Challenging the Alpha (Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance)

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Challenging the Alpha (Paranormal Werewolf Shifter Romance) Page 3

by Joanna Wilson

  “I should have been gentler with you, cared more. And I can be.” Sin’s tongue licked around the shell of Sapphire’s ear.

  Sapphire took a deep breath and was suddenly assaulted with spiced chocolate. Furrowing her brows, Sapphire tried to remember the last time she had scented Sin. It had been so long since she’d been able to get his scent, that she’d nearly forgotten it. But why do I smell it now?

  “Because you can’t see, Sapphire. All you’re hearing is my voice; all you’re only feeling is me. I am monopolizing you, Mate. Right now, I am the only thing that exists for you.” Sin said quietly, shifting his position again.

  In a weird sort of way, what he said made sense. At the moment, they were in their own world, or rather she was in Sin’s world. A place that she hadn’t been since the day she arrived on the compound, and he'd dismiss everyone to take her up against a banister.

  This was his domain, the place he controlled, but she’d forgotten that. And in forgetting, she’d taken that sense of place away from him.

  “Are you hungry, Sapphire?” Sin asked her, his voice so soft she thought she might have imagined it.

  But the soft slice of peach pressing against her lips made her realize he had been serious. So he’s going to feed me to death? Sapphire thought sarcastically, but opened her mouth obediently and let him push the piece of food in.

  Sapphire chewed and swallowed, not even realizing how hungry she was until the food hit her stomach and it cried out for more. For a few quiet minutes Sin fed her, giving her bits of fruit, cheeses, and meats with sips of water in between. It was an intimate act that Sapphire hadn’t expected.

  She actually forgot he was angry at her or that she was tied to a chair and being fed like a child. In those few moments, Sapphire forgot everything but the feel of Sin’s fingers pushing bits of food into her mouth.

  “Sapphire,” Sin whispered seductively as he fed her another piece of fruit. She just nodded and opened her mouth again. “Spread your thighs.”

  Huh? Sapphire thought as she waited for the next piece of food. When it didn’t come, she opened her thighs slightly. A piece of pineapple slipped over her teeth as a reward. Smiling, Sapphire chewed and swallowed, opening her mouth and waiting for another piece.

  “Spread your thighs wider, Sapphire.” Sin breathed the words against her, lightly touching the bare skin of her thigh. Sapphire immediately spread her thighs wide and was rewarded with a slice of apple. I could get used to this. She thought as she ate, with her legs spread wide.

  She was so comfortable, so lost in the pleasure of eating that she forgot all about her punishment, all about sitting naked, blindfolded in a chair. “Very good.”

  The purr of Sin’s voice, sent a shock of awareness through her. Wait. Her mind screamed, finally rousing from its complacent state. Sapphire opened her mouth, prepared to ask him what he was doing, when another piece of fruit was suddenly stuffed between her lips..

  “Say my name, Sapphire.” Sin demanded, when she finished swallowing.

  “Sin.” Sapphire purred, opening her mouth for another piece of fruit, forgetting what she had just been about to say. She was utterly surprised when she felt the silky heat of his tongue caress between her thighs, a slow languid lick of her feminine heat that curled her toes.

  “Say my name.” Sin’s voice vibrated against her clit, sending a rush of moisture to her core. “Sin.” Sapphire whispered brokenly, feeling his tongue stroke between her thighs again, swirling around her clit.

  “Again.” Sin demanded harshly, as Sapphire gasped his name again, her thighs shaking as his tongue and mouth tortured her.

  “Spread your thighs wider, Sapphire.” Sin commanded, his fingers digging into Sapphire’s thighs

  She complied, opening her thighs as wide and mouth to receive… receive…

  Instead of sweet fruits, Sapphire felt the caress of Sin’s tongue against hers as he took her breath away. She arched against him, needing him with every fiber of her being. Whatever punishment this was, Sapphire didn’t want it to end. She wanted him to give her everything.

  Sapphire felt Sin pull back, away, the hands on her thighs gripping rhythmically as he took a few deep soothing breaths in and out. Sapphire opened her mouth, ready to beg, but Sin cut her off, the feeling of his fingers probing at the entrance silencing any demands she had. “Come for me, Sapphire.”

  Sapphire wiggled in her seat, her head thrown back as she thrust into his fingers. “Sin." She gasped, feeling the stroke of his tongue between her legs as he continued to stroke his fingers inside of her.

  “Come for me, Sapphire.” Sin bit out harshly , his thumb circling her clit as his fingers curved and pressed deep inside of her.

  Sapphire cried out as she came, shaking and screaming her Alpha’s name into the darkness that enveloped her vision. His tongue was stroking against her clit, licking and sucking as his fingers thrust furiously into her. “Harder.” Sin growled against her clit, sending Sapphire forward, held down by Sin’s mouth and hands alone. She came harder, her vision behind the blindfold blurring as tears fell softly against her cheek, her wrists aching against the tightness of her silk binding.

  What seemed like an eternity later, Sin drew away, his fingers leaving her body. The silk scarves binding her loosened and fell away. Sapphire slumped back in the chair, too satisfied to do much else.

  “Sapphire.” Sin’s voice was a caress from somewhere in the room. Reaching for the blindfold, Sapphire was just about to take it off when Sin’s strong voice stopped her. “Leave it on. Come to me.”

