, this is Cassie, my very special lady.”

  Though his words alleviated some of her discomfort, they were not enough to quell her growing concerns; she was going home, Mandy was moving in.

  “Hi. Nice to meet you, Mandy,” she managed.

  “You too. I understand you’ve been doing really well, and you’re competing in the Jumper Classic tomorrow afternoon,” Mandy smiled. “That’s impressive.”

  “I have great horses,” Cassie replied. “I certainly can’t do what you do.”

  A moment of awkward silence settled across the room, which Chad broke by walking quickly across to her.

  “Do you want some lunch? You must be starvin’. There’s plenty here.”

  “I’d love to stay and chat,” Mandy declared, “but I was just saying that I need to get my trailer back to the show and start packing up all my equipment. There’s so much to do.”

  “Don’t let me keep you,” Cassie remarked. “Moving is such a pain.”

  “That’s for sure,” Mandy replied. “Thanks again, Chad. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Do you wanna see the barn?” he asked, caught between Cassie’s unexpected arrival and his promise to take Mandy up to her new storage area.

  “Just point me in the right direction. I’ll take a quick gander then head out.”

  “Just follow the road past the round pen, and instead of turnin’ left to go up to where your cabin is, turn right,” he said. “You’ll see it ahead.”

  “Great. I’ll head up there now. Nice to meet you, Cassie. Good luck.”

  “Thanks, you too.”

  Still standing slightly inside the doorway, she watched the tall, willowy girl walk out the back door.

  “You’re so tense,” he commented, running his hand down her back.

  “I guess,” she sighed.

  “What’s goin’ on with you?” he frowned.

  “This isn’t easy,” she murmured.

  “Come and sit down,” he said warmly, leading her across to the table. “If it’s about Mandy, I’ve already told you-”

  “I know what you told me,” she interrupted, “but have you forgotten I’m leaving in two days? I’m leaving, and Mandy’s moving in. Don’t you get it, Chad, I really care about you, and this whole thing just feels impossible.”

  “I totally get it, but I’m not sure you do,” he argued. “I really care about you too. You do not, I repeat, do not have to worry about Mandy Parsons.”

  “I know there’s nothing between you now, but what about in a week, or two weeks, or three? What’s the point? It is what it is. You’re here, I’m six hours away, and Miss Wonderful Western Trick Rider is moving in.”

  “What can I do, what can I say to make you feel better?” he sighed, “and where is this insecurity comin’ from?”

  “I don’t know what to say,” she mumbled. “I’ve never felt like this before. I mean, I’ve never cared about anyone the way I care about you, and it’s scary.”

  “My last romance ended badly,” he offered, “so you’re not the only one a bit, uh, concerned.”


  She lifted her eyes and stared at him, shocked by his confession.

  “Really. I was tourin’ a lot and the relationship couldn’t survive the constant separation.”

  “But we’re going to be separated.”

  “It’s early days, Cassie. There are no guarantees, but the feelin’s we have for each other, they’re real, at least I think they are. Don’t you?”

  “Yes,” she breathed, “I really do.”

  “So can we please relax and enjoy our time together. This is gonna evolve, and the last thing you need to worry about is Mandy, or any other woman for that matter.”

  The heat in her throat had been growing into a lump, but when his arms went around her and pulled her into his chest, when his bear hug engulfed her and his warm breath touched her face, she let go, sinking into his loving reassurance.


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