  Sapphire took a deep breath, not exactly sure what had just happened. She still wasn’t sure if this was her punishment or not. But at the moment she really didn’t care, she just wanted Sin. It took all of her strength to stand, and walk towards Sin’s voice. “Come to me.”

  In that moment Sapphire felt like a sea captain trying to see through a thick fog to the siren calling her. How funny that the Siren had always been a woman in the myths when it should have been a man.

  “Come to me.”

  Obedient, Sapphire followed the voice, followed the pull of her link, to her ruin, to Sin.

  Silk sheets rubbed against her knees and she slowly bent down to the bed, feeling her fingers sink into the silk of his sheets. Taking a deep breath in, Sapphire could smell spiced chocolate, so thick and heavy that she could taste it. Finally she felt the coarse hair of Sin’s legs and reached further up, finding the naked expanse of his chest.

  Sapphire could feel Sin’s hands grip her hips and lift her over him. “Don’t talk.” Sin whispered against Sapphire’s lips.

  Pursing her lips, Sapphire waited, feeling his hands glide up and down her body as if trying to mesmerize her. Sin’s fingers traced over her nipples and made her breath hitch in her throat.

  “Don’t make a single sound.” He ordered, just as his heavy cock breached her, stretching her wide.

  Sapphire bit her lip to keep from making a sound. In a second she was flipped, until she was lying on her side, her body pressed flush to his, so tight, as he continued to enter her, reaching deep.

  “Not a sound.” Sin reminded her, seating himself fully into her body. She felt her stomach press against his abdomen, her thigh slide up the sharp curve of his hip, her nipples scrap against the hair on his chest.

  She could taste blood, she could smell spiced chocolate, and she could feel Sin taking over her everything. Sweat misted her skin, soaking into the roots of her hair as their bodies locked tightly together.

  "Every time,” Sin began, drawing slowly out of her until only the tip of him was inside of her.

  Behind her head, Sapphire felt the knot in the blindfold loosen until it felt off, and she was able to see Sin’s face. “You think about leaving." He thrust sharply into her and Sapphire snapped her neck back and suppressed the scream in her throat. “Every time you think about doing something on your own.” Sin tugged her roughly down as he thrust up, making Sapphire lean forward and bite his
shoulder again to keep her cries silent. “I want you to remember this. Now scream.”

  Sapphire exploded, every cell in her body bursting into mini flames and taking over her body as she let her voice out. She wasn’t sure when her orgasm stopped, or even if it did. Everything just seemed to roll together, becoming one, taking her over.

  At one point that night, Sapphire thought that Sin might have taken her from behind that, maybe she rode him, and Sapphire would swear that her ankles had been on his shoulders; but she wasn’t sure. All she knew for a fact was that Sin had captured her, every single part of her was now his. She had challenged the alpha, defied him, and lost. But her punishment had been the sweetest form of torture, something that bound her to him better than any length of chain or rope. He had bound her heart, body, and soul.

  Chapter 9

  Sapphire rolled over in the bed and reached for Sin, only to come up with a cool expanse of sheets. Groaning, she popped one eye open and looked at the time. It was one in the afternoon.

  She’d never slept so late in her life, though with the wedding reception lasting until well past midnight, Sapphire gave herself a little wiggle room. She’d had a couple of exhausting days, so waking up at one felt just right.

  Still she couldn’t believe her little brother was married. Surprisingly, Mark’s new bride Cara turned out to be his mate. Even if her little brother hadn’t figured it out for himself, the mating pull was still alive in those two. Just maybe not as volatile as the one between her and Sin.

  Stretching, Sapphire let out a large yawn and stared at the ceiling, still feeling tired. But in all fairness, with the wedding and Sin keeping her in his bed for the better part of a day and night, Sapphire had been surprised she hadn’t just collapsed at the wedding reception. She was starving as she hopped out of bed, her stomach rolling ominously.

  Sapphire clutched onto the bedpost and waited, thinking it would pass, but then it happened again, and again, and finally Sapphire ran to the bathroom. A few minutes later, praying to the porcelain God for help, Sapphire lolled her head to the side waiting for the feeling of nausea to pass.

  It took a few more minutes, but Sapphire was finally able to lift her head and get up to the sink. Must be the stress. Sapphire thought as she splashed water on her face, and grabbed her tooth brush to wash the vomit off of her teeth.

  Opening the medicine cabinet in the hopes of finding some pink Pepto-Bismol or something. A cute little tampon package greeted her, fully stocked and reminding Sapphire that her monthly friend hadn’t come to visit. Shaking her head, Sapphire counted the days since her last period. She could calculate her period like clockwork because it came every 28 days, sometimes she could even tell the exact time it would come. “Last Sunday… Fuck. A week since I got--” Sapphire stopped.

  No. She thought as she stripped off her clothes and looked at herself in the mirror. Her nose was a little bigger, and on closer inspection her breasts were rounder and felt like a thousand needles were poking her. A closer look at her stomach revealed the barest of bumps, like she might have had a really good meal, except no matter how many times she tried to suck in her stomach the little bump wouldn’t go away.

  “It’s impossible. It’s fucking impossible.”

  She was pregnant.

